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RageFuel South Cuckrea appeasing the west

I always wanted to test that argument against people trying to debatebro me on eating bugs but I could never do it because only retarded leftoids want me to eat bugs and they ban me everywhere. Either they have to become cannibalism-pilled like you (at least you say you are) or they have to admit that some things are just disgusting and wrong even though there isn't any logical arguments for it. You think your role models Vaush and Destiny would also take the cannibal-pill?

You can take a moral position on anything, but usually people take the side that they personally believe in, not because it's fun to think about or playing devil's advocate.

What he's doing is the same as vegetarians crying about killing animals for meat when you're a meat eater yourself.
Oh okay.. Well I still think a heroin junkie could tell me using heroine is bad and you shouldn't do it or someone who watches porn could say that watching porn is bad and you shouldn't do it. But yeah I get how it's kinda cringe in a lot of cases.
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have to admit that some things are just disgusting and wrong even though there isn't any logical arguments for it.
"Muh feelings" this is a certified facts over feelings zone. Real Shapiro niggas only.

It’s hard to believe Buddhism didn’t stop them from eating it, but western influence will jfl.
It's even more brutal when you think about why they're doing it:
I think your conclusion in writing the name of this thread was wrong. I'm highly doubtful this is "Western influence" in a forceful sense. The people in power of the VVest are insistent on forcing non-white kultcha on white populations, not the other way around. It's only shit that objectively lowers societal quality like mass immigration and LGBTALJHQW:LKJ:QLWKEJ:QLWJE nonsense that you'll see Western countries impose on nations like South Korea

Gooks simply romanticize and wish to imitate whites and their cultural norms. That's it
Makes perfect sense though. Would a normal human being have a stronger drive to emulate Buddhists (curroids) or the VVhite race?
"Muh feelings" this is a certified facts over feelings zone. Real Shapiro niggas only.

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I love this kind of forum drama lmao. Reminds me of a lunch table roast session

This site really is the closest thing I have to a social circle :cryfeels:

Ja ontken ik toch niet? Jij kunt net als vaush en destiny de 180IQ mens uithangen en pedofilie en seks met dieren en kannibalisme en wie weet wat voor andere smerigheid allemaal goedkeuren maar ik vind dat ranzig en wil niet in een samenleving leven waar we dat doen en ik denk dat als je blootlegt aan normies waar die linkse logica je uiteindelijk heen brengt dat mensen toch ff achter hun oor krabben voordat ze dat stemmetje in de bus doen.

Maar goed voor je dat je gewoon eerlijk op die vraag in gaat en niet als een kansloze normie zegt "daar hebben we het nu niet over" of "vergelijk je nou echt het eten van insecten met het eten van mensen :soy: :soy: :soy: ".

Yes, I'm not denying it, am I? You can, just like Vaush and Destiny, be the 180IQ person and condone pedophilia and sex with animals and cannibalism and who knows what other filth, but I find that disgusting and do not want to live in a society where we do that and I think that if you expose to normies where that left-wing logic ultimately takes you, that people will scratch their heads before they vote for those leftards.

But good for you for answering that question honestly and not saying, like a hopeless normie, "we're not talking about that right now" or "are you really comparing eating insects with eating people :soy: :soy: :soy: ".
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Asians trying their best to not eat fucking anything they see (impossible).
Based. Dog meat has to go. They are simply not bred for food and their body composition reflects that. Pork/beef/chicken are bred for food and their muscle composition reflects that. There's a reason why many wild animals taste like shit, because of many fast twitch, lean muscles.
Eating dogs is barbaric behavior for niggers and gooks.
Protect dogs, eat pork/chicken/beef/fish like normal human beings.
According to such logic, those who abstain from meat are superior.
Also jfl at Westerners calling someone barbarian. Nations that formed modern Europe themselves were called barbarians by ancient Romans.
West Europeans were called barbarians by Byzantians.

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