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Blackpill Strange as it sounds, the main reason why people reject the blackpill is the same main reason why people reject Christ



May 2, 2018
They don't want to admit that they (and people in general for that matter) are not in control.

An ugly incel will still be ugly and romantically/sexually unsuccessful even if he exercises, dresses well, eats healthy, has a good personality, treats women respectifully, tries hard, etc, while good-looking Chad will still be good-looking and romantically/sexually successful even if he doesn't do any of that.

Likewise, someone who rejects Christ and the sacrifice He made for their sins will still get lost even if they have good works, do tons of charity, lives prude celibate life in a monastery, strives as hard as possible to avoid sin, practices extreme asceticism, etc, just like someone who accepts Christ and the sacrifice He made for their sins will still be saved no matter how much they sin or lack good works.

People just HAVE to believe that people merit stuff. If someone is very successful with women, it has to be because they're "worthy" of it, because they put effort into it, because they had nice personalities and treated women well, etc. Then you show them example after example of Chad still slaying even as a violent criminal, even treating women like shit, even having a terrible personality, even putting 0 effort, and people just won't accept it.

If someone gets saved, it has to be because they merited it through good works and avoiding sin. They you show people in the bible dozens of passages that repeat that salvation is only by grace through faith and not by works or trying not to sin and people just won't accept it.

In reality, NO ONE DESERVES TO BE SAVED. Being saved is a favor, a gift we didn't deserve but God still gives to us because He loves us. Just like no one deserved to be good-looking, they were just lucky enough to be born this way. God has His plans and His reasons why He allowed things to be this way, our job is to trust Him and accept it.

People are insanely anthropocentric. They prefer to stay in the bluepill even though it's a blatant lie, just as they prefer to be atheistic ("everything came from nothing and then "evolved" into these INSANE levels of complexity and orderliness through billions of years of pure randomness! You gotta believe this or else you're deluded!") or in false anthropocentric religions that say salvation (or good karma for the next life or whatever) comes from YOUR own merits, even though these are lies as well.
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Then why are we ugly incels who suffer in life?
Everyone suffers in this life. This is the fallen world, anything terrible could happen to us right now and the end here is always death no matter what.
i don't want to get into a debate but the blackpill is based on science and religion is based on an invisible man in the sky
Everyone suffers in this life
Jeremy Meeks Mug Shot

Life is suffering fam. I suffer a lot

Seriously though. Your almighty and benevolent god could just let every human live in paradise. But he doesn't because we should have free will instead, and choose to do good so we can either go to the sky paradise or burn in hell. Kind of a cruel test for such a loving god isn't it?
Didn't read but just on topic name alone: massive cope. Accepting bluepill is the same as accepting cucktianity, both are copes not backed by evidence and destroyed when put to test (especially logically).
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Life is suffering fam. I suffer a lot

Seriously though. Your almighty and benevolent god could just let every human live in paradise. But he doesn't because we should have free will instead, and choose to do good so we can either go to the sky paradise or burn in hell. Kind of a cruel test for such a loving god isn't it?
This world here got ruined by sin. It's over for this world and our lives here. Meeks has a much better life than us now, but he'll still get older and decrepit in a couple of decades and die, or just die anytime soon, and if he doesn't believe he'll go to hell. In the end of the day, this life here was nothing, the only worthwhile thing here is getting saved.
I'm pretty sure Christianity is false because it preaches that everyone is in control. In Christianity, especially your Protestant version, everyone has free will and faith saves you. Much like the bluepill, everyone can be succesful if they just have the right mindset. Ironically your analogy about the "good" person without faith falls flat, because most atheists act like animals (antifa, dog eating Chinese). As for me, I don't act like an animal because I was raised Christian.
This world here got ruined by sin. It's over for this world and our lives here. Meeks has a much better life than us now, but he'll still get older and decrepit in a couple of decades and die, or just die anytime soon, and if he doesn't believe he'll go to hell. In the end of the day, this life here was nothing, the only worthwhile thing here is getting saved.
Meeks is a Christian. How could he not be after being so genetically and now monetarily blessed? Thus he'll go to heaven after his death, thereby experiencing both a great life and a wonderful afterlife. He must be one of god's favorite children
I'm pretty sure Christianity is false because it preaches that everyone is in control. In Christianity, especially your Protestant version, everyone has free will and faith saves you. Much like the bluepill, everyone can be succesful if they just have the right mindset. Ironically your analogy about the "good" person without faith falls flat, because most atheists act like animals (antifa, dog eating Chinese). As for me, I don't act like an animal because I was raised Christian.
You only have to accept Christ and you get instantly saved. If you don't have faith, just pray and ask for it. The Portuguese word for "free" is "de graça", from grace, salvation is through grace, it's all free.
Meeks is a Christian. How could he not be after being so genetically and now monetarily blessed? Thus he'll go to heaven after his death, thereby experiencing both a great life and a wonderful afterlife. He must be one of god's favorite children
If he truly believes and trusts only the blood of Christ yes, he'll be saved. But not anyone who says they're Christians do that, there's a lot of "Churchianity" going on i.e. people who trust churches and not Christ. So at the end of the day we can never know who's saved or not. Nor should we try to guess tbh.

