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Blackpill Sub 8, starfish sex, etc, it's all cope. We just barely missed the mark

The makeup can not fix infrahuman bones of these foids, Chad with high experience with Stacys will realize if that foid is worth it or not, just seeing the shape of his body and face.
If she's not a landwhale then no he won't
99% of normie men are kissless virgins until 30+ years old when they betabux a used up roasti. OP you need to go outside and see this truth for yourself
99% of normie men are kissless virgins until 30+ years old when they betabux a used up roasti. OP you need to go outside and see this truth for yourself
I wouldn't go that far but too many guys here think normies sex lives are completely fine and we're the freaks for not thinking of ourselves as abominations.
99% of normie men are kissless virgins until 30+ years old when they betabux a used up roasti. OP you need to go outside and see this truth for yourself
Normies get kisses with drunk girls at parties, but they don't bang
So a 7/10 and below can't date the top 80% of foids (non landwhales) without having decent money and status, is that what sub8 theory is? If so, i'd say cope, sub7 theory however is legit.
Normies have sex, stop coping and talking about "muh starfish sex". Guys in my country lose their virginity at an average of 15.4 years old

Based on...them saying so via survey? That's really some trustworthy data you've got there.

, so obviously normies are also having casual sex.

This does not logically follow from your previous statement (not to imply that your previous statement is true). Just because someone loses his virginity at a young age doesn't mean he will continue having casual sex in the years ahead.

On the contrary, we have every reason to believe that the few normies that do lose their virginity at a young age have less and less sex as the years go by (and quite likely none at all if they were born within the last couple decades).

I have also witnessed this first hand, most of the guys who I went to boarding school with were average looking and got laid in their teen years(though with whales, but still), and many of them ended up having a girlfriend at age 17-18 that they were pretty serious with.

You witnessed them having sex? Like you saw the penis go into the vagina? Because if not, you're trusting the things normies tell you, which is even dumber than trusting what foids tell you.

The brutal blackpill isn't that its "chad only", because in fact, even normies are getting laid. The brutal blackpill is the fact that we barely missed the mark. If we were just a few points higher on the scale, we would all be living fairly content lives with our significant other.


Even mid-tier normies are about as likely to get laid as they are to get hit by lightning in 2020.

"But tinder stats!".
Tinder only shows 1 side of the spectrum: Looks. Money aswell as status is also a huge factor. I have seen guys who were 5/10 get with girls who are 5's or 6's due to the fact that they were tight friends with the jocks and could hook everyone up with drugs.

"Getting with girls" is not sex. It's flirting, it's going out, it's making out, it's maybe a handjob or even a blowjob once in a while. It's not sex.

So again, nagasaki blackpill: We barely missed the mark, just fucking barely, and because of this, we will rot alone.

This is just so retardedly wrong. Most of us would rot alone even if we magically gained 4 SMV points overnight.
Idk about barely missing the mark but sub 8 is teracoping. I don't know where u guys live but 8-10/10 chads are super rare. Sub 5 sounds more plausible, where the relationship they are able to form is highly likely based on 99% betabuxxing

8-10/10 guys get sex without betabuxxing, can get laid within 1 hour if he wants to.

6-7/10 guys, mixture of betabuxx/emotional tampon/jestering + physical attraction

5 n below, betabuxxing/emotional tampon /jestering severely outweighs physical attraction
Yet another Sub8 debate thread. I just love these.
Don't worry OP. In a few years those looksmatched normie couples that you see will end up as divorcecels.
I'm also not from USA but if you get out you'll notice how there are more and more single mothers even from different parents, jfl.
99% of normie men are kissless virgins until 30+ years old when they betabux a used up roasti. OP you need to go outside and see this truth for yourself
I hope you’re exaggerating because you’ve got it the opposite. Like 1% of people are Kissless virgins at 30. Normal people are having sex.
Which country are you in? And I've never heard someone say normies never get laid. And starfish sex is a real thing.
Sub8 Extremist would have you believe that any male who isn't Chad is going to sleep with his hand on his cock.
I hope you’re exaggerating because you’ve got it the opposite. Like 1% of people are Kissless virgins at 30. Normal people are having sex.
only 1% of men are incel?

