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Spotting Trucels

Just say NIGGER!

Just say NIGGER!

A shower a day keeps inceldom away
Oct 5, 2023
An easy way to know if someone is a trucel in online spaces, including this forum is to look at their behavior. Men who are truly trucel are often not aggressive, they are usually meek and polite instead. Those who are aggressive, argumentative or/and larp about violence are often failed normies for a very simple reason. Actual trucels have lived very harsh lives and they had to adapt to it by avoiding conflict and lack the energy to behave in such active ways.

I myself have been fucked by life at every turn, ever since I stepped my foot on the playground when I was about 3 years old and first interacted with someone who was not my family, people treated me poorly. Whenever I tried to fight back I got punished severely punished by everyone around me. Every time I tried to fuck over foids/Chads it backfired badly on me.
Truecel trait, being agressive because of how much youve been shit on, ER and Cho is proof!
No wonder men go ER, So much hatred given to them by society, Some turn agressive.

cat gun GIF
Actual trucels have lived very harsh lives and they had to adapt to it by avoiding conflict and lack the energy to behave in such active ways.
I adopted by being confrontential and threatening violence. If you try to avoid conflict youre telling the other person that you're submitting and they're free to do whatever they want. When the threat of violence gets involved, most man will back down because they're pussies.

Whenever I tried to fight back I got punished severely punished by everyone around me. Every time I tried to fuck over foids/Chads it backfired badly on me.
when you mean fight back, you mean violence or other means of fucking them over?
Truecel trait, being agressive because of how much youve been shit on, ER and Cho is proof!
It's more often a trait of failed normies who haven't been fucked by life as severely as trucels.
i thought truecels are just really ugly mfs
If you try to avoid conflict youre telling the other person that you're submitting and they're free to do whatever they want.
Not really, it just invites more attention if you are causing conflict, if you just mind your own business more often than not people will just leave you be.
when you mean fight back, you mean violence or other means of fucking them over?
Both. Some I managed to hurt pretty badly, but what's that worth when he is going to be backed up by ten of his friends next time I see him? On the other hand, I very often tried to snitch on them when it comes to school or parties I was aware of happening or which I managed to nose out the location of, but that almost never worked.
It's more often a trait of failed normies who haven't been fucked by life as severely as trucel
So your trying to paint us as soyboys and weak little peasants? That may not be true, Alot of incels here are still trying to win at life or work themselves to death only to have a roof over their heads, I cant imagine how lonely that is, I can actually i live it!, It takes willpower to do that! AND THAT IS NOT WEAKNESS THAT IS STRENGHT Some may not even have a home but still try to survive, I heard of incels going homeless, It takes STRENGHT to survive!, It still doesnt disprove the Meekspill, Because if you were in his shoes, All you have to do is beat a kid and then your on top of the world, Working hard is overrated, I cant beat a kid and become famous like him, Im ugly as shieeeet nyega so for me its either NEET work to my death or starve, Ive Chosen to NEET as i have that option now, Im also in EXTREME chronic pain so how could i NOT be agressive, It doesnt mean i hate someone when i disagree with their comments, I might fling a fuck you, A are you retarded or whatever, Doesnt mean i hate the person, I just fucking hate what they wrote! But if the person turns out to be a complete liberal retard dicksucker that wants to ruin this fine forum, THEN OFC BOOT THEM THE FUCK OUT!


You either Meeks or die trying, And if you lack the looks and a good body, I can say just go NEET! ITs over for you!
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It's more often a trait of failed normies who haven't been fucked by life as severely as trucels.
overgeneralization, don't tell me Cho was a failed normie who wasn't severely fucked in life
You either Meeks or die trying, And if you lack the looks and a good body, I can say just go NEET! ITs over for you!
I never said that you should keel over and die, but that trucels don't generally don't go out of their way to seek conflict and when they encounter it they tend to avoid it.
Doesnt mean i hate the person, I just fucking hate what they wrote!
you misread stuff and tell lies. then when someone says you were wrong you put them on ignore. ragebaby.
overgeneralization, don't tell me Cho was a failed normie who wasn't severely fucked in life
There is a difference between deciding to enact the finale solution and seeking unnecessary conflict.
i guess im failed normie then cause im super fucking angry and aggressive lol, i am extremely vengeful when people try to hurt me
An easy way to know if someone is a trucel in online spaces, including this forum is to look at their behavior. Men who are truly trucel are often not aggressive, they are usually meek and polite instead. Those who are aggressive, argumentative or/and larp about violence are often failed normies for a very simple reason. Actual trucels have lived very harsh lives and they had to adapt to it by avoiding conflict and lack the energy to behave in such active ways.