The only people who can know you're saved are yourself and God.
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Accepting religion like Christianity means that foids will remind you that you can't be hateful against them or criticize them because it's against the will of god.
You are also constrained behaviorally in how you can act because of the scriptures and as a result are passive aggressive and meek in confronting people.
That's why for the longest time the religious right as been known as weak and feminine and is not taken seriously, with liberals taunting them and making them worry about how they react in anger with the sarcastic phrase
"how Christian of you".

There are Christian feminists too jfl

Meeks is a Christian. How could he not be after being so genetically and now monetarily blessed? Thus he'll go to heaven after his death, thereby experiencing both a great life and a wonderful afterlife. He must be one of god's favorite children
ded srs?
Accepting religion like Christianity means that foids will remind you that you can't be hateful against them or criticize them because it's against the will of god.
I just naturally feel way less hateful tbh. I could hate if I wanted, it's a sin, but I won't lose my salvation over it. I just want to obey because I love God, not because I have to. I still hate sometimes though, just like everyone.

"how Christian of you".
People will constantly try to shame you and call you a hypocrite if you're a Christian and has flaws, but everyone sins and has flaws, so who cares. That type of shaming only demonstrates they don't get what Jesus did on the cross at all. Too bad for them.

There are Christian feminists too jfl
Feminism is sinful and from the devil. A Christian feminist probably didn't experience the metanoia (change of mind, to recognize something as obvious as feminism being a satanic form of obvious disobedience to God) so it's possible they aren't even saved, but maybe they are, who knows.

Not recognizing something sinful is sinful is worse than committing sin soteriologically speaking, since it's a sign someone didn't experience metanoia. But, like I said, maybe they are saved, just like many people in false denominations for instance may very well be saved as well.
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You and your religion coping all the time...

Religion was made to control people. Maybe even in a good way, I won't deny the good effects of patriarchy, virginity praising and all that stuff.

But dude, you should not believe it actually! Just abuse it to control other people. Just like a good drug dealer doesn't take his own drugs.
You and your religion coping all the time...

Religion was made to control people. Maybe even in a good way, I won't deny the good effects of patriarchy, virginity praising and all that stuff.

But dude, you should not believe it actually! Just abuse it to control other people. Just like a good drug dealer doesn't take his own drugs.
I was exactly like that for a long time, my friend. That's why I was interested in Islam. For pure pragmatic incel-ish reasons, Islam is by far the "best" religion.
You only have to accept Christ and you get instantly saved. If you don't have faith, just pray and ask for it. The Portuguese word for "free" is "de graça", from grace, salvation is through grace, it's all free.
I will not kneel to the same man (as in, God, since he is male) that made it possible for me to end up with a lesser than trash status. He hasn't provided me any ecstasy so I won't provide him the satisfaction of having one more serf in Heaven.
I just naturally feel way less hateful tbh. I could hate if I wanted, it's a sin, but I won't lose my salvation over it. I just want to obey because I love God, not because I have to. I still hate sometimes though, just like everyone.

