"I must have read over that. And no, halal slaughter does not involve stunning, that is not the correct way to do it. Halal slaughter is much more humane than any other forms of slaughtering as it makes sure the animal doesn't feel pain despite all the blood loss."
The source I read claims that 88% are stunned. I am fine as long as the animal feels the least amount of pain. Whatever the whole animal industry is inhumane itself so I guess the slaughter method will not matter too much in the grand scheme of things. But I will still be against it if the animal feels an enormous amount of pain. i guess I will read more about this topic to judge it accordingly.
"As for you being against "Sharia law" in your government, what about local Sharia courts for those who wish to use those? There are certain matters European law differ from Islamic law and this would be a better solution."
I strongly believe in a secular government so there should be no courts apart from our official courts. No muslims, christians,buddhists or other religions are allowed to have anything like a court. This applies to all religions. Nothing apart from our own law should somehow become a law. There are only subjective morals under a pluralistic government. Muslims can of course use their own religious morals for personal conflicts but any real / non personal argument should be solved by our laws.