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Discussion Some reasons why IT is obsessed with us



"He fucking nutted on my fucking leg"
Sep 5, 2022
There are a few reason that I think they are obsessed with us for

For men:
1. Incels in denial who want to interact with other incels in some way but not in a positive way because they are still in denial. (Idk if that made sense the way I worded it)

2. They want to act like white knight saviors for women. They basically want to show to women "Look I'm nothing like these guys! Don't worry I'll call out this behavior for you qweens!!" It's kind of a white knight tactic to be seen as a "Nice guy" in a way?


3. They are just normies with a superiority complex who want to feel better then someone so they pick on the lowest of the low.

4. They assume we are all violent, hateful rapist because of the media portraying us as such and IT further pushing that narrative so they feel the need to hate on us.

For women:

1. Now im not 100% confident that this is a popular reason but I do slightly suspect that they like us a bit? Now think about the whole "Dark triad" shit, you know how some women like the aggressive, toxic kind of guys? Well the incels shown on that subreddit are exactly that so maybe they imagine a chad behind the screen with that behavior?

2. They had a few bad experiences with men in life and wants to take their anger out on us (even though most of the time it's normies/chads that give them those bad experiences jfl)

3. Just like #3 for men they also have a sort of superiority complex so they will pick on the lowest of the low.

What do you guys think of this list and what would you add to it?

(This was a comment I posted on @SubhumanGamer thread that I copy and pasted into a post)

Potentially interested brocels:

@NoIdeaWhatToDo @DarkStar @Qwertyuiop99 @FinnCel @Ron.Belgrade @Fat Link @ItsovERfucks @Jason Voorhees @K1ng N0th1ng @FucktheFBI @Da_Yunez @Grodd @Gorogorogoro-chan @opioidcel @VideoGameCoper @Lonelyus
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They are available betabuxmaxxER incels in denial but no foid wants them there and is chad only so they will join us soon
they know the truth but act like kids jfl
I don't think it's cope tbh.

There is research that goes to show that some women really do like the "Dark triad" traits.

Will it save a subhuman? HELL NO

But some women do desire the dark triad traits tho
It’s cuz they’re unattractive women that can’t get Chad and so take their anger out on us because Chad doesn’t care about them and their anger as he’s too busy plugging Stacy.

The other half of IT ie the nominal males are comprised of leftist cuck “ally” faggot types and related beta buxxers and incels in denial using that very common and tired failed strategy idea unattractive and or ugly men always seem to have that says to them in their minds that if they just suppress their masculinity enough and become subservient to women but especially these feminist woke man haters they will be rewarded with pussy eventually.

Doesn’t work that way.

Genuine attraction is based on looks + sexual tension which is created by the attractive male making the approach and thus “making the hoe say no”.

If she says no it’s ovER.

If she says yes then it’s on like Donkey Kong.

However if a good looking Chad she will of course say yes unless already involved with her dream Chad and because of the sexual tension built from the approach she will be hot for this new Chad.

Betas always think faggot friendship is the way to sneak into a woman’s pants and is the safer option than risking the pain of rejection but by avoiding that risk they’re not going to know where they stand and they’ll never find out if they were Chad or not since they didn’t provoke any sexual tension in the girl that they want by forcing her to make a decision about them.
It’s cuz they’re unattractive women that can’t get Chad and so take their anger out on us because Chad doesn’t care about them and their anger as he’s too busy plugging Stacy.

The other half of IT ie the nominal males are comprised of leftist cuck “ally” faggot types and related beta buxxers and incels in denial using that very common and tired failed strategy idea unattractive and or ugly men always seem to have that says to them in their minds that if they just suppress their masculinity enough and become subservient to women but especially these feminist woke man haters they will be rewarded with pussy eventually.

Doesn’t work that way.

Genuine attraction is based on looks + sexual tension which is created by the attractive male making the approach and thus “making the hoe say no”.

If she says no it’s ovER.

If she says yes then it’s on like Donkey Kong.

However if a good looking Chad she will of course say yes unless already involved with her dream Chad and because of the sexual tension built from the approach she will be hot for this new Chad.

