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Serious STEM is a meme



Nov 7, 2017
Kek at autists trying to say that getting a liberal arts degree is a joke, when in reality getting a STEM degree is just as bad.
Everything you hear about STEM is a lie.
10 years ago there might have been plenty of jobs available but now it's a brutal industry.
Now there's hundreds of high IQ men competing for a few low wage jobs.
And don't forget about the H1B visa pajeets and chinks that immigrate to the US and work for dirt cheap wages and allow their employers to overwork them. This makes it so employers will never hire westerners.
Going into STEM in 2018 is suicide.
Eh not really. It's harder, but if you have a good GPA and go to a good school, you will have no problem. I'm not worried whatsoever about my job prospects and expect to have a high paying job straight out of college.
@Ritalincel IQ Post
It's useful if you're so ugly that SEAmax or mail order bride are your only options
C35450D9 6DD7 4AAB 92C7 E03E0F5A35A0

Don't insult @Crustaciouse like that.

98EF2985 DB55 46C1 B517 F1E8CDD73802
Kek at autists trying to say that getting a liberal arts degree is a joke, when in reality getting a STEM degree is just as bad.
Everything you hear about STEM is a lie.
10 years ago there might have been plenty of jobs available but now it's a brutal industry.
Now there's hundreds of high IQ men competing for a few low wage jobs.
And don't forget about the H1B visa pajeets and chinks that immigrate to the US and work for dirt cheap wages and allow their employers to overwork them. This makes it so employers will never hire westerners.
Going into STEM in 2018 is suicide.
Yeah tried studying computer engineering but im too dumb and stupid for that. Especially advanced math and physics i get the feeling that you need to be high iq or autistic to understand it
Yeah tried studying computer engineering but im too dumb and stupid for that. Especially advanced math and physics i get the feeling that you need to be high iq or autistic to understand it

I don't understand it, I just memorize enough shit to pass the exam.
I wouldn’t call it a meme unless you are going for a pure science or math degree without anything else. It’s still pretty useful, but I wouldn’t suggest doing the engineering part of STEM unless you are high iq or that motivated to graduate. It’s not worth it to do all this hard work while you rot alone.

studying computer engineering but im too dumb and stupid for that. Especially advanced math and physics.
Yeah tried studying computer engineering but im too dumb and stupid for that. Especially advanced math and physics i get the feeling that you need to be high iq or autistic to understand it
Yeah going into medicine is probably a better idea for average iq nibbas.
STEMtards give everyone the advice to go into STEM but they don't realise not everyone is autistic.
Eh not really. It's harder, but if you have a good GPA and go to a good school, you will have no problem. I'm not worried whatsoever about my job prospects and expect to have a high paying job straight out of college.

If you're CS you can expect to work 60-70 hour weeks for 100k/yr if you're creme of the crop from top uni. 60k if you're creme of the crop from shit uni.

If you're engineering, 60k for 50-60 hour weeks.

STEM is indeed a meme
just go into a lifetime of debt to become a wageslave br0

If you're CS you can expect to work 60-70 hour weeks for 100k/yr if you're creme of the crop from top uni. 60k if you're creme of the crop from shit uni.

If you're engineering, 60k for 50-60 hour weeks.

STEM is indeed a meme

I know many, many people who earned more than that straight out of college as CS or good engineering (EE. CE, AE).
just go into a lifetime of debt to become a wageslave br0

Scholarshipmax bro
giga low iq post

It's the regular brogrammer stuff: dude is totally socially-awkward, never talks to anyone, never smiles, when you tell him to cheer up he gets angry and gives you these silly "death stares"... This is more job-related, but he seems to be extra mean in code reviews (for those who don't know about programming, it's when a programmer "reviews" the code another programmer wrote) when the reviewee is a woman. He only talks to male coworkers, although not much, but female coworkers, he shuns. Answers in monosylabes, cuts the conversation short and in a couple of times he's been very rude when doing that.

But what really tilted the field for us was, who are acustomed to these "low-key woman-haters", was when one of my coworkers caught him reading an MRA site and making comments about how women get hired in our field only because the companies need a diversity quota. We brought this concern to HR (which has been amazing in my time here, really trying to make the whole place a welcoming one for all people and not just virgin white men) and they had a talk to him. I don't know what he said, but he ended up being fired.

