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Story Something that happened in elementary school during a 14-days school trip - Germancels get in here



Nov 2, 2018
As I said, I would make a thread about it and quote you @TheJester I will also quote you @Darth Aries Perhaps you are interested in my story.

This happened back in elementary school, to be more specific during the school trip. We were all pretty young back then, therefore innocent and also naive, which would change during the school trip. At that time we were nothing more than fifth-grader.
The school trip must have taken place in late summer 2005. Our class decided to go on a long school trip to the North Sea of Germany at Sylt. Our youth hostel was pretty close to the beach. The school trip lastet a full two weeks. So, we had plenty of time and there was also plenty of time for events to unfold that would destroy ones innocence and naivity. Perhaps this was also the point where my buoyant and even somewhat cheerful demeanor changed. I was not laughing as much, although even back then and before that, I always thought of laughing as something that is weak. Even back then, to me, laughing and showing teeth was a sign of weakness. I was thinking like this even when I was a child.

For this thread I want to talk about a specific event that took place. It is something that I still have to think about it from time to time. Although there were other events during the school trip, this particular event is the most profound. It also showed me pretty early on what is going.

One day during our 14-days school trip we were hanging out at the beach. I think we did some sport activity first. That was something I was really good at it. I was always doing stunts in sport class or any sort of sports activity.
Eventually, I was sitting on a bench with two other classmates. Another German boy and a Turkish boy. We were just hanging out, sitting there, when all of the sudden two German girls approached us. Well, they did not approach "us", as a matter of fact, they only approached the Turkish boy. They started to talk to him and playing around. I am not even sure anymore what they were saying because when this happened back then, I was in my own head, thinking about what is happening right now. I was trying to process it while this was happening right in front of me. I was thinking to myself, talking to myself, is this really happening? Why are they talking to him? Why did they approach him? Why did not they approach me? Why are they not talking to me? I am young and athletic.

It was like I was not even there, same for the other German boy that was sitting with us. To the two German girls back then, I was not even there. They did not even look at me. I was nothing more than air to them. I was not even there, yet I still was there. It was like watching a movie, yet it was happening right in front of me. I was in my thoughts while simultaneously watching it. I was processing it, trying to understand what is going on and why this is happening. During it the approach, I was thinking to myself, is this really happening? Is this real? And even afterwards, I asked myself the questions. Did this really just happen? Is this real?

Later on when we were heading back to our youth hostel we came across a group of young people. To "our suprise", the two German girls were there and they are holding back a screaming German boy who were yelling at my classmate, the young Turkish boy. I think they were sixth-grader. I remember it clearly. Both German girls were standing next to him. One girl to his right side and on girl to his left side while he was yelling.

I was just watching it, like I was watching how the two German girls approached the Turkish boy instead me. It was like a movie. I was just a bystander, a watcher and I was watching a movie. It really was like a movie. All those cheesy plot lines. This could be a typical romance movie but the thing is, I was not a part of that movie. I am watching it. I am watching it unfold right in front of my eyes while standing there.

It is like I was not really there and there at the same time. It is like I was unable to interact with people and with my surroundings and everything just happens as the plot unfolds right in front of me.

And the story does not end here. When we were back at our place, the youth hostel, me and the other German boy who witnessed the approach were alone in a room when he then suddenly broke down in tears. He said the he will never have a girl. I guess, he was also thinking about what happened and he realized at that he will never have that. No girl approached him or me.

Later on I became some sort of "wingman" delivering a letter he wrote to another girl in our class.

That is the entire story of it. What can be learned here? If you are not approached by females, you are not desirable. If you witness that females approach someone you know and you are sitting next to them and the females do not even look at you and treat you like that you are not even there, that you are nothing more than air to them, you know that is is over. It is not only over, as a matter of fact, it never began.

I also have pictures but I am not sure if I should post them here. Well, but this is the entire story. I had to make multiple breaks while writting it. I actually have another story about this school trip. This is for another time and deservers its very own thread.
What a brutal story, I too am invisible to women. What I can’t comprehend is how they can just erase me from their peripheral vision completely. I’m a very observant person and I look at everyone around me even I don’t care for them, because I’m the type of guy to over analyze social situations. Meanwhile normies and mainly foids alone seem to be able to just focus on one thing alone, or in your case those girls were focusing on the kid they liked.
What a brutal story, I too am invisible to women. What I can’t comprehend is how they can just erase me from their peripheral vision completely. I’m a very observant person and I look at everyone around me even I don’t care for them, because I’m the type of guy to over analyze social situations. Meanwhile normies and mainly foids alone seem to be able to just focus on one thing alone, or in your case those girls were focusing on the kid they liked.

