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It's Over So Depressed Currently, I Can't Even Collect My Thoughts To Talk On Them.



nevER lose your smile
Nov 20, 2022
Obviously, I've been in the shit more than usual lately.

Issues have increased with my parents, they can't seem to gage an understanding the way I want them to, and I doubt that they will be able to do so.

I've held a very negative view of everything this whole year, and as bluepilled as it sounds, I want to try & have a better outlook. I sure as fuck probably need it, and I know that I need to change a lot.

I want to make a thread, detailing all my struggles, the issues I've had, etc. but I just can't due to how depressed I am feeling. It's as if all of my thoughts are racing, but in a slow way if that makes sense: It's as if they're jumping from one thought to another, yet I'm focusing on one aspect & can't collect it to process it.

It's a fucking nightmare & I'm suffering immensely mentally, it's brutal.

In spite of my Inceldom, last year & even earlier this year were much better-it's just continued to decline since around late March-April of this year.

I just wish things wouldn't be so brutal when it's already this bad for me, why can't I ever catch a rest?
Do you attend therapy or take medication?
Do you attend therapy or take medication?
curious about this as well. I hope ur issues aren't psychiatric. as a mentalcel I can say finding the right medication and the right dose is a nightmare.
Obviously, I've been in the shit more than usual lately.

Issues have increased with my parents, they can't seem to gage an understanding the way I want them to, and I doubt that they will be able to do so.

I've held a very negative view of everything this whole year, and as bluepilled as it sounds, I want to try & have a better outlook. I sure as fuck probably need it, and I know that I need to change a lot.

I want to make a thread, detailing all my struggles, the issues I've had, etc. but I just can't due to how depressed I am feeling. It's as if all of my thoughts are racing, but in a slow way if that makes sense: It's as if they're jumping from one thought to another, yet I'm focusing on one aspect & can't collect it to process it.

It's a fucking nightmare & I'm suffering immensely mentally, it's brutal.

In spite of my Inceldom, last year & even earlier this year were much better-it's just continued to decline since around late March-April of this year.

I just wish things wouldn't be so brutal when it's already this bad for me, why can't I ever catch a rest?
I’m trying to find peace as well, it’s too hard lol
I hope you can feel better again and are able to think properly again
I was almost psychotic when I got extremely depressed.
take your time, it's not like we're going anywhere
It's as if all of my thoughts are racing, but in a slow way if that makes sense: It's as if they're jumping from one thought to another, yet I'm focusing on one aspect & can't collect it to process it.
so a feeling of anxiety and panic?
Issues have increased with my parents, they can't seem to gage an understanding the way I want them to, and I doubt that they will be able to do so.
I might be wrong. If this is about your political views, and the issues it stems from it, don't bother trying to explain yourself or attempt to educate your parents. It will never work, believe me.

they can't seem to gage an understanding the way I want them to, and I doubt that they will be able to do so.
They never will, or just don't take it as seriously since they probably question your lack of life experience. "We're your parents! You just learnt that online!" Don't let it ruin be a means of destruction to your relationship with them. I'm sure they still love you.
Sorry if this wasn't about your views.

I've held a very negative view of everything this whole year, and as bluepilled as it sounds, I want to try & have a better outlook. I sure as fuck probably need it, and I know that I need to change a lot.
I know inceldom is inceldom. But maybe pick up something to invest in that positively adds to your arsenal. Not self-improovement, but you need to find something you can progress and naturally feel a sense of confidence from. Positivity can follow after. I used to be fatcel, and I'm still ugly ash, but at least I am coping w MMA. It helps me cope easier and I don't hate myself as much. That's me, personally.

I want to make a thread, detailing all my struggles, the issues I've had, etc. but I just can't due to how depressed I am feeling. It's as if all of my thoughts are racing, but in a slow way if that makes sense: It's as if they're jumping from one thought to another, yet I'm focusing on one aspect & can't collect it to process it.
Sorry, DS. Be gentle with yourself for time-being. Don't drown in it. Go walk outside with podcast and then take a shower and rest.

