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Discussion Sub8 deniers, why?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20811
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Do you believe sub8 rule?

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 74.6%
  • No

    Votes: 18 25.4%

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Deleted member 20811

Sep 2, 2019
Not trolling. I want to have a real discussion.

Tinder, social media, cucks, feminism, etc, all set hypergamy into overdrive. No matter how ugly, it is ridiculously easy for holes to get Chad in 2019/2020+. Why do you think they would give mid & high tier normies the time of day? Even landwhales get chad.

Now some might say "oh but I hear my normie co-workers/classmates/peers talk about sex & relationships all the time! sub8 isnt real". Teracope. There's a good chance that 90% of sub8 males are lying about their sex lives and are probably virgins. Maybe they got "lucky" and got a whale once every few years, but again, that doesnt count unless they are obese themselves. A normie man would practically have to be a god just to get his looksmatch. You even see rich statusmaxxed famous men with holes way below their looksmatch. Anyone remember that thread about a 30 y/o high tier normie millionare? Yeah examples like that (he was a manlet though). Also the Keanu Reeves sittuation?

Your chances at getting laid are determined by genetics (Face & Height, NT levels). If you dont have the right genetics, aka being sub8, its over unless you moneymaxx (at least millionare) or statusmaxx (famous) or betabuxx (cucked).

If youre autistic like me, you literally need to be chad to have a chance. We know personality is a joke but you need to at least be NT. If youre tall (compared to your country) You can make it as a high tier normie, maybe mid tier if youre lucky.

Sub8 = can only get below looksmatch (not 100% over) & whales
sub6 = Can only get whales, looksmatch doesnt exist, OVER
(most of the forum including me) sub5 = TRUECEL FROM BIRTH. BLUEPILLED IF YOU DENY THIS.

If you hear a normie talk about sex, 9 times out of 10 he is LARPing to fit in with his normtard friends. Nothing more. And if by rare chance he does have a gf, 99.9% of the time he is being cucked by Chads & Chadlites, shes way below his looksmatch, betabuxx and/or only gets sex once a year. Lets face it, all sub8s in relationships are cucks. THERE IS NO REAL ASCENSION IF YOU ARE SUB8.

By the way, I'm only talking about 2019. Imagine how bad it will be in the 2020s... It will literally be GigaChad/Chad only. Mark my words.
Cause it gives them hope that they will find a Unicorn who's an innocent virgin
Every sub8 male is getting little to no sex
Certain incels used to be either redpillers and bluepillers until very recently, this is why we get some posts about "the wall" or "confidence" from time to time.

You're absolutely correct, average to below average looking women are getting bombarded with good-looking men who want to date/fuck them, even anti-male subs are acknowledging this fact nowadays:

Certain incels used to be either redpillers and bluepillers until very recently, this is why we get some posts about "the wall" or "confidence" from time to time.

You're absolutely correct, average to below average looking women are getting bombarded with good-looking men who want to date/fuck them, even anti-male subs are acknowledging this fact nowadays:

JUST EXIST THEORY :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee: smh Imagine living on tutorial mode. Life is never fair
You raise alot of good points, but quite a few copes too tbh. It depends on what we are talking about, are sub8 males gonna have good dating lives then the answer is clearly no. But its a big cope to say only chads get laid.
Sub8 men still get laid and have partners, data and observable reality proves this. Are those suboptimal? Yes most of the time but not all.

Also we need to stop this myth that its easy for fat girls to get chad often or make him commit, lets be honest this is just a gigacope. Most fat girls CAN'T get chad. Why would chad go for a fattie when he has such monopoly on the dating market? Chad does NOT struggle to get laid with hot girls. It's more low tier normies that fuck these sub5 fatties.

If you wanna talk tinder only then yes sub8 men get eaten alive. Also i agree with the fact that in the next years, everyone but chad will be incel pretty much. Its looking very dark my friends.
You raise alot of good points, but quite a few copes too tbh. It depends on what we are talking about, are sub8 males gonna have good dating lives then the answer is clearly no. But its a big cope to say only chads get laid.
Sub8 men still get laid and have partners, data and observable reality proves this. Are those suboptimal? Yes most of the time but not all.