I also noticed that back then. It was like I was not even visible for the females. It was like, I was not even there. I was just watching them and how they approached the Turkish boy. Even after that, I was still processing the situation and what happened and why it happened. I also asked myself, why did no they approach me? Why did not they talk to me? This whole situation was just like in a movie and I am watching this movie. It is like a typical story you would here from someone else but here you are and you are witnessing it right in front of your eyes. It is like this is not even real.

By the way, after the school trip my grades became worse and worse. I think, I just gave up at this point.
@turbocuckcel_7000 thoughts on my story?
Yeah German girls prefer Immigrants over German guys (even tho statistics say whites prefer whites more then other races, its not true for German girls).

It was in 7th grade we were just 12 were we got this Turkish girl dumb as a bread into our class and she already had a 2 year older turkish boyfriend.

She was crazy as fuck. I was unfortunately often paired up with her, she was annoying me so much one day I couldn't take it anymore and stopped working together with her. I stood up and sat myself to two friends who were working together already. The teacher was screaming at me (a disgusting whore teacher i hated her so much even more then that Turkish girl) "this is a pair work you can only work as 2 partners) i didnt give a shit literally.

I also felt betrayed by a girl I was somewhat "friends" with - she choose a friend who looked better then me over me so that I HAD to work with his annoying Turkish girl.

Why was she working with HIM instead of me? He wasnt any better in that class then me? Well he was simply more popular.

That Turkish girl left the class midway into the schoolyear and was never seen again.

Literally she just suddenly left.
Waiting for the other story :feelsdevil:
Yeah German girls prefer Immigrants over German guys (even tho statistics say whites prefer whites more then other races, its not true for German girls).

It was in 7th grade we were just 12 were we got this Turkish girl dumb as a bread into our class and she already had a 2 year older turkish boyfriend.

She was crazy as fuck. I was unfortunately often paired up with her, she was annoying me so much one day I couldn't take it anymore and stopped working together with her. I stood up and sat myself to two friends who were working together already. The teacher was screaming at me (a disgusting whore teacher i hated her so much even more then that Turkish girl) "this is a pair work you can only work as 2 partners) i didnt give a shit literally.

I also felt betrayed by a girl I was somewhat "friends" with - she choose a friend who looked better then me over me so that I HAD to work with his annoying Turkish girl.

Why was she working with HIM instead of me? He wasnt any better in that class then me? Well he was simply more popular.

It also seems like that teacher do that un purpose. By the way, this also happened to me during sport class. When then teacher decides that two people have to choose other students to join their team, I always belonged to the last students voted in. If not even the last one, despite the fact I was really good at sports. I was very athletic and I was always doing stunts in sport.

That Turkish girl left the class midway into the schoolyear and was never seen again.

Literally she just suddenly left.

She never came back? Sounds like this could be an episode from Beyond Belief.
She never came back? Sounds like this could be an episode from Beyond Belief
Yes she just left, a classmate said their Apartment burned out and she had to move.
I will make a thread for the other story as well. Perhaps tomorrow. How did you like this story?
Actually I didn't understand what happened

She went from talking to that Turkish boy to holding another German kid's hand who was also yelling at the turk?
Actually I didn't understand what happened

She went from talking to that Turkish boy to holding another German kid's hand who was also yelling at the turk?

This is exactly what happened. We met the two German girls who approached the Turkish boy from my class on the way back to our place. The two German females clung to another German boy who was yelling at the Turkish boy from my class.
Turkish boy mogs two german boys.
The absolute state of Germany.

This is what happens when fefails get to choose.
Turkish boy mogs two german boys.
The absolute state of Germany.

This is what happens when fefails get to choose.

While he did absolutely nothing. He was just sitting there and two German girls approached him. They were talking to him and playing around while they did not even look at me.
As I said, I would make a thread about it and quote you @TheJester I will also quote you @Darth Aries Perhaps you are interested in my story.

