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"Stop wallowing in your insecurities"



Nov 15, 2017
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]Ok, right. I'm listening. But here's something I've noticed. [/font][/size]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]Chads never have insecurities[/font][/size]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]I've never seen a single insecure Chad in my entire life. I've never seen a Chad develop insecurities. I've never seen a Chad trying to fix his insecurities. [/font][/size]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]Heck, I've not even seen a single shy Chad in my entire life. When there is a boisterous, high-energy dude around pursuing (and getting) women, it's always a handsome, tall jock. It's never an ugly dwarf with a great personality. A little strange isn't it. Why wouldn't the ugly dwarf simply "stop wallowing" and "develop some confidence"? Why doesn't the ugly dwarf simply imitate Chad? What is he waiting for? [/font][/size]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]Why is it that the only people who get accused of "wallowing" on the internet are always ugly or short men? [/font][/size]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]I have a crazy hypothesis: maybe insecurity is caused by an actual problem and not your imagination? 

If you feel insecure about your financial future, maybe that's because you're actually broke, and you should start saving up?

If you feel insecure about being killed by a bear in your wood cabin, maybe that's because there are actually bears roaming around? 

If you feel insecure about your looks, maybe that's because you're actually, objectively, physically repulsive, and you know your chances of success are too low to warrant making the effort? 

Wow... Mind-blowing stuff I've just discovered.
RE: "Stop wallowing in your insecurities."

The problem is that there's way too many bitchy prima donas who feign insecurity in order to garner sympathy. And unfortunately those of us with legitimate, well grounded insecurities get lumped in with them and dismissed.
RE: "Stop wallowing in your insecurities."

NegroKing said:
The problem is that there's way too many bitchy prima donas who feign insecurity in order to garner sympathy. And unfortunately those of us with legitimate, well grounded insecurities get lumped in with them and dismissed.

Yeah, mentalcels and attention whoring do a lot of damage to actual deformed people.
RE: "Stop wallowing in your insecurities."

Fontaine said:
Yeah, mentalcels and attention whoring do a lot of damage to actual deformed people.

Yeah but I think that legit mentalcels are just as screwed as we are. I mean autism and serious psychiatric issues from trauma are also serious causes for insecurity(and inceldom). The problem is those people who don't have mental issues but claim they do.
RE: "Stop wallowing in your insecurities."

That's the thing, nobody ever stops to ask why we have these insecurities in the first place.

We didn't wake up one morning and say "Wow, I'm hideous!" or "No girl will ever date me!" We were taught to be insecure through our interactions with people. We were constantly bullied, rejected, and made to feel unwanted and inferior since we were very young; that doesn't just go away.
RE: "Stop wallowing in your insecurities."

Minjaze said:
That's the thing, nobody ever stops to ask why we have these insecurities in the first place.
We didn't wake up one morning and say "Wow, I'm hideous!" or "No girl will ever date me!" We were taught to be insecure through our interactions with people. We were constantly bullied, rejected, and made to feel unwanted and inferior since we were very young; that doesn't just go away.

Normies and bluepill therapists will deny that the roots of your insecurities are looks-based bullying / rejections.

Once I've even had a therapist who tried to explain the insecurities I felt about my body were due to how my parents raised me, lol. I'm pretty sure it had more to do with the humiliations I suffered in middle school.
Insecurity is a sign of self awareness. If you are insecure then your brain understands there is something fundamentally wrong with you.
incelman said:
Insecurity is a sign of self awareness. If you are insecure then your brain understands there is something fundamentally wrong with you.

This. Being insecure is a survival mechanism inherited from Evolution.

In the distant past, making a bold sexual or social move while too ugly/weak/sick to be able to challenge the alpha ape could have gotten you ripped apart.

That's where insecurity comes from. That's why everybody, still to this day, is self-conscious about his body.
Fontaine said:
This. Being insecure is a survival mechanism inherited from Evolution.

In the distant past, making a bold sexual or social move while too ugly/weak/sick to be able to challenge the alpha ape could have gotten you ripped apart.

That's where insecurity comes from. That's why everybody, still to this day, is self-conscious about his body.