Also we need to stop this myth that its easy for fat girls to get chad often or make him commit, lets be honest this is just a gigacope. Most fat girls CAN'T get chad. Why would chad go for a fattie when he has such monopoly on the dating market? Chad does NOT struggle to get laid with hot girls. It's more low tier normies that fuck these sub5 fatties.

If you wanna talk tinder only then yes sub8 men get eaten alive. Also i agree with the fact that in the next years, everyone but chad will be incel pretty much. Its looking very dark my friends.
sub8 males do have dating lives sometimes, but 99.9% of the time they are getting cucked. But you are right on this:
the fact that in the next years, everyone but chad will be incel pretty much. Its looking very dark my friends.
sub8 males do have dating lives sometimes, but 99.9% of the time they are getting cucked.
If you are a trucel you would choose a suboptimal relationship any day of the week. Its better than being an incel. Incel is hell on earth.
You can't expect to ever live the life of a chad, its too high expectation/standard. We should never compare ourselves to chad.

Anyway, makes me very sad that its only gonna get worse from here on man. I dont know what to do anymore.
Certain incels used to be either redpillers and bluepillers until very recently, this is why we get some posts about "the wall" or "confidence" from time to time.

Now we are getting threads about "approach", "your gf", "female (((friends)))" etc, with more than 100 replies.

I can't relate myself to any of those threads in any conceivable way.

Sometimes this place looks so unfamiliar. It's not "homely" like it used to be before.

The absolute state of our glorious but humble abode.
Now we are getting threads about "approach", "your gf", "female (((friends)))" etc, with more than 100 replies.

I can't relate myself to any of those threads in any conceivable way.

Sometimes this place looks so unfamiliar. It's not "homely" like it used to be before.

The absolute state of our glorious but humble abode.
Get used to this as more and more people are falling to the incel category.
If you are a trucel you would choose a suboptimal relationship any day of the week. Its better than being an incel. Incel is hell on earth.
You can't expect to ever live the life of a chad, its too high expectation/standard. We should never compare ourselves to chad.

Anyway, makes me very sad that its only gonna get worse from here on man. I dont know what to do anymore.
Truecels cant get ANYTHING. Hypergamy is too high. We couldnt enter a "suboptimal relationship" if we wanted to.
sub5 = truecel
You can manage as a 6/10 if you hussle.
Truecels cant get ANYTHING. Hypergamy is too high. We couldnt enter a "suboptimal relationship" if we wanted to.
sub5 = truecel
Exactly, my point was that we shouldn't cope and say these normies with relationships are cucked etc. They mog us into oblivion. I would trade place anyday. Some people here cope and say rather incel than normie. Which is a cope, makes them feel equal to normies.
It’s so goddamn over...
Ascension doesn't exist, tbh.
Dead serious. (no, not the meme ded srs)

ASCENSION LITERALLY DOESNT EXIST. ALL WE CAN DO IS COPE. NEVER EVEN BEGAN :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
It never began for sub9.

Doesnt exist unless you become a 0,000001% moviestar. Then maybe you can ascend.
Cope. Moviestar is a ladder for hole to get popularity.
Not trolling. I want to have a real discussion.

Tinder, social media, cucks, feminism, etc, all set hypergamy into overdrive. No matter how ugly, it is ridiculously easy for holes to get Chad in 2019/2020+. Why do you think they would give mid & high tier normies the time of day? Even landwhales get chad.

Now some might say "oh but I hear my normie co-workers/classmates/peers talk about sex & relationships all the time! sub8 isnt real". Teracope. There's a good chance that 90% of sub8 males are lying about their sex lives and are probably virgins. Maybe they got "lucky" and got a whale once every few years, but again, that doesnt count unless they are obese themselves. A normie man would practically have to be a god just to get his looksmatch. You even see rich statusmaxxed famous men with holes way below their looksmatch. Anyone remember that thread about a 30 y/o high tier normie millionare? Yeah examples like that (he was a manlet though). Also the Keanu Reeves sittuation?

Your chances at getting laid are determined by genetics (Face & Height, NT levels). If you dont have the right genetics, aka being sub8, its over unless you moneymaxx (at least millionare) or statusmaxx (famous) or betabuxx (cucked).