This happened back in elementary school, to be more specific during the school trip. We were all pretty young back then, therefore innocent and also naive, which would change during the school trip. At that time we were nothing more than fifth-grader.
The school trip must have taken place in late summer 2005. Our class decided to go on a long school trip to the North Sea of Germany at Sylt. Our youth hostel was pretty close to the beach. The school trip lastet a full two weeks. So, we had plenty of time and there was also plenty of time for events to unfold that would destroy ones innocence and naivity. Perhaps this was also the point where my buoyant and even somewhat cheerful demeanor changed. I was not laughing as much, although even back then and before that, I always thought of laughing as something that is weak. Even back then, to me, laughing and showing teeth was a sign of weakness. I was thinking like this even when I was a child.

For this thread I want to talk about a specific event that took place. It is something that I still have to think about it from time to time. Although there were other events during the school trip, this particular event is the most profound. It also showed me pretty early on what is going.

One day during our 14-days school trip we were hanging out at the beach. I think we did some sport activity first. That was something I was really good at it. I was always doing stunts in sport class or any sort of sports activity.
Eventually, I was sitting on a bench with two other classmates. Another German boy and a Turkish boy. We were just hanging out, sitting there, when all of the sudden two German girls approached us. Well, they did not approach "us", as a matter of fact, they only approached the Turkish boy. They started to talk to him and playing around. I am not even sure anymore what they were saying because when this happened back then, I was in my own head, thinking about what is happening right now. I was trying to process it while this was happening right in front of me. I was thinking to myself, talking to myself, is this really happening? Why are they talking to him? Why did they approach him? Why did not they approach me? Why are they not talking to me? I am young and athletic.

It was like I was not even there, same for the other German boy that was sitting with us. To the two German girls back then, I was not even there. They did not even look at me. I was nothing more than air to them. I was not even there, yet I still was there. It was like watching a movie, yet it was happening right in front of me. I was in my thoughts while simultaneously watching it. I was processing it, trying to understand what is going on and why this is happening. During it the approach, I was thinking to myself, is this really happening? Is this real? And even afterwards, I asked myself the questions. Did this really just happen? Is this real?

Later on when we were heading back to our youth hostel we came across a group of young people. To "our suprise", the two German girls were there and they are holding back a screaming German boy who were yelling at my classmate, the young Turkish boy. I think they were sixth-grader. I remember it clearly. Both German girls were standing next to him. One girl to his right side and on girl to his left side while he was yelling.

I was just watching it, like I was watching how the two German girls approached the Turkish boy instead me. It was like a movie. I was just a bystander, a watcher and I was watching a movie. It really was like a movie. All those cheesy plot lines. This could be a typical romance movie but the thing is, I was not a part of that movie. I am watching it. I am watching it unfold right in front of my eyes while standing there.

It is like I was not really there and there at the same time. It is like I was unable to interact with people and with my surroundings and everything just happens as the plot unfolds right in front of me.

And the story does not end here. When we were back at our place, the youth hostel, me and the other German boy who witnessed the approach were alone in a room when he then suddenly broke down in tears. He said the he will never have a girl. I guess, he was also thinking about what happened and he realized at that he will never have that. No girl approached him or me.

Later on I became some sort of "wingman" delivering a letter he wrote to another girl in our class.

That is the entire story of it. What can be learned here? If you are not approached by females, you are not desirable. If you witness that females approach someone you know and you are sitting next to them and the females do not even look at you and treat you like that you are not even there, that you are nothing more than air to them, you know that is is over. It is not only over, as a matter of fact, it never began.

I also have pictures but I am not sure if I should post them here. Well, but this is the entire story. I had to make multiple breaks while writting it. I actually have another story about this school trip. This is for another time and deservers its very own thread.
yeah that's a wild but also familiar story. special treatment for browns and them seen as more alpha, largely because they are allowed to be and not punished for hooliganisms. also realizing something is wrong very early. relatable. verbose german style too. based tbh.

i have many fucked up stories like this. plenty of being ignored but also more weird stuff that i can count. i'll summarize so just ask if you want to know more.
- 5th grade: fucked up dark room with no lightbulb between our classroom and the entrance, gypsies would sometimes put whiteys in there and close the doors making it impossible to see, they especially put girls there to grope them or something
- 7th grade: five gypsoids lifted and carried a white girl on their shoulders and paraded her around while singing like retards, the chick laughed
- 7th grade: some girls walked past and my friend jumped into the air like 2 meters, i asked him wtf is he doing and he said one of the girls grabbed his balls
The work we have to pull up just to be noticed. And some are just directly approached by just sitting.
I would like to know his sitting technic
yeah that's a wild but also familiar story. special treatment for browns and them seen as more alpha, largely because they are allowed to be and not punished for hooliganisms. also realizing something is wrong very early. relatable. verbose german style too. based tbh.