I accept the world as it is and hope it doesn't get worse.
Most people obey God because they are afraid of going to hell at the end of the day though. It's understandable that happens for people that have had a difficult life and don't want to risk having more a difficult time in a possible afterlife.

People will constantly try to shame you and call you a hypocrite if you're a Christian and has flaws, but everyone sins and has flaws, so who cares. That type of shaming only demonstrates they don't get what Jesus did on the cross at all. Too bad for them.

They try to make you play by restrictive rules too, which is why the religious right is always losing and has been branded as cuckservatives by alt-right guys that are sick of inaction and waffling by the religious right to establish a tradcon state in western countries.

This also aside there are so many interpretations of Christianity.
Some people might say people by the very act of posting here or visiting this site often are not saved even if they proclaim to be because there are things on this site that profess hatred or disdain toward women which according to them God created.

Even the fact that the word "cuck" is used here may be considered sinful, wicked and of this world according to some Christians, because it could be argued you care of things of the flesh when you brand people as cucks for simply extending kindness and sacrifice to children that aren't theirs.

Other people will question your salvation too the more you stray from a meek, humble persona that is not quick to anger or taunting.
There are plenty of people that call into question the Christianity of Donald Trump given his crude remarks and put downs about people for example.
People counter by saying "only God can judge someone" but that is exactly what promiscuous women who are "reformed" by still engage in uncouth behavior say.

From the way the alt-right behaves for example, I very much doubt they are really serious about Christianity but see it as a means to the end and because they associate prosperity and an easier time getting with women in western countries with a time that Christianity exerted more of a cultural influence.
There is nothing really Christian about how the alt-right behaves even the larping tradcaths imo

Feminism is sinful and from the devil. A Christian feminist probably didn't experience the metanoia (change of mind, to recognize something as obvious as feminism being a satanic form of obvious disobedience to God) so it's possible they aren't even saved, but maybe they are, who knows.

If feminism is sinful and from the devil how can a Christian feminist that didn't experience change of mind be saved?
Don't you have to experience a change of mind in order to be a Christian?
@BlkPillPres thoughts?
I will not kneel to the same man (as in, God, since he is male) that made it possible for me to end up with a lesser than trash status. He hasn't provided me any ecstasy so I won't provide him the satisfaction of having one more serf in Heaven.
Based tbh.
Most people obey God because they are afraid of going to hell at the end of the day though. It's understandable that happens for people that have had a difficult life and don't want to risk having more a difficult time in a possible afterlife.
False Christian denominations like Catholicism for instance work EXACTLY like many people here say. They put fear in people and make they walk according to what the church authority wants or else they can go to hell.

But the true gospel cannot be used that way. Christ died for your sins and by only believing and trusting this you get immediately and eternally saved. Whosoever believes HAS eternal life, NOW, not "when they die if they persevere till the end and do all these things here and don't do these other things here". How can this be used to control people? Religion can and is, but the true gospel of Christ can't.
If feminism is sinful and from the devil how can a Christian feminist that didn't experience change of mind be saved?
Don't you have to experience a change of mind in order to be a Christian?
It's possible that they DID experience the change of mind and are just struggling to let go of feminism outwardly. I'm not seeing their hearts, that's why I can't know whether they have the metanoia or not or whether they're saved or not for that matter. I can only watch their words and actions and try to guess.

Kek, you summoned @BlkPillPres here, over for me, he matches @Leucosticte in terms of text input by second, I won't be able to respond to everything he has to say tbh.
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False Christian denominations like Catholicism for instance work EXACTLY like many people here say. They put fear in people and make they walk according to what the church authority wants or else they can go to hell.

But the true gospel cannot be used that way. Christ died for your sins and by only believing and trusting this you get immediately and eternally saved. Whosoever believes HAS eternal life, NOW, not "when they die if they persevere till the end and do all these things here and don't do these other things here". How can this be used to control people? Religion can and is, but the true gospel of Christ can't.

And yet squabbles among the church have proceeded for millenia about whether you are completely saved by believing in Christ and not through actions.
Otherwise there wouldn't be so many sects of Christianity like Calvinism that believe in predestination and a lot of Christians wouldn't believe that sinful acts alone are enough to damn you to hell.
See how normies talk so certainly about pedophiles going to hell for example.

