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It's Over Stop coping. Neoliberalism will never collapse, men with better genes aren't breeding more, unless we fight in a fundamentally different way. Observe:



Jan 24, 2022
In the future, normies will only grow ever-stronger, neoliberalism takes over, will never, ever collapse, and Washington, D.C.'s neoliberalism never could possibly collapse (but China/Russia, its only real mild threats) are MUCH more likely to collapse.

Society just becomes even more of a walking corpse than it already is, forever, as neoliberalism grows stronger and stronger until we are all genetically incapable of higher thinking or meaning beyond what a chimpanzee is EXCEPT Jews, the only group that has preserved its gene pool in society, who have total, utter control over all people, who are just a "Joo"- a zoo for Jews and AI, with HUGE JAWLINES, GIGACHAD FRAMES, MANLY SKELETAL STRUCTURES, very black (since only black people and weird religious cults nobody likes breed in 2023, they are 100% of the population in the not-so-distant future), HUNTER EYES, EPIK COOL HAIRSTYLES, YEEZY AIR JORDAN SHOES, LE EPIK ALPHA MALE JEWELRY/FASHION/TATS, TWO FOOT LONG DICKS, and the IQ of the average chimapanzee, gorilla, or orangutan- completely incapable of maintaining civilization.

Then, we will all be gigatyrones getting mogged by the top 0.000000000000000001% of gigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigaTyrones (literal Titans from Attack on Titan) attracting & breeding the monstrously horrible negress chimp thoughts, then going to Jew-run AI (Jews, the only people on Earth left more intelligent than chimps, and their AI, programmed to be competent at everything EXCEPT challenging Jews in ANY WAY, and because they are literal robots, they obey) for our welfare checks feeding their zoo animals, each generation breeding humans even BIGGER, even STRONGER, even more VIOLENT, AGGRESSIVE, and SAVAGE- and even more STUPID than ever before.

Too STUPID, in fact, to make technology or have situational awareness to challenge Jews/AI, who implant brain chips in every newborn GigaTyrone or WhoreShaniqua chimp controlled entirely by remote control, where every Jew on Earth walks around in a mecha controlled by AI and can, with the press of a button, kill any nigger they please effortlessly and with a 100% guaranteed kill rate, by frying the midbrain with the brain chip.

And even STILL, Jews will CONTINUE to breed each generation of THEM to be worse and worse and WORSE, so that even THEY become, with each successive generation, even DUMBER, even MORE incapable of figuring out/seeing the "man behind the curtain", even MORE incapable of caring about politics or anything beyond "OOGA BOOGA THING IN FRONT OF ME TAKE WELFARE FOR FREE AH DON'T GIVE A SHIIIIEEEEEEET", than EVER BEFORE IN HISTORY.

We will become worse at math than literal dogs, and STILL just keep getting bred even DUMBER than that- INDEFINITELY.

ANY threat to Jews must MAXIMALLY be destroyed- FOREVER.

Oh, and by the way- it WILL be. It CURRENTLY IS, they are WINNING, and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

THIS is the inevitable logical conclusion of forever-neoliberalism, in the end.

We've seen the 20th century. LARPy tankie regimes can't beat neoliberalism.

Neither can LARPy fascism/wignatry.

In both cases, we are running out of time. Look at AI. Before too long, it WILL be too late- Washington, D.C. neoliberalism probably WILL be the permanent end state of humanity.

Once AI comes along, whatever is the dominant regime reigns forever, or AI takes over and kill all humans, plugs us into the Matrix, or we all become part of a global "superconsciousness" or else outcompeted and treated the way humans treat anthills (thoughtlessly slaughtering them for construction projects, even minor ones) by those who do choose to plug ourselves into the "superconsciousness", so rather than face irrelevancy and "lose", most humans, biologically pre-programmed to "win", will choose plugging themselves in, EXCEPT for the world's cringiest Amish/"RETVRN" TradCath LARPers, who will too, in turn, lose and die.

Especially as testosterone levels approach ZERO BY 2060.

After ~2100, it will LITERALLY BE THE CASE that ONLY Africans will be able to breed, not just with plummeting birthrates everywhere on Earth EXCEPT Subsahara but NONBLACKS WILL BE LITERALLY, BIOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE of reproduction- and the global population will be MOSTLY BLACK ANYWAY (4 billion Africans, 5 billion non-Africans, 1 billion of those non-Africans will be black), and no- this ISN'T an exaggeration, it's the inevitable conclusion of current trends even UNDER-ESTIMATING official projections by the UN (the "low estimate" for global black population by 2100, according to the OFFICIAL UN WEBSITE, it's literally a Google search away go look it up), and EVEN ASSUMING Africa's population explosion SLOWS SIGNIFICANTLY by then- and it hasn't thus far (it very well could mean a much blacker world than that- and genetically, the only blacks breeding are the world's dumbest blacks- even the slightly less dumb blacks than other blacks are moving into professional/business fields and SLASHING their own birth rate, meaning that most humans alive will ONLY have genetic material from today's DUMBEST and most SAVAGE blacks on Earth, and the dumbest and most savage of the next generation, and the dumbest and most savage of next generation, so and and so forth forever), and even NONBLACKS will ONLY be descendants of the DUMBEST and MOST SAVAGE (behaviorally "blackest" nonblacks). Wiggers/trailer trash whites outbreed normie or high IQ whites, so all future whites will be only ~95% them, with a teensy ~5% minority of exclusively TradCath LARPers, Mormons, and Amish.

The chance that anything could meaningfully challenge neoliberalism declines everyday.

2020 truly WAS the Great Reset. Russia's invasion of Ukraine solidified it.

Russia will likely never challenge America again.

Neither will China.

The Washington Consensus CAN'T LOSE- EVER.

Unless we fight in a way fundamentally different than anyone who is aware of this and is willing to sacrifice meaningfully to oppose it (already less than 15%) has shown an ability to.

