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Status maxxed normie/upper tier normies like Linus from Tech Tips have to marry ugly low tier asian foids



Dec 28, 2017

He's not an exception though. Because of women only chase chad, men like Linus look like truecels to white women.

So he's forced to go for 2/10 asian foids.

This is the state of normies in 2020.
His son will suffer so much...
Jfl at race mixers.
His son will suffer so much...

Especially since the white genes will get overshadowed by the rice genes. At least some Oreos (white mixed with other groups) are still white passing. I have yet to meet a 50/50 mixed-Rice that can still claim white (on outer looks alone).
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Its over. She is not a 2/10 simply because she is a foid. She is 5/10.
His son will suffer so much...
I really don't think you can be truly rich and incel at the same time. Its just not possible. It doesn't happen. Including for all of his children. I think he chose her for the same reason I would choose a 3/4-4/10 curry. Do you really think that a Stacy is going to be faithful to a betabucks? AWALT and its difficult enough to trust a looksmatch.
Probably next ER
Bro have you seen these foids that fat, ugly, rich guys walk around with? The rich cannot and do not suffer like we do. Full stop. You cannot be rich and incel. If you are rich you are volcel.
I really don't think you can be truly rich and incel at the same time. Its just not possible. It doesn't happen. Including for all of his children. I think he chose her for the same reason I would choose a 3/4-4/10 curry. Do you really think that a Stacy is going to be faithful to a betabucks? AWALT and its difficult enough to trust a looksmatch.
hapas are subhuman. He will probably go to a prestigious school full of future WASP chads and get bullied and go ER
Bro have you seen these foids that fat, ugly, rich guys walk around with? The rich cannot and do not suffer like we do. Full stop. You cannot be rich and incel. If you are rich you are volcel.

If you’re a richcel then your only chance is betabuxxing because girls will just be with you for your money. Literally just paying someone to be near you.
If you’re a richcel then your only chance is betabuxxing because girls will just be with you for your money. Literally just paying someone to be near you.
You're still volcel if you're not getting any action. You don't even need to pay the foids anything, or make them any promises, because foids will just die to have the chance of having a multimillionaire boyfriend/husband. All richcels are volcels. Every single one.
hapas are subhuman. He will probably go to a prestigious school full of future WASP chads and get bullied and go ER
Rich =/= Incel. They do not exist. Full stop. Name me one multi-millionaire you'd consider an incel. Maybe incel looks but trust me they are getting action. More than anyone on this whole forum could ever dream of and then add another million.
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View attachment 234353

He's not an exception though. Because of women only chase chad, men like Linus look like truecels to white women.

So he's forced to go for 2/10 asian foids.

This is the state of normies in 2020.
Linus has incel tier looks. He's also a kike. Many kikes have to resort to noodlewhores due to their subhuman looks.
I really don't think you can be truly rich and incel at the same time. Its just not possible. It doesn't happen. Including for all of his children. I think he chose her for the same reason I would choose a 3/4-4/10 curry. Do you really think that a Stacy is going to be faithful to a betabucks? AWALT and its difficult enough to trust a looksmatch.

Elliot Rodger was rich but incel.
Never heard of this guy tbh
brutally cucked. low inhib money and statusmaxxed high tier blonde normie must settle for subhuman monkey girl(probably a roastie)
Elliot Rodger was rich but incel.
Not rich like the techlords. There's no way anyone worth over 1 billion is incel. This dude is worth 64 billion. His kids will each get at least 1/4-1/5 of that. Teramog all of us in status. Teramog 99% of the US population.
Fuck off you coping piece of shit.
For a person with the handle "black pill rage", you clearly have no handle on the subject matter. Looks money status. If you think money has nothing to do with getting foids then you have absolutely no idea about the blackpill.
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She looks cute in his videos to me but shes ugly in that pic
Not rich like the techlords. There's no way theres anyone worth over 1 billion is incel. This dude is worth 64 billion. His kids will each get at least 1/4-1/5 of that. Teramog all of us in status. Teramog 99% of the US population.

I agree. However you won't truly get a woman to love you. She will love the betabuxx. Plus have you seen what happens to richcels when their wives get sick of them? Their wives will come up with some BS excuse such as "he cheated on me" and divorce rape you, taking 50-60% of your shit.

If Chaddam cheated on his wife, she would still stick around because "He's flawed, nobody's perfect. I love him."

But if richcel """"cheats"""" on his wife, she will divorce rape him and take all of his shit.

