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Stupid females harassing their profiles.. Does anyone else get this on Fagbook?



- Alea Iacta Est -
Nov 14, 2019
I've had this enough times.. Even had to shut down my page for a little while because I called out females for embracing degeneracy, But I've had multiple people female and male harassing me with anti incel messages and name calling... sometimes from gutless profiles without a profile picture.. Usually I just tell the females they have no right to use the word and try to bring a guy down for being incel because their gender provides them with basically guaranteed sexual success they DIDNT EARN and they would most likely be incel if they were born male and they have no idea what life is like on the other side of the fence... It seems common on FB for people to attack sexless guys as if its our fault... The thing that fucks me off the most though is when I get people calling me incel and names like that when I'm having an argument that is completely irrelevant to any relationship or sexual topics.. like when I was arguing with some idiots about politics over a band.. its like these days if one of the fuckers feels like they are losing an argument or want to gain in one they just resort to making fun of something you cant control and they seem to be able to tell just by my fucking appearance... It sucks ass. It's not that I can't handle a bit of name calling but it gets to me now and then... Anyone else get this shit.....? this is a couple of examples of shit ive gotten. I also got some ugly fat bitch calling me ugly and bragging about fucking her partner even when she looked worse than I do....


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Keep up the work
You either fakecel or you are posting incel shit on Fagbook
Either way stop bragging pls
Sorry, I refuse to read bolded blue nonsense. But yeah, KYS.
goddamn incel pieces of shit
Learn what a paragraph is. And stop using that autistic purple font, please.
You either fakecel or you are posting incel shit on Fagbook
Either way stop bragging pls
bragging?! Being sent messages that make me feel like shit? how in any way is that a good thing?? getting messages like that really makes me feel like shit... I didnt ''post incel stuff'' when i got those messages. I saw a post that was defending sexworkers twitch thots and porn stars and I talked about why those are negative things and shouldnt be praised as if they are good moral job choices and decisions. There were heaps of guys calling it out and saying how trashy it is and all the ones defending it were female. And i said how typical it was that the only ones defending that filth were female amoung a bunch of other things i said and thats when i got the other messages. that other one was because some females were running down and trashing family values while promoting promiscuity. If I see that shit I call it out because I don't ignore degenerate behavior and posts. We have all of that stuff being accepted because people and society don't stand up to it
How do they know you're an incel? Usually foids just call ugly men something less specific.

nah.. they tend to use that term these days.. or alot do. I dont know. it was guys aswell. I figure they just tell because they think i look like one
Sorry, I refuse to read bolded blue nonsense. But yeah, KYS.
NO! ....you first...
Sorry, I refuse to read bolded blue nonsense. But yeah, KYS.
seriously screw you. . how dare you tell me that after everything ive been through.. casually like my life aint worth anything.. youre acting the same as those people i despise like youre the same
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It sucks ass. It's not that I can't handle a bit of name calling but it gets to me now and then... Anyone else get this shit.....? this is a couple of examples of shit ive gotten. I also got some ugly fat bitch calling me ugly and bragging about fucking her partner even when she looked worse than I do....
Where can I read some of these discussions? I always hear about interesting discussions happening on facebook.
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watching me rage out at a bunch of degenerates isnt exactly an interesting discussion. I just comment on things that piss me off.. usually sexual related
Their looks match is hanging from the ceiling
Girls think them getting laid is just as easy as guys getting laid. It's why they bully and mock virgins, even though like you said most of them would die virgins if born male. I've seen short girls with bad eyesight that have no chins, dating guys way better looking than them.
Those chicks would have been incels if not truecels with their genetics, had they been born males

banderas.gif it's so fucking ridiculous
Girls think them getting laid is just as easy as guys getting laid. It's why they bully and mock virgins, even though like you said most of them would die virgins if born male. I've seen short girls with bad eyesight that have no chins, dating guys way better looking than them.
One of the things that bothers me the most is that they can get away with not having any of the things that i have to have... anyone can have a round chin but for them thats feminine. we need to have a good bone structure and they dont. even if they have a sub par face they can make up for that and still be hot for having a good body.. but with us if we have an unattractive face no body is going to make up for it.. despite what any ''just go to the gym'' bro says
You probably had written tediously long twaddle that obviously reflected it's written by an autistic incel and also, must have unnecessarily ranted a lot while arguing with them. Why do some of you muppets do it?
Spending too much time under 30 days blocks for being harrased
You probably had written tediously long twaddle that obviously reflected it's written by an autistic incel and also, must have unnecessarily ranted a lot while arguing with them. Why do some of you muppets do it?
Because i am more cultured and sophisticated than them and need to assert my opinion over their depraved degeneracy.. Look I comment on things that trigger me. And sexual stuff does that.... a lot..
Because i am more cultured and sophisticated than them and need to assert my opinion over their depraved degeneracy.. Look I comment on things that trigger me. And sexual stuff does that.... a lot..
Can you show the discussion?
Can you show the discussion?
there was more than one months apart etc.. i didnt save the comments and the posts arnt in my notifications anymore.. I start by casual criticism usually but end up going crazy at people and saying things that get pretty harsh.. I throw whatever I can at them
Tldr. send dick pics and block them.
It is better if you are a dicklet; then they cannot enjoy it
I can't believe I've never heard the term 'fagbook.' It fits.
Because i am more cultured and sophisticated than them and need to assert my opinion over their depraved degeneracy.. Look I comment on things that trigger me. And sexual stuff does that.... a lot..
show us some of your comments and we'll tell you if you're an autist or not
show us some of your comments and we'll tell you if you're an autist or not
im not autistic... im just angry. i threaten, i insult and yeah i flip out at people.... for being degenerates promoting filth. either way its no reason to call someone incel.. incel is about appearance.i would rage at them no matter what I looked like
im not autistic... im just angry. i threaten, i insult and yeah i flip out at people.... for being degenerates promoting filth. either way its no reason to call someone incel.. incel is about appearance.i would rage at them no matter what I looked like
if you were gl you would never have had the negative experiences in your life that created who you are right now. We'd all be different if we were 6'3 chads
Lydia looks like a tranny anyway
Lol at being a sub 8 male on social media, low inhibition mogs me
Fakecel. The girls clearly are mad because they think you are chad and are ignoring them. I don't even get KYS messages, I would actually be happy to get that, any female attention, even negative, is good at this point.
There's no book for your face!

Keep up the works!
if you were gl you would never have had the negative experiences in your life that created who you are right now. We'd all be different if we were 6'3 chads
Brutal freewillpill
Girls think them getting laid is just as easy as guys getting laid. It's why they bully and mock virgins, even though like you said most of them would die virgins if born male. I've seen short girls with bad eyesight that have no chins, dating guys way better looking than them.
yeah its fcked... an old friend of mine i guess, went to his 21st.. guy was at least 6' decent fit body but no chad face though. real outgoing talked alot and quite fun to be around. worked like 2 jobs... He was dating someone short with clear retardation... i mean i'm not just saying that. She looked physically handicapped
deep down they know what hides behind their fakeup... then again if you lie so much you believe yourself... Some times I forget about the features I fraud
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I dont use social media (except to stalk)
People will cheapshot you in an argument & call you something universally despised (nazi, anti-Semite, racist, sexist, Islamophobe, homophobe, peado) to instantly win like a flash KO.

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