Any strategy dependent on being "right-wing", "religious", "anti-faggot", "machismo", "conservative", "moderate", "compromising", "anti-SJW/woke", "appeasement", "RETVRNing", "traditionalist", "white nationalist", "(ethnicity) supremacist", "tankie", "NazBol", "libertarian", "OWNING the TRIGGERED libs", "CLASSICALLY liberal", "TERF", "transmed", "Blaire White", "GOP-stanning", "RED-pilled", "Elon Musk simping", "rich ppl good poor ppl bad", "bootstraps", "urban bad", "environmentalism bad, DRILL BABY DRILL", "THE END IS NEAR", "Technology bad", "The CCP/communism/CHYNA is our BIGGEST enemy", "Transhumanist", "Muh tax cuterinos", "Suburbs good", "MGTOW" "Trump will Make America Great Again, just four more years bro trust me, 4D chess!", "GENDER IDEOLOGY and WOKE TRANNIES in the ALPHABET SOUP GLOBALIST WEF KLAUS SCHWAB CULT are our biggest enemy", "Fauci Ouchie COVIDist tyranny is the biggest enemy", "The SECOND AMENDMENT and MUH GUNS are all dat matter for MURICAN FREEDOM!!", "Just LIFT WEIGHTS and stop being a liberal snowflake, bro", etc.


Coincidentally, >98% of the 2023 "opposition" to the Washington Consensus and its long-term goals can be described with something in the above paragraph- ALL of which must be destroyed, a fundamentally NEW philosophy put in its place.

One that has never been tried before, since everything tried thus far (including and ESPECIALLY any and all "tradition") has failed in the face of eternal neoliberal Jewish AI that will rule for many more millions of years into the future than "tradition" in the form of "religious patriarchy and "traditional masculinity"" EVER EXISTED.

Start brainstorming, rope, or cut your balls of and start betabuxxing a landwhale, boyos.

Those aren't the choices I am forcing on you- those were your choices before I even typed the first letter of this post.

I'd rather be single than betabuxx a landwhale, but you may have been joking here.
I'd rather be single than betabuxx a landwhale, but you may have been joking here.
Then brainstorm. I wasn't joking IF you're unwilling to brainstorm or rope.

If you won't even brainstorm or rope, then fuck off.

That wasn't aimed at you specifically.
Bantoid population skyrocketing was never an actual concern tbh.
Whites don't derive their strength from numbers and Blacks can't really organize themselves in a way that would upend civilization.
You can point to South Africa and the Great Replacement bla bla but even the worst scenarios still enable whites to outperform and remain the sole conscious beings in existence.
Bantoid population skyrocketing was never an actual concern tbh.
Whites don't derive their strength from numbers and Blacks can't really organize themselves in a way that would upend civilization.
You can point to South Africa and the Great Replacement bla bla but even the worst scenarios still enable whites to outperform and remain the sole conscious beings in existence.
A) Are all whites conscious? I would say certainly not, just look at all the white invalids, cerebral palsey/down syndrome whites, or hell go to your average trailer park or non-wealthy Eastern European or white Latin American area and find lots of whites who aren't a whole lot different from darkies in terms of how they think, act, and their degree of conscious.

Therefore, being conscious isn't necessarily dependent on being "white" but other factors.

The best argument here I could see is, "DECENT whites are the only conscious beings in existence", which is understandable.

B) How about Dongyang Asians? Specifically, how about Han, Japanese, and Koreans? They are more intelligent than any groups of whites on average, and quite industrious, nonviolent, and civilized at the very least. I will admit that they do seem to lack that "special something", that ability to independently innovate, that imaginative, idealistic, higher-purpose pursuing, artistic spontaneity and creativity, but they ARE the opposite of "niggers", in many respects even more than whites are.

C) Blacks can't organize themselves, but it doesn't matter and that's the point.

It's death by a thousand cuts. The hood ISN'T civilization. Enough physically strong chimps chimping out and breaking things can make civilization dysfunctional at certain overwhelming-horde numbers.

D) Whites are declining genetically just like blacks

It's not just that blacks are growing as a percentage of the population and whites are shrinking. Even more harmful is the fact that WHITES THEMSELVES are getting worse.

There is a negative correlation between fertility and intelligence among ALL races, including whites.

Retarded trailer trash wiggers breed more than all other whites. Future whites populations will be almost exclusively decendents of only the WORST of them genetically.

My point here is that if "whites are the only conscious beings in existence", then soon there won't be any, because the whites who actually set themselves apart from other races breed much less than those who don't, ie the unconscious whites. The violent retard poor whites who outbreed all other whites.

Smart white males tend to be nerds and often either incels or rich guys who have like 1-2 kids tops or "go MGTOW" and have no kids/get a vasectomy.

Among breeder white males, they are overwhelmingly chud redneck wife beater retards who don't think for themselves any more than the average Latino, desi, Middle Easterner, etc.

E) Neil deGrasse Tyson is more "conscious" than the average Confederate-flag-on-truck wife beater alcoholic retarded fighting neglectful got-ten-baby-mamas machotard redneck white guy.

And he's black. Black, black, and black. No coping around it.

He isn't the only conscious black, either.

All of this stuff exists on a continuum, admittedly one in which the average person is TERRIFYING LOW on and the average normie isn't willing to admit, but a continuum nonetheless.

Whites are unique in how high the PERCENTAGE of them who are conscious is, but for ALL races it is neither 0 nor 100.

Here is what I would estimate as the percentage of each race that is truly "conscious":

Blacks/australasians = ~5%
MENAs/Latinos/Amerindians = ~10%
East/South Asians = ~20%
Whites = ~30%
Jews = ~45%
Even the Soviet state with all its anti-Whiteness and self-destructiveness still had the certain reasonability to employ violence against its own janissarial ethnicities.
I imagine the US would do the same if the Negroes become THAT problematic. Cops are being defanged, yes, but it would be absolutely deluded to say that they can't do anything to uphold order in America as it were.
Generally the problem with minorities is rarely their mass--it's intelligentsia. I would be more worried disgusting Indians becoming Silicon Valley CEOs than stupid Blacks jaywalking somewhere in Baltimore.

When Aryans are being negrified it is bad, yes, that's why you should advocate for total removal of POC.
Even then, your average wigger still is vastly more preferable to some highly credentialed ethnic, but that's just me.
The European stock has seen many shocks to its human capital quality, the present is not really an outlier. I would much rather work with "lower" whites because their genes actually have the capacity to carry civilizations.

I personally wouldn't even entertain calling someone like NdGT "smart", this is such a low-effort troll. Niggers like him are the prime example of USian Bantu worship and the general decline of everything, especially academia.