If you have doubts about the way you look then you can be sure that they are there for a good reason.
It is impossible to be confident and ugly without status or money.
Blackpill101 said:
It is impossible to be confident and ugly without status or money.

It is, if you're delusional or have extremely high baseline serotonin/dopamin. But your success rate will be abysmal.
It's only possible for me to forget about my insecurities for very short amounts of time, usually a week to 10 days tops. And it's very sporadic, I go months feeling like shit.

One trick to help if you feel ugly is to just forget about your face. I mean you aren't your face, or your foot, or your eyes, you get the idea. 

I treat everyone exactly the same regardless of their looks, so I try to remember that there are people that do the same.

Like I said this only works for a short time and I don't see how I'll ever feel "normal" permanently.
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=small]Heck, I've not even seen a single shy Chad in my entire life. When there is a boisterous, high-energy dude around pursuing (and getting) women, it's always a handsome, tall jock. It's never an ugly dwarf with a great personality. A little strange isn't it. Why wouldn't the ugly dwarf simply "stop wallowing" and "develop some confidence"? Why doesn't the ugly dwarf simply imitate Chad? What is he waiting for? [/font][/size]

Disregard it for now.




@Crustaciouse @ATOMIC ACE PUGG MADE! The complete version xD

I feel like " he wasn't truely nice" is a no true scotsman fallacy.

I mean they can easily say that if a genuinely ugly nice guy is not getting laid, then he is not "Truly a nice guy".

A true nice guys is someone who is nice and gets laid. If you are nice and you don't get laid then you are not truly nice because there is no way a truly nice guy won't get sex.

these guys are full of fallacies

Meh this is about as what I was expecting.
No real surprises there.
These people still have leagues better lives than us,so all that hamstering is simply to preserve their privilege.


This one for me takes the cake.
The amount of cringe that I feel caused by his low value and bad looks,combined with utter lack of any semibalance of logic or even rational thought makes me feel outwordly.

"I have no social skills yet I've been told I'm attractive, therefore social skills are more important than physical appearance when it comes to attraction"

How does this even make sense? Doesn't that prove that looks are what matter instead of social skills?
Also, shyness/awkwardness/quirkiness is considered desirable if you're female.

great post fellow BRACEL

Here, let me do it. Btw I haven't seen her, or anyone ever, citing "science" that contradicts what incels say.

> Height
"From a genetic perspective height is an important signal of good genes. Taller men have been found to live longer than their shorter counter parts. This powerful combination of social and genetic advantages for the children of taller men provides a strong basis for expecting positive sexual selection pressure for height in humans. Sexual selection for height has been well documented in a host of cultures. This female preference for taller mates can also be observed across a range of cultures further supporting the hypothesis that it is an evolved psychological trait. This preference has ramifications in the quality and quantity of mates a male might have as well. Taller men are found to have ―prettier girlfriends, as defined by feminine characteristics such as desirable hip-to-waist ratios and skin quality. Taller men also have more long term and short term mates and have sex at earlier ages and later into life. Women’s preference for tall mates also increases during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, when the probability of conception is greatest, which also argues for the adaptive origin of this preference."

> Facial attractiveness

That is wishful thinking.

"Being more or less attractive has important social consequences and people do generally agree on who is and who is not attractive. Beauty is not just a simple social construct—attractiveness appears to be ingrained in our biology."

"What makes a face attractive and why do we have the preferences we do? Emergence of preferences early in development and cross-cultural agreement on attractiveness challenge a long-held view that our preferences reflect arbitrary standards of beauty set by cultures. Averageness, symmetry, and sexual dimorphism are good candidates for biologically based standards of beauty. A critical review and meta-analyses indicate that all three are attractive in both male and female faces and across cultures. "

Literally the next sentence:

Wait, stereotipically "good-looking"? I tought what is considered good looking varies greatly.