And yet he did not even do anything. He was just sitting on a bench.
But it is the same for me as well. I also realized there is something wrong. Something wrong with just everything. It is like everything seems to be played out right in front of me and I am just watching it.

i have many fucked up stories like this. plenty of being ignored but also more weird stuff that i can count. i'll summarize so just ask if you want to know more.

I would like to read all the stories.

- 5th grade: fucked up dark room with no lightbulb between our classroom and the entrance, gypsies would sometimes put whiteys in there and close the doors making it impossible to see, they especially put girls there to grope them or something
- 7th grade: five gypsoids lifted and carried a white girl on their shoulders and paraded her around while singing like retards, the chick laughed
- 7th grade: some girls walked past and my friend jumped into the air like 2 meters, i asked him wtf is he doing and he said one of the girls grabbed his balls

The teachers were also aware of that, right? And yet the did not do anything.
The work we have to pull up just to be noticed. And some are just directly approached by just sitting.
I would like to know his sitting technic

This just shows, that you do not have to do anything at all. You do not have to "self improve". Females just approach you or they do not. Approaching them does not work. He was just sitting there doing nothing and was approach by two German girls.
While he did absolutely nothing. He was just sitting there and two German girls approached him. They were talking to him and playing around while they did not even look at me.
Repest after me, foids don't deserve equal rights. They are but birthing machines.
And yet he did not even do anything. He was just sitting on a bench.
But it is the same for me as well. I also realized there is something wrong. Something wrong with just everything. It is like everything seems to be played out right in front of me and I am just watching it.
it was already a degenerating society, something which is difficult to hide and easy to lie about.
unfortunately it was already so in the late 90s and early 00s. even though nostalgia for that time is strong.

I would like to read all the stories.
i will post more then.
The teachers were also aware of that, right? And yet the did not do anything.
it seems the school leadership were not allowed to expel gypsoids. learned helplessness.
As I said, I would make a thread about it and quote you @TheJester I will also quote you @Darth Aries Perhaps you are interested in my story.

This happened back in elementary school, to be more specific during the school trip. We were all pretty young back then, therefore innocent and also naive, which would change during the school trip. At that time we were nothing more than fifth-grader.
The school trip must have taken place in late summer 2005. Our class decided to go on a long school trip to the North Sea of Germany at Sylt. Our youth hostel was pretty close to the beach. The school trip lastet a full two weeks. So, we had plenty of time and there was also plenty of time for events to unfold that would destroy ones innocence and naivity. Perhaps this was also the point where my buoyant and even somewhat cheerful demeanor changed. I was not laughing as much, although even back then and before that, I always thought of laughing as something that is weak. Even back then, to me, laughing and showing teeth was a sign of weakness. I was thinking like this even when I was a child.

For this thread I want to talk about a specific event that took place. It is something that I still have to think about it from time to time. Although there were other events during the school trip, this particular event is the most profound. It also showed me pretty early on what is going.

One day during our 14-days school trip we were hanging out at the beach. I think we did some sport activity first. That was something I was really good at it. I was always doing stunts in sport class or any sort of sports activity.
Eventually, I was sitting on a bench with two other classmates. Another German boy and a Turkish boy. We were just hanging out, sitting there, when all of the sudden two German girls approached us. Well, they did not approach "us", as a matter of fact, they only approached the Turkish boy. They started to talk to him and playing around. I am not even sure anymore what they were saying because when this happened back then, I was in my own head, thinking about what is happening right now. I was trying to process it while this was happening right in front of me. I was thinking to myself, talking to myself, is this really happening? Why are they talking to him? Why did they approach him? Why did not they approach me? Why are they not talking to me? I am young and athletic.