James 2:17 with

Ephesians 2:8-9

and you'll see that trying to reconcile these two passages to come to an exact conclusion of what needs to be done is difficult.
The way to understand both these passages is dispensacionalism. If you're not a dispensacionalist, yeah, the bible has contradictions. That's why I am one and don't believe that part of James is for us in the Church today.

Paul is our apostle nowadays. Romans through Filemon is the part of the bible that's for us, even though it's good to read it all.

That's what 90%+ of Christian denominations already get wrong from the start because they are not dispensacionalists and don't rightly divide the word of truth like it's written in the very bible that we must do.
Kek, you summoned @BlkPillPres here, over for me, he matches @Leucosticte in terms of text input by second, I won't be able to respond to everything he has to say tbh.
Yeah he usually has a lot to say ngl.
The way to understand both these passages is dispensacionalism. If you're not a dispensacionalist, yeah, the bible has contradictions. That's why I am one and don't believe that part of James is for us in the Church today.

But if all scripture is given by inspiration of God


God does not change

can you see how some sects of Christianity would take issue with deispensacionalism and not believing that parts of James is not for Christians in the church today?

Kek, you summoned @BlkPillPres here, over for me, he matches @Leucosticte in terms of text input by second, I won't be able to respond to everything he has to say tbh.

Well one has faith one should be able to defend that faith right and not be weak minded enough to be persuaded by arguments to the contrary right? :)
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But if all scripture is given by inspiration of God


God does not change

can you see how some sects of Christianity would take issue with deispensacionalism and not believing that parts of James is not for Christians in the church today?
Yeah, all is inspired by God and yeah, He doesn't change. But His plans change BECAUSE OF US. For example, in Genesis, God regreted having created man because of how wicked man had become.

The way it goes is: God has a plan for humans, humans fail miserably, then God has to give another chance in order not to give up on mankind entirely and a new dispensation starts.
Well one has faith one should be able to defend that faith right and not be weak minded enough to be persuaded by arguments to the contrary right?
It's not about the irrefutability of the arguments, it's about the sheer amount of them, kek.

I'm still a sinner and I'm lazy, happy now? :feelsrope:
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They don't want to admit that they (and people in general for that matter) are not in control.

An ugly incel will still be ugly and romantically/sexually unsuccessful even if he exercises, dresses well, eats healthy, has a good personality, treats women respectifully, tries hard, etc, while good-looking Chad will still be good-looking and romantically/sexually successful even if he doesn't do any of that.

Likewise, someone who rejects Christ and the sacrifice He made for their sins will still get lost even if they have good works, do tons of charity, lives prude celibate life in a monastery, strives as hard as possible to avoid sin, practices extreme asceticism, etc, just like someone who accepts Christ and the sacrifice He made for their sins will still be saved no matter how much they sin or lack good works.

People just HAVE to believe that people merit stuff. If someone is very successful with women, it has to be because they're "worthy" of it, because they put effort into it, because they had nice personalities and treated women well, etc. Then you show them example after example of Chad still slaying even as a violent criminal, even treating women like shit, even having a terrible personality, even putting 0 effort, and people just won't accept it.

If someone gets saved, it has to be because they merited it through good works and avoiding sin. They you show people in the bible dozens of passages that repeat that salvation is only by grace through faith and not by works or trying not to sin and people just won't accept it.

In reality, NO ONE DESERVES TO BE SAVED. Being saved is a favor, a gift we didn't deserve but God still gives to us because He loves us. Just like no one deserved to be good-looking, they were just lucky enough to be born this way. God has His plans and His reasons why He allowed things to be this way, our job is to trust Him and accept it.

People are insanely anthropocentric. They prefer to stay in the bluepill even though it's a blatant lie, just as they prefer to be atheistic ("everything came from nothing and then "evolved" into these INSANE levels of complexity and orderliness through billions of years of pure randomness! You gotta believe this or else you're deluded!") or in false anthropocentric religions that say salvation (or good karma for the next life or whatever) comes from YOUR own merits, even though these are lies as well.
yeah man just accept christ the same niggerfaggot that placed you in this hell hole to guilt trip you into it's submission. I'm not listening to your kike religion ever and the blackpill shouldn't be used as some relative to it. Even the blackpill wouldn't agree with religious squander. You fell for the same kike trap and I'll have no remorse when I call out that nigger faggot for it's bullshittery, and if I do get sent to hell, I'll make hell my new home and survive there.