I just wish things wouldn't be so brutal when it's already this bad for me, why can't I ever catch a rest?
I was almost psychotic when I got extremely depressed.
how so? I experienced genuine psychosis and got admitted to a psych ward. I don't see how depression itself is linked to psychosis.
It'll pass brocel, it always does. In order to get to enjoy a sunrise you have to make it through the night. I think that it helps if you think of it that way even though this is the most NT thing ever. NT copes sometimes work for us too though. Can't hurt to try.
It'll pass brocel, it always does. In order to get to enjoy a sunrise you have to make it through the night. I think that it helps if you think of it that way even though this is the most NT thing ever. NT copes sometimes work for us too though. Can't hurt to try.
coping strategies themselves dont do shit for a mentalcel. u need the CORRECT medication at the CORRECT dose. it's vital. and u have to work closely with a good psychiatrist. and.....many psychiatrist are shit i speak from experience.
I do, yes.
Do they even help?
Man. You want to help your people. You have your own thoughts and support a bigger vision. But sometimes I see you posting about wishing everything was just nuked as if it was meaningless. This sounds depressing.
coping strategies themselves dont do shit for a mentalcel. u need the CORRECT medication at the CORRECT dose. it's vital. and u have to work closely with a good psychiatrist. and.....many psychiatrist are shit i speak from experience.
Dependency on pills?!
coping strategies themselves dont do shit for a mentalcel. u need the CORRECT medication at the CORRECT dose. it's vital. and u have to work closely with a good psychiatrist. and.....many psychiatrist are shit i speak from experience.
Idk, I've never taken medication and I do not plan on ever doing so. My aunt is like a crazy schizo and she's on medication... She has the mind of an 8 year old now. I wouldn't encourage anyone to ever trust theRAPISTs, they just want to chemically alter your brain (basically kill whatever makes you you) in order for you to be a good goy, work make and spend money.
Dependency on pills?!
correct most ppl here are immature and just call them kikepills or whatever but some ppl need medication. u think schizophrenics will away the voices?
Idk, I've never taken medication and I do not plan on ever doing so. My aunt is like a crazy schizo and she's on medication... She has the mind of an 8 year old now. I wouldn't encourage anyone to ever trust theRAPISTs, they just want to chemically alter your brain (basically kill whatever makes you you) in order for you to be a good goy, work make and spend money.
if she's a crazy schizo she needs meds. antipsychotics. they can make u fat, lazy, and docile but better that than living in another dimension ur whole life.
if she's a crazy schizo she needs meds. antipsychotics. they can make u fat, lazy, and docile but better that than living in another dimension ur whole life.
Do you have the skills to be able to point out if someone should potentially reach for help if given strange symptoms?
they can make u fat, lazy, and docile but better that than living in another dimension ur whole life.
I feel like that's a personal choice, however she doesn't have a choice in this shit. She's so drugged up that she'd eat a raw potato if you were to give it to her.
Do you have the skills to be able to point out if someone should potentially reach for help if given strange symptoms?
im not a psychiatrist. Im just a mentalcel with months of experience in psych wards. I've seen it all. I got attacked by a schizo too XD
I feel like that's a personal choice, however she doesn't have a choice in this shit. She's so drugged up that she'd eat a raw potato if you were to give it to her.
they give u insatiable hunger.
they give u insatiable hunger.
My point still stands. She has been forced to take drugs and that shit messed up her mind. It wasn't her choice and she was forced to for ever be banished to some dark corner of her brain practically lobotomized. Either way taking meds is a big no no to me. Literally the only think you have is your mind and changing that in any degree is equivalent to roping.
My point still stands. She has been forced to take drugs and that shit messed up her mind. It wasn't her choice and she was forced to for ever be banished to some dark corner of her brain practically lobotomized. Either way taking meds is a big no no to me. Literally the only think you have is your mind and changing that in any degree is equivalent to roping.
she was fucked from the beginning bro. people with extreme schizo are fucked. the meds just make their existences more bearable.
My point still stands. She has been forced to take drugs and that shit messed up her mind. It wasn't her choice and she was forced to for ever be banished to some dark corner of her brain practically lobotomized. Either way taking meds is a big no no to me. Literally the only think you have is your mind and changing that in any degree is equivalent to roping.
she was fucked from the beginning bro. people with extreme schizo are fucked. the meds just make their existences more bearable.
she was fucked from the beginning bro. people with extreme schizo are fucked. the meds just make their existences more bearable.
I actually agree with you. It makes their existence more bearable to the family however nobody ever asked her how she feels about this shit. Now my biggest fear is that I'll be put on antipsychotics just like her, I keep a tight lid on that shit however some day it may come out and I could do some shit that would get me institutionalized.
I'm no schizo mind you but I suspect that I have some other shit wrong with me. Not gonna say it caused privacy.
I'm no schizo mind you but I suspect that I have some other shit wrong with me. Not gonna say it caused privacy.
Same and I also will never reveal what specific type of mentalcel I am. Most ppl with mental illness will just bear it and use willpower to "seem" normal to others. they'll just suffer in silence. I was the same...till I became psychotic and didn't have a choice :feelskek:

