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(sober now) Update from last night: Went to a club. What I observed, what happened



Nov 11, 2017
First off a lot of the guys there were Chadlite. A few Chads as well but it was in New York City. Half of those guys were Chadlite no matter what skin color. Also most guys who talked to women had that stylish trendy hair now a days. You know short on the sides and then long on top where push it upwards. The Nick Bateman hair. Oh and they were all white (the ones with that hairstyle). All tall. All the guys who I saw getting women were easily in the 6 feet + range.

I didn't have a single girl show any interest in me. None at all. From the time I was there to the time I was left. At first I was really shy as I never go to these social outings anymore. I went alone by the way. After several drinks I started being back to my old self how I used to be. Extremely social and NT. I met up with some random guys and we all talked. Then it came with women. You cannot make this shit up how right we are. I tried talking to 11 women and all of them rejected. Every single one. Either they'd completely ignore me as if I wasn't there, they'd bring their friend in and say "I'm gay", which they clearly aren't, especially when that same girl was talking to a Chadlite later on, or they'd just say flat out "No".

Also I am a manlet. A lot of girls there were my height or taller than me. I wish I'd wear boots but I couldn't. I'm not tall at all. I'm 5'6. I really got no looks whatsoever.

Then came the bartender. A blonde haired tan girl who was no more than a 5/10 who had a good body. Seriously. She wasn't anymore than a 5/10. I'm being generous too. She false flirted with me. What I'm basically saying is when she saw me and you know asked me if I wanted anything she'd flirt heavenly with me. She'd ask me where I'd go, what school I went too, and every time she would talk to someone near me she'd look at my direction and smile. All the time. Her body language was positive. All that PUA bullshit I picked up on when I was younger. So I thought "Okay great. She likes me actually? Maybe I can get a single girl?"

So I remember asking her where the bathroom was and she was just smiling the entire time while we were talking. When I come back from the bathroom 20 minutes later she sees me saying "*giggles* so did you find the bathroom?" and I was just like "Yeah I somehow didn't get lost" and she kept smiling at me. A few guys who were talking to me said "I think she's digging you man". Lol. As if I don't learn my place. We all know what happens here to truecels.

She gives me a small bill because I ordered a drink from her. She put a heart around the receipt. So I really thought she liked me or found me somewhat attractive. Seriously. All of these bullshit signs that PUA says it came up. So the guys there were telling me "Dude...wtf? She drew a heart? Look man, you got to put your number down seriously"

I put my number down to hope for the best. 10 minutes later I see her again and now i'm just completely hammered. She's like "Hey". I'm like "Hey". We start talking, and then I ask her "Sooooo...did you get my number?" and she smiles and starts looking away embarrassingly "Yeahhh I did". Then she giggles and tells me "So why do you want my number?" I said "I think you're really cute. Maybe we should go on a date sometime". Now I don't know exactly in my head what she said because I was completely hammered but she rejected me and it just broke me.

She pretty much said that no I'm sorry it's not like that, but "I can give you my Instagram though". Lmao. I'm not making this up. I said "It's whatever" and we stopped talking then.

TLDR; You were all right brothers. I was right. Personality really means nothing. It doesn't mean anything if you don't have the looks to back it up. I haven't been out in so long I just tried being social, and it just falls flat on my face. I am honestly done with my life. I am 100% done with my life. I seriously want to kill myself. I really can't take this life anymore. There is no hope for some guys like me. There really isn't.
anincelforlifelol said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]TLDR; You were all right brothers. I was right. Personality really means nothing. It doesn't mean anything if you don't have the looks to back it up. I haven't been out in so long I just tried being social, and it just falls flat on my face. I am honestly done with my life. I am 100% done with my life. I seriously want to kill myself. I really can't take this life anymore. There is no hope for some guys like me. There really isn't.[/font]
RE: Update from last night: Went to a club. What I observed, what happened

I'm sorry my dude but it's over. Clubs are black pill factories. You're wasting your time but I understand the desire of social life.
Stopped reading at 5’6”. It’s over, especially that you live in a major city with the biggest amount of modeling agencies where goodlooking college students go to cast there for few bucks.
Octopusgun2 said:
Stopped reading at 5’6”. It’s over, especially that you live in a major city with the biggest amount of modeling agencies where goodlooking college students go to cast there for few bucks.