You wouldn't be a simp and suck off to women because you know chad rams her ass daily, so why would you suck up to god the same niggerfaggot that caused you to be in the state you're in. The minute you place religion and god on a pedestal is the minute you might as well hang yourself.
Yeah, all is inspired by God and yeah, He doesn't change. But his plans change BECAUSE OF US. For example, in Genesis, God regreted having created man because of how wicked man had become.

The way it goes is: God has a plan for humans, humans fail miserably, then God has to give another chance in order not to give up on mankind entirely and a new dispensation starts.

The general story of the fall of mankind is known by many people that are familiar with Abrahamic religions even if they don't practice one of these religions themselves.

It's the minor disagreements and interpretations that snowball overtime and lead to more infighting, confusion and speculation about how much of some of these recollections in religious texts is true.

It's similar imo to the squabbles people have here about what consistitutes a volcel vs. incel, what distinguishes redpill vs blackpill theory, what theory best explains what women are attracted to how society treats low status males and explains why social behavior is the way it is.
No one on this site has come to 100% concensus on these matters just like not all Christians have to come to an agreement about how small details of their salvation will proceed:

for example will the Tribulation be before or after the mark of the beast, are there really only a select number of people that are saved and so on.

I'm not listening to your kike religion ever and the blackpill shouldn't be used as some relative to it. Even the blackpill wouldn't agree with religious squander.

That's the funny thing. The minute ancient religions are used to explain modern cultural phenomena the concepts in religion talking about this are watered down and come off as completely not serious and memeified

Example: "What does God say about sliding into her dms?" :lul:
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as usual these types of threads are filled with nonsense,filled with people who have no idea about what catholic christrianity claims god to be or what orthodox theology says about everything.No one knows anything about christianity these days,so that's expected.I was once like that,so i won't blame people.

It seems to me that most people reject christ for two major reasons.1 they cannot bother to study the truth of christrianity and they usually find it impossible for christianity to be 'logically' sound(despite them never even touching a book on christianity,and apologetics).It doesn't matter how many apologetic books you throw at them,for they will not read them or will misunderstand a point,and call it a day.You can go ahead and tell them how science is inherently fallacious(most of science is a series of theories,which scientists themselves assume will be replaced by another theory in the next 100 years),and a million other things but they do not care. 2.what christ promises is something people do not want.With christ you cannot be a degenerate,you cannot brag,you cannot humiliate people,you cannot masturbate,you need to help the poor and the blind,etc etc etc.

In other words,people do not accept christ because of their pride.Their ways are too 'great' and having christ would be a detriment to their 'style' of life.The devil plots and speaks sweet words to sinner,and they like ducks follow him.May god have mercy on me.May god have mercy on us all
I have to go to the supermarket, brb.
It's not about the irrefutability of the arguments, it's about the sheer amount of them, kek.

I'm still a sinner and I'm lazy, happy now? :feelsrope:

I mean according to Christianity every human is a sinner and naturally given to ungodly temptations. I don't know if laziness would count as one of those ungodly temptations. Maybe it would because of how things like Protestant work ethics.

And it's not so much irrefutability I agree but modern life is really complex and in order to stand steadfast in your faith you have to be able to reconcile the complexities and contradictions of modern life with the religious text that shows you how to live your life imo
To do so otherwise and ignore the complexities and contradictions of modern life because of common arguments like "science is manmade and not inspired from God so science cannot explain God's word"
would probably come off as coping to a lot of people here tbh ngl
Why are christards allowed on this site?
You turn every thread into shit with your kikecopes
i don't want to get into a debate but the blackpill is based on science and religion is based on an invisible man in the sky
yea tbh the blackpill is prooved true everyday religion was just needed to control people
1. One has to first believe that something exists for them to then reject it

