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SuicideFuel Some pictures of White men with Asian girls



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017









And here i am sitting on my room doing nothing, Because there is no way i could ever get an Asian waifu...no matter what.
I would like an asian wife, but not a mixed hibrid child.
I would like an asian wife, but not a mixed hibrid child.

Asian women abort their half Asian sons. They are black pilled as hell.
That feeling when you can't even get Asian foids :feelsrope:
Asian women abort their half Asian sons. They are black pilled as hell.

Femoids want better genetics to have a better relationship, not because of an evolutionary urge to spread good genes
You forgot the [ER Fuel] tag
You need to be White to get non-White women.

I could maybe fake being white, but would you fly to another country, learn a new language when you don't know anything about asian languages for a chance to get a 4/10 femoid who wants you for your race?
Damn, my face and race equally contribute to being incel.
I could fake being white, but would you fly to another country, learn a new language when you don't know anything about asian languages for a chance to get a 4/10 femoid who wants you for your race?

Beats being incel.

Wife beating Asian men, lol.

But this is what pisses me off the most: women always criminalizing the men they are not attracted to. The idea that Asian men are more violent and more prone to domestic violence than white men is just laughable.

But the halo-effect is incredible on women. Even worse than on men. Women really believe that the men they are not attracted to are morally inferior and criminal. And they want to criminalize their desires. The sexual desires of men deemed unattractive are immediately considered criminal. This is what feminism is all about.

The alt-right is just mad at feminists that instead of wealthy racist white men lynching the "unworthy" men for lusting after ("raping") their Aryan wheatfield princesses, the bitches now want to decide themselves who is unworthy of them and therefore a criminal who has to be lynched for "rape".
I don't get what's so attractive about east asians, nearly all have round faces, tiny slanted eyes, flat noses, flat asses and chests the only way they can be attractive is if they get plastic surgery. All these whites dudes can do so much better, but they wanted it easy and choose partners who only like them for their race. If those guys were dark Mediterraneans those asian women would've ignored them.
being an asian guy must be hell.. imagine what those girls fathers feel like. their moms are probably so proud
I don't get what's so attractive about east asians, nearly all have round faces, tiny slanted eyes, flat noses, flat asses and chests the only way they can be attractive is if they get plastic surgery. All these whites dudes can do so much better, but they wanted it easy and choose partners who only like them for their race. If those guys were dark Mediterraneans those asian women would've ignored them.

asian girls are participation trophies for white guys

a white BF is a status symbol for an asian girls.

welcome to the global sexual market of 2018.
Lol. You call that suifuel?
Nah, this is atomic ricecel suifuel
Leans more towards ERfuel
Enjoy your ugly hapa teenage son
I would like an asian wife, but not a mixed hibrid child.
Enjoy your ugly hapa teenage son

The reason a lot of eurasians are mentally ill. Have to grow up witnessing their self-loathing asian mothers denounce their asian features on a regular basis, while their white fathers just flat out don't love them for not being full white lmao
link to that megaman t-shirt? tryna cop
Ricecels on suiwatch
im too autistic to get laid, even asian
Jbw is life on easy mode, you always have these Asian bitches to fall back on in case you fail with all other races which is unlikely to begin with.
I could maybe fake being white, but would you fly to another country, learn a new language when you don't know anything about asian languages for a chance to get a 4/10 femoid who wants you for your race?

Beggers can't be choosers
lifefuel as a white man, too bad the only asians where i live are filipina cleaning ladies
I thought you were just going to post old guys with Filipino mail order brides. It's good that you presented the non Asiancel coping reality of wmaf.
not lifefuel tbh
I agree.

Post some (non Chad) white guys with beautiful blonde, white girls and that would be the ultimate lifefuel.
tfw when too poor and no skills to move to asia and ascend. :feelsbadman:
I will save her from those patriarchal Asian oppressors. I'll worship my waifu forever.

I will show you the error of your ways.

Nah asian women only want the whitest white guys who are tall and handsome
tfw when too poor and no skills to move to asia and ascend. :feelsbadman:
What do you mean by "skills"?
Enjoy your ugly hapa teenage son

:feelskek: Lol no kidding, its almost like that's natures way of putting things back into balance. Like it recognizes how overpowered jbw truly is and has a built in mechanism in place to dial that shit back.
:feelskek: Lol no kidding, its almost like that's natures way of putting things back into balance. Like it recognizes how overpowered jbw truly is and has a built in mechanism in place to dial that shit back.
Nicely said. There had to be a downside to the JBW cheat code.
White is right.
This is actually life fuel for me

Perhaps with surgeryceling I will one day be good enough to get a desperate asian
Say it with me everybody! C-H-E-R-R-Y-P-I-C-K-I-N-G What’s that spell? Cherry-picking.
More like Chad gets the hot white Asians (korean, Chinese, japanese) and the none-Chad men get the ugly SEA girls.

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