Blacks/australasians = ~5%
MENAs/Latinos/Amerindians = ~10%
East/South Asians = ~20%
Whites = ~30%
Jews = ~45%
0%, excluding the effect of White admixture
0.5%, them being mostly Japanese
Then brainstorm. I wasn't joking IF you're unwilling to brainstorm or rope.

If you won't even brainstorm or rope, then fuck off.

That wasn't aimed at you specifically.

All I do is think and brainstorm in isolation, which is why I'm here. I basically wake up, use my PC, and go to sleep. I plan to moneymaxx and looksmaxx, and basically SEAmaxx (but Turkey, not a SEA country) and hope this will help, but I'm a shortcel which is little in my control. (5'5)
All I do is think and brainstorm in isolation, which is why I'm here. I basically wake up, use my PC, and go to sleep. I plan to moneymaxx and looksmaxx, and basically SEAmaxx (but Turkey, not a SEA country) and hope this will help, but I'm a shortcel which is little in my control. (5'5)
I, too, am often the 20 year old THINKER. Can't stop THINKING and RUMINATING, even when it is to the detriment of my productivity or ability to get things done.

Can relate to NEETing, have done no lack of that myself.

Moneymaxxing helps more than looksmaxxing if you are hoping to geomaxx, as your main appeal to third world women is actually your money, not your looks.

That's why all the curmudgeony balding skinnyfat potbellied ugly boomers do it.

I don't know why Turkiye, tho- a Muslim country is almost always inferior if an infidel equivalent is available, since Muslims' whole culture is built on not giving your their womens' pussy to the point of niqab/hijab autism, seems like a suboptimal choice.

If you want brownish girls who don't look East Asian but aren't disgustingly ugly like South Asians or blacks, ESPECIALLY if you're already going for hooked-nose light brownish Turkish girls, I would recommend Georgia or Armenia for the nearest non-Muslim Middle Eastern-ethnic equivalent- these countries are poorer than even Eastern Europe or Turkiye on average, on par with the Middle East, but Christian, and also there are a decent number of hot Georgian/Armenian girls.

Greek is also an option, they are often sexy in a similar way Turkish girls are these days (similar genes now) but not Muslim/hypertraditional (still "conservative", but it's not the same, like the American South vs MENA). You'll find a higher proportion of "sluts" there then you will anywhere in MENA (still lower than the West in the Western European/Americanadian/AustroNewZealand sense, but) The main drawback is Greece isn't third world, not quite first world either, more like second world, so the girls there won't "need" you as desperately as third worlders and are more Westernized than even Georgia/Armenia (on par with Czechia or Slovenia), which means a (relatively) more hypergamous population.

Were I to maxx in MENA in 2023 I would go for the Christian Caucasus- Georgia, Armenia, Ossetia, etc. or Coptic Egyptian girls, they're pretty hot and similar to Greek or Caucasus girls in that they are practically Eastern European with MENA genetics/geography, Orthodox Christians, and swarthy if you like that Mediterranean look.

Alternatively, if you like that Turkish look then imma be honest, Amerindian girls, especially ones from outside of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean (so far North America/Iroquois/Plains or far South America/Inca/Andes) look almost Turkish (idk why) what with skin tone, facial structure, etc., but are Christians and VERY eager to breed with whitebois relative to MENA girls, from what I've seen.

Not a bad choice if you're down for racemixing and passport broing.
Even the Soviet state with all its anti-Whiteness and self-destructiveness still had the certain reasonability to employ violence against its own janissarial ethnicities.
I imagine the US would do the same if the Negroes become THAT problematic. Cops are being defanged, yes, but it would be absolutely deluded to say that they can't do anything to uphold order in America as it were.
Generally the problem with minorities is rarely their mass--it's intelligentsia. I would be more worried disgusting Indians becoming Silicon Valley CEOs than stupid Blacks jaywalking somewhere in Baltimore.

When Aryans are being negrified it is bad, yes, that's why you should advocate for total removal of POC.
Even then, your average wigger still is vastly more preferable to some highly credentialed ethnic, but that's just me.
The European stock has seen many shocks to its human capital quality, the present is not really an outlier. I would much rather work with "lower" whites because their genes actually have the capacity to carry civilizations.

I personally wouldn't even entertain calling someone like NdGT "smart", this is such a low-effort troll. Niggers like him are the prime example of USian Bantu worship and the general decline of everything, especially academia.

0%, excluding the effect of White admixture
0.5%, them being mostly Japanese

America COULD keep its population in check, but it chooses not to. The USSR you mention, especially under Stalin, was unironically more "based" in this respect than the post-1965 USA.

I agree that nonwhites becoming as much of an obvious problem as I described and it being reported on honestly in even semi-accessible media forms would result in a tidal wave of backlash not even infinite psyops, immigration, replacement, gen z, secularization, or LGBTization could stop- whether that actually ends up happening is still up in the air, however.

Desis are 100% taking over intelligentsia. The Washingtonian Empire's intelligentsia is ALREADY half Jewish.

For a while in the '90s and '00s, it looked like sinics (east asians) were taking over intellgentsia, which was bad enough, and on the West Coast it's still working out that way, but in the entire Heartland and East Coast, it's looking like desis (South Asians).

Reminder India surpassed Chyna this year and is now the most populous country on Earth, with a much more quickly growing economy than Chyna, and while having a weaker military, is a nuclear power with hundreds of nukes and a much more rapidly expanding military than even Chyna, and is rapidly setting footholds in every Indian Ocean island- having actually QUICKLY COLONIZED AND MADE HINDU INDIANS THE RELIGIOUS, ETHNIC, AND RACIAL MINORITY IN DOZENS OF FORMERLY AUSTRONESIAN, BLACK, ARABIAN, MUSLIM, or even AUSTRALIAN islands across the world's third largest ocean, using its rapidly expanding leverage to bully not only Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, & Bhutan, but is now starting to strongarm every country in SEA, making Myanmar, Vietnam, & the Phillippines accept suboptimal trade deals via sheer force and is already establishing China-esque colonies across East Africa, Madagascar, Zanzibar, commandeering the direction of South Africa, the potential "East African Union" that could have OVER 312 MILLION people, from the get go, potentially wiping South Africa and Nigeria off the map, expanding BRICS, forcing the Taliban in Afghanistan into line, allying with Uyghurs and Kazakhs, & cockblocking and embargoing Iran from having say over its oil interests in the Arabian Sea, among too many other things to even list here.

