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Cope "Society cannot function if a majority of men are disaffected and depressed"

Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018
It absolutely can, because men who are disaffected and depressed tend to resign themselves from life and become numb to suffering, rather than retaliate against their oppressors, as encouraged by the "woke" philosophies they are inundated with.

NEETs dropping out of the labor force and becoming anxious to apply themselves to life? There are immigrants who will replace you, and there is a reason why if you get NEETbuxx, you aren't allowed more than $2k in savings. Spend, goyim, spend, for you are the recipients of a mini stimulus package!

Sub-HSMs refusing to betabuxx and becoming anxious to deal with women at all? You're just sparing them the trouble of associating with you, as if you were a Black person engaging in self-segregation and self-sterilization during the civil rights era.

This entire soyciety is structured to make you depressed and thus anxious, and therefore pacified but tortured; pacified out of your desires, and tortured into submission.
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>There are immigrants who will replace you

Majority of them low IQ migrants that'll work in McDonalds.
>There are immigrants who will replace you

Majority of them low IQ migrants that'll work in McDonalds.
Basement Dweller IQ post
It absolutely can, because men who are disaffected and depressed tend to resign themselves from life and become numb to suffering, rather than retaliate against their oppressors, as encouraged by the "woke" philosophies they are inundated with (e.g., Christianity, Stoicism, and other kinds of inebriation such as alcohol and drug cultures).

NEETs dropping out of the labor force and becoming anxious to apply themselves to life? There are immigrants who will replace you, and there is a reason why if you get NEETbuxx, you aren't allowed more than $2k in savings. Spend, goyim, spend, for you are the recipient of a mini stimulus package!

Sub-HSMs refusing to betabuxx and becoming anxious to deal with women at all? You're just sparing them the trouble of associating with you, as if you were a Black person engaging in self-segregation and self-sterilization during the civil rights era.

This entire soyciety is structured precisely to make you depressed and thus anxious, and therefore pacified but tortured; pacified out of your desires, and tortured into submission.
Very true, man, very true.

Outlets claim that this is "the best time to be alive in human history", it's pure intimidation.

>There are immigrants who will replace you

Majority of them low IQ migrants that'll work in McDonalds.

Society will just drop its standards, the way it does for women applying to be firemen, soldiers, or just about anything.
I know more than a handful of "illegal" imigrants who came here with no education, prospered and never settled to rot away at a fucking McDonalds
>There are immigrants who will replace you

Majority of them low IQ migrants that'll work in McDonalds.
And a majority of jobs are not anymore substantial than that.

I have a high verbal IQ as an autist, for instance, and what exactly am I depriving soyciety of? My potential as a corporate lawyer?

If anything, McDonald's is more meaningful than that, and since labor at McDonald's is quickly becoming automated, soyciety has me exactly where it wants me as a NEET. As a lawyer, I might aspire to greater things, after all.

We are the beginnings of a consumer-rotter class that will in the future compose the majority of the population, their labor replaced by automation, with the few specialist jobs that remain occupied by a handful of nepotistic elites making millions if not billions of dollars (if not trillions, jfl).
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The automation revolution is coming...well it’s actually already here but is going to get a lot worse in our lifetime.

What this means is ZOG is going to have to come up with some way to effectively bribe out of work Chads and beta bux cucks alike to not revolt and tear their fucking clown world Weimar 2.0 dystopian system apart.

So UBI and more NEETbux for ye and me and Chad will likely be on the way soon my friend and this is both a great cope but also the very likely truth.

Niggers and wetbacks are known for taking the low income shitty jobs people who have respect for themselves ie white people will not take but what are Hector, Antonio and Jamal going to do when the fast food and bean picking sectors go completely automated?

While they’ll revolt too along with whitey and or go back to their old standby of joining street gangs and robbing people to get their “bread” a.k.a money, but hey in the coming automated future they may rob people of actual bread to avoid starving to death.

I suppose one of the only “safe” career paths meaning “safe” in the sense that automation won’t be taking it away from the human labor force anytime soon (so it will still be available as a viable and stable career option post automation revolution) will be police work.

And unless ZOG comes up with a decent enough bribe for the masses boy oh boy are the Jews going to have legitimate trouble finally raining down upon their evil criminal heads.
I know more than a handful of "illegal" imigrants who came here with no education, prospered and never settled to rot away at a fucking McDonalds
> I know somebody

Stopped reading right there. Now we know it's you with the Basement Dweller IQ.
>There are immigrants who will replace you

Majority of them low IQ migrants that'll work in McDonalds.
Not for me, it's just a bunch of blacks working at the McDonalds near me TBH.

As for the thread, yeah soyciety won't yield and address any of our problems, they'll just look for ways around them. Declining birthrates? Import 3rd world migrants that breed like rabbits, men opting out? They'll just get migrants and foids to replace the men, mass shootings? Blame the guns and incels and do nothing about it and the list goes on.