If I could give any advice to rich incels, I would tell them to NEVER marry but only do girlfriends and hookers.
Volcel if u wouldn't tho
I agree. However you won't truly get a woman to love you. She will love the betabuxx. Plus have you seen what happens to richcels when their wives get sick of them? Their wives will come up with some BS excuse such as "he cheated on me" and divorce rape you, taking 50-60% of your shit.

If Chaddam cheated on his wife, she would still stick around because "He's flawed, nobody's perfect. I love him."

But if richcel """"cheats"""" on his wife, she will divorce rape him and take all of his shit.

If I could give any advice to rich incels, I would tell them to NEVER marry but only do girlfriends and hookers.
Basically all real (divorcedraped) MGTOW guys are middle to upper class incel-tier dudes who made the mistake of signing their fortunes away on the dotted line. You might be able to fix this issue with a prenup but I have no idea thesedays, this society is so gynocentrically cucked. You don't even need to be a Chaddam in places like Afghanistan to keep your wife around. Its just because they haven't let foids become their rulers. The West did, and it was men who did it to themselves. Men gave foids the right to vote in the 1910s and it has done nothing but become worse. I agree though, if you don't have looks, especially in this cucked society, its better off not to get married. Just LOL if you really think that any of these foids who marry ugly rich motherfuckers are doing it becuase they have great personality. And that is what bluepillers would want you to believe. Those guys have "personality". :feelskek:
Yeah, and that foid married Linus for his money+status.

So he was effectively doublecucked: first time by his -2 points looksmatch, and second by marrying a purely materialistic noodle(probably a whore too).
White man + Noodlewhore = Elliot Rodger
btw she is ugly as fuck
His son should have roped in his mother's womb. Life is going to be brutal and full of misery for him.
The absolute state
He ate that brown asian pussy. :feelspuke: Eat the rice get the lice.

Funny Fact: His wife's name is Yvonne Ho.
An average guy can't get an average foid anymore. It's 2/10 or nothing, and that's if your looks aren't completely ugly.
Yeah, and that foid married Linus for his money+status.

So he was effectively doublecucked: first time by his -2 points looksmatch, and second by marrying a purely materialistic noodle(probably a whore too).
By the way I wasnt even talking about Linus from TechTips; I was talking about these two:

Maxresdefault 5

There's no way his son will be incel. With that kind of money, its impossible.

Same sort of scenario, except with way more money. II don't watch TechTips or care much about it. The only Linus I know anything about is Torvalds, who married a Finnish woman who isn't really a beauty pageant winner, either. Zuckerberg married a woman who isn't anywhere near as good looking as the Asian above. Asian society is steeped in materialism. The whole world is these days, and when you combine that with an already ultra materialistic society like the ones that exist in Asia, you create a monster.
By the way I wasnt even talking about Linus from TechTips; I was talking about these two:

View attachment 234517

There's no way his son will be incel. With that kind of money, its impossible.

Same sort of scenario, except with way more money. II don't watch TechTips or care much about it. The only Linus I know anything about is Torvalds, who married a Finnish woman who isn't really a beauty pageant winner, either. Zuckerberg married a woman who isn't anywhere near as good looking as the Asian above. Asian society is steeped in materialism. The whole world is these days, and when you combine that with an already ultra materialistic society like the ones that exist in Asia, you create a monster.

if we define not incel as women being SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO YOUR FACE/BODY, then money is irrelevant

Yeah all of these guys lifemog me though man. Life mog the whole forum. That is what so sad about it. If you have no looks, but at least you have money or status, there is a way out of inceldom. If you lack all three, it is just totally over. Like I have tried to get with foids like Torvalds' wife but they regularly rejected my online efforts and approach efforts when I was still red pilled.
if we define not incel as women being SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO YOUR FACE/BODY, then money is irrelevant
Right I think that is the difference between literal inceldom and looks inceldom. That is why there is a trifecta of causes of inceldom, instead of just one. Every time blue pilled normies and red pilled guys cherry pick some exception to the looks rule, you can almost ALWAYS find out that the guy had money or status, or as the blue piller would explain away, as "personality".
Those kids look old so he probably married her when he wasn't famous or statusmaxxed.
Damn I was thinking because he's wealthy and statusmaxx he can at least find a 6/10 noodlewhore
Damn I was thinking because he's wealthy and statusmaxx he can at least find a 6/10 noodlewhore

He could actually, but he had to play it hard. Picking the relative leftover was much easy for him I quess.
She's ugly, but id still fuck her. its over

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