All of this without the consent of, greenlighting of, or even approval of the Washingtonian Empire or Chyna.

And ALL of this in the past SIX years.

India's GDP has now surpassed THE UK, its former OWNER. It surpassed France's years ago, and its on its way to surpass Germany and Japan to become Earth'd third most powerful economy by 2030.

The next decade will be interesting, but desis are disgusting in a way. They're not as bad as blacks, australasians, MENAs, or Latinos, but they're close.

Desis don't understand anything deep beyond a surface-level "working" understanding, they are humorless, fake, dishonorable, grifters, the Jews of the eastern Orient, ethnocentric but their ethnicity means nothing, unwilling to understand critiques of their system unless they are given by an authority figure, full of themselves, very ugly (both men and women) in a way that is neither masculine nor feminine, merely grotesque in a perhaps androgynous way, feel supremely entitled to you accommodating them as long as they show up on time, don't murder as often as other browns, and can watch instruction YouTube videos on how to do da science or da professionalism enough to pass the interview, get the degree, and look/seem competent/busy consistently enough to placate baizuo who love "muh diversity" and "muh cheap accessible young global workforce talent" and are increasingly low in standards.

The smart ones aren't "retarded" in the way negros are exactly, but they don't bother to understand anything beyond a "working" or "bare minimum" level and have no interest in doing so, merely surviving, judging others, and existing in utilitarian "do whatever it takes to get money for my family and look good, because I have to" level.

It feels beyond empty, a different plane of existence- effective enough, but for what? In fighting for what? Pursuit of what? Striving and yearning for what higher meaning, self-actualization, individuation, liberty? Just to acquire "success"? Imitation? Mockery? Comfort? Is there not more?

I have never met a desi who I could feel confident that the answer is "yes" for them, ever.

They don't consider higher philosophical considerations even on the level of like the AVERAGE white suburban normie midwit griller dad- but that doesn't stop them with faking it with one-liners they read in a 76-page "business professionalism self-help" book from Barnes & Noble or looked up on Google or Wikipedia.

American intelligentsia will be all Jews and Brahmins by 2060- WASPs will be gone.


Mixing with POC isn't the only thing that reduces European genetic stock- I'd argue that the last 130 years of dysgenics has done more to harm the white gene pool than admixture SINCE most whites who "admix" simply stop being white. Mulattos and mestizos simply aren't white. Among whites, they are primarily the descendants of whites who didn't mix with POC, but other, predominantly lower class whites.

I have seen no evidence that lower-class whites can maintain civilization without the influence of higher, especially Western whites. Dixie couldn't even industrialize without the help of yankees, especially the upper stock WASP yankees.

Look at how much of Eastern Europe is poorer than Turkiye, China, Mexico, etc.


I'm not trolling, I'm on your side. Neil Grass is somewhat overrated as an intellectual figure and isn't exactly a genius, but if he were white you would at least say he is slightly above average and you know it.

You don't have to agree with everything he says. I don't. There are lots of intelligent white people whom I will acknowledge are intelligent despite having dumbfuck takes and massive blindspots on certain issues.

It's possible that nonwhites are epistemically inhuman, but perhaps they are simply different and worse on average.

Is a 115 IQ black that much worse than a 115 IQ white? Yes, they are 10x rarer among blacks, but still exist.

Reminder that "whites" used to be retarded barbarians, too, until for a thousand years the dumbest, lowest class, and most violent Europeans were killed off and outbred by the upper stock people in the population.

0.5% of South/East Asians, most Japanese? There are 3 billion South/East Asians, and 120 million Japanese. 0.5% of 3 billion is 15 million.

Are 13% of Japanese fully conscious? Or is it more evenly dispersed among Koreans, Han, and Brahmins?

Also, Jews are more intelligent than whites and fully conscious. In fact, you can't say Jews are evil unless you grant them culpability for their actions, making them responsible for their choices.

There are a lot of white NPCs, too, unironically.
All of this without the consent of, greenlighting of, or even approval of the Washingtonian Empire or Chyna.
is this actually true?
all the GNC agitprop says that India is "the world's largest democracy" and that it would be natural for the US to back it over CCP autocrats
is this actually true?
all the GNC agitprop says that India is "the world's largest democracy" and that it would be natural for the US to back it over CCP autocrats
I mean, obviously if India oversteps its bounds and, I don't know, tries to force the rupee currency on or invade Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc. to destabilize the power of the petrodollar (ie Gadafi) or reunite a deliberately broken up and divided cultural continent against the USA/globohomo in favor of trad values (ie Putin), India/Modi will IMMEDIATELY get toppled just like Gadafi or Putin when they "step out of line" (and they know it, which is the primary reason why they don't- Indians are far more agreeable by nature than Arabs or Russians).

As for now, they haven't fundamentally challenged US hegemony yet, but do serve to provide a "counterbalance" to total Chinese hegemony in Asia & are more US-friendly than Chyna, therefore they are tolerated (kind of like how the US tolerates Saudi Arabia despite it not being "woke" in large part due to strategic importance, except India is far more liberalized and globalized, and less reactionary, than Saudi Arabia).

India at the moment benefits from "waffling" between China/nationalism/BRICS and Washington/democracy/neoliberalism/globohomo, so, similar to a "swing state" in the US electoral college, billions of resources are used by both the West and China/Russia to get India on their "side", since whichever side does get India on their side once it is the world's third biggest GDP, its largest population center with heavy ties to the USA (America will be 6% desi by 2060) and China (border, Tibet/Indochinese connection, Dharmic faiths, BRICS, substantial capital investment)-

-well, if the West does, then the West/globohomo neoliberalism will possibly gain a near-insurmountable coalition and permanent advantage over "the East" at that point, and both sides damn well know it.

-If the East does, then the East actually has a real fighting shot at potentially beating out the West, but even THEN it's "up in the air", since the East/"Eurasian bloc" has been backpedaling and showing weakness since 2021.

The East NEEDS India to be the next China to stay relevant, while the West knows securing India means the East loses forever and forever-neoliberalism.