Surprise of the century. I know it's over. I just really wanted to try my best. Just one last time. After this, I really am done with my life. I don't want to eat anymore either. I just don't care. I'm ugly. And that's what I always will be.
so a female bartender led you on for no apparent reason and you wasted your time and money getting drunk.

Could have stayed at Home and LDAR and would have saved some money.
Virginp0wers said:
so a female bartender led you on for no apparent reason and you wasted your time and money getting drunk.

Could have stayed at Home and LDAR and would have saved some money.

RE: Update from last night: Went to a club. What I observed, what happened

Brutal. Painful. Devastating. That's why incels don't go to night clubs.
anincelforlifelol said:
Octopusgun2 said:
Stopped reading at 5’6”. It’s over, especially that you live in a major city with the biggest amount of modeling agencies where goodlooking college students go to cast there for few bucks.
Surprise of the century. I know it's over. I just really wanted to try my best. Just one last time. After this, I really am done with my life. I don't want to eat anymore either. I just don't care. I'm ugly. And that's what I always will be.
Well, knowing that you’re blackpilled, you shouldn’t have tried. I myself stopped trying for a while and I took the looksmaxing route instead of the cringy “NT-low-inhib game” and it actually worked.
Octopusgun2 said:
Well, knowing that you’re blackpilled, you shouldn’t have tried. I myself stopped trying for a while and I took the looksmaxing route instead of the cringy “NT-low-inhib game” and it actually worked.

It'd never work for me. Looksmaxing with surgeries won't ever work for me. I don't have the harmony.
Octopusgun2 said:
Well, knowing that you’re blackpilled, you shouldn’t have tried. I myself stopped trying for a while and I took the looksmaxing route instead of the cringy “NT-low-inhib game” and it actually worked.

wtf do you mean it actually worked.

you are not incel
Virginp0wers said:
wtf do you mean it actually worked.

you are not incel

I seriously want to just lay down and never wake up. It was one of the worst days of my life, especially how those guys just vanished on me. Sigh. Honestly a lot of us are "Negative" but it really is true. It truly is. My experiences have always been horrible.

I forever will live this with crippling anxiety and ugliness.
I find it interesting to read that stuff. Keep posting op. These threads make me more blackpill than i am rn.

Its over
Damn. My condolences to a fellow NYcel. Our mistake was leaving the house.
5'6" was all I needed to hear. No matter what us manlets do, we will never have a chance. It was over from the start.
Zielony4 said:
Damn. My condolences to a fellow NYcel. Our mistake was leaving the house.

Our mistake was existing. We do not belong in this world. I don't belong in this world. I just never ever want to go out anymore. I'm so broken right now.
Shoulda run Cosby game.
Why are women so fucking complicated. The moral of the story: NEVER TRUST A WOMEN.
To be fair the sexual market in the club sounded highly saturated. Your best bet is to run social circle game
lol, I´ve had much, much worse and devestating things happening to me in clubs and bars. You need to toughen up.

Had females throw a drink in my face for no reason and laugh. Bouncers then threw me out even though I literally didn´t do anything.

Had women literally spit in my face.

Got into fist fights with jealous boyfriends even though I didn´t even hit on their hideous gfs.

Had my "friends" pretending they didn´t know me once they were hooking up with a girl.

Had girls telling me they have a bf only to make out with four other guys they met that night at the club.

I could go on and on, but it doesn´t really matter. As an incel in a club you are pretty much Jesus walking around Rome on his way to crucifiction while everyone throws apples and donkey poo at you.
_incelinside said:
To be fair the sexual market in the club sounded highly saturated. Your best bet is to run social circle game

My best bet is killing myself.

Getlooksordie said:
lol, I´ve had much, much worse and devestating things happening to me in clubs and bars. You need to toughen up.

Had females throw a drink in my face for no reason and laugh. Bouncers then threw me out even though I literally didn´t do anything.

Had women literally spit in my face.

Got into fist fights with jealous boyfriends even though I didn´t even hit on their hideous gfs.

Had my "friends" pretending they didn´t know me once they were hooking up with a girl.

Had girls telling me they have a bf only to make out with four other guys they met that night at the club.