Also bear in mind we're too small to have any impact on soyciety at all, and combine that with severe consequences of trying to rebel and well here you go, we have a society in which men are being replaced and normies remaining docile due to laws etc. That's just the way the cookie crumbles society isn't going to collapse, they'll just adapt as we drop out.
Copes on you. Immigrants are mostly working illegal and raping white foids. No replacement. There's also no kids to replace boomers and pay their retirements. NEETs are leeching and don't produce anything. The society is gonna collapse in some years. That's why they created COVI-19 to kill old people that doesn't produce. Eventual collapse is obvious, is not a sustainable system.
> I know somebody

Stopped reading right there. Now we know it's you with the Basement Dweller IQ.
Yeah the guy making assumptions about things he doesn't know about vs the guy who interacts with people in position and getting paid contracts.
The society is gonna collapse in some years. That's why they created COVI-19 to kill old people that doesn't produce. Eventual collapse is obvious, is not a sustainable system.
I wish it was faster

Oy vey goyim, changing soyciety is not within your inner locus of control, you must focus entirely on the hamster wheel of self-improvement.
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Basement Dweller IQ post

Immigrants are coming to Western countries with PhDs are driving cabs and delivering pizza.

Your white collar jobs are safe.

H1B visa immigrants, on the other hand, are a different story.
I wish society collapses as soon as possible. I give it no more than the year 2050.
>There are immigrants who will replace you

Majority of them low IQ migrants that'll work in McDonalds.
Low IQ, migrants come for neetbux and white pussy, none of them intend to work
Low IQ, migrants come for neetbux and white pussy, none of them intend to work
Medium IQ. Many of them are in debt (victimized by their native capitalists) and intend to work so as to send back remittances and help keep their families from starving.
Many of them are in debt (victimized by their native capitalists) and intend to work so as to send back remittances and help keep their families from starving.
Are we talking about migrants in the West or in the Emirates here ???
Are we talking about migrants in the West or in the Emirates here ???
In America, many illegal immigrants are sending back remittances to their native countries as protection money to the capitalist thugs there, who have taken their families/properties hostage ("collateral" damage, teehee).

I do not assume illegal Mexicans in America are different in this regard from, say, illegal Malians in Spain.
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Immigrants are coming to Western countries with PhDs are driving cabs and delivering pizza.

Your white collar jobs are safe.

H1B visa immigrants, on the other hand, are a different story.
Im talking about the manual labor jobs with proper volume of work that can yield 150k+ a year.

The ethnics you're talking are the lazy ones who gets blisters from picking up a shovel. I don't know how it is in europe with the ethnics over there, but I know for certain that most ethnic mexicans who got to the states illegally didnt risk death at the border just to rot away at a fast food joint.
I do not assume illegal Mexicans in America are different in this regard from, say, illegal Malians in France.
Dunno abt Malians in particular but most migrants in France are single men in their 20s-30s. They establish families here and milk the social system by having harems and declaring their "wives" as single moms.
They do deal drugs but obviously that's not the kind of job we're talking about here. Otherwise they usually spend their days smoking or drinking in the streets.
Low IQ, migrants come for neetbux and white pussy, none of them intend to work
EE: cheap alcohol and cheap white cunt! wahoo! (their equivalent of bing bing wahoo)
They establish families here and milk the social system by having harems and declaring their "wives" as single moms.
Based tbhngl. Fundamentalist Mormons do the same thing in America, and call it "bleeding the beast."

It is not to be confused with the cucked, Reaganite doctrine of "starving the beast," which (((Drumpf))) is currently imposing on the American people:

"Starving the beast" is a political strategy employed by American conservatives to limit government spending[1][2][3] by cutting taxes, in order to deprive the federal government of revenue in a deliberate effort to force it to reduce spending.

The term "the beast", in this context, refers to the United States Federal Government and the programs it funds, using mainly American taxpayer dollars, particularly social programs[4] such as education, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.[3]

You may or may not agree with polygamist Warren Jeffs' lifestyle, and you may or may not think he is indeed the dangerous criminal the FBI says he is, but would you believe Jeffs and his followers are costing you money?

"Their religious belief is that they'll bleed the beast, meaning the government," said Mark Shurtleff, Utah's attorney general. "They hate the government, so they'll bleed it for everything they can through welfare, tax evasion and fraud."

Oy vey, you're losing out on money goyim, unlike when we bail out bankers and give trillions of dollars to other assorted bloodsuckers.
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As inkwelldom swells up on the global scale and enough men decide to say fuck it...:feelshehe::feelshehe::feelshehe:
NEETs dropping out of the labor force and becoming anxious to apply themselves to life? There are immigrants who will replace you, and there is a reason why if you get NEETbuxx, you aren't allowed more than $2k in savings.

Its pretty high here.

Incel uprising when?
Japan is a great example of this. Just provide the men with copes and you have them easily controlled.
In America, SSI distinguishes between "assets" and "savings."

You can, say, own a house and a car that give you some amount of assets, but you cannot have more than $2k in savings.

Here your home is not considered an asset and is not tested for. So you can have boomers in multi-million dollar houses getting a pension and they dont have to use the equity on value of their house to take loans out of to survive.