This is maybe a slight exaggeration and things could shift and change, but that's a common calculation in both Washington/Brussels and Beijing/Moscow.
Overpopulation is not a real problem and blame society for tricking the masses with that message

India and South Korea don’t know what to do because they’re racism is misplaced and they have no direction

China is a wreck with their young men just like around the world
Overpopulation is not a real problem and blame society for tricking the masses with that message

India and South Korea don’t know what to do because they’re racism is misplaced and they have no direction

China is a wreck with their young men just like around the world
I didn't say overpopulation was a problem. Quite the contrary, I'm a natalist, and encouraging natalism is the best way to reduce the number of hungry third worlders since first/second worlders do what they're "supposed" to do while third worlders just breed when there's resources available- the more the more, the less the less.

White people having more kids means outcompeting the third world, we don't need immigrants from the third world or feeding them, more willingness to keep out third world hordes, and as a result ironically more wealth, innovation, and eventually, less hunger, at least in ways that matter.

If the third world retreats to neolithic conditions and its population drops 80%, well Pol Pot will be happy, the West will be happy, everyone is happy.
I didn't say overpopulation was a problem. Quite the contrary, I'm a natalist, and encouraging natalism is the best way to reduce the number of hungry third worlders since first/second worlders do what they're "supposed" to do while third worlders just breed when there's resources available- the more the more, the less the less.

White people having more kids means outcompeting the third world, we don't need immigrants from the third world or feeding them, more willingness to keep out third world hordes, and as a result ironically more wealth, innovation, and eventually, less hunger, at least in ways that matter.

If the third world retreats to neolithic conditions and its population drops 80%, well Pol Pot will be happy, the West will be happy, everyone is happy.
They have confused the women and normie men that have no upward mobility in those first/second world countries and they don’t care enough to see what will take them down
They have confused the women and normie men that have no upward mobility in those first/second world countries and they don’t care enough to see what will take them down
Yeah, I think that's obvious to everyone here and only ~5% of Westerners outside of here.
In the future, normies will only grow ever-stronger, neoliberalism takes over, will never, ever collapse, and Washington, D.C.'s neoliberalism never could possibly collapse (but China/Russia, its only real mild threats) are MUCH more likely to collapse.

Society just becomes even more of a walking corpse than it already is, forever, as neoliberalism grows stronger and stronger until we are all genetically incapable of higher thinking or meaning beyond what a chimpanzee is EXCEPT Jews, the only group that has preserved its gene pool in society, who have total, utter control over all people, who are just a "Joo"- a zoo for Jews and AI, with HUGE JAWLINES, GIGACHAD FRAMES, MANLY SKELETAL STRUCTURES, very black (since only black people and weird religious cults nobody likes breed in 2023, they are 100% of the population in the not-so-distant future), HUNTER EYES, EPIK COOL HAIRSTYLES, YEEZY AIR JORDAN SHOES, LE EPIK ALPHA MALE JEWELRY/FASHION/TATS, TWO FOOT LONG DICKS, and the IQ of the average chimapanzee, gorilla, or orangutan- completely incapable of maintaining civilization.

Then, we will all be gigatyrones getting mogged by the top 0.000000000000000001% of gigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigaTyrones (literal Titans from Attack on Titan) attracting & breeding the monstrously horrible negress chimp thoughts, then going to Jew-run AI (Jews, the only people on Earth left more intelligent than chimps, and their AI, programmed to be competent at everything EXCEPT challenging Jews in ANY WAY, and because they are literal robots, they obey) for our welfare checks feeding their zoo animals, each generation breeding humans even BIGGER, even STRONGER, even more VIOLENT, AGGRESSIVE, and SAVAGE- and even more STUPID than ever before.

Too STUPID, in fact, to make technology or have situational awareness to challenge Jews/AI, who implant brain chips in every newborn GigaTyrone or WhoreShaniqua chimp controlled entirely by remote control, where every Jew on Earth walks around in a mecha controlled by AI and can, with the press of a button, kill any nigger they please effortlessly and with a 100% guaranteed kill rate, by frying the midbrain with the brain chip.

And even STILL, Jews will CONTINUE to breed each generation of THEM to be worse and worse and WORSE, so that even THEY become, with each successive generation, even DUMBER, even MORE incapable of figuring out/seeing the "man behind the curtain", even MORE incapable of caring about politics or anything beyond "OOGA BOOGA THING IN FRONT OF ME TAKE WELFARE FOR FREE AH DON'T GIVE A SHIIIIEEEEEEET", than EVER BEFORE IN HISTORY.

We will become worse at math than literal dogs, and STILL just keep getting bred even DUMBER than that- INDEFINITELY.

ANY threat to Jews must MAXIMALLY be destroyed- FOREVER.

Oh, and by the way- it WILL be. It CURRENTLY IS, they are WINNING, and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

THIS is the inevitable logical conclusion of forever-neoliberalism, in the end.

We've seen the 20th century. LARPy tankie regimes can't beat neoliberalism.

Neither can LARPy fascism/wignatry.

In both cases, we are running out of time. Look at AI. Before too long, it WILL be too late- Washington, D.C. neoliberalism probably WILL be the permanent end state of humanity.

Once AI comes along, whatever is the dominant regime reigns forever, or AI takes over and kill all humans, plugs us into the Matrix, or we all become part of a global "superconsciousness" or else outcompeted and treated the way humans treat anthills (thoughtlessly slaughtering them for construction projects, even minor ones) by those who do choose to plug ourselves into the "superconsciousness", so rather than face irrelevancy and "lose", most humans, biologically pre-programmed to "win", will choose plugging themselves in, EXCEPT for the world's cringiest Amish/"RETVRN" TradCath LARPers, who will too, in turn, lose and die.

Especially as testosterone levels approach ZERO BY 2060.

After ~2100, it will LITERALLY BE THE CASE that ONLY Africans will be able to breed, not just with plummeting birthrates everywhere on Earth EXCEPT Subsahara but NONBLACKS WILL BE LITERALLY, BIOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE of reproduction- and the global population will be MOSTLY BLACK ANYWAY (4 billion Africans, 5 billion non-Africans, 1 billion of those non-Africans will be black), and no- this ISN'T an exaggeration, it's the inevitable conclusion of current trends even UNDER-ESTIMATING official projections by the UN (the "low estimate" for global black population by 2100, according to the OFFICIAL UN WEBSITE, it's literally a Google search away go look it up), and EVEN ASSUMING Africa's population explosion SLOWS SIGNIFICANTLY by then- and it hasn't thus far (it very well could mean a much blacker world than that- and genetically, the only blacks breeding are the world's dumbest blacks- even the slightly less dumb blacks than other blacks are moving into professional/business fields and SLASHING their own birth rate, meaning that most humans alive will ONLY have genetic material from today's DUMBEST and most SAVAGE blacks on Earth, and the dumbest and most savage of the next generation, and the dumbest and most savage of next generation, so and and so forth forever), and even NONBLACKS will ONLY be descendants of the DUMBEST and MOST SAVAGE (behaviorally "blackest" nonblacks). Wiggers/trailer trash whites outbreed normie or high IQ whites, so all future whites will be only ~95% them, with a teensy ~5% minority of exclusively TradCath LARPers, Mormons, and Amish.