If youre autistic like me, you literally need to be chad to have a chance. We know personality is a joke but you need to at least be NT. If youre tall (compared to your country) You can make it as a high tier normie, maybe mid tier if youre lucky.

Sub8 = can only get below looksmatch (not 100% over) & whales
sub6 = Can only get whales, looksmatch doesnt exist, OVER
(most of the forum including me) sub5 = TRUECEL FROM BIRTH. BLUEPILLED IF YOU DENY THIS.

If you hear a normie talk about sex, 9 times out of 10 he is LARPing to fit in with his normtard friends. Nothing more. And if by rare chance he does have a gf, 99.9% of the time he is being cucked by Chads & Chadlites, shes way below his looksmatch, betabuxx and/or only gets sex once a year. Lets face it, all sub8s in relationships are cucks. THERE IS NO REAL ASCENSION IF YOU ARE SUB8.

By the way, I'm only talking about 2019. Imagine how bad it will be in the 2020s... It will literally be GigaChad/Chad only. Mark my words.

Culture and low risk..i think foids doesnt love risks and having a child with chad is risky cuz he have options ..so they will settle for a high normie like 7 or something like that... that my opinion ..so take it with a graine of salt
Depends on what you mean by 'the sub 8 rule'. Are 5-7/10 guys incel? Absolutely not. Are they getting a raw deal in the current dating landscape? Absolutely, compared to the 8-10/10's. Pretty much all marriages I've seen with sub8 men have been horror stories.
Depends on what you mean by 'the sub 8 rule'. Are 5-7/10 guys incel? Absolutely not. Are they getting a raw deal in the current dating landscape? Absolutely, compared to the 8-10/10's. Pretty much all marriages I've seen with sub8 men have been horror stories.
Sub8 arent exactly truecel but they have sex in the worst conditions possible. Stuff like landwhales, 24/7 cheating, betabuxx, being a cuck, false rape accusations, mostly dealt with by 5s & 6s. 7s have that too but to a much lesser extent. In the modern era 5/10 is incel in denial and Sub5 is truecel.

Its absurd how it wasnt like this 5-10 years ago... Clown world has gotten so bad.
Dunno, while I agree with the OLD stats, having experienced them myself, both with my own account and through chadfishing, I work in STEM and we maybe have 1-2 guys at 8+ out of 50.

However they are all married and most have kids so they're at least betabuxx.
So yeah, 8/10 is the minimum to be Chad and drown in pussy but the bar for betabuxxing is much lower, maybe 3-4/10.
I see tons of skinny framelet manlets with girlfriends just because they are white. I see ugly men with girlfriends just because they are white. Sub-8 theory is a joke. Truecels just happen to be sub-4.
I've seen ugly 5,2ft indian men with super hot stacies (sarcasm no warning)
We gonna play this game? JFL
I'm not bullshitting and these guys were 5'7" and they were literally just flesh and bone, zero muscle. One of them was also severely autistic. I've never seen an Indian my age with a gf. Not even playing any games, everyone in my class is in a relationship except me because I am the only ethnic guy.

If you are white you're a volcel or a slayer, you literally cannot be incel as a white man.

Does white -middle eastern considered ethnic ?
I'm not bullshitting and these guys were 5'7" and they were literally just flesh and bone, zero muscle. One of them was also severely autistic. I've never seen an Indian my age with a gf. Not even playing any games, everyone in my class is in a relationship except me because I am the only ethnic guy.