I myself have been fucked by life at every turn, ever since I stepped my foot on the playground when I was about 3 years old and first interacted with someone who was not my family, people treated me poorly. Whenever I tried to fight back I got punished severely punished by everyone around me. Every time I tried to fuck over foids/Chads it backfired badly on me.
i am extremely vengeful when people try to hurt me
And how does that pan out to you? For me whenever I tried anything I essentially got summarily executed.
Not really, it just invites more attention if you are causing conflict, if you just mind your own business more often than not people will just leave you be.
did ignoring your bullies work out for you?
Both. Some I managed to hurt pretty badly, but what's that worth when he is going to be backed up by ten of his friends next time I see him? On the other hand, I very often tried to snitch on them when it comes to school or parties I was aware of happening or which I managed to nose out the location of, but that almost never worked.
damn I was lucky enough that I never got jumped (although got close to happening).
did ignoring your bullies work out for you?
Yes more or less, they left me alone and moved onto leeching from someone else who would give them attention.
damn I was lucky enough that I never got jumped (although got close to happening).
No matter how gymmaxed you are, you can do little against dudes with knives or bats.
And how does that pan out to you? For me whenever I tried anything I essentially got summarily executed.
i made a post today of exactly how it went down when I got falsely accused, give it a read if you wanna see

to be honest, I learned it from my father who picks fights with anyone who bothers him and I found even though he's a shortfatcurrycel he can still get away with being extremely aggressive with people

I remember my short ass curry dad picking a fight with this massive 6 foot 3 nigrone over a piece of plywood cause my dad was getting supplies for the house and the nigg tried to claim my dads plywood from him which resulted in a huge yelling match in the parking lot with my dad getting ready to swing at him

somehow ended up scaring the blackie away and when I asked my dad in the drive home why the fuck he would do something so reckless, he told me that "yeah that dude wouldve probably beaten my ass and nearly killed me, but I'll be damned if i didn't take him with me, also you (me) were there and we wouldve both beaten his ass"

He actually did end up fighting some fairly tall white dude over an apple pencil that he bought off him and it turned out to be a dud. Ended up swinging on the fucker when he refused to refund my dad and I immediately knew shit was going down. I had just arrived from the bathroom when i saw them fighting so i didnt know what was going on and just went in and started trying to rain punches on the cumskin.

My dad could kill a child and I'd probably help him hide the body, I don't really care why he gets into trouble I just want to help him get out of it because he's always done the same for me.

Hes a low iq tard who regularly gets in trouble unlike my high iq (140+) mom but he taught me a very valuable lesson

"dont ever let anyone take from you and when you want something, its YOUR job to take it. Nobody will give you anything for free, you have to force their hand"
Cope. Men who are submissive are usually normies because they are submissive to foids. And prefer to worship foids.
Cope. Men who are submissive are usually normies because they are submissive to foids. And prefer to worship foids.
submitting to foids is some shit that I will never fucking do

the government could kill me or some shit and I'd still never submit

Its completely against what I stand for, I will never submit to any foid, I only submit to god
submitting to foids is some shit that I will never fucking do

the government could kill me or some shit and I'd still never submit

Its completely against what I stand for, I will never submit to any foid, I only submit to god
I have never once in my life let people harm me for free

"none may provoke me with impunity" is something I will always follow, as an inkwell, its even more important

one must never ever ever surrender and give up because thats why were in this fucking mess in the first place

when compared to giving up and submitting to some foid to be her little bitch, I'd rather stay an inkwell for life

its not volcel to keep your dignity, I am an incel purely because I refuse to fund prostitution in all forms (direct, betabuxx, etc)

God will know when I die that I was true to my principles til the end
Imagine coming onto a incel forum to argue
Cope. Men who are submissive are usually normies because they are submissive to foids. And prefer to worship foids.
There is a difference between submission and avoiding conflict because the whole world is against you. Fighting a constant battle with everyone around you saps away your energy.
Truecel trait, being agressive because of how much youve been shit on, ER and Cho is proof!
No wonder men go ER, So much hatred given to them by society, Some turn agressive.

