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Blackpill [STUDY] Blind women care about looks as much as sighted women AND blind women care about looks MORE than blind men

When i was a teen i was daydreaming having a blind girl which would love me, how bluepilled faggot i was.
The personality detector pill destroyed my personality
Born blind

Doesn't even know what a chad can look like

Chad only

Sooo they feel your face to decide if you're attractive or not?
When i was a teen i was daydreaming having a blind girl which would love me, how bluepilled faggot i was.
Think I dreamed of that too at some point. Either that or a girl in a wheelchair who would appreciate that i took care of her the best i could
Women wear fake eyelashes, fake hair, fake blush, fake their skin tone, and etc. Of course they are more shallow.
Raping a blind woman should be easy
Wow, iam ACTUALLY got a bit surprised

are women even human?
one of the cornerstone studies of my misogyny
Heh, that sounds about right.

I once had a vivid dream, that I had grown old and had become blind for some reason.. late in life I had found a gf or a wife or whatever she was in that world....

she wasn't there in the dream but I was in my house talking to some old friend about how I understand she is not beautiful, but LMAO what does that matter to me the blind man? She seems to want to be with me, so I am happy.

It was pretty wholesome! Obviously no connection to reality. :lul:
Wow, iam ACTUALLY got a bit surprised

are women even human?
The females of almost all species are extremely good at judging genetics and detecting bad ones.
The fact that women are no different is not really that shocking when you think about it.

If you see some guy wearing a hat, you just see that. Women will sense a norwoodcel trying to hide his bald head.
Same thing with bad eye areas and copers trying to permawear sunglasses everywhere
Same thing with manlets, framecels and ugly guys trying to lift and get buff
There goes my plan for finding a blind foid. Maybe if she's deaf and blind so on one can tell her I'm ugly?
Hellen Keller maxxing
DO you know any blind women?
DO you know any blind women?
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It’s because women associate good looks with health and the ability to protect her and her offspring.

This stone age-instinct does not simply disappear just because the women in question cannot gage the looks level herself.
Stone Age instinct does not explain pretty boys or dark triad fetichism.

Foids are retard, that's the explanation.
:feelsUgh:How do you incels explain blind women??? CHECKMATE INCELS!! :feelsUgh:
It’s a sad and ugly world. Nothing good that we can compensate for. I just hope we have peaceful deaths since we suffered our whole lives.
I wonder if one of those blind bats would be more willing to get fucked unwillingly if they were led to believe it was a chad fucking them.
Based and blindpilled
But blind women cant tell how u look like so go and seek a blind virgin stacy :smonk:
+1 like
Dnr but title is ropefuel
I've said it many times. Women don't actually give that much of a shit about how you look, but how you look compared to what other women/her friends have. They have a constant need of one upping each other, which is why the standards skyrocket so quickly.
Chad = status.
"she is blind yet still scored Chad"

It often seems that women truly only care about their personal ego.
I don't think we give enough credit as a culture to just how strong the will-to-power is in women, although on a far more sublimated level. The feminist campaign to annihilate the power-seeking drives in men has, if anything, only exacerbated it women. Most men have become castrated pawns of women, throwing their money at OnlyFans or dancing like a monkey to gain the audience of some slut that simply enjoys watching him make a fool of himself. I don't even think Chads are immune to this either, as they tend to occupy most of the positions associated with the old-school patriarchy (doctors, lawyers, politicians, business bros, etc.) that prospective women will attempt to weasel themselves into via marriage and subsequently bleed Chad dry.
Nigga, they can't even see. Very hard to believe this.
NUCLEAR BLACKPILL OF DOOM @Master @SergeantIncel @mental_out fresh from april 2021

:blackpill: Blind women care about looks as much as sight women
:blackpill: Bind women care about looks MORE than blind men
:blackpill: Blind women report wanting an attractive partner for their social appearance/standing
:blackpill: Sighted men and women love flaunting their attractive partner

"Our sample consisted of 94 sighted and blind participants with different ages of blindness onset: 19 blind/28 sighted males and 19 blind/28 sighted females.

[...] while physical attractiveness was less important to blind men, blind women considered physical attractiveness as important as sighted women.
The importance of a high status and likeable personality was not influenced by sightedness."

"While blind men placed less importance on physical attractiveness,
blind women did not differ from sighted women. This suggests that a partner’s physical attractiveness might bear an indirect advantage to women by increasing their desirability, while sighted men assess physical attractiveness as a direct indicator for fertility and health."