2. Atheists already believe that a lot is out of their control, they believe we all exist by random chance, whats more out of control than that, your mother decides not to go out on a specific day, never meets your dad, poof you never existed

3. Its not really a sacrifice that Christ did because he's immortal, so he didn't really die per se, so nothing was really lost

4. The sacrifice doesn't even make sense because he had to sacrifice himself to God so that God would forgive us, couldn't a loving God simply have just forgiven us without his son suffering? (why is something sacred being performed like an occultic ritual, cognitive bias prevents Christians from noticing weird things like this)

It always feels like the religion was infiltrated and the bible rewritten in a manner to deface "God's word", because its really weird that a blood sacrifice (like its witch craft) was required for an ALL POWERFUL GOD to MERELY FORGIVE

@your personality
I've made so many threads refuting the logic of Christians I'm pretty much tired of it tbh, once you are this indoctrinated there's really no helping you, in the same way that some of us have to learn the hard way about the black pill and get it forced down our throats by real life experience, religious incels have to have to same thing happen to them with respect to religion, religion is the ultimate blue pill though so its always ironic that they are willing to reject a "minor blue pill" like "looks matters more than personality", that's a lot easier pill to swallow than "nothing has meaning, "evil" will never be punished and "good" will never be rewarded"

Ever think you have it reversed, maybe the reason people like you don't want to reject the concept of God is because it would destroy your entire world, because you are all waiting for some "pay back", the day when all your bullies get whats coming, all the women that rejected you and were whores face eternal punishment while you go on to eternal bliss

But that's not going to happen, you are more likely to go to hell than they are
just like someone who accepts Christ and the sacrifice He made for their sins will still be saved no matter how much they sin or lack good works.
@Billowel I'd like to hear your thoughts on this particular thing
@Billowel I'd like to hear your thoughts on this particular thing
protestant heresy.This is much in the same vein,as a cheating wife who claims to love her husband but then cheats on him as soon as she gets a chance.I felt weak 'honey'.The holy catholic church has told man time and time again that christ will never in any circumstance put the person in a situation where he must of necessity sin.This, 'i don't need to do good works is pure heresy'.If you love god then you must love his goodness.to do good is what god wants every man to do.To say that there is no need to so such a thing is nonsense.Christ isn't some random guy you meet on the street.christ is god and everything that is perfect is contained in god.

to do evil is to go against christ(for christ is goodness itself),so by no doing good works you are going against christ.to go against your creator,redeemer and god is pure heresy.

Now,a man could feel guilty about committing sin even while he is doing sin.the man doesn't want to commit the sin but feels he is too weak to not do it.This is also another way to reject god,for you are calling god powerless in the face of sin.

Now god is merciful and with true feelings of repentance,god shall leads us to him.So one should never despair as long he fully trusts in christ.
protestant heresy.This is much in the same vein,as a cheating wife who claims to love her husband but then cheats on him as soon as she gets a chance.I felt weak 'honey'.The holy catholic church has told man time and time again that christ will never in any circumstance put the person in a situation where he must of necessity sin.This, 'i don't need to do good works is pure heresy'.If you love god then you must love his goodness.to do good is what god wants every man to do.To say that there is no need to so such a thing is nonsense.Christ isn't some random guy you meet on the street.christ is god and everything that is perfect is contained in god.

to do evil is to go against christ(for christ is goodness itself),so by no doing good works you are going against christ.to go against your creator,redeemer and god is pure heresy.

Now,a man could feel guilty about committing sin even while he is doing sin.the man doesn't want to commit the sin but feels he is too weak to not do it.This is also another way to reject god,for you are calling god powerless in the face of sin.

Now god is merciful and with true feelings of repentance,god shall leads us to him.So one should never despair as long he fully trusts in christ.
Yeah. It sounds like the kind of cope a sinner would use to absolve himself of the evil of his ways. Forgiveness is upto god, but isn't it our duty to do right by him? Does all it take is a token of faith to justify walking on the path of the black sheep? I personally feel not in tune with such a doctrine.

