Hard to say for sure if my parents are "Chad" and "Stacy", but I can say my father is 6'4" with extremely masculine features, notably wide shoulders and a big, thick skull... and that my mother modeled "casually" (non-professionally) as a late-teen/young adult. She was very thin too... she said she was 98lbs when she graduated high school.
My brother got all the good genes it seems. He is NT, taller than me (6'1 vs 5'10ish), thinner, and better looking. I probably IQ mog him but that doesn't mean shit. He doesn't have the shitty eye area I have, but we both ended up with round faces. He nosemogs me as well. He is not incel unsurprisingly, but he's pretty blackpilled and overall a cool guy.
>WTF are you an incel unless its something mental.
I am diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, but that alone (barring a severe case, mine like most is mild/moderate) will not cause someone to be incel. For whatever reason, I didn't inherit anything good from my father and mother. Anyways, be wary of anyone who claims this is their only problem. That is a meme, they are either ugly and don't realize it (most likely case), or just lying.