cat gun GIF
im tilt proof, never aggressive
Truecel trait, being agressive because of how much youve been shit on, ER and Cho is proof!
No wonder men go ER, So much hatred given to them by society, Some turn agressive.

cat gun GIF
ER wasn't a truecel.
I have never once in my life let people harm me for free

"none may provoke me with impunity" is something I will always follow, as an inkwell, its even more important

one must never ever ever surrender and give up because thats why were in this fucking mess in the first place

when compared to giving up and submitting to some foid to be her little bitch, I'd rather stay an inkwell for life

its not volcel to keep your dignity, I am an incel purely because I refuse to fund prostitution in all forms (direct, betabuxx, etc)

God will know when I die that I was true to my principles til the end.
Fighting for your principles would be easy if we lived in a jungle. But now it's almost a suicidal mission.
For example I want to kill one asshole ( in video game ) but I don't know where he lives, I only know his place of work.
So if I do something in public place, I would be put in jail. All my life would be wasted.
I also can harm my relatives potentially.
This reminded me of @Intellau_Celistic and @TheGrayWolf
Unironically it’s definitely my face/head not my height first of all that makes me truecel (sure my height is a factor but my face/head are what’s disturbing)
I don’t think truecels will give much considERation to avoiding conflict online whERe nobody can physically harm you (assuming nobody knows your identity and/or whERe you live).

I’m a truecel and although I’m passive IRL because not only am I ugly AF, but I’m also a 5’7 skinny manlet so I stand no chance in a fight against tall chads or even guys same height as me who have a wide frame and good build (let alone a group of guys and/or if weapon(s) are involved while I’m unarmed) im aggressive AF online, whERe I can release my pent up rage from living as a truecel
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submitting to foids is some shit that I will never fucking do

the government could kill me or some shit and I'd still never submit

Its completely against what I stand for, I will never submit to any foid, I only submit to god

I was enjoying reading your message and was just about to reply with “based “ until I read the last sentence “I only submit to god”.

Like yourself, I wouldn’t submit to anyone unless thERe was significant physical harm and/or death awaiting me and/or my family, but I can nevER undERstand submitting to something which you have no proof exists in the first place.

You r essentially submitting to something in your imagination and letting your idea or pERception of it influence your life choices, when thERe is no guarantee that you will be rewarded or receive any benefit in return for your submission.

That makes even less sense than someone submitting to a real pERson or group of people if the act of their submission gives them some REAL BENEFIT (themselves and/or their family not being significantly physically harmed and/or killed, and maybe getting some bonus reward on top of that).
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As you say, "often" times that may be the case. But not always. I have intermittent explosive disorder (yet another shit gene that I inherited). I've tried therapy, I've tried 7 different medications, none of that did shit for me. I never had the opportunity to be meek, instead I'll always be a slave to my anger. I'll never know peace.
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I was enjoying reading your message and was just about to reply with “based “ until I read the last sentence “I only submit to god”.

Like yourself, I wouldn’t submit to anyone unless thERe was significant physical harm and/or death awaiting me and/or my family, but I can nevER undERstand submitting to something which you have no proof exists in the first place.

You r essentially submitting to something in your imagination and letting your idea or pERception of it influence your life choices, when thERe is no guarantee that you will be rewarded or receive any benefit in return for your submission.

That makes even less sense than someone submitting to a real pERson or group of people if the act of their submission gives them some REAL BENEFIT (themselves and/or their family not being significantly physically harmed and/or killed, and maybe getting some bonus reward on top of that).
I believe in God because I believe the proof surrounding his existence is enough for me

I don't need reddit tier atheist rhetoric for now though
I don't need reddit tier atheist rhetoric for now though
Over for all the arguments against God in this forum. I've seen good arguments against God in other places but never this forum. It always boils down to some emotional bullshit.
Incels have different personalities. I don't think every trucel wants to go ER. Wanting to go ER is already a small percentage of this forum anyway. Most of us are just depressed LDARs.
I believe in God because I believe the proof surrounding his existence is enough for me

I don't need reddit tier atheist rhetoric for now though

What proof? Show me concrete proof that god exists and I will believe in god’s existence.

Now let’s define what “proof” is. Something is proven to be true if it can be OBSERVED through REPEATED EXPERIMENTATION.