It's the regular brogrammer stuff: dude is totally socially-awkward, never talks to anyone, never smiles, when you tell him to cheer up he gets angry and gives you these silly "death stares"... This is more job-related, but he seems to be extra mean in code reviews (for those who don't know about programming, it's when a programmer "reviews" the code another programmer wrote) when the reviewee is a woman. He only talks to male coworkers, although not much, but female coworkers, he shuns. Answers in monosylabes, cuts the conversation short and in a couple of times he's been very rude when doing that.

But what really tilted the field for us was, who are acustomed to these "low-key woman-haters", was when one of my coworkers caught him reading an MRA site and making comments about how women get hired in our field only because the companies need a diversity quota. We brought this concern to HR (which has been amazing in my time here, really trying to make the whole place a welcoming one for all people and not just virgin white men) and they had a talk to him. I don't know what he said, but he ended up being fired.

I legitimately would have gone straight home and roped if that happened to me.

It's the regular brogrammer stuff: dude is totally socially-awkward, never talks to anyone, never smiles, when you tell him to cheer up he gets angry and gives you these silly "death stares"... This is more job-related, but he seems to be extra mean in code reviews (for those who don't know about programming, it's when a programmer "reviews" the code another programmer wrote) when the reviewee is a woman. He only talks to male coworkers, although not much, but female coworkers, he shuns. Answers in monosylabes, cuts the conversation short and in a couple of times he's been very rude when doing that.

But what really tilted the field for us was, who are acustomed to these "low-key woman-haters", was when one of my coworkers caught him reading an MRA site and making comments about how women get hired in our field only because the companies need a diversity quota. We brought this concern to HR (which has been amazing in my time here, really trying to make the whole place a welcoming one for all people and not just virgin white men) and they had a talk to him. I don't know what he said, but he ended up being fired.

working in an all female workplace is hell.

anything can set these cunts off.
So what are you studying now?
Nothing im jobsearching because i need money. I accepted my fate that im too dumb and low iq for studying. Also my motivation isn't the best.

It's the regular brogrammer stuff: dude is totally socially-awkward, never talks to anyone, never smiles, when you tell him to cheer up he gets angry and gives you these silly "death stares"... This is more job-related, but he seems to be extra mean in code reviews (for those who don't know about programming, it's when a programmer "reviews" the code another programmer wrote) when the reviewee is a woman. He only talks to male coworkers, although not much, but female coworkers, he shuns. Answers in monosylabes, cuts the conversation short and in a couple of times he's been very rude when doing that.

But what really tilted the field for us was, who are acustomed to these "low-key woman-haters", was when one of my coworkers caught him reading an MRA site and making comments about how women get hired in our field only because the companies need a diversity quota. We brought this concern to HR (which has been amazing in my time here, really trying to make the whole place a welcoming one for all people and not just virgin white men) and they had a talk to him. I don't know what he said, but he ended up being fired.

oh yeah this too, jfl at trying to get a job as an ugly male and trying not to get filed for sexual harassment
Men, depends on the field and how good the person is, as usual.
If you want a profession that enjoys an overblown reputation try lawyers. People still put them on the same tier as doctors, but law schools have been pumping out a surplus for decades.

Unless you are very high achieving or daddy is already a partner, the only place it leads is lower pay than some retail jobs that don’t require a degree, and incredibly high stress work.

People are attracted my the imagined prestige. They never actually look at the graduate employment rates.

Sure, it depends to some degree, but software dev is bigger than ever. I get contacted by recruitment agencies on a weekly basis... literally.
Everything is a meme short of hitting the lottery and becoming a rich NEET
Eh not really. It's harder, but if you have a good GPA and go to a good school, you will have no problem. I'm not worried whatsoever about my job prospects and expect to have a high paying job straight out of college.
Yeah going into medicine is probably a better idea for average iq nibbas.
STEMtards give everyone the advice to go into STEM but they don't realise not everyone is autistic.
looool yeah
I legitimately would have gone straight home and roped if that happened to me.

Nah don't rope. Make the world a BettER place instead.
I wish I could study STEM and get a STEM job, but I don't have the required intelligence.
In the end, though, it's still work. I just wish I at least had the option.
What's worse than working for minimum wage? Working for minimum wage with a liberal arts degree.

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