Betas always think faggot friendship is the way to sneak into a woman’s pants and is the safer option than risking the pain of rejection but by avoiding that risk they’re not going to know where they stand and they’ll never find out if they were Chad or not since they didn’t provoke any sexual tension in the girl that they want by forcing her to make a decision about them.
Good points mang.

Thanks for the reply. I always love reading them :feelsokman:
Female obsession with us is 2 things
1: Morbid curiosity plus some masochist/fetishization deep in her mind
2 : in her activist phase and needs to lash out at muhsogynists

Male obsession is :
1: Incels in denial
2: Simps
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Lounge: Discussed.
1. Now im not 100% confident that this is a popular reason but I do slightly suspect that they like us a bit? Now think about the whole "Dark triad" shit, you know how some women like the aggressive, toxic kind of guys? Well the incels shown on that subreddit are exactly that so maybe they imagine a chad behind the screen with that behavior?
i agree with everything but this one. trucels aren't chad brocel xd

i'd also add to both of the lists that they are both cucks lol xD
i agree with everything but this one. trucels aren't chad brocel xd

i'd also add to both of the lists that they are both cucks lol xD
I was saying that the women might imagine a chad behind the screen saying those things instead of thinking of a subhuman lol.

Also I agree in the second sentence lmaoo
Good post brocel thanks for the mention i think genuinely it comes down to the fact they can`t handle the truth and they have nothing going on in there lives so they obsess over and hate us
Only incels can understand incels
Now im not 100% confident that this is a popular reason but I do slightly suspect that they like us a bit? Now think about the whole "Dark triad" shit, you know how some women like the aggressive, toxic kind of guys? Well the incels shown on that subreddit are exactly that so maybe they imagine a chad behind the screen with that behavior?
This is the right one
Now im not 100% confident that this is a popular reason but I do slightly suspect that they like us a bit? Now think about the whole "Dark triad" shit, you know how some women like the aggressive, toxic kind of guys? Well the incels shown on that subreddit are exactly that so maybe they imagine a chad behind the screen with that behavior?
unlikely, I'm willing to bet they just see a male-only community ripe for exploitation like old school video games, anime and comics. literally this meme
Screenshot 2024 07 14 at 20 20 38 death knocking at the door0meme 1 WEBP Image 800  4
There are a few reason that I think they are obsessed with us for

For men:
1. Incels in denial who want to interact with other incels in some way but not in a positive way because they are still in denial. (Idk if that made sense the way I worded it)
Agreed. Many of them are incels in denial, so they shit on us to feel like they aren’t an incel.
2. They want to act like white knight saviors for women. They basically want to show to women "Look I'm nothing like these guys! Don't worry I'll call out this behavior for you qweens!!" It's kind of a white knight tactic to be seen as a "Nice guy" in a way?

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Absolutely agree. They think their bashing of us (the enemy in normies’ eyes) is going to give them social points and make foids like them. It won’t though, so it is futile.
3. They are just normies with a superiority complex who want to feel better than someone so they pick on the lowest of the low.
Agree. Many of the IT users are not even incels in denial and are just normie bullies.
4. They assume we are all violent, hateful rapist because of the media portraying us as such and IT further pushing that narrative so they feel the need to hate on us.
A few might believe this, but not the majority imo.
For women:

1. Now im not 100% confident that this is a popular reason but I do slightly suspect that they like us a bit? Now think about the whole "Dark triad" shit, you know how some women like the aggressive, toxic kind of guys? Well the incels shown on that subreddit are exactly that so maybe they imagine a chad behind the screen with that behavior?
Again, a minority, but I believe this holds true in very rare cases. I once replied to a @kay' post that it doesn’t matter what she feels, only what you feel, and it ended up on IT. A foid directly addressed my reply in the comments and was criticizing me. Perhaps deep down, she admired my selfishness in that post and thought I was a bit dark triad.
2. They had a few bad experiences with men in life and wants to take their anger out on us (even though most of the time it's normies/chads that give them those bad experiences jfl)
Agreed. Many of these foids go for dudes way above their looksmatch, and then complain they get used. No sympathy for them because if they dated one of us they’d have a loyal partner for life, but they do not think we are good enough.
3. Just like #3 for men they also have a sort of superiority complex so they will pick on the lowest of the low.
What do you guys think of this list and what would you add to it?
Only thing I have to add is that some of these people literally have no lives whatsoever (unlike us because at least most of us have some sort of hobby and post on here). They literally have nothing better to do than harass a bunch of social rejects on an Internet forum.
Some more brocels I forgot to tag:

