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Blackpill Some quotes I separated while reading the greatest book about sexual attraction



Rotting until I am actually dead
Feb 2, 2019
A Billion Wicked Thoughts, talks about everything about attraction, obviously it will not tell you its over if you're subhuman but it will become obvious as you read it. I recommended 10000% I read it twice and will probably read it again in the future.

The coolest part about the book is that it is 100% based on statistics obtained with the help of recent technologies like the internet, so these are people who were just acting naturally while being added to mountains of data to be studied. Here are some golden quotes.

"Unlike men, who become aroused after being exposed to a single cue, women need to experience enough simultaneous cues to cross an evervarying threshold.
Sometimes, just a few overwhelming cues can take a woman there. Other times, it takes a very large number of moderate cues. For a man, a single cue is often
sufficient, and sometimes necessary. For women, no single cue is either necessary or sufficient."

"The Detective Agency (female attraction) operates most of the time in the female brain to evaluate prospective long-term mates using both psychological and visual cues, giving preference to psychological cues. During ovulation, the Detective Agency still functions, but it appears to increase its valuation of visual cues. In fact, studies have shown that women show a greater interest in visual sexual material if they were first exposed to the material when they were ovulating."

"When a woman is not ovulating, she prefers men who are willing and able to provide nongenetic benefits, such as food, protection, and child support. But during
ovulation, Miss Marple can become a day trader. Now she gives special preference to males with superior genes, in the form of good looks and social dominance."

"In the romance, the hero is always competent. Usually, he’s the best at what he does"

"Just remember: physical whoring is not a problem; it is, in fact, recommended for certain hero archetypes. Emotional whoring, on the other hand, is deeply frowned
upon; just as the heroine is a whore if she has enjoyed sexual relations with anybody other than you, you, as a hero, are an emotional whore if you fall in love
with anybody else other than the heroine.”

"Women usually push their partner to reveal how many times he’s previously been in love; men are often foolish enough to provide a figure other than zero."

"Study after study has demonstrated the erotic appeal of male dominance. Women prefer the voices of dominant men, the scent of dominant men, the movement and
gait of dominant men, and the facial features of dominant men. The social organization of most primates features a very clear dominance hierarchy. Chimpanzees
and baboons boast alpha males, who obtain that position through a combination of physical strength and political savvy, while alpha gorillas attain their status
through brute size and strength."

"Many women are willing to pay money for celebrity biographies in order to read about the private life of Leonardo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp, but they won’t pay
money to see photos of them nude. Men whip out the credit card to see a naked Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johannsen, though it would never occur to them to shell
out cash for their biographies."

"The correlation between physical and psychological arousal in women was so low that it’s safe to say a woman’s vaginal lubrication is a poor predictor of what
she is actually feeling. In fact, many women report lubrication and even orgasm during unwanted and coercive sex: a woman’s body responds, even as her mind
rebels. In contrast, if a man is erect, you can make a very reasonable guess about what’s going on in his mind."

"Material resources are arousing to females all across the animal kingdom. Female chimpanzees prefer males with the largest quantity of meat. Female pelicans prefer males who give them the
most fish. The female wolf spider prefers males who bring them the largest insect. The female bower bird famously prefers the male with the most sumptuous and elaborate bower."

"Men who are awkward loners or social rejects have a major strike against them in the view of the Detective Agency, unless they offer compensating cues. “Omega” heroes—comedians, art thieves,
and nerdy geniuses—rarely show up in romances though"
"Here are the ten most common professions of the hero, derived from the titles of more than 15,000 Harlequin romance novels:
Conspicuously absent from the list of romance heroes are blue-collar workers (no janitors or welders), bureaucrats (no claims adjusters or associate marketing managers), and traditionally
feminine professions (no hairdressers, secretaries, or kindergarten teachers). All of the hero professions are associated with status, confidence, and competence."

"Here are the seven most frequent words describing his masculine features:

"Many women, upon catching their male partner indulging in online erotica, instinctively feel a sense of betrayal. Such emotions likely reflect innate “mate
guarding” software in the female brain. Whereas the male brain is designed to become jealous over physical infidelity, the female brain is designed to become
jealous over emotional infidelity. Women are instinctively concerned with a man’s investment of resources in other women, and instinctively look for signs that
a man is losing emotional interest. Even though porn does not represent an actual threat to a woman’s relationship, the sense that a man’s emotions are getting
diverted somewhere else can trigger instinctive feelings of disloyalty."