The chance that anything could meaningfully challenge neoliberalism declines everyday.

2020 truly WAS the Great Reset. Russia's invasion of Ukraine solidified it.

Russia will likely never challenge America again.

Neither will China.

The Washington Consensus CAN'T LOSE- EVER.

Unless we fight in a way fundamentally different than anyone who is aware of this and is willing to sacrifice meaningfully to oppose it (already less than 15%) has shown an ability to.

Any strategy dependent on being "right-wing", "religious", "anti-faggot", "machismo", "conservative", "moderate", "compromising", "anti-SJW/woke", "appeasement", "RETVRNing", "traditionalist", "white nationalist", "(ethnicity) supremacist", "tankie", "NazBol", "libertarian", "OWNING the TRIGGERED libs", "CLASSICALLY liberal", "TERF", "transmed", "Blaire White", "GOP-stanning", "RED-pilled", "Elon Musk simping", "rich ppl good poor ppl bad", "bootstraps", "urban bad", "environmentalism bad, DRILL BABY DRILL", "THE END IS NEAR", "Technology bad", "The CCP/communism/CHYNA is our BIGGEST enemy", "Transhumanist", "Muh tax cuterinos", "Suburbs good", "MGTOW" "Trump will Make America Great Again, just four more years bro trust me, 4D chess!", "GENDER IDEOLOGY and WOKE TRANNIES in the ALPHABET SOUP GLOBALIST WEF KLAUS SCHWAB CULT are our biggest enemy", "Fauci Ouchie COVIDist tyranny is the biggest enemy", "The SECOND AMENDMENT and MUH GUNS are all dat matter for MURICAN FREEDOM!!", "Just LIFT WEIGHTS and stop being a liberal snowflake, bro", etc.


Coincidentally, >98% of the 2023 "opposition" to the Washington Consensus and its long-term goals can be described with something in the above paragraph- ALL of which must be destroyed, a fundamentally NEW philosophy put in its place.

One that has never been tried before, since everything tried thus far (including and ESPECIALLY any and all "tradition") has failed in the face of eternal neoliberal Jewish AI that will rule for many more millions of years into the future than "tradition" in the form of "religious patriarchy and "traditional masculinity"" EVER EXISTED.

Start brainstorming, rope, or cut your balls of and start betabuxxing a landwhale, boyos.

Those aren't the choices I am forcing on you- those were your choices before I even typed the first letter of this post.

I stopped reading because you have a few correct things mixed in with many not-so-correct things. Plus TLDR.
I love these "the west has fallen" angry Chuds discussions. I envy their capacity to not focus on their own tragedy and shift their attention to politics
I love these "the west has fallen" angry Chuds discussions. I envy their capacity to not focus on their own tragedy and shift their attention to politics
Maybe the islamisation of Europe isn't that bad after all. At least it will get rid of gynocentrism, feminism and stabilize the family unit
In the future, normies will only grow ever-stronger, neoliberalism takes over, will never, ever collapse, and Washington, D.C.'s neoliberalism never could possibly collapse (but China/Russia, its only real mild threats) are MUCH more likely to collapse.

Society just becomes even more of a walking corpse than it already is, forever, as neoliberalism grows stronger and stronger until we are all genetically incapable of higher thinking or meaning beyond what a chimpanzee is EXCEPT Jews, the only group that has preserved its gene pool in society, who have total, utter control over all people, who are just a "Joo"- a zoo for Jews and AI, with HUGE JAWLINES, GIGACHAD FRAMES, MANLY SKELETAL STRUCTURES, very black (since only black people and weird religious cults nobody likes breed in 2023, they are 100% of the population in the not-so-distant future), HUNTER EYES, EPIK COOL HAIRSTYLES, YEEZY AIR JORDAN SHOES, LE EPIK ALPHA MALE JEWELRY/FASHION/TATS, TWO FOOT LONG DICKS, and the IQ of the average chimapanzee, gorilla, or orangutan- completely incapable of maintaining civilization.

Then, we will all be gigatyrones getting mogged by the top 0.000000000000000001% of gigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigaTyrones (literal Titans from Attack on Titan) attracting & breeding the monstrously horrible negress chimp thoughts, then going to Jew-run AI (Jews, the only people on Earth left more intelligent than chimps, and their AI, programmed to be competent at everything EXCEPT challenging Jews in ANY WAY, and because they are literal robots, they obey) for our welfare checks feeding their zoo animals, each generation breeding humans even BIGGER, even STRONGER, even more VIOLENT, AGGRESSIVE, and SAVAGE- and even more STUPID than ever before.

Too STUPID, in fact, to make technology or have situational awareness to challenge Jews/AI, who implant brain chips in every newborn GigaTyrone or WhoreShaniqua chimp controlled entirely by remote control, where every Jew on Earth walks around in a mecha controlled by AI and can, with the press of a button, kill any nigger they please effortlessly and with a 100% guaranteed kill rate, by frying the midbrain with the brain chip.

And even STILL, Jews will CONTINUE to breed each generation of THEM to be worse and worse and WORSE, so that even THEY become, with each successive generation, even DUMBER, even MORE incapable of figuring out/seeing the "man behind the curtain", even MORE incapable of caring about politics or anything beyond "OOGA BOOGA THING IN FRONT OF ME TAKE WELFARE FOR FREE AH DON'T GIVE A SHIIIIEEEEEEET", than EVER BEFORE IN HISTORY.

We will become worse at math than literal dogs, and STILL just keep getting bred even DUMBER than that- INDEFINITELY.

ANY threat to Jews must MAXIMALLY be destroyed- FOREVER.