Only investment properties, cash, investments etc, are considered assets.
Here your home is not considered an asset and is not tested for. So you can have boomers in multi-million dollar houses getting a pension and they dont have to sell any of the equity in their house to survive.

Only investment properties, cash, investments etc, are considered assets.
Which is the case here. I was overly simplifying because in my case, I have literally no assets outside of a savings account, kek.

This is not a bad life on buxx tbh. You get all the poverty which builds your character without any of the wageslavery to drain your character.

Though in Australia, I'm sure you get moar than in the US.
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Which is the case here. I was overly simplifying because in my case, I have literally no assets outside of a savings account, kek.

This is not a bad life on buxx tbh. You get the poverty which builds your character without any of the wageslavery to drain your character.

Though in Australia, I'm sure you get moar than in the US.

What happens to NEETs/Autismbuxers in the US for healthcare?

As a pension card holder I get all that stuff no cost.
What happens to NEETs/Autismbuxers in the US for healthcare?

As a pension card holder I get all that stuff no cost.
Healthcare (medicaid) is a separate program from our disability (social security), but you would basically qualify automatically for medicaid if you get social security.

I'm still on my parents' heath insurance (with the exception of dental and vision coverage, which has expired at my age), but once I'm 26 years old, I will need to be on medicaid.

Unfortunately, medicaid is not of very high quality, which makes me wonder why Pypypl of Cylyr didn't vote for Sanders. Gibs need to be of higher quality in the center of global hegemony.
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I wish society collapses as soon as possible. I give it no more than the year 2050.

My estimates have always been 2030s, based on the trends of increased college graduates who are increasingly unemployed and the changes in culture in the past 10+ years. Coffee baristas don't count. I'm talking about careers with growth and upwards mobility.

The result is what you see in the rates of male sexlessness and loneliness. On the same side you also have driven, career type subhuman males who make good money and come to empty, high end condos.

This kind of thing can only go on for so long before there is cultural pushback. That pushback will be a very hard whiplash when the string gets stretched too far. Right now, we're probably past the 60% mark (just a rough guess).
My estimates have always been 2030s, based on the trends of increased college graduates who are increasingly unemployed and the changes in culture in the past 10+ years. Coffee baristas don't count. I'm talking about careers with growth and upwards mobility.

The result is what you see in the rates of male sexlessness and loneliness. On the same side you also have driven, career type subhuman males who make good money and come to empty, high end condos.

This kind of thing can only go on for so long before there is cultural pushback. That pushback will be a very hard whiplash when the string gets stretched too far. Right now, we're probably past the 60% mark (just a rough guess).
There is a common fixation upon ~2050 on both the left and the right, with leftists saying that by ~2050 we will see the consequences of climate change, and rightists anticipating the end of the White racial majorities across the West then.
Japan is a great example of this. Just provide the men with copes and you have them easily controlled.
Japanese men are bluepilled cucks mostly. You rarely see any japcels here, especially if they're from japan. The blackpill there is either being censored, or they must have some amazing copes.
Japanese men are bluepilled cucks mostly. You rarely see any japcels here, especially if they're from japan. The blackpill there is either being censored, or they must have some amazing copes.

They literally sell lolicon in stores. You think that shit would fly here? Of course they have good copes.

Dating simulators,

Girlfriend apps and games.

Its paradise ngl.

They literally sell lolicon in stores. You think that shit would fly here? Of course they have good copes.

Dating simulators,

Girlfriend apps and games.

Its paradise ngl.

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I heard they don't tax cuck men that much and don't have many cucked laws too. Maybe japan is the right place for incels after all.
I heard they don't tax cuck men that much and don't have many cucked laws too. Maybe japan is the right place for incels after all.

They have a hard work culture, but If you can get past that, I'd say it's a lot better then it is here. As long as you "contribute to society" and get some sort of job, you can enjoy any cope you want.

Men there know they wont be getting any pussy from their piece of shit women, so they invent better ways to cope then anywhere else.

I guarantee that they will be the first to invent robotic females and girlfriends, and when they do I swear to god I'll buy a plan ticket and go over there just to personally buy one.

I want my robotic twin tail loli gf nigga
They have a hard work culture, but If you can get past that, I'd say it's a lot better then it is here. As long as you "contribute to society" and get some sort of job, you can enjoy any cope you want.

Men there know they wont be getting any pussy from their piece of shit women, so they invent better ways to cope then anywhere else.
The men there would be a lot more based if they stopped contributing and demanded government funded hookers.
I guarantee that they will be the first to invent robotic females and girlfriends, and when they do I swear to god I'll buy a plan ticket and go over there just to personally buy one.

I want my robotic twin tail loli gf nigga
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I think since they don't have sexbots already, that's the only thing holding them back from taking foid's privileges away. Their copes are nice, but incel sex tourists say they have more fun in SEasia than japan still.
I see your point
In America, SSI distinguishes between "assets" and "savings."

You can, say, own a house and a car that give you some amount of assets, but you cannot have more than $2k in savings.
Move it offshore and don't report it.
I don't know. I agree on the replacement stuff but if the majority of men in at least america became neets and stopped going out, getting jobs, and buying things other then food then I don't see how that society can last long.

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