I could go on and on, but it doesn´t really matter. As an incel in a club you are pretty much Jesus walking around Rome on his way to crucifiction while everyone throws apples and donkey poo at you.
When I was younger and extremely bluepilled and NT I had similar experiences to you in clubs/bars. Trust me. I've had brutal experiences all my entire life.
anincelforlifelol said:
Then came the bartender. A blonde haired tan girl who was no more than a 5/10 who had a good body. Seriously. She wasn't anymore than a 5/10. I'm being generous too. She false flirted with me. What I'm basically saying is when she saw me and you know asked me if I wanted anything she'd flirt heavenly with me. She'd ask me where I'd go, what school I went too, and every time she would talk to someone near me she'd look at my direction and smile. All the time. Her body language was positive. All that PUA bullshit I picked up on when I was younger. So I thought "Okay great. She likes me actually? Maybe I can get a single girl?"

So I remember asking her where the bathroom was and she was just smiling the entire time while we were talking. When I come back from the bathroom 20 minutes later she sees me saying "*giggles* so did you find the bathroom?" and I was just like "Yeah I somehow didn't get lost" and she kept smiling at me. A few guys who were talking to me said "I think she's digging you man". Lol. As if I don't learn my place. We all know what happens here to truecels.
You left out the part where she asked you to spend $$$ on her. That is when the blackpill bullshit you learned would tell you to get the fuck out.
Grotesque said:
You left out the part where she asked you to spend $$$ on her. That is when the blackpill bullshit you learned would tell you to get the fuck out.

I just wanted to experience something. Just something with a woman. Life always spits on me.
she only flirted with you so you would stay and spend more money :)
anincelforlifelol said:
Octopusgun2 said:
Stopped reading at 5’6”. It’s over, especially that you live in a major city with the biggest amount of modeling agencies where goodlooking college students go to cast there for few bucks.
Surprise of the century. I know it's over. I just really wanted to try my best. Just one last time. After this, I really am done with my life. I don't want to eat anymore either. I just don't care. I'm ugly. And that's what I always will be.

Its over for manlets.

Virginp0wers said:
so a female bartender led you on for no apparent reason and you wasted your time and money getting drunk.
Could have stayed at Home and LDAR and would have saved some money.

This tbh, why waste money on women kek.
Just save your money and buy cool shit later for yourself.
Octopusgun2 said:
Well, knowing that you’re blackpilled, you shouldn’t have tried. I myself stopped trying for a while and I took the looksmaxing route instead of the cringy “NT-low-inhib game” and it actually worked.

Sow why are you here, if it worked?
tenta said:
she only flirted with you so you would stay and spend more money :)

She got less than $20 from me. That dumb bitch. I'm really upset. I haven't eaten all day today. I'm done with life seriously.
Good on you for trying.
KyloRen said:
Good on you for trying.

It got me nowhere. And I'm more depressed than ever now. Also to Octopus, go fuck yourself and never post on any of my threads again.
anincelforlifelol said:
It got me nowhere. And I'm more depressed than ever now. Also to Octopus, go fuck yourself and never post on any of my threads again.

It was an emotionally toiling experience, yes. But you managed to survive through it. Imagine a normie in your shoes. They wouldn't be able to handle the stress. By continuing to "fight" you prove your resilience and strength. 

Incels are a lot stronger than normies, in many ways.
KyloRen said:
It was an emotionally toiling experience, yes. But you managed to survive through it. Imagine a normie in your shoes. They wouldn't be able to handle the stress. By continuing to "fight" you prove your resilience and strength. 

Incels are a lot stronger than normies, in many ways.

I'm fucking weak and shit. I want to rope badly.
anincelforlifelol said:
I'm fucking weak and shit. I want to rope badly.

You're not weak.
anincelforlifelol said:
I'm 5'6. 

that's all I needed to hear. my condolences. its over
anincelforlifelol said:
First off a lot of the guys there were Chadlite. A few Chads as well but it was in New York City. Half of those guys were Chadlite no matter what skin color. Also most guys who talked to women had that stylish trendy hair now a  days. You know short on the sides and then long on top where push it upwards. The Nick Bateman hair. Oh and they were all white (the ones with that hairstyle). All tall. All the guys who I saw getting women were easily in the 6 feet + range.