@BlackCel_from_ZA @MHCheese454 @Emba @The Enforcer
All reasons: Cuckciety, their lives are also shit and we are the easiest group to hate with no repercussions, a lot of the men there are incel in denial (they think you can be a virgin but not incel READ THE DEFINITION YOU ITards, INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE MEANS UNABLE TO GET SEX), mental illness (Trannys and many faggots on there from what ive heard).
Some more brocels I forgot to tag:

@BlackCel_from_ZA @MHCheese454 @Emba @The Enforcer
Tbh, if you want to know about IT. You, yourself already know I'm fully there to speak on them having spent the time around them that I have. My accounts join date shouldn't fool people. I've been here since early 2018. I've seen IT in all their stages. I got inceltears (not inceltear) nuked by it's owner for a while with the help of their old mods. I understand their space and what they stand for.
Our suffering is lifefuel to them.

They are leftists, so man-haters. Not only do they enjoy reading about our garbage lives, but they can also farm us for reddit updoots. It's a win-win scenario for them.

That's why IT will always be obsessed with us.
Tbh, if you want to know about IT. You, yourself already know I'm fully there to speak on them having spent the time around them that I have. My accounts join date shouldn't fool people. I've been here since early 2018. I've seen IT in all their stages. I got inceltears (not inceltear) nuked by it's owner for a while with the help of their old mods. I understand their space and what they stand for.
Yeah I remember you telling me that.

I wish it stayed banned tbhngl
Now im not 100% confident that this is a popular reason but I do slightly suspect that they like us a bit? Now think about the whole "Dark triad" shit, you know how some women like the aggressive, toxic kind of guys? Well the incels shown on that subreddit are exactly that so maybe they imagine a chad behind the screen with that behavior?
I think there's definitely some truth to this. You might want to read this thread:
Yeah I remember you telling me that.

I wish it stayed banned tbhngl
Reddit allows certain hate and discourse. The original idea was to make the sub more moderated. Get rid of all the hate and sui encouragement. It didn't happen. Andy instead came back, posted a sort of warning thread, and then just nuked it himself. A shame really.

But I guess there's a silver lining. Back then, the mods on the sub at the time used to ban people on my request without even asking. I didn't abuse this but I got a fair amount of them banned and they will likely still be banned for posting the aforementioned shit. If they're all unbanned, that just shows that IT is certainly a supporter of such ideas.
Reddit allows certain hate and discourse. The original idea was to make the sub more moderated. Get rid of all the hate and sui encouragement. It didn't happen. Andy instead came back, posted a sort of warning thread, and then just nuked it himself. A shame really.

But I guess there's a silver lining. Back then, the mods on the sub at the time used to ban people on my request without even asking. I didn't abuse this but I got a fair amount of them banned and they will likely still be banned for posting the aforementioned shit. If they're all unbanned, that just shows that IT is certainly a supporter of such ideas.
They're such fucking hypocrites jfl.

They love to talk about how "Hateful" us incels are while in the same breath telling us to kill ourselves and shaming our looks
They're such fucking hypocrites jfl.

They love to talk about how "Hateful" us incels are while in the same breath telling us to kill ourselves and shaming our looks
Same reason I made that thread earlier today. Normies ALWAYS expose themselves. They are sheepish evil fucks. No regard for anything or anyone. Just the social status quo.
I think there's definitely some truth to this. You might want to read this thread:
Read the whole thread.

Very interesting topic imo
Same reason I made that thread earlier today. Normies ALWAYS expose themselves. They are sheepish evil fucks. No regard for anything or anyone. Just the social status quo.
Fr. It's honestly hilarious constantly seeing the mask slip off. Even my mom will contradict her bluepilled statements she gives me.

She once told me that looks aren't that important and I just need to put myself out there but then we were having another conversation about the Standards for dating and she said that "You need a certain level of looks for people to want to date you"

(I still love her tho)
Fr. It's honestly hilarious constantly seeing the mask slip off. Even my mom will contradict her bluepilled statements she gives me.

