This hostility towards technology is another thing liberals and reactionaries have in common. Liberals love to go on about nuclear power and smartphones and the environment etc., while reactionaries believe that we it was technology that allowed women to go crazy, because now they don't need men anymore to protect them from the mammoths etc. This is all BS. Technology is not the enemy. It simply depends on in whose hands technology and the power of technology is. I still expect that sexbots would be banned and/or not become affordable, while robots replacing male blue collar jobs are obviously still there and technology is used left and right for Orwellian surveillance purposes. Anti-technology folks are like the Luddites all over again, these 19th century English workers who destroyed machinery that was obviously destroying their livelihoods. But of course that was the wrong strategy. The right strategy would have been to organize and to attack the CLASS that is OWNING the means of production, that is owning the technology and that decides HOW technology is used. The very simple truth is that you can use tehcnology for "good" and "bad", for men and against men etc. The truth is not always that complicated.