Oh, and by the way- it WILL be. It CURRENTLY IS, they are WINNING, and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

THIS is the inevitable logical conclusion of forever-neoliberalism, in the end.

We've seen the 20th century. LARPy tankie regimes can't beat neoliberalism.

Neither can LARPy fascism/wignatry.

In both cases, we are running out of time. Look at AI. Before too long, it WILL be too late- Washington, D.C. neoliberalism probably WILL be the permanent end state of humanity.

Once AI comes along, whatever is the dominant regime reigns forever, or AI takes over and kill all humans, plugs us into the Matrix, or we all become part of a global "superconsciousness" or else outcompeted and treated the way humans treat anthills (thoughtlessly slaughtering them for construction projects, even minor ones) by those who do choose to plug ourselves into the "superconsciousness", so rather than face irrelevancy and "lose", most humans, biologically pre-programmed to "win", will choose plugging themselves in, EXCEPT for the world's cringiest Amish/"RETVRN" TradCath LARPers, who will too, in turn, lose and die.

Especially as testosterone levels approach ZERO BY 2060.

After ~2100, it will LITERALLY BE THE CASE that ONLY Africans will be able to breed, not just with plummeting birthrates everywhere on Earth EXCEPT Subsahara but NONBLACKS WILL BE LITERALLY, BIOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE of reproduction- and the global population will be MOSTLY BLACK ANYWAY (4 billion Africans, 5 billion non-Africans, 1 billion of those non-Africans will be black), and no- this ISN'T an exaggeration, it's the inevitable conclusion of current trends even UNDER-ESTIMATING official projections by the UN (the "low estimate" for global black population by 2100, according to the OFFICIAL UN WEBSITE, it's literally a Google search away go look it up), and EVEN ASSUMING Africa's population explosion SLOWS SIGNIFICANTLY by then- and it hasn't thus far (it very well could mean a much blacker world than that- and genetically, the only blacks breeding are the world's dumbest blacks- even the slightly less dumb blacks than other blacks are moving into professional/business fields and SLASHING their own birth rate, meaning that most humans alive will ONLY have genetic material from today's DUMBEST and most SAVAGE blacks on Earth, and the dumbest and most savage of the next generation, and the dumbest and most savage of next generation, so and and so forth forever), and even NONBLACKS will ONLY be descendants of the DUMBEST and MOST SAVAGE (behaviorally "blackest" nonblacks). Wiggers/trailer trash whites outbreed normie or high IQ whites, so all future whites will be only ~95% them, with a teensy ~5% minority of exclusively TradCath LARPers, Mormons, and Amish.

The chance that anything could meaningfully challenge neoliberalism declines everyday.

2020 truly WAS the Great Reset. Russia's invasion of Ukraine solidified it.

Russia will likely never challenge America again.

Neither will China.

The Washington Consensus CAN'T LOSE- EVER.

Unless we fight in a way fundamentally different than anyone who is aware of this and is willing to sacrifice meaningfully to oppose it (already less than 15%) has shown an ability to.

Any strategy dependent on being "right-wing", "religious", "anti-faggot", "machismo", "conservative", "moderate", "compromising", "anti-SJW/woke", "appeasement", "RETVRNing", "traditionalist", "white nationalist", "(ethnicity) supremacist", "tankie", "NazBol", "libertarian", "OWNING the TRIGGERED libs", "CLASSICALLY liberal", "TERF", "transmed", "Blaire White", "GOP-stanning", "RED-pilled", "Elon Musk simping", "rich ppl good poor ppl bad", "bootstraps", "urban bad", "environmentalism bad, DRILL BABY DRILL", "THE END IS NEAR", "Technology bad", "The CCP/communism/CHYNA is our BIGGEST enemy", "Transhumanist", "Muh tax cuterinos", "Suburbs good", "MGTOW" "Trump will Make America Great Again, just four more years bro trust me, 4D chess!", "GENDER IDEOLOGY and WOKE TRANNIES in the ALPHABET SOUP GLOBALIST WEF KLAUS SCHWAB CULT are our biggest enemy", "Fauci Ouchie COVIDist tyranny is the biggest enemy", "The SECOND AMENDMENT and MUH GUNS are all dat matter for MURICAN FREEDOM!!", "Just LIFT WEIGHTS and stop being a liberal snowflake, bro", etc.


Coincidentally, >98% of the 2023 "opposition" to the Washington Consensus and its long-term goals can be described with something in the above paragraph- ALL of which must be destroyed, a fundamentally NEW philosophy put in its place.

One that has never been tried before, since everything tried thus far (including and ESPECIALLY any and all "tradition") has failed in the face of eternal neoliberal Jewish AI that will rule for many more millions of years into the future than "tradition" in the form of "religious patriarchy and "traditional masculinity"" EVER EXISTED.

Start brainstorming, rope, or cut your balls of and start betabuxxing a landwhale, boyos.

Those aren't the choices I am forcing on you- those were your choices before I even typed the first letter of this post.

Schizo posting. A reset will happen
In the future, normies will only grow ever-stronger, neoliberalism takes over, will never, ever collapse, and Washington, D.C.'s neoliberalism never could possibly collapse (but China/Russia, its only real mild threats) are MUCH more likely to collapse.

Society just becomes even more of a walking corpse than it already is, forever, as neoliberalism grows stronger and stronger until we are all genetically incapable of higher thinking or meaning beyond what a chimpanzee is EXCEPT Jews, the only group that has preserved its gene pool in society, who have total, utter control over all people, who are just a "Joo"- a zoo for Jews and AI, with HUGE JAWLINES, GIGACHAD FRAMES, MANLY SKELETAL STRUCTURES, very black (since only black people and weird religious cults nobody likes breed in 2023, they are 100% of the population in the not-so-distant future), HUNTER EYES, EPIK COOL HAIRSTYLES, YEEZY AIR JORDAN SHOES, LE EPIK ALPHA MALE JEWELRY/FASHION/TATS, TWO FOOT LONG DICKS, and the IQ of the average chimapanzee, gorilla, or orangutan- completely incapable of maintaining civilization.

Then, we will all be gigatyrones getting mogged by the top 0.000000000000000001% of gigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigagigaTyrones (literal Titans from Attack on Titan) attracting & breeding the monstrously horrible negress chimp thoughts, then going to Jew-run AI (Jews, the only people on Earth left more intelligent than chimps, and their AI, programmed to be competent at everything EXCEPT challenging Jews in ANY WAY, and because they are literal robots, they obey) for our welfare checks feeding their zoo animals, each generation breeding humans even BIGGER, even STRONGER, even more VIOLENT, AGGRESSIVE, and SAVAGE- and even more STUPID than ever before.

