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LifeFuel Sperglord gets his revenge on normshits in Netherlands: kills roastie neighbour and her daughter, and kills a professor who screwed with him at uni



Chadfish is my jihad
Mar 8, 2023
This is one of the greatest news stories that's come out this year.
In summary, a medical student with aspergers in the Netherlands was found to be passed out drunk in his yard. While drunk he kicked his dog. The roastie neighbour (a coalburner in his words) filmed it and called the police. He was found guilty of animal cruelty. As a result, the university did not deem him to be a fit and proper perosn to practice medicine, and refused to let him graduate with his medical degree. After a few months of getting drunk and LDARing in his house, he decided to get revenge. He killed his roasite neighbour who reported him, as well as her 14 year old whore daughter, then he drove to the university and killed the university professor who was fucking with him by forcing him to do a 'psychological assessment' before he could graduate.
Now how do we know he is a subhuman like us? Well he documented it on 4chan.
His 4chan post describing it:

His posts where he talks about hating women:






He was a based pureblood who refused to take the jewjuice:
Based pureblood

Now onto his revenge hahahahahahahahah:

He killed this roastie neighbour who reported him to the police:

He then burnt her house and sacrificed her to moloch:

After killing the roastie and her daughter... her other daughter broke down in tears:
"Harrowing details have since emerged from the scene, with Marlous's other 14-year-old daughter collapsing in the street when she realised that there were officers outside her home. She screamed in horror when she was told her mother and twin sister had been killed, tears rolling down her face as her legs buckled. "
He killed this faggot uni professor on the uni exam panel who was blocking him from graduating:

Normshits flee for their lives:
Normshits run in fear

And a pic of him getting arrested:

This based bastard was sick of being treated like shit so he got his revenge. We have a new Saint boys!
Praise Him!!!
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Based as fuck ,sounds just like me
put in must read asap
damn fucking brootal but you know what you get when you push a mentally ill man to his limit, you get what you fucking deserve
Good I'm hoping for more of my fellow incel brothers for more blood on the streets
Blesses him. He is the real "janny" the janitor that took out the trash
This guy sounds like a faggot. He isn't " high I.Q" he's just some autist. After reading the article it's even worse. He lived in a disgusting squalid filthy house covered in animal shit. This is your hero?
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>Do you see the problem? This is why society is breaking down. This is why we cant get a rocket into space anymore. Gatekeeping by people who don't give a fuck about meritocracy and judge you based on likeability like everything is a popularity contest.

This reminds me of Ted Kaczynski's experience in university. It is never explicitly stated anywhere, but its fair to assume he had a few autist traits based on his described personality. Obviously, that knocked him down the totem pole in terms sociability. Other people would describe him as blunt, non charismatic, and what most people described of his time teaching in academia I gathered, generally, people disliked being around him for those traits, which led him to his short career in schooling.
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damn fucking brootal but you know what you get when you push a mentally ill man to his limit, you get what you fucking deserve
So true. Normies are not smart enough to be afraid.
Based King. He is our new saint
This guy sounds like a faggot. He isn't " high I.Q" he's just some autist. After reading the article it's even worse. He lived in a disgusting squalid filthy house covered in animal shit. This is your hero?
This guy sounds like a faggot. He isn't " high I.Q" he's just some autist. After reading the article it's even worse. He lived in a disgusting squalid filthy house covered in animal shit. This is your hero?
Yes, he represents us :feelsokman:. If you're NT you're a fakecel
This guy sounds like a faggot. He isn't " high I.Q" he's just some autist. After reading the article it's even worse. He lived in a disgusting squalid filthy house covered in animal shit. This is your hero?
and the cucks who ruined his life over personal issues like the drama imbeciles they all are (and humanity is) are just not culpable?
fuck off to reddit you utter subhuman waste
I love the chaos of mass shootings .... the frantic calls from normiefags, the police cars racing with their sirens on, the tactical teams running around trying to find the gunman.

