There are too many unserious people. Among those aware that there's no political solution and - at least ostensibly - willing to take radical action, there are unfortunately many people who are pure degenerates. And amongst those who are more knowledgeable, there are unfortunately many who are delusional and think there's still hope to "redpill the normies" and choose to spend time mentally masturbating about how society will be run after a white victory rather than how such a victory should even be achieved.
I've noticed a lot of parallels to radical Islam, tbh. Much of the militants who go overseas to fight for groups like ISIS to apparently don't even take Islam all that seriously and are just looking for a cause to fight and die for. Meanwhile, the big name Islamic scholars and the like are focused on proselytizing in secular nations, not understanding that Pisslam will just get liberalized and feminized overtime like Christianity did.