Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Venting some of you really piss me off

LOL legit.
Many people here just have the option to LDAR by getting NEET bux, having rich parents or making their parents work to death for their piece of shit lazy ass sons.

""just LDAR bro"" is not an option for many here.
The thing is that without intimacy or at least meaningful human interaction life can feel kind of pointless, at least to me. Nothing else feels particularly worthwhile without those things.
Username color matches advice given. :bluepill: trash like study and work out, seriously?

"study and work out," adding extra agony to your already pitiful life for what result??? wageslaving?

also, you're dumb if you think having to resort to renting a whore or fucking a doll is equal to fucking a female that is attracted to you.
LOL legit.
Many people here just have the option to LDAR by getting NEET bux, having rich parents or making their parents work to death for their piece of shit lazy ass sons.

""just LDAR bro"" is not an option for many here.
I wish I could just be NEET and LDAR but like you said, not everyone has that option. My parents wouldn’t even give me 6 months
When the 18-25 year old crybaby loadmouths on these boards get older they're gonna realize that life can be better or worse, even in the context of being incel. Having a pot to piss in is good even if you don't have a girl to share it with.
you want to end up like @FrustratedWhiteMale homeless without a place to shit while it's raining
If you don't like this forum, you don't have to come.
I hope I become successful, not just with girls, but in money. Not getting it, but EARNING money - working hard for it. Getting a girl, by working hard for it, not just getting lucky.
Then I can come back here, brag about it, shove my success down your throat, before getting my final ban.
By that time I will have such a hot date an good job, I won't need to come back here. I will show pictures of her too. I need to work and work hard at it. I will use this post to motivate me. I am adding it to my bookmarks. I can return to it whenever I wish. Make myself great again. OK, I never was great.
But this time, I hope to finish the job.
I've been putting random threads through google translate.

Here's this post translated into several languages, then back to English:
those who say shit like:
Please please
Nuclear planet
They didn't invent cheap sex pens.
WHEN the company crashes

hell, doing something, little by little, day after day, just stop LDARing.

What? can't you study? work? work?

You want the ultimate, like @FrustratedWhiteMale homeless without shit place in the rain
at least try, fuck, after all, you have more time than Chad Stacy and Tyrone.

Foil is not the only one, there are chobits, followers and dolls
Nihilism, apathy and LDAR. Patrician way of life.
autists like @owly inspire me. even though i'm NT they show me a way of life that is possible without having to receive validation from females, one of autistic mind that is purely objective, not being able to discern the difference between a female having consensual sex and putting it into a sexdoll/fleshlight/escort
autists like @owly inspire me. even though i'm NT they show me a way of life that is possible without having to receive validation from females, one of autistic mind that is purely objective, not being able to discern the difference between a female having consensual sex and putting it into a sexdoll/fleshlight/escort
I havent a clue what is the difference tbh ngl
NEET masterrace. Why work for a society that's only brought you misery?
What can studying or working or gymceling do for me that's worth my time? I mean, I have to work to feed myself, but it doesn't make me happy.

Escorts don't give me what I need. Dolls don't give me what I need. And Chobits? People talk a big game about that, but it was made by a team of women. And yet it's filled with ecchi. So unless CLAMP is a bunch of lesbians, Chobits is too much of a contradiction for me.
What can studying or working or gymceling do for me that's worth my time? I mean, I have to work to feed myself, but it doesn't make me happy.

Escorts don't give me what I need. Dolls don't give me what I need. And Chobits? People talk a big game about that, but it was made by a team of women. And yet it's filled with ecchi. So unless CLAMP is a bunch of lesbians, Chobits is too much of a contradiction for me.
You could run prepper game after the collapse, and really have fun
You could run prepper game after the collapse, and really have fun

I won't live to see the collapse, but also what fun is there to have after the collapse?
Better prepared for nothing than unprepared 4 something.
You are just excusing your lazyness

I don't make prepper money either. Do you know how many peanuts I would have to buy?
cause its still copeshit and not a 2D gf who loves me
LOL legit.
Many people here just have the option to LDAR by getting NEET bux, having rich parents or making their parents work to death for their piece of shit lazy ass sons.

""just LDAR bro"" is not an option for many here.

Why shouldn't I take advantage of the situation I am in? It's not like I've exactly won the lottery in others facets of my life.
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the ones saying shit like :
SOMEONE please
nuke this planet
THEY haven't invented cheap sex bots
WHEN will society collapse already

fucking do something, little by little, day by day, stop just only LDARing.

what? you cant study ? work ? workout ?

you want to end up like @FrustratedWhiteMale homeless without a place to shit while it's raining
at least fucking try, after all you have more time resource than chad stacy and tyrone com fucking bind.

foids aren't the only way, there is chobits, escorts and dolls

You won't believe how many times I've said this shit (made threads too), really fucking hate a lot of the users on this site, especially self proclaimed neets, I hate people who just endlessly complain over and over and their genius strategy to find happiness is to do nothing to change it, shit really fucking pisses me off, feels like you're being trolled, coming on here everyday and seeing "woe is me" threads by fuckers that will literally tell you they aren't going to do anything - "its over maaaan, just LDAR, why you even doing anything, well back to complaining to about my life".

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