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Serious South Korea’s Gender War And The Future Of Gender Relations In The West



Got his account compromised by a foid
Jan 25, 2022
I noticed that when this site discusses the future of male loneliness/sexlessness, Japan is used as a worst-case example for the West’s future. I propose using South Korea as a worst-case example for the future of western gender relations.

In a nutshell, South Korea has a tremendous Feminists vs Men’s Rights Activists problem. It started with the South Korean feminist community soaring in toxicity as its influence grew the last few decades. Take a fringe “Kill all men” type American feminist, then dial them up by 200%. That’s your average South Korean feminist: not even a fringe one, but an average one. Combine that misandry problem with how South Korea has seen the universal western phenomenon of women outdoing men in education, while Korean men are required to serve in the military in their youths. As you can predict, this situation brewed lots of rage amongst South Korean men.

The gender war really burst out when an emote body-shaming men for having small dicks became popular among some radical feminist groups in 2019. This little body-shaming move had drastic consequences, and resulted directly in the explosion of a massive Men’s Rights Movement that has been described as the “anti-Metoo” in terms of scale. This MRA movement had unspeakable cultural influence. Showing open support for Feminism soon became tremendously stigmatized because of it. Doing so as a Korean idol is so taboo, that that it’s no different from a career-killing move, and often becomes life-threatening. Think about it this way. People like James Gunn and Dave Chapelle get supposedly “canceled” in America, then go right back to making multi-millions. They certainly don’t risk large-scale harassment, death threats, or the ends of their careers. Being feminist isn’t even the cancel culture equivalent of bigoted/creepy statements, it’s like the cancel culture equivalent of having murdered someone. But even that doesn’t remotely capture the scale of the movement’s influence.

In 2017, (before the explosion of Men’s Rights Activism) South Korean president Moon Jae-in campaigned on a promise of becoming a “feminist president,” promoting gender equality policies. Despite Moon Jae-in’s administration overseeing one of the world’s best responses to the pandemic, and the Korean economy roaring while most of the developed world struggled, anti-feminism became the deciding factor in what western outlets call ’South Korea’s Incel Election Of 2022.’ Both the liberal Democratic Party and conservative People’s Power Party have been accused of misogyny. While the Liberal party had a number of high-profile sexual harassment scandals under its belt, the Conservative party made abolishing the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family a central pledge of candidate Yoon Seok-yeol’s campaign against Lee Jae-myung. The ministry largely provides family-based services, education, and social welfare for children and spends around 0.2% of the nation's annual budget - less than 3% of which goes towards the promotion of equality for women. But conservative candidate Yoon knew this move would be popular among the key demographic of young men.

Yoon appealed to the sharp conservative turn of young men caused by the anti-feminist movement. In fact, a poll from Gallup Korea showed that young men (Twenties) were far more conservative than younger women (Twenties) and older men (Fifties) to the point where president Moon’s approval rate was 18%, 42%, and 48% respectively among the demographics. In their 2019 book Men in Their 20s, journalist Cheon Gwan-yul and data scientist Jeong Han-wool found that the young generation’s misogyny was marked by over-the-top hostility against feminism: 58.6% of South Korean men in their 20s said they strongly opposed feminism, with 25.9% rating the intensity of their opposition as 12 on a scale from 0 to 12.

Since the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 destroyed South Korea’s previous model of lifetime employment, Korean youth have spent their entire lives preparing for and taking a series of ruthlessly competitive examinations — for prestigious high schools, then colleges, then large corporations. Instead of poverty and oppression, their main struggle is to achieve economic security in a society that is often brutal to those who lose out. In this new environment, young women have fared better than before. As with most of the west, women are enrolling in college at higher rates than men. Compliment all that with the grievous fact that men have mandatory military service. So unlike older men, who held to a patriarchal worldview defined by rigid gender roles, young men reject the sense of masculine duty that typically accompanies old-school sexism. Rather, they see themselves as victims of feminism and define themselves politically by this sense of victimisation.

Although the liberal candidate likewise appealed to antifeminism, the conservative candidate’s stronger efforts in doing so were the deciding factor in his election. In fact, conservative candidate Yoon’s campaign nearly fell apart in December when Harvard-educated pundit and leader of the People’s Power Party Lee Jun-seok dropped all his support for candidate Yoon. Lee Jun-seok is perhaps the most prominent Men’s Rights Figure in South Korea, and he stopped supporting Yoon when he tried reaching out to feminists to appeal to young women. But when Yoon backtracked on his actions, Lee Jun-seok came back to support him, and singlehandedly helped him regain his lead over the liberal candidate.

Here’s what we can gain by using South Korea as a case-study for toxic gender wars.

  1. The danger of feminist misandry. Keep in mind that most of the sources I used above were western takes. The South Korean subreddit responded to one of the articles linked, and most of them challenged the narrative that feminists were the victims amid all this, and they further gave their own perspective on the toxicity of the feminist movement.

