The humanitarian highway has pivoted towards women's plights. Non non whites. Sure, nonwhites are still a discriminated gorupm but women take precedence in the humanitarian hierarchy for being a weaker sex. Mankind is trying to fair things out. So are we replacing the evil of being advantaged as a male, and a black male with their humanitarian fortune for the sake of the detriment of women getting what they want?
I think moral perfection was 1991-2011. After soviety russia collapsed, until we got out of iraq. We were long enough in obama's term for all this shit to roost and plume out.
The highway of social elements comprising our everyday osmosis has gained velocity for humanitairanism. ANYTHING that defies it must be pushed aside. You just need to strategically pin when there's discrimination.
The velocity of humanitarianism is unchallenged. It is speeding down the hill crushing everything in its way, and no one can do anything else about it.
You just need to get humanitarian fixtures society will generally agree with to destroy the infrastructure of the past.
And if you don't you'll get piranha'd. And anyone else who plays devil's advocate with the person just for the sake of fairness will also be.
Fear of getting piranha'd/ pinned/ fired/ fined is the real source of all this elevation of the oppressed.
It's not human goodness the liberals/ sjws/ feminists might profess in order to establish the sense of how it's just commonly expected for peopel to have this. It isn't. They just don't want you using the faculties of human nature as a case against their social impositions. When in fact it's true.