Based on the scientific definition, thERe is no proof of god’s existence.

I know you believERs will claim that the pain/suffERing in the world exists because god is “testing us”, which is an argument that makes no sense because an ALL-KNOWING god would already KNOW what evERy individual would do at evERy point in time/space thERefore no need to test us (meaning god is evil for letting lifeforms expERience pain/suffERing despite not only knowing about it but also having the powER as an “all-powERful” being to prevent it in the first place).

Or, god didn’t know about the pain/suffERing in the world, thERefore he ISN’T all knowing and thERefore ISN’T god (god doesn’t exist).

Besides the point, let’s take the example of some 3-year old child (can barely speak) born in a slum in Africa or India who starves to death/dies of some disease, or is born in the Middle-East and gets shot to pieces or blown to fuck by westERnERs and/or kikes.

What was that 3-year old child (who can barely even speak let alone make conscious choices/decisions), being tested on? What chance did they even have to pass the test? What did they do wrong to “desERve” pain/suffERing and death?

ThERe is no logical justification for the existence of a loving God. God either doesn’t exist or thERe is a god but he is an evil piece of shit and I refuse to worship him.

I’m using logic, which is UNIVERSAL and OBJECTIVE (meaning it is true at evERy point in time/space and true for evERy pERson irregardless of whethER you r a bluepilled redditER or a blackpilled incels.is usER).

Thinking logically is the primary aspect of a blackpillER, LACKING LOGIC is the primary aspect of a BLUEPILLER (who make up the majority of reddit), so ironically your rhetoric is FAR MORE reddit-tiER than mine because it lacks logic just like the posts/replies of the avERage reddit usER.
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Over for all the arguments against God in this forum. I've seen good arguments against God in other places but never this forum. It always boils down to some emotional bullshit.

My replies have been purely based on logic, my replies are completely opposite to what is classified as emotional.

I hope you’re trolling, because the only othER explanation for your completely incorrect assessment of the debate so far, is that you must be extremely low IQ
truecel trait: you don't live your house at all unless you really have to
Incels have different personalities. I don't think every trucel wants to go ER. Wanting to go ER is already a small percentage of this forum anyway. Most of us are just depressed LDARs.
I more of referring to those who pick fights 24/7 and talk about being "violent" to normcattle (larps)
My replies have been purely based on logic, my replies are completely opposite to what is classified as emotional.

I hope you’re trolling, because the only othER explanation for your completely incorrect assessment of the debate so far, is that you must be extremely low IQ
Faggot I didn't even look at your thread up there. I was replying to @NatsumeSouseki about how all the cels debating against me use reddit-tier arguments as well.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Always new users starting unnecessary arguments for no reason who most likely aren’t even incel and are just teenagers.
Faggot I didn't even look at your thread up there. I was replying to @NatsumeSouseki about how all the cels debating against me use reddit-tier arguments as well.

Maybe you should propERly read the replies from atheists, before giving it any labels
An easy way to know if someone is a trucel in online spaces, including this forum is to look at their behavior. Men who are truly trucel are often not aggressive, they are usually meek and polite instead. Those who are aggressive, argumentative or/and larp about violence are often failed normies for a very simple reason. Actual trucels have lived very harsh lives and they had to adapt to it by avoiding conflict and lack the energy to behave in such active ways.

I myself have been fucked by life at every turn, ever since I stepped my foot on the playground when I was about 3 years old and first interacted with someone who was not my family, people treated me poorly. Whenever I tried to fight back I got punished severely punished by everyone around me. Every time I tried to fuck over foids/Chads it backfired badly on me.
high iq.
Maybe you should propERly read the replies from atheists, before giving it any labels
Retard I told you I didn't read your reply. I'm not giving it labels, literally every reply I got from users before was basically 'how can God be real because I am inkwell and suffering'.
Retard I told you I didn't read your reply. I'm not giving it labels, literally every reply I got from users before was basically 'how can God be real because I am inkwell and suffering'.

Yes I know you didn’t read my reply which is exactly why I recommended you to read more of the replies on this thread from people who are atheist (don’t believe in the possibility of god’s existence AT ALL) or agnostic (accept both possibilities of god’s existence or non-existence).

Lol a religious tard calling me a retard, I can’t get insulted by that. All I can do is laugh at the irony

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