And yes, they do:
"Face preferences affect a diverse range of critical social outcomes, from mate choices and decisions about platonic relationships to hiring decisions and decisions about social exchange. Firstly, we review the facial characteristics that influence attractiveness judgements of faces (e.g. symmetry, sexually dimorphic shape cues, averageness, skin colour/texture and cues to personality) and then review several important sources of individual differences in face preferences (e.g. hormone levels and fertility, own attractiveness and personality, visual experience, familiarity and imprinting, social learning). The research relating to these issues highlights flexible, sophisticated systems that support and promote adaptive responses to faces that appear to function to maximize the benefits of both our mate choices and more general decisions about other types of social partners."

Especially for men, for women it doesn't even matter:
"For men, the results show that being unattractive decreases the likelihood of finding a partner, of finding a partner with a university degree, and of finding a partner with a higher educational level. For women, physical attractiveness does not affect the likelihood of any of those events occurring."

"It was proposed that an individual would most often expect to date, would try to date, and would like a partner of approximately his own social desirability. In brief, we attempted to apply level of aspiration theory to choice of social goals. A field study was conducted in which individuals were randomly paired with one another at a "Computer Dance." Level of aspiration hypotheses were not confirmed. Regardless of S's own attractiveness, by far the largest determinant of how much his partner was liked, how much he wanted to date the partner again, and how often he actually asked the partner out was simply how attractive the partner was. Personality measures such as the MMPI, the Minnesota Counseling Inventory, and Berger's Scale of Self- Acceptance and intellectual measures such as the Minnesota Scholastic Aptitude Test, and high school percentile rank did not predict couple compatability. The only important determinant of S's liking for his date was the date's physical attractiveness."

"The multiple motive hypothesis of physical attractiveness suggests that women are attracted to men whose appearances elicit their nurturant feelings, who appear to possess sexual maturity and dominance characteristics, who seem sociable, approachable, and of high social status. Those multiple motives may cause people to be attracted to individuals who display an optimal combination of neotenous, mature, and expressive facial features, plus desirable grooming attributes. Three quasi-experiments demonstrated that men who possessed the neotenous features of large eyes, the mature features of prominent cheekbones and a large chin, the expressive feature of a big smile, and high-status clothing were seen as more attractive than other men. Further supporting the multiple motive hypothesis, the 2nd and 3rd studies indicated that impressions of attractiveness had strong relations with selections of men to date and to marry but had a curvilinear relation with perceptions of a baby face vs a mature face."

"Maybe 80 percent of women reproduced, whereas only 40 percent of men did."

"Once upon a time, 4,000 to 8,000 years after humanity invented agriculture, something very strange happened to human reproduction. Across the globe, for every 17 women who were reproducing, passing on genes that are still around today—only one man did the same."

I don't think there are any academic sources on that because how would you measure how easy it is for you to get laid? If you want to see how easy it is for women to get laid just take a look at one of a hundred Tinder experiments all with the same result.

A pathologicla liar tbh. She lied several times

1."I don't believe in zodia signs. " few minutes later "I always read about zodiac sings because they are legit"

2. "I hate it when my friends talk about dating" . One date later "After we went out for first time I discussed you with my friends"

3. "I thought your friendzoned me. I thought you didn't like me. Why didn't you make a move earlier?" . On the next date: "Why didn't you make a move earlier so that I could reject you earlier"?

4. "I told my friends that you didn't like me" . Next date: "I told my friends I didn't like you"

5. "I won't graduate in time" . She is actually graduating in time.


It this guy getting cucked? That girl looks too dark to be his kid. And lol at the delusional roastie calling her betabux a chad.


Aspie John was a 5'2 ethnic male from Brew City. He had previously lived with mother, though the two experienced a sudden cessation of government benefits upon Aspie John reaching adulthood. His mother, disgusted by her autistic and chronically anxious son, informed him that he was to leave upon reaching adulthood, so Aspie John left his home when the time for moving came. He boarded a bus and traveled for several hours to another country, during which an elderly Sicilian woman criticized him for sitting near her(This woman later pointed to him and started denigrating him with a friend as he exited the bus).