She once told me that looks aren't that important and I just need to put myself out there but then we were having another conversation about the Standards for dating and she said that "You need a certain level of looks for people to want to date you"

(I still love her tho)
How many times has everyone, normies included, heard the phrase "date in your league"... They're always talking about looks. Now look at normie social media. Couples that are mismatched by even 1 or 2 "points". Regular comments come through about someone "punching" above or below... These judgements are never made on character. They're made solely on looks. Normies can lie to us as much as they want, but ultimately, it doesn't change a fucking thing.

Oh and for the normies that think "it's because of X". Dare them to tally every excuse they make and put them against my list of 4. They can't do it consistently. There's a reason for that.
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How many times has everyone, normies included, heard the phrase "date in your league"... They're always talking about looks. Now look at normie social media. Couples that are mismatched by even 1 or 2 "points". Regular comments come through about someone "punching" above or below... These judgements are never made on character. They're made solely on looks. Normies can lie to us as much as they want, but ultimately, it doesn't change a fucking thing.

Oh and for the normies that think "it's because of X". Dare them to tally every excuse they make and put them against my list of 4. They can't do it consistently. There's a reason for that.
Yeah that's a good point too.

Also you can also see comments under videos where the guy isn't as attractive as the gf and people say "What am I doing wrong?" Or "He must have a lot of money"

Why don't they just assume that he has a good personality instead of assuming he must have a lot of money to compensate?

The only time I'd see that making sense is if the guy was acting like a dick in the vid.

Why would they make these comments when they see his looks if looks don't matter

(This makes sense in my head but I typed it our very sloppily jfl)
Yeah that's a good point too.

Also you can also see comments under videos where the guy isn't as attractive as the gf and people say "What am I doing wrong?" Or "He must have a lot of money"

Why don't they just assume that he has a good personality instead of assuming he must have a lot of money to compensate?
Because they're blackpilled at heart. Everyone operates under the blackpill, Even if they reject it in mind.

Listening to normies speak is very telling. They drop blackpills all day. Yet only deny them when it comes to gaslighting rejects who they hate for visually offending them.
The only time I'd see that making sense is if the guy was acting like a dick in the vid.

Why would they make these comments when they see his looks if looks don't matter

(This makes sense in my head but I typed it our very sloppily jfl)
There's a reason why most incels online (unless they're heavily neurodivergent) have an easy time getting along with women online when they don't post a photo of themselves... But get blocked or ignored when they finally do. Normies reach hard as fuck to make excuses for this situation but logic dictates that their excuses are full of shit too. If you're getting blocked or ignored solely due to a photo of your face... The reason is clear. Normies are so bad faith though that they invent some retarded excuse 99% of the time.
Because they're blackpilled at heart. Everyone operates under the blackpill, Even if they reject it in mind.

Listening to normies speak is very telling. They drop blackpills all day. Yet only deny them when it comes to gaslighting rejects who they hate for visually offending them.

There's a reason why most incels online (unless they're heavily neurodivergent) have an easy time getting along with women online when they don't post a photo of themselves... But get blocked or ignored when they finally do. Normies reach hard as fuck to make excuses for this situation but logic dictates that their excuses are full of shit too. If you're getting blocked or ignored solely due to a photo of your face... The reason is clear. Normies are so bad faith though that they invent some retarded excuse 99% of the time.
Fr. I might actually make a list of blackpills normies drop without even noticing it jfl.

I get along with women well and I am constantly told online and irl that I am a good/cool person.

Even still I am an incel due to my looks.
Fr. I might actually make a list of blackpills normies drop without even noticing it jfl.

I get along with women well and I am constantly told online and irl that I am a good/cool person.

Even still I am an incel due to my looks.
Always worth doing. But if you send it to normies it's never enough. You could send them a list of 100 examples and they'd deny it.

If you give anecdotes... Well, they hate that.

If you give them videos of it happening, they make excuses for it.

If you give them studies outlining said behaviours. The studies are wrong because they don't agree with them.

Post the examples for those who need to understand and can learn from it. But don't expect normies to give a shit I guess. They never will. I wish to fuck i'd have known all of this before I finally had to face reality. It hurts. But thats life
200 IQ observation

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