Too STUPID, in fact, to make technology or have situational awareness to challenge Jews/AI, who implant brain chips in every newborn GigaTyrone or WhoreShaniqua chimp controlled entirely by remote control, where every Jew on Earth walks around in a mecha controlled by AI and can, with the press of a button, kill any nigger they please effortlessly and with a 100% guaranteed kill rate, by frying the midbrain with the brain chip.

And even STILL, Jews will CONTINUE to breed each generation of THEM to be worse and worse and WORSE, so that even THEY become, with each successive generation, even DUMBER, even MORE incapable of figuring out/seeing the "man behind the curtain", even MORE incapable of caring about politics or anything beyond "OOGA BOOGA THING IN FRONT OF ME TAKE WELFARE FOR FREE AH DON'T GIVE A SHIIIIEEEEEEET", than EVER BEFORE IN HISTORY.

We will become worse at math than literal dogs, and STILL just keep getting bred even DUMBER than that- INDEFINITELY.

ANY threat to Jews must MAXIMALLY be destroyed- FOREVER.

Oh, and by the way- it WILL be. It CURRENTLY IS, they are WINNING, and there's NOTHING you can do about it.

THIS is the inevitable logical conclusion of forever-neoliberalism, in the end.

We've seen the 20th century. LARPy tankie regimes can't beat neoliberalism.

Neither can LARPy fascism/wignatry.

In both cases, we are running out of time. Look at AI. Before too long, it WILL be too late- Washington, D.C. neoliberalism probably WILL be the permanent end state of humanity.

Once AI comes along, whatever is the dominant regime reigns forever, or AI takes over and kill all humans, plugs us into the Matrix, or we all become part of a global "superconsciousness" or else outcompeted and treated the way humans treat anthills (thoughtlessly slaughtering them for construction projects, even minor ones) by those who do choose to plug ourselves into the "superconsciousness", so rather than face irrelevancy and "lose", most humans, biologically pre-programmed to "win", will choose plugging themselves in, EXCEPT for the world's cringiest Amish/"RETVRN" TradCath LARPers, who will too, in turn, lose and die.

Especially as testosterone levels approach ZERO BY 2060.

After ~2100, it will LITERALLY BE THE CASE that ONLY Africans will be able to breed, not just with plummeting birthrates everywhere on Earth EXCEPT Subsahara but NONBLACKS WILL BE LITERALLY, BIOLOGICALLY INCAPABLE of reproduction- and the global population will be MOSTLY BLACK ANYWAY (4 billion Africans, 5 billion non-Africans, 1 billion of those non-Africans will be black), and no- this ISN'T an exaggeration, it's the inevitable conclusion of current trends even UNDER-ESTIMATING official projections by the UN (the "low estimate" for global black population by 2100, according to the OFFICIAL UN WEBSITE, it's literally a Google search away go look it up), and EVEN ASSUMING Africa's population explosion SLOWS SIGNIFICANTLY by then- and it hasn't thus far (it very well could mean a much blacker world than that- and genetically, the only blacks breeding are the world's dumbest blacks- even the slightly less dumb blacks than other blacks are moving into professional/business fields and SLASHING their own birth rate, meaning that most humans alive will ONLY have genetic material from today's DUMBEST and most SAVAGE blacks on Earth, and the dumbest and most savage of the next generation, and the dumbest and most savage of next generation, so and and so forth forever), and even NONBLACKS will ONLY be descendants of the DUMBEST and MOST SAVAGE (behaviorally "blackest" nonblacks). Wiggers/trailer trash whites outbreed normie or high IQ whites, so all future whites will be only ~95% them, with a teensy ~5% minority of exclusively TradCath LARPers, Mormons, and Amish.

The chance that anything could meaningfully challenge neoliberalism declines everyday.

2020 truly WAS the Great Reset. Russia's invasion of Ukraine solidified it.

Russia will likely never challenge America again.

Neither will China.

The Washington Consensus CAN'T LOSE- EVER.

Unless we fight in a way fundamentally different than anyone who is aware of this and is willing to sacrifice meaningfully to oppose it (already less than 15%) has shown an ability to.

Any strategy dependent on being "right-wing", "religious", "anti-faggot", "machismo", "conservative", "moderate", "compromising", "anti-SJW/woke", "appeasement", "RETVRNing", "traditionalist", "white nationalist", "(ethnicity) supremacist", "tankie", "NazBol", "libertarian", "OWNING the TRIGGERED libs", "CLASSICALLY liberal", "TERF", "transmed", "Blaire White", "GOP-stanning", "RED-pilled", "Elon Musk simping", "rich ppl good poor ppl bad", "bootstraps", "urban bad", "environmentalism bad, DRILL BABY DRILL", "THE END IS NEAR", "Technology bad", "The CCP/communism/CHYNA is our BIGGEST enemy", "Transhumanist", "Muh tax cuterinos", "Suburbs good", "MGTOW" "Trump will Make America Great Again, just four more years bro trust me, 4D chess!", "GENDER IDEOLOGY and WOKE TRANNIES in the ALPHABET SOUP GLOBALIST WEF KLAUS SCHWAB CULT are our biggest enemy", "Fauci Ouchie COVIDist tyranny is the biggest enemy", "The SECOND AMENDMENT and MUH GUNS are all dat matter for MURICAN FREEDOM!!", "Just LIFT WEIGHTS and stop being a liberal snowflake, bro", etc.


Coincidentally, >98% of the 2023 "opposition" to the Washington Consensus and its long-term goals can be described with something in the above paragraph- ALL of which must be destroyed, a fundamentally NEW philosophy put in its place.

One that has never been tried before, since everything tried thus far (including and ESPECIALLY any and all "tradition") has failed in the face of eternal neoliberal Jewish AI that will rule for many more millions of years into the future than "tradition" in the form of "religious patriarchy and "traditional masculinity"" EVER EXISTED.

Start brainstorming, rope, or cut your balls of and start betabuxxing a landwhale, boyos.

Those aren't the choices I am forcing on you- those were your choices before I even typed the first letter of this post.


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