I didn't have a single girl show any interest in me. None at all. From the time I was there to the time I was left. At first I was really shy as I never go to these social outings anymore. I went alone by the way. After several drinks I started being back to my old self how I used to be. Extremely social and NT. I met up with some random guys and we all talked. Then it came with women. You cannot make this shit up how right we are. I tried talking to 11 women and all of them rejected. Every single one. Either they'd completely ignore me as if I wasn't there, they'd bring their friend in and say "I'm gay", which they clearly aren't, especially when that same girl was talking to a Chadlite later on, or they'd just say flat out "No".

Also I am a manlet. A lot of girls there were my height or taller than me. I wish I'd wear boots but I couldn't. I'm not tall at all. I'm 5'6. I really got no looks whatsoever.

Then came the bartender. A blonde haired tan girl who was no more than a 5/10 who had a good body. Seriously. She wasn't anymore than a 5/10. I'm being generous too. She false flirted with me. What I'm basically saying is when she saw me and you know asked me if I wanted anything she'd flirt heavenly with me. She'd ask me where I'd go, what school I went too, and every time she would talk to someone near me she'd look at my direction and smile. All the time. Her body language was positive. All that PUA bullshit I picked up on when I was younger. So I thought "Okay great. She likes me actually? Maybe I can get a single girl?"

So I remember asking her where the bathroom was and she was just smiling the entire time while we were talking. When I come back from the bathroom 20 minutes later she sees me saying "*giggles* so did you find the bathroom?" and I was just like "Yeah I somehow didn't get lost" and she kept smiling at me. A few guys who were talking to me said "I think she's digging you man". Lol. As if I don't learn my place. We all know what happens here to truecels.

She gives me a small bill because I ordered a drink from her. She put a heart around the receipt. So I really thought she liked me or found me somewhat attractive. Seriously. All of these bullshit signs that PUA says it came up. So the guys there were telling me "Dude...wtf? She drew a heart? Look man, you got to put your number down seriously"

I put my number down to hope for the best. 10 minutes later I see her again and now i'm just completely hammered. She's like "Hey". I'm like "Hey". We start talking, and then I ask her "Sooooo...did you get my number?" and she smiles and starts looking away embarrassingly "Yeahhh I did". Then she giggles and tells me "So why do you want my number?" I said "I think you're really cute. Maybe we should go on a date sometime". Now I don't know exactly in my head what she said because I was completely hammered but she rejected me and it just broke me.

She pretty much said that no I'm sorry it's not like that, but "I can give you my Instagram though". Lmao. I'm not making this up. I said "It's whatever" and we stopped talking then.

TLDR; You were all right brothers. I was right. Personality really means nothing. It doesn't mean anything if you don't have the looks to back it up. I haven't been out in so long I just tried being social, and it just falls flat on my face. I am honestly done with my life. I am 100% done with my life. I seriously want to kill myself. I really can't take this life anymore. There is no hope for some guys like me. There really isn't.

man i got rejected hard last week when i went out alone too.... its fucked up. atleast we went out there and tried, we could have been rotting at home and have nothing to remember the night by
ghostcell said:
man i got rejected hard last week when i went out alone too.... its fucked up. atleast we went out there and tried, we could have been rotting at home and have nothing to remember the night by

Yeah after this experience I went from subhuman to subhuman.
anincelforlifelol said:
Yeah after this experience I went from subhuman to subhuman.

its quite sad when youre at a party with hundreds of girls and there isn't even ONE who is interested in you.... thats what got me most sad last time i tried. but well, what can we do...

if u dont look at too many blackpill experiments it doesnt hurt as much
Would've SUI if that happened to me.

Luckily (the irony) I'm really high inhib and socially awkward to even try to talk to girls like that.
Blackpill101 said:
its fucked up. atleast we went out there and tried, we could have been rotting at home and have nothing to remember the night by
You guys don't learn. While you were being rejected I was home eating pizza and playing video games. OP chose to ignore everything he learned here and look where that's gotten him.
Robinxyz said:
You guys don't learn. While you were being rejected I was home eating pizza and playing video games. OP chose to ignore everything he learned here and look where that's gotten him.

Wtf? Is my account hacked or some shit? I didn't write this text.
As a subhuman why would you go to a club in NYC?

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