View attachment 473328

:feelsStudy: The study also cites a previous study that found that blind men care less about looks than blind women

:feelsStudy: Blind women don't want an ugly guy because they'd be ashamed, it would hurt their social standing
JFL BEING UGLY = BEING A SOCIAL PARIA, anyone who denies it is coping hard

:feelsStudy: Read the paragraph below. Doesn't that remind you of all the tiktok clips and social media posts of people bragging about their partners?


The Role of Vision in the Emergence of Mate Preferences​

Tagging niggas @ThoughtfulCel @soymonkcel @BPJ @cvh1991 @ReturnOfSaddam @gymletethnicel @Diocel @Transcended Trucel @Lebensmüder @yikerinos @your personality @LOLI BREEDING @Simulacrasimulation @BITG @Sportbro @Notorious Inkler @MarquisDeSade @Tenshi
It's official, when given the chance to be decent people, women will prove they aren't even human.
It's official, when given the chance to be decent people, women will prove they aren't even human.
They can't even see him still CHAD ONLY, they care about their social environment more than any other fucking thing, women do not deserve rights
This is why females are extra primitive and also easily exploited by the modern powers that be, they're simply unable to mentally evolve past these primitive biological instincts of theirs that go back to ancient times when the first homosapiens stood upright. The female mind is reptilian revolving around pure basic primitive instinct and is basically maladapted for the environment of civilized society that has evolved past that stage of human evolution which is why they're a net drag on current society. They will never evolve past this primitive animalistic form of consciousness either, you can basically forget about that ever happening. :feelsjuice:
Only God is to blame for this.
Chad = status.
"she is blind yet still scored Chad"

It often seems that women truly only care about their personal ego.

I keep saying to this forum that Blackpill is about Status, not Looks, or at least that Status is half of the SMV. They don't listen.

JBW = status = "white is better" even when said white is objectively uglier than the ethnic.

You think Blacks would slay without the media backing them up? Blacks are ugly but they slay. Meanwhile HTN-MTN arabs are incel.
It's the fucking lies that piss me off. At the very least people could be honest about their real motives and goals, but no -- instead people behave like this then try to lie and convince everyone else that it's not what they're doing when it is.

We're not stupid, we have eyes and senses and can reason for fucks sake. But no, it's as though the whole of society has just agreed to the delusion and treats anybody who points out that the emperor has no clothes like a degenerate monster.

I take issue with the way people's actual motives and stated motives differ. It pisses me off because it's all gaslighting and then they attack you for pointing it out. At this point I'm convinced women are solipsistic and just delusionally believe their own double thinking nonsense.


Gaslighting is a major part of why I'm so bitter.
This is why females are extra primitive and also easily exploited by the modern powers that be, they're simply unable to mentally evolve past these primitive biological instincts of theirs that go back to ancient times when the first homosapiens stood upright. The female mind is reptilian revolving around pure basic primitive instinct and is basically maladapted for the environment of civilized society that has evolved past that stage of human evolution which is why they're a net drag on current society. They will never evolve past this primitive animalistic form of consciousness either, you can basically forget about that ever happening. :feelsjuice:

I said it many times. A utopia is a world without women. Period. Men can behave, they evolved to be able to do so, even if sometimes they don't. Females are deadends, they are purely LMS materialistic souless creatures, who'd stab anyone in the back to get just a little bit more of LMS. Extremely shortsighted, solipsistic and immediate gratification seeking. They don't even have a sense of right and wrong, this dichotomy is injected in their brain through social conditioning and propaganda. Tell them fucking apes is good and that middle easterners are the Devil and they'll just apply it.

To be quite honest the more I know about women, the less I desire a "relationship". Relationship my ass. You've seen their nature. How the fuck are we supposed to pretend we haven't seen that and then "muh love" them. The hell.
I keep saying to this forum that Blackpill is about Status, not Looks, or at least that Status is half of the SMV. They don't listen.

JBW = status = "white is better" even when said white is objectively uglier than the ethnic.

You think Blacks would slay without the media backing them up? Blacks are ugly but they slay. Meanwhile HTN-MTN arabs are incel.
Blacks slay in SEA even more than whites. All the passport-bro culture is from "femcels" and niggers.
How would they be able to tell as long as you're not clearly deformed? Do they feel your face and then construct a 3d image in their heads?
How would they be able to tell as long as you're not clearly deformed? Do they feel your face and then construct a 3d image in their heads?
How are they supposed to find out how i look like ?
Wouldn't it show that foids only behave according to status ?
I will burn this world to the ground
This is why all women deserve to be killed and raped til their vagina merges with their anus leaving only a single gaping hole. (In smt 3)

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