It was like I was not even there, same for the other German boy that was sitting with us. To the two German girls back then, I was not even there. They did not even look at me. I was nothing more than air to them. I was not even there, yet I still was there. It was like watching a movie, yet it was happening right in front of me. I was in my thoughts while simultaneously watching it. I was processing it, trying to understand what is going on and why this is happening. During it the approach, I was thinking to myself, is this really happening? Is this real? And even afterwards, I asked myself the questions. Did this really just happen? Is this real?

Later on when we were heading back to our youth hostel we came across a group of young people. To "our suprise", the two German girls were there and they are holding back a screaming German boy who were yelling at my classmate, the young Turkish boy. I think they were sixth-grader. I remember it clearly. Both German girls were standing next to him. One girl to his right side and on girl to his left side while he was yelling.

I was just watching it, like I was watching how the two German girls approached the Turkish boy instead me. It was like a movie. I was just a bystander, a watcher and I was watching a movie. It really was like a movie. All those cheesy plot lines. This could be a typical romance movie but the thing is, I was not a part of that movie. I am watching it. I am watching it unfold right in front of my eyes while standing there.

It is like I was not really there and there at the same time. It is like I was unable to interact with people and with my surroundings and everything just happens as the plot unfolds right in front of me.

And the story does not end here. When we were back at our place, the youth hostel, me and the other German boy who witnessed the approach were alone in a room when he then suddenly broke down in tears. He said the he will never have a girl. I guess, he was also thinking about what happened and he realized at that he will never have that. No girl approached him or me.

Later on I became some sort of "wingman" delivering a letter he wrote to another girl in our class.

That is the entire story of it. What can be learned here? If you are not approached by females, you are not desirable. If you witness that females approach someone you know and you are sitting next to them and the females do not even look at you and treat you like that you are not even there, that you are nothing more than air to them, you know that is is over. It is not only over, as a matter of fact, it never began.

I also have pictures but I am not sure if I should post them here. Well, but this is the entire story. I had to make multiple breaks while writting it. I actually have another story about this school trip. This is for another time and deservers its very own thread.
i hope these two witches will burn forever in hell for taking a disgusting goatfucker over a athletic arian young boy like you was..
Repest after me, foids don't deserve equal rights. They are but birthing machines.

The thing is, they are not even doing that anymore. They are killing their unborn babies and feel empowered by it.

it was already a degenerating society, something which is difficult to hide and easy to lie about.
unfortunately it was already so in the late 90s and early 00s. even though nostalgia for that time is strong.

It was kinda like this back then but not as bad as it is now. I really enjoyed the games back then like playing Warcraft 3 for the first time or playing WoW for the first time. Good old times.

i will post more then.

Quote me if you make a thread about it. I would like to read those stories. Specially if you have stories similar to mine.

it seems the school leadership were not allowed to expel gypsoids. learned helplessness.

As usual.

i hope these two witches will burn forever in hell for taking a disgusting goatfucker over a athletic arian young boy like you was..

Two German girls approached the Turkish boy while I was sitting there, as well as another German boy. They did not even look at me. For them, I did not even exist. It really was like watching some sort of bad romantic movie. Even as it wa shappening right in front of me, I was asking myself, why are they approaching him? Why are they not approaching me? Why are they not talking to me? No female has ever approached me.
Brutal as fuck read, I heard German foids hate their men.
i hope these two witches will burn forever in hell for taking a disgusting goatfucker over a athletic arian young boy like you was..
Based same here

Mayowhores are such filth, Slav ones are the worst
Based same here

Mayowhores are such filth, Slav ones are the worst
Modern Slav foids will do everything to make the life difficult for insecure ugly young man. But if you are chad or have money you will live in hypoboreas heaven on earth.
This is exactly what happened. We met the two German girls who approached the Turkish boy from my class on the way back to our place. The two German females clung to another German boy who was yelling at the Turkish boy from my class.
So were they protecting the Turkish guy from germans
Basically, yes.
I see
Initially I thought they went from liking the turk chad to then betraying him and go after a German chad.

How good looking was the turk?
Was the Turkish boy a brown boy? I thought Euro foids preferred whites
I see
Initially I thought they went from liking the turk chad to then betraying him and go after a German chad.

How good looking was the turk?