"If we wished to describe the ideal-looking hero, we could use the most common two-word physical descriptions: the perfect hero boasts “blue eyes,” a “straight
nose,” “high forehead,” and “square jaw” together making a “handsome face.” His head is framed by “dark hair,” which accents the “white teeth” in his “sensual
mouth” curved into a “crooked smile.” He stands tall with “broad shoulders,” a “broad chest,” “narrow waist,” “flat stomach,” “strong arms,” “big hands,” “big
feet,” and “long legs”—though the heroine’s eye might ultimately be drawn to his “powerful thighs.”
Women prefer bodies that are muscular, particularly through the chest, arms, and back, without being clumsily overbuilt; these features also indicate testosterone
However, there is one part of a man’s body that does appear to interest many women’s brains: the butt. The gluteus maximus is a “universal cue”: it’s the one
piece of anatomy that straight men, gay men, and straight women all find exciting. "

"Research has found that when ovulating, women in long-term relationships are also more likely to express an interest in an affair. It’s not that a woman’s
attraction to her primary partner goes up and down across the cycle; it appears to be fairly steady. Instead, when a woman is ovulating, her attraction to other
men goes up."

"In women, the sexual cues emphasized during each mode reflect this dual sexuality: visual and physical cues during ovulation, and the Detective Agency’s
psychological cues when not ovulating.
Female marmosets, Tasmanian devils, and kangaroos all prefer males with superior genes when fertile, but mate less selectively during infertile phases. Though
female chimps are highly promiscuous and mate with relatively subordinate males when they can’t conceive, they mate much more selectively and strongly favor
socially dominant males when they can conceive."

"Men who don’t know what to do with their life, who are midlevel bureaucrats, or who sit around the house watching TV are never heroes.
The desire of the man is for the woman,” Swiss author Madame de Staël famously penned; “The desire of the woman is for the desire of the man.” One of the most
fundamental and influential psychological cues for women is irresistibility: the feeling that you are sexually desirable. “Being desired is very arousing to
women,” agrees Marta Meana.
When female rats are in the “proceptive phase”—a period of fertility when they’re seeking males for sex—they are in control of the sexual interactions, darting
and hopping around the interested male in a process called pacing. The female rat wants the male to pursue her. If the male shows sufficient interest and chases
her at the pace she sets, then she permits him to mount her and copulate. It’s clear that female rats find pacing to be rewarding. Both pacing and the reward
for pacing are controlled by software in the rat subcortex."

"Women are more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Men are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia and autistic spectrum
disorders. Later in life, women are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s, while men are more likely to suffer from Parkinson’s."
Ignored high iq post
Can it tell me why I'm scare of saggy boobs and old or fat femerloids
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Pretty gynocentric tbh.
"Many women are willing to pay money for celebrity biographies in order to read about the private life of Leonardo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp, but they won’t pay
money to see photos of them nude. Men whip out the credit card to see a naked Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johannsen, though it would never occur to them to shell
out cash for their biographies."

This is interesting. This means that if the foid discovers that for example Leo di Caprio was a loser in HS it will be a hint for the foid to avoid him.
That's why when you are an outcast living with your parents, unemployed, walking alone in the street, school, etc. Women are the first stepping far away from you.
women are trash
Interesting golden quotes
The writer of the book looks like a truecel
"Many women are willing to pay money for celebrity biographies in order to read about the private life of Leonardo DiCaprio or Johnny Depp, but they won’t pay
money to see photos of them nude. Men whip out the credit card to see a naked Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johannsen, though it would never occur to them to shell
out cash for their biographies."

This is interesting. This means that if the foid discovers that for example Leo di Caprio was a loser in HS it will be a hint for the foid to avoid him.
That's why when you are an outcast living with your parents, unemployed, walking alone in the street, school, etc. Women are the first stepping far away from you.
I know this is water is wet stuff but a guy that looked like Leonardo Dicaprio would never be a social outcast. It's always the ugly people who sit at the bottom of the social heirarchy, and everyone instinctively knows that good looks = high status.

Just being good looking alone can give you high perceived status.

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