There’s clearly more nuance to the situation than the western take of ”Leh Incels Are Ruling South Korea.” Whereas western feminists at the very least try to claim that misandrists don’t represent all of them, the South Korean feminist community (which is largely ”gender critical“ too) has adopted misandry into their core beliefs. And to think, the movement’s toxicity would’ve slipped under the radar if they hadn’t popularized the male body-shaming emote, and kicked off a domino effect that led to the influence of the Men’s Rights Movement.

2. This gender war could be a long-term outcome of the current trends of western dating culture. Often, .is members (including myself) discuss the phenomenon of women being empowered and college educated while men increasingly become hopeless, lonely, and poor. Redpillers think the phenomenon will culminate in a major antifeminst reaction, while blue-pillers think it won’t go anywhere and it’s just a revenge fantasy. This instance definitely proves the former. As I mentioned above, modern anti-feminism is no longer based on patriarchal attitudes of gender roles, but on male frustration and victimhood upon seeing that women, unlike men, seem largely unaffected by the phenomenons of loneliness, sexlessness, death of the middle class, etc.

It’s no different from how an impoverished southerner might see immigrants and think “they’re taking our jobs!” Men are seeing women have the time of their lives with large friend circles, occupying most of academia, and taking over traditionally male spaces like nerd culture, all while the loneliness epidemic affects men exclusively, men lose their masculine role models, and men are becoming far less educated than women, more likely to drop out of University, be homeless, etc. Don’t expect empathy for feminists amid all this, they’ll either say “loneliness affects women too” or “you fragile males wanna be victims so badly.” It’s no wonder reactionary politicians have been trying hard to recruit men from doomer communities, neet communities, gaming communities, etc. You can argue whether or not there’s gonna be a “beta uprising,” but I think the South Korea situation demonstrates the future of the western Lost Boy crisis.
@wereq @Grim_Reaper @DarkStarDown @Spongebozz @Stupid Clown
No one cares about chinks
Hope gender war explodes so foids will see their heads on sticks :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Another interesting thing about what's happening in South Korea is their president in 2016, Park Guen-hye, was indoctrinated by a literal feminist cult planning on destroying men.
Also their feminist shit is WAAAY worse than what we have in the West. It's fucking crazy
Another interesting thing about what's happening in South Korea is their president in 2016, Park Guen-hye, was indoctrinated by a literal feminist cult planning on destroying men.
Also their feminist shit is WAAAY worse than what we have in the West. It's fucking crazy
Chinks are more racist, materialistic than any other race. They truly seem to have no boundaries when it comes to certain things. Even in left-leaning spaces in the west, you'll see them throwing a bone at men once in a while.
Hope gender war explodes so foids will see their heads on sticks :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
I really think all the govts are playing with fire by letting foids' toxicity prevail. A lot of men, who had theirs, love to say to young men that it's been like this throughout history. It certainly is true that half as many men passed on their genes, but they ignore that men's resentment is directly levelled at all the foids this time, unlike in the past where the resentment was directed at the tyrants. Also the existence of the internet.
Based and high IQ post
I pray to Hamudi for a beta uprising worldwide
A gender war is needed to determine which gender will be in control of society
A gender war is needed to determine which gender will be in control of society
Problem is so many young men boiling with rage against foids. Like I'm certain for sure every fucking guy is full of resentment against foids despite not being blackpilled. With the license to enact, it will only take a fraction of the male population to take things too far. Govts all around the world have seriously fucked this up.
Another interesting thing about what's happening in South Korea is their president in 2016, Park Guen-hye, was indoctrinated by a literal feminist cult planning on destroying men.
Also their feminist shit is WAAAY worse than what we have in the West. It's fucking crazy
Anybody have the 4chan green text?
Problem is so many young men boiling with rage against foids. Like I'm certain for sure every fucking guy is full of resentment against foids despite not being blackpilled. With the license to enact, it will only take a fraction of the male population to take things too far. Govts all around the world have seriously fucked this up.
Sorry bro, most hate themselves and blame themselves
A gender war is needed to determine which gender will be in control of society
"Yoo hoo, white Marine, please save me from these evil Asian men, my pussy needs feminism"
To add that as a Korean, the gender war is leading to generational conflict. The current generation that dominates Korean politics and society is called the 586 generation, who were born in the 1960s. Korea's patriarchy disappeared later than the West's, so most of them are patriarchal and social conservative. They are patriarchal yet supportive of feminism because, first, they are indebted to discriminating against women in their youth, and second, they do not know how misandric feminism in Korea is. Third, they think that it is unmanly to antagonize women because they treat gender conflicts as trivial matters. Young men are quite disappointed in them because the older generations in Korea support feminism. @mcmoohyun @GobidCrusader
Long story short : we need total kimchiwhore extinction right now(in the Starcraft)
What gender relations??? we are either invisible or disgusting to w0men.

