This is simple. Whores experience emotions on a far more basic level than males. They attribute their trivial emotions to a greater magnitude because she is incapable of understanding perspective. A female will not get Chad cock in 2 weeks and instantly her hormones and primitive mind jumps to the conclusion that she is hideous and therefore will never get laid again, so she flocks to social media and her other countless support avenues and craves a level of validation in order to feel better about herself.
Women have zero ability to contemplate the actual nature of being alone or unwanted, they experience it on a purely superficial level...Chad didn't want to fuck her? Well, she takes that as the same situation as having never had any friends or social validation in her life, she attributes minor annoyances and temporary melancholy with genuine depression. Look at all the vile sluts on Youtube making VBlogs about their 'recovery', they're all young girls talking openly about how they suffered with depression despite having a huge friendship group, a boyfriend, loving parents, financial stability (not that it matters because she could solve any problems by selling used panties), supportive teachers / co-workers...and she'll express inane drivel about how despite having literally no reason to be depressed she STILL felt victimised and like no one cared. These subhuman creatures are the worst form of female, the type to market 'Fashion-Depression', a sickening artificial type of attention seeking, she gets to LARP as the damaged yet stunningly sexy outsider girl.
Holes do things like create huge online and offline personas built around their 'depression' and they unwittingly have convinced people that depression is this soft and fluffy mental illness that only really effects attractive teens and 20-somethings and so they garner countless faggots to support them and virtue signal, all hoping to be the one to 'fix' her.
Women cannot get depression of any kind. The only females that kill themselves are the ones that realise that they're beyond their prime and Chads no longer wish to even pity fuck them or retarded little girls that fail to grasp the finality of death and romanticise it like the putrid spastics they are.