You get what you fucking deserve, in Minecraft.
+ Pootin is taking too long to nuke Jewsa
bahahaha you retards actually look up to this autist? muh saint sperged out degenerate who lives in a house littered with 7 types of animal shit strewn across every room
bahahaha you retards actually look up to this autist? muh saint sperged out degenerate who lives in a house littered with 7 types of animal shit strewn across every room
don't care. he killed a roastie and her whore daughter. Based :feelskek:
He should've taken himself out afterwards.
This is one of the greatest news stories that's come out this year.
In summary, a medical student with aspergers in the Netherlands was found to be passed out drunk in his yard. While drunk he kicked his dog. The roastie neighbour (a coalburner in his words) filmed it and called the police. He was found guilty of animal cruelty. As a result, the university did not deem him to be a fit and proper perosn to practice medicine, and refused to let him graduate with his medical degree. After a few months of getting drunk and LDARing in his house, he decided to get revenge. He killed his roasite neighbour who reported him, as well as her 14 year old whore daughter, then he drove to the university and killed the university professor who was fucking with him by forcing him to do a 'psychological assessment' before he could graduate.
Now how do we know he is a subhuman like us? Well he documented it on 4chan.
His 4chan post describing it:
View attachment 888519
His posts where he talks about hating women:
View attachment 888511
View attachment 888512
View attachment 888513
View attachment 888514
View attachment 888515
View attachment 888518
He was a based pureblood who refused to take the jewjuice:
View attachment 888516
Now onto his revenge hahahahahahahahah:

He killed this roastie neighbour who reported him to the police:
View attachment 888521
He then burnt her house and sacrificed her to moloch:
View attachment 888523
After killing the roastie and her daughter... her other daughter broke down in tears:
"Harrowing details have since emerged from the scene, with Marlous's other 14-year-old daughter collapsing in the street when she realised that there were officers outside her home. She screamed in horror when she was told her mother and twin sister had been killed, tears rolling down her face as her legs buckled. "
He killed this faggot uni professor on the uni exam panel who was blocking him from graduating:
View attachment 888522
Normshits flee for their lives:
View attachment 888524
And a pic of him getting arrested:
View attachment 888526
This based bastard was sick of being treated like shit so he got his revenge. We have a new Saint boys!
Praise Him!!!
>Posts porn on 4chan
Neo Nazi
This is one of the greatest news stories that's come out this year.
100%, underrated hERo

Good OP. According to his post he was filmed torturing the rabbits, not kicking the dog, IIRC? But glad that he turned the tables on his coalburner neighbour

Feminae delenda est
Those 4chan posts are fucking based. I can relate heavily to the parts about aspergers, and how social hierarchies replace meritocratic hierarchies.
Based, he did nothing wrong
Lol at the woman who will be always remembered just as a coalburner
Another 4chinner
A legend! Based Fouad for eliminating your enemies.
Pretty Based , people are biased against Man that are Ugly / weird enough.

Not Woman of Course they dont face Judgment " :feelsclown:
Other people would describe him as blunt, non charismatic, and what most people described of his time teaching in academia I gathered, generally, people disliked being around him for those traits, which led him to his short career in schooling.
I fucking hate this social circus we are supposed to do in cormie society.
Its not enough to just state the relevant information, you have to act like a clown for it to be enough
A true blue Heroic hero. Moloch & Lolth dine tonight
What’s his real name? I probably missed it cos I low attention but this is based as fuck! cos that uni professor looked like a PC cucked Mark Rutte supporting, anti Gert Wilders protesting faggot.
What’s his real name? I probably missed it cos I low attention but this is based as fuck! cos that uni professor looked like a PC cucked Mark Rutte supporting, anti Gert Wilders protesting faggot.
Fouad L
Holy Lifefuel. I heard about it but didn't look into it. Do these European soys think they are helping the world become a 'better' place by being overly sensitive fucks? Fucking delusional retards.

The rights of spergs will never be respected without heroes such as this taking a stand against the prejudiced social standards of normalfags. Death to all normalfags unless and until they bend the knee to us spergs!
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My only critique is that he didn't target the police/prosecutors. There needs to be a lot more heroism against boneheaded bigot cops and social climber prosecutors.

But I can 100% affirm his conclusion that as a sperglord, you should just become a NEET. I have absolutely no regrets in following this life course and wish Fouad could be as comfy as me right now. But someone needed to kill for normie sins...

I thought if I just study and do everything properly, Ill make it, but they literally judge you on how social you are. Med school is literally a social club! Its literally high school cafeteria cliques giving jobs and positions to their friends
My dear asperger brothers, with my whole heart I strongly recommend you to just go NEET and never try to do anything in academics, especially if youre not a cuck and insist on speaking your mind like a man
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praise! :feelsYall: total normalfag death :feelscomfy:
more foids must revive this treatment
Based for killing a coalburner but people like this shouldn't be allowed to own animals
He abused animals so fuck him.

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