If you are white you're a volcel or a slayer, you literally cannot be incel as a white man.
Gj ruining a good discussion thread with your 0 IQ JBW low effort spam. Hope you get banned, go back to off topic forum and troll there pls.
I've said it before. Things will continue to get worse until a viable alternative to women materializes. It would also help greatly if males started looking out for each other. Good luck with that though, seeing as we, the males who are most marginalized, can't even cover each other.
JBW is legit, if you're too retarded to get a gf as a white man it is on you. I will continue spreading the obvious blackpill, the racepill, until the day I die.
Great cope there buddy. "im not ugly, im just not the right race tehee!!!"
If I was white, I would have a gf. I have money, I have a driver's license, I'm buff and have good frame. But because I am short and ethnic it is over. I can guarantee I'd have a gf if I was white.
Amazing cope there, ngl
you literally didnt even deny ur ugly, lmao
either :banhammer: :chad: or :bluepill::bluepill:
Disabled 5'7" brown guy with unibrow must be Chad. Who is really bluepilled here? Based on race and height alone 98% of women would reject me.
You know the bold text can be true and jbw can be a meme at the same time right? They don't contradict eachother. Sub5 white males are fucked, even tho they slay in your fantasy.
Depends on what you mean by 'the sub 8 rule'. Are 5-7/10 guys incel? Absolutely not. Are they getting a raw deal in the current dating landscape? Absolutely, compared to the 8-10/10's. Pretty much all marriages I've seen with sub8 men have been horror stories.
Chad wins and we don't
Just wait a few years and even Gigachad will be posting here JFL
No, it is a multiplier. 65% of women would reject a 5'7". 94% would reject a Middle Eastern man. The chances of white men is much higher.
Agreed white men have much higher chance, but that does not make us fakecels. You can still fail the hypergamy standard as a white man.
If you are white you're a volcel or a slayer, you literally cannot be incel as a white man
Avaunt you fairy
Agreed white men have much higher chance
Bullshit, go to any West European capital, you'll see all the Stacies and Beckies walking around with Tyrones or Chaddams. White Chads get blue-haired fatties and normies get occassionally laid with beached landwhales.

Over 90% of incels in Europe are White.
Pretty much set in stone now that only guys that are 7+ or (6+ if tall) can get plain looking, slim healthy weight Becky women.

5/10, 4/10 lean men with more or less average features can only get whales after betabuxing and holding down a job for a decade or so. Because so few men want a whale they become incel, docile, depressed. Its why most incels are in the 4-6 range (6 if manlet... tall 6's can still get a slim becky), and not truecel sub 3's.

Sub 4's can't even get landwhales.
ThERe must be some way to fix this
That everyone below a 8 isnt attractive to women? Yes. And observable reality + experiments prove thatt everytime.
Sub 8 rule is true to a degree.

Yes normies might be in "relationships" but their girlfriend is actively seeking (or worse fucking) a superior male almost all the time. The only exception is if the normie is a richcel betabuxx.

Sub 8 means that only 8s or higher are slaying most women, whilst everyone else gets the scraps, and incels get nothing.

Normies aren't slaying shit unless they are rich.
I believe in the reasonable 8-10s get the vast majority of sex rule, not the sub-8s barely get sex and most 5-6s are virgins who will never have a non-obese gf sub-8 rule
I don't believe sub8 are incels, but I believe sub8 are sexual losers. My scale for men in western countries 2019:

1-3 = truecels 100% incel
4-5 = generally incel
6-7 = you can get sex and relationships but you are basically just a placeholder for Chad. You will not experience unwavering loyalty, unconditional love, or passionate sex. I think a socialmaxxed 7 can slay pretty hard though.
8-10 = Chad, sexual winner, can have multiple gfs who truly loves him.
7/10 = perfect average
8/10 = above average
in women eyes
7/10 = perfect average
8/10 = above average
in women eyes
I believe in the reasonable 8-10s get the vast majority of sex rule, not the sub-8s barely get sex and most 5-6s are virgins who will never have a non-obese gf sub-8 rule
Agreed white men have much higher chance, but that does not make us fakecels. You can still fail the hypergamy standard as a white man.
Yeah dont attack my whitecel boyos. Any man of any race can be incel if they are ugly enough. Also, while being white does increase SMV by 1 or 2 points, it is not absolute.

If you are white you're a volcel or a slayer, you literally cannot be incel as a white man.
I'm black, but JFL at this
You are like a white foid in Europe who complains about being oppressed
Lol, I'm not oppressed, I'm unappealing to foids because I'm White.

You, on the other hand, are a mentalcel, since as an ethnic you'd slay in Europe.
In a true efficient sexual marketplace (tinder, cold approach, bars), it's sub 8, maybe sub 7(they will date down though). If you have a social circle you can date your looksmatch if you're above a 4 and are lifemaxxed (job, friends, NT).

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