Gender Relations its either for high tier normie and above.
"Yoo hoo, white Marine, please save me from these evil Asian men, my pussy needs feminism"
Unironically what Asian women would say in such a scenario.
That's I respect Koreans. They have the blood brewing in them. Singaporeans? They are suckers Japanese? Here, have your isolation ramen booth
this is a high quality post
To add that as a Korean, the gender war is leading to generational conflict. The current generation that dominates Korean politics and society is called the 586 generation, who were born in the 1960s. Korea's patriarchy disappeared later than the West's, so most of them are patriarchal and social conservative. They are patriarchal yet supportive of feminism because, first, they are indebted to discriminating against women in their youth, and second, they do not know how misandric feminism in Korea is. Third, they think that it is unmanly to antagonize women because they treat gender conflicts as trivial matters. Young men are quite disappointed in them because the older generations in Korea support feminism. @mcmoohyun @GobidCrusader
When did the men of older generations ever not sell out or throw the younger men under the bus for social, financial, political, and personal benefits? I'd say muh 'traditionally masculine' men are the weakest and most pathetic.
Another interesting thing about what's happening in South Korea is their president in 2016, Park Guen-hye, was indoctrinated by a literal feminist cult planning on destroying men.
Also their feminist shit is WAAAY worse than what we have in the West. It's fucking crazy
This is true.

Things will have to get much worse before we can even think about them getting better
When did the men of older generations ever not sell out or throw the younger men under the bus for social, financial, political, and personal benefits? I'd say muh 'traditionally masculine' men are the weakest and most pathetic.
Correct. Old men are some of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen. They're a bunch of pathetic selfish narcissists who want us to be their slaves.
South Korea has mandatory military service for men yet none for women yet women are oppressed over there?
It's so fucking over for the male race.

Men have been pacified, pussified.

Literally the only thing that can fix the problem is taking away the foids' rights. Otherwise, society will collapse because the path we are on currently is simply not sustainable.

Men will be angry, bitter, frustrated due to lack of love, sex and family. They will be less productive. There will be less children, the pension system will not be viable and will collapse.

And the longer we don't take any action, the harder it will get. Men will be more and more docile, pussified, pacified.
Men will be more and more docile, pussified, pacified.
Trust me, those are the most unpredictable and dangerous men. They are not docile like faggots but docile with deep-seated resentment.
Correct. Old men are some of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen. They're a bunch of pathetic selfish narcissists who want us to be their slaves.
Reminds me of that IncelAvalon article
This is true.

Things will have to get much worse before we can even think about them getting better
yeahh, fixing the shitshow which is the west today will take time.

Conditioning w0men again that their role is to be mother and give birth to childrean and be loyal to your husband, is going to take a couple of generations.

Same with conditioning simps, and fixing the Low T epidemic we have today.
There is a difference between Japanese, Korean and Chinese chinks?
Yes, it is readily apparent to the knowledgeable. I would rank the Japanese very highly due to their proficiency at war. Chinese are pretty much all bugmen that have been subjugated by those stronger than them, they only have power within numbers and are less innovative than the koreans/japanese.
Aren't all gooks look the same? Except for skin colour
Japanese are like koreans mixed with siberian-islanders, east asians haven't viewed each other in a similar light for the vast majority of human history. Their power structures seemed to have differed as well. Japanese also do differ within phenotype compared to chinese/korean people.
completely fucking unimportant.
Who is of importance to you? I would say they are a major core part of the advancing technological world. There's a good amount of high ranking scientists, researchers, and musicians among their race.
to me they all look the same.
This can be claimed for most non-whites.

Your enmity confuses me.
Won’t see this gender war bullshit in the land of Juche :feelsjuice:
To add that as a Korean, the gender war is leading to generational conflict. The current generation that dominates Korean politics and society is called the 586 generation, who were born in the 1960s. Korea's patriarchy disappeared later than the West's, so most of them are patriarchal and social conservative. They are patriarchal yet supportive of feminism because, first, they are indebted to discriminating against women in their youth, and second, they do not know how misandric feminism in Korea is. Third, they think that it is unmanly to antagonize women because they treat gender conflicts as trivial matters. Young men are quite disappointed in them because the older generations in Korea support feminism. @mcmoohyun @GobidCrusader
Oh yes boomers being “patriarchic” only for male gender roles as usual
I got slaughtered on the battlefield ages ago, just rotting now as the corpses pile up and the disease spreads.
South Korea is a catastrophic disaster. They have the lowest birth rate in the world, and continue breaking their own record every subsequent year. Not even Japan comes close. South Korea also have the highest mens suicide rate of all first world nations. The messed up part is that we actually need to sink to their level as a nation in order for things to actually begin improving for us, lest we remain stuck in a kind of 'purgatory'.

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