I would say he had the typical "bad boy appearance".

Was the Turkish boy a brown boy? I thought Euro foids preferred whites

He is slightly tanned. German females rarely approach and the only time I witnessed it, they approached a Turkish boy instead of me or any other German boy. They did not even look at me. It was like, I was not even there for the two German girls.
Stories from the school are, as usual, the most brutal and that’s because that was the time when most people here found out that they’re incels
As I said, I would make a thread about it and quote you @TheJester I will also quote you @Darth Aries Perhaps you are interested in my story.

This happened back in elementary school, to be more specific during the school trip. We were all pretty young back then, therefore innocent and also naive, which would change during the school trip. At that time we were nothing more than fifth-grader.
The school trip must have taken place in late summer 2005. Our class decided to go on a long school trip to the North Sea of Germany at Sylt. Our youth hostel was pretty close to the beach. The school trip lastet a full two weeks. So, we had plenty of time and there was also plenty of time for events to unfold that would destroy ones innocence and naivity. Perhaps this was also the point where my buoyant and even somewhat cheerful demeanor changed. I was not laughing as much, although even back then and before that, I always thought of laughing as something that is weak. Even back then, to me, laughing and showing teeth was a sign of weakness. I was thinking like this even when I was a child.

For this thread I want to talk about a specific event that took place. It is something that I still have to think about it from time to time. Although there were other events during the school trip, this particular event is the most profound. It also showed me pretty early on what is going.

One day during our 14-days school trip we were hanging out at the beach. I think we did some sport activity first. That was something I was really good at it. I was always doing stunts in sport class or any sort of sports activity.
Eventually, I was sitting on a bench with two other classmates. Another German boy and a Turkish boy. We were just hanging out, sitting there, when all of the sudden two German girls approached us. Well, they did not approach "us", as a matter of fact, they only approached the Turkish boy. They started to talk to him and playing around. I am not even sure anymore what they were saying because when this happened back then, I was in my own head, thinking about what is happening right now. I was trying to process it while this was happening right in front of me. I was thinking to myself, talking to myself, is this really happening? Why are they talking to him? Why did they approach him? Why did not they approach me? Why are they not talking to me? I am young and athletic.

It was like I was not even there, same for the other German boy that was sitting with us. To the two German girls back then, I was not even there. They did not even look at me. I was nothing more than air to them. I was not even there, yet I still was there. It was like watching a movie, yet it was happening right in front of me. I was in my thoughts while simultaneously watching it. I was processing it, trying to understand what is going on and why this is happening. During it the approach, I was thinking to myself, is this really happening? Is this real? And even afterwards, I asked myself the questions. Did this really just happen? Is this real?

Later on when we were heading back to our youth hostel we came across a group of young people. To "our suprise", the two German girls were there and they are holding back a screaming German boy who were yelling at my classmate, the young Turkish boy. I think they were sixth-grader. I remember it clearly. Both German girls were standing next to him. One girl to his right side and on girl to his left side while he was yelling.

I was just watching it, like I was watching how the two German girls approached the Turkish boy instead me. It was like a movie. I was just a bystander, a watcher and I was watching a movie. It really was like a movie. All those cheesy plot lines. This could be a typical romance movie but the thing is, I was not a part of that movie. I am watching it. I am watching it unfold right in front of my eyes while standing there.

It is like I was not really there and there at the same time. It is like I was unable to interact with people and with my surroundings and everything just happens as the plot unfolds right in front of me.

And the story does not end here. When we were back at our place, the youth hostel, me and the other German boy who witnessed the approach were alone in a room when he then suddenly broke down in tears. He said the he will never have a girl. I guess, he was also thinking about what happened and he realized at that he will never have that. No girl approached him or me.

Later on I became some sort of "wingman" delivering a letter he wrote to another girl in our class.

That is the entire story of it. What can be learned here? If you are not approached by females, you are not desirable. If you witness that females approach someone you know and you are sitting next to them and the females do not even look at you and treat you like that you are not even there, that you are nothing more than air to them, you know that is is over. It is not only over, as a matter of fact, it never began.

I also have pictures but I am not sure if I should post them here. Well, but this is the entire story. I had to make multiple breaks while writting it. I actually have another story about this school trip. This is for another time and deservers its very own thread.
Turks are the master aryan race

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