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So I have read 80% of the NZ shooters Manifesto

The manifesto is almost high IQ.

He makes a lot of good points but forgets the root cause of the modern condition: feminism. Literally, nearly all issues that we face now started with women's suffrage.

By default, women are selfish, hedonistic, greedy and short-sighted. When a society is guided by women, it only can decline and degenerate. The Invaders, as he calls them, are all from heavily male-dominated societies, which is why they are so successful.

You can kill every single sand nigger in Europe, or deport them, or retake Constantinople or whatnot... Not a fucking thing will change unless women lose both political and sexual agency. Female-dominated society dies because it's an aberration and an abomination against natural order of things.

TBH I would sooner ally myself with a non-muslim non-white who is based than I would with a white feminist cuck.

I was just too lazy to type that shit but yes, he missed the most important thing. The core/root of the problem.
Mass killing of innocent people is cruel, however the reason people are drawn into doing it is because it gets way more attention than any other type of action. Even if he committed suicide live, somewhere very public like a government building to further his political beliefs, do you think it would get anything close to international attention? As far as I'm concerned the media are as culpable as he is(and he's probably a falseflag anyway), as far less people would be drawn to committing such cruelty if it weren't the best way to make one's voice heard.

Also yes, his choice of target was absolutely stupid.

Instead of killing innocent people, he should have targeted at least low level leftist politicians.
I agree with most things he wrote. I only disagree with doing a mass shooting (because I think it kills innocent people and doesn't solve the problem) and with the targets he chose.
Prove to me the people he killed were innocent.
You can get a picture version on 8chan /pol/
Look for the pro shooter threads
Tbh he is right on many things
Dm me, I have the actual pdf of his manifesto if you are interested in it
His manifesto is complete and utter bullshit, tbh. It's a ploy on popular culture and to further ignite the cultural war flames. He KNEW this reaction would happen, and now look. MSM is eating this up, it's at this time where people are going to clearly choose sides in this Zionist war on the globe for total control, if they haven't already. The sides being the more extreme spectrum. More violence will follow. This man accomplished exactly what he set out to do. It wasn't for muh whites, or any other of the speculative bullshit. This guy wants the acceleration of the deterioration of the globe. We are, you are being PLAYED.
Speculative bullshit? Read the manifesto, we dont need to speculate about anything. He spells out quite clearly why he went through with the shooting. There is absolutely no ambiguity here whatsoever
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why do tech companies try so hard to scrub this stuff from the internet, as long as one person has a copy it can be replicated a million times, they just come off as authoritarians.
Ad revenue shekels. Reminder that Jews control everything with their coins.
Why is all this happening? Every country that adopts feminism stops reproducing.

Because as it turns out, women don't actually want to reproduce. They are selfish by nature, and the only reason they married and had babies before is they were forced to. Middle Easterners know this and they are fighting back as hard as they can, but feminism will take them too soon.

Without adequate birth rates, everywhere will start declining and dying a slow death. In the best case scenario, we start replacing ourselves with automation and robots like the movie AI. In a worst case scenario, economies just spiral into debt and insolvency.
So fucking true.
Dude it sucked. Had decent memes. But wasnt very good
That's not how it works, but rather "innocent until proven guilty".
You are the one attributing innocence rather than remaining neutral therefore it should be easy for you to back up your own words
lolwut. Rigged how?

People are talking about the ongoing extermination of whites all over the Internet. White normies IRL are the only ones who seem not to care. Even I as a curry care. Whites are objectively the best looking and most advanced race. Anyone who cares about the basic quality of the human species should care about them wiping themselves out.

We don't need a billion more curries and ricecels. We don't need a billion more sandnigs or oogaboogas. None of that is going to improve the quality of the human species. Almost everyone on earth wants a white person to date. Whites dominate acting, modeling, and porn because they are good looking. All ethnics worship whites.

The fact that whites are wiping themselves out and replacing themselves with short ugly immigrants would be hilarious if it wasn't sad.

You don't have to be white to see it. Anyone with eyes can see. I honestly have no idea how so many white people go about their lives and remain completely oblivious to their fundamental failure. Whites are failing in the most important thing in life. Without white reproduction there is no white future.

It's fucking over for whites and at least a few people like this guy are bound to get it. It has nothing to do with this site or inceldom. It's just the basic truth of what's happening.
a entire race being wipped out by femminism

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