If God gave us free will, he also gave us the power to chose to do the right thing. Yes, everyone sins now and again. But what salvation is possible if a man couldn't rise above his sins. And frankly a god of such doctrine is not worthy of acknowledgement.
protestant heresy.This is much in the same vein,as a cheating wife who claims to love her husband but then cheats on him as soon as she gets a chance.I felt weak 'honey'.The holy catholic church has told man time and time again that christ will never in any circumstance put the person in a situation where he must of necessity sin.This, 'i don't need to do good works is pure heresy'.If you love god then you must love his goodness.to do good is what god wants every man to do.To say that there is no need to so such a thing is nonsense.Christ isn't some random guy you meet on the street.christ is god and everything that is perfect is contained in god.

to do evil is to go against christ(for christ is goodness itself),so by no doing good works you are going against christ.to go against your creator,redeemer and god is pure heresy.

Now,a man could feel guilty about committing sin even while he is doing sin.the man doesn't want to commit the sin but feels he is too weak to not do it.This is also another way to reject god,for you are calling god powerless in the face of sin.

Now god is merciful and with true feelings of repentance,god shall leads us to him.So one should never despair as long he fully trusts in christ.
Yeah. It sounds like the kind of cope a sinner would use to absolve himself of the evil of his ways. Forgiveness is upto god, but isn't it our duty to do right by him? Does all it take is a token of faith to justify walking on the path of the black sheep? I personally feel not in tune with such a doctrine.

If God gave us free will, he also gave us the power to chose to do the right thing. Yes, everyone sins now and again. But what salvation is possible if a man couldn't rise above his sins. And frankly a god of such doctrine is not worthy of acknowledgement.
Everyone who believes and trusts in the sacrifice Jesus did on the cross HAS eternal life now (John 3:16-18) and is sealed in the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). Carnal Christians will all be saved (1st Corinthians 5).

Making people doubt their salvation because of their works or sins only generates apostasy or self-righteous hypocrisy since no one can stop sinning (Romans 3, 1st John 1:8).

With all that said, yeah, we must try our best to cleanse our lives from sin. Sin is something very serious and no one has God's licence to sin. Our good works will be rewarded in the judgement of Christ (1st Corinthians, forgot the chapter).
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Yay another low IQ Religious thread.
Yeah. It sounds like the kind of cope a sinner would use to absolve himself of the evil of his ways. Forgiveness is upto god, but isn't it our duty to do right by him? Does all it take is a token of faith to justify walking on the path of the black sheep? I personally feel not in tune with such a doctrine.

If God gave us free will, he also gave us the power to chose to do the right thing. Yes, everyone sins now and again. But what salvation is possible if a man couldn't rise above his sins. And frankly a god of such doctrine is not worthy of acknowledgement.
one should note that we only conquer sin because god gives us the power to do so.In other words,it's not humankind conquering sin,but god mercifulness displayed by empowering us with all that is necessary to withstand sin.All that man needs to do is to give our souls to christ.it's the doctor that takes care of the patient,not the other way around.We are took weak in power,but god himself empowers man,so we need not worry about being too weak or something of the sort.

Everyone who believes and trusts in the sacrifice Jesus did on the cross HAS eternal life now (John 3:16-18) and is sealed in the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). Carnal Christians will all be saved (1st Corinthians 5).

Making people doubt their salvation because of their works or sins only generates apostasy or self-righteous hypocrisy since no one can stop sinning (Romans 3, 1st John 1:8).

With all that said, yeah, we must try our best to cleanse our lives from sin. Sin is something very serious and no one has God's licence to sin. Our good works will be rewarded in the judgement of Christ (1st Corinthians, forgot the chapter).
i know these discussions can be rather long,and i now want to read and watch a few things,so we can have this discussion later if you don't mind.
Accepting religion like Christianity means that foids will remind you that you can't be hateful against them or criticize them because it's against the will of god.
Women are literally told to be silent and submissive to their husbands in the bible. Christianity is patriarchal by nature.
I'm not even Christian, but the lack of religion in our society is part of the downfall and corelates with the rise of female hypergamy.
Christianity == cucked goy coping.
Didn't read but just on topic name alone: massive cope. Accepting bluepill is the same as accepting cucktianity, both are copes not backed by evidence and destroyed when put to test (especially logically).
High iq
i dont believe in a magic man in the sky

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