Aspie John first slept in Target bathrooms. Then, after encountering security, Aspie John slept on benches outside. He had little money and bought bananas with coins he had available, resulting in a bundle of bananas he had, which he disposed of after another male spat on him while he was sitting on a bench. He awoke one morning, and a passing couple looked at Aspie John and responded with "Don't do that" as he attempted to greet them. He spent his mornings walking to the nearby Target restroom so he could clean his body. Aspie John would ignore the other homeless males doing similar acts as well as the masked Target employees cleaning.

Aspie John visited a local church for their shelter connection system(During this time, another male started hitting his head while he was napping on a bench covered with his coat) and started staying at a local Christian shelter, though he soon left due to rodents and shared sleeping spaces. As he was sitting outside on one occasion, a car of staff members drove by and noticed his presence. They remarked "I was wondering why I didn't see him at the shelter" while laughing. He was also kicked out of the shelter after being promised space. A female passerby noted "He must be living on the streets" at this time. A day later, Aspie John is waiting on a local train platform when a tall White male approaches him and, angry at Aspie John's inability to greet him, tells him, "Sup Nigguh. You make all the fat girls faint. Keep your shirt on".

Aspie John was visiting the shelter connection room daily, when he was told of an opening in a local youth shelter. This shelter was in the Northern part of his new country, so Aspie John called the shelter and prepared for travel. He was given a bus token, and boarded the 5B Metro Transit bus to his new shelter. He waited outside and was let in at 6:00 PM for entry. His new case manager referred him to an emergency bed, and then moved him into a single-person room the next day. His new case manager, Tall White Germanic, informed the other youth of his ASD affliction.

Thus, Aspie John spent several days adjusting to the new shelter, when he met a tall Black male named Aaron. Aaron started smirking at Aspie John and laughing at him with his friends. As Aspie John was cleaning himself one morning, Aaron's roommate opened the door and witnessed Aspie John's naked body. He then quickly left and Aaron came into the bathroom, laughing and taking pictures of his naked body("Aspie John is small!").

After two weeks, Aaron and his shelter friends started sitting outside of Aspie John's room door each night, playing very loud "Rap" music. They would also throw dice at his door and speak about it loudly("I rolled a six!").

Aspie John started leaving the shelter every other day to sit outside(Often with bags of food as his only meal for the day). While inside, he'd focus on preparing to move into a local apartment using the country's GRH fund and would visit freelancing sites for relief from his situation.

Aspie John was, by this point, spending most of his time in his commune room, sitting on commune computers, or simply sitting outside to eat with food bags he prepared. He was too anxious and weak to visit the downstairs kitchen often since the other youth would snicker and move away from him. He started fantasizing about the different recipes he would make after he had moved into an apartment. He was too disabled to attend job interviews despite his resume.

One night, Aspie John slept in his shelter room earlier than usual during the winter. He started sleep-talking about sexual fantasies he had since childhood, resulting in the shelter males standing outside his door laughing. This woke up Aspie John and caused him to curl into a ball, sweating and covered with fluids. Another shelter male quickly reported Aspie John and said "Aspie John's getting kicked out". Aspie John spent the next few days in his room as males would walk past and laugh at him(The males would make statements such as "Damn baby!", "Oh!", "You don't like women riding?"). The male who reported him said, "Looks like we have a mouse in the house"(Aspie John would wrap a belt and blanket around himself to control his sexual behavior).

On the day Aspie John left, foids and males started gossiping about him, snickering and laughing. He carried a large bag into sleet around 9:00 PM and traveled to a bus for travel.

WIN 20230309 05 09 54 Pro

WIN 20230309 05 10 28 Pro

View: https://youtu.be/ItiE4fWQhBE?t=60

hilarious. i loved the part where you gave me suicide fuel
lol living as incel in Fucking must be suicide fuel
That's how it happens. Sex on the first date or rot
They are sluts for chad but behave like virgins when it comes to me
The bit about inceltears cucks is so true. They're all incel and don't want to swallow the blackpill. They are fat shits, even more loser than us, they are retarded.
The way it's pronounced, since it rhymes with "booking", it must be "fooking". And I imagine that's how Canadians would say it.

Damn the 4th one though...

lowkey gay thread
How can I not feel insecure when my life is awful?

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