Unless you count escortcels as normal people which make sense.

So then you would only be talking about permavirgins
I hope you’re exaggerating because you’ve got it the opposite. Like 1% of people are Kissless virgins at 30. Normal people are having sex.

Yeah exactly.
only 1% of men are incel?

Unless you count escortcels as normal people which make sense.

So then you would only be talking about permavirgins

Retardcel posting again I see. Looks are a bell-curve just like intelligence. 8/10 and above isn't top 20% of men. Top 20% of men is like, 6,5/10 and above. So stop being a gigacoping faggot larper
99% of normie men are kissless virgins until 30+ years old when they betabux a used up roasti. OP you need to go outside and see this truth for yourself
Dude, whose arse are you pulling those "stats" from ?
Have you been to HS, college or to a workplace ?

Kissless virgins are quite rare in normie spaces, I'd say 1 out of 30. You might get to 99.9% with neetmaxxers but even then I doubt so.
Also the bar and night club scene is dying.
When's the last time you went to one?
I've also heard jewelry stores are dying because guys don't have any women to buy those rings for.
Thats because most men dont even make enough money to buy any of that.
only 1% of men are incel?

Unless you count escortcels as normal people which make sense.

So then you would only be talking about permavirgins
Sounds about right.

If we were to roughly estimate the number of dollars spent per male on a foid, it lines up with that assumption.
High IQ. Too many coping subhumans on here who try to believe that normalfaggots are in the same predicament as them.

Just accept your reality as an incel, you're an utter subhhman.


Thinking average, decent looking men struggle as bad as us is Basement Dweller IQ

Nobody here really understands how low we are on the looks hierarchy. They confuse betabuxxing incels in denial as normie tier males.
Idk about barely missing the mark but sub 8 is teracoping. I don't know where u guys live but 8-10/10 chads are super rare. Sub 5 sounds more plausible, where the relationship they are able to form is highly likely based on 99% betabuxxing

8-10/10 guys get sex without betabuxxing, can get laid within 1 hour if he wants to.

6-7/10 guys, mixture of betabuxx/emotional tampon/jestering + physical attraction

5-4/10, betabuxxing/emotional tampon /jestering severely outweighs physical attraction/needs to be NT
Finally, someone puts the ranking into proper perspective. I also fixed for you

90% of the forum doesnt even crack the 4-5/10 bracket. We're below that. In theory we're below that. The reality is anyone who is ugly and not NT is below that.
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back when i was a teenager this was certainly the case, but it definitely has gotten harder for normies thanks to tinder and other dating apps
You must understand, Tinder is not real life.
:soy::soy::soy::soy: t.soy cuck

There was a study published (10 years ago) highlighting that women rate 80% of men as below average and they only prefer the top 20% of men:

Wanna know what makes It worse? Recently a study showed that 62% of women rate only 5% of men as undateable which means of the 20% of top men, only 20% of that make the cut:

In both instances studies were done to highlight that the online dating agencies do not differ from the general population:

"Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311908.2016.1162414

The money shot:
These findings support previous research in indicating that users of both Tinder™ and Online Dating Agencies do not differ from the general population."

This should not be shocking, right?
I mean studies have also shown that 40% of couples met each other Online and that's only going up:

Imagine how high it is now!?

No need to speculate, a graph highlighting how popular online dating is was published by Stanford University:

The graph:

Source: https://web.stanford.edu/~mrosenfe/Rosenfeld_et_al_Disintermediating_Friends.pdf
View attachment 207885

This is the average age people in each country lose their virginity. Stay mad
Address my comment.
Joined Jan 31, 2020
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damn br0 so 0ver didnt quite reach model tier
Which country are you in? And I've never heard someone say normies never get laid. And starfish sex is a real thing.
In burgerland normies have to fuck bottom of the barrel or be incel. Normies also don’t have consistent access to foids.
Also TINDER IS REAL LIFE. Galactic level cope if you think it isn’t.
Retardcel posting again I see. Looks are a bell-curve just like intelligence. 8/10 and above isn't top 20% of men. Top 20% of men is like, 6,5/10 and above. So stop being a gigacoping faggot larper
I never said 8/10 and above is 20% you retard.

Joined Jan 31, 2020

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