believe me when I say the CORRECT medication at the CORRECT dose does wonders. but it has to be the good stuff. the wrong meds could fuck u up. i have plenty of experience weaning myself off meds i hated not giving a fuck what my psychiatrist would think. Thank God i have good meds and am stable rn.
I might be wrong. If this is about your political views, and the issues it stems from it, don't bother trying to explain yourself or attempt to educate your parents. It will never work, believe me.
I’ve taken the approach of frequently making statements that most people would agree with (ie “people who are loud in public are annoying” or “the smell of pot really makes a city feel trashy”) that have obvious conclusions to people who aren't idiots when combined. I don’t ever have to say it, but it essentially trains someone to act as if they believe all that i do. they would still disavow any direct adherence to such beliefs, but they’ll act functionally identical to someone who does hold those views otherwise. ive had success with “i’ll probably move to new england when im old enough to retire, i hear there’s almost no crime there”. it stops short of making an even remotely controversial claim, but the implication looms ready to be accepted by anyone who pieces two and two together.
@DeliriousMerchant would require a post of its own. But to stay on topic. there were guys depressed like @DarkStar but amplified to a billion. so depressed they stank up half the ward since they'd never shower. having one of them as my roommate was absolute hell. he never got better during my stay. i bet he roped.
I’ve taken the approach of frequently making statements that most people would agree with (ie “people who are loud in public are annoying” or “the smell of pot really makes a city feel trashy”) that have obvious conclusions to people who aren't idiots when combined. I don’t ever have to say it, but it essentially trains someone to act as if they believe all that i do. they would still disavow any direct adherence to such beliefs, but they’ll act functionally identical to someone who does hold those views otherwise. ive had success with “i’ll probably move to new england when im old enough to retire, i hear there’s almost no crime there”. it stops short of making an even remotely controversial claim, but the implication looms ready to be accepted by anyone who pieces two and two together.
I wish I had the energy or opportunities to do this. Not my style.
@DeliriousMerchant would require a post of its own. But to stay on topic. there were guys depressed like @DarkStar but amplified to a billion. so depressed they stank up half the ward since they'd never shower. having one of them as my roommate was absolute hell. he never got better during my stay. i bet he roped.
Brutale, mang.
Same. I came pretty close to game overing myself but the thoughts have somewhat subsided.
you are on psych meds?? brother i can guarantee you theyre making it worse, not better
Escitlaporam, my parents made me take them.

Fuck, it's so over dude-I just want to go to sleep & never wake up man. :feelsrope:
Escitlaporam, my parents made me take them.

Fuck, it's so over dude-I just want to go to sleep & never wake up man. :feelsrope:
venting is good but when it comes to mental health u must be pragmatic and efficient with medication. I'm assuming u have a psychiatrist (if not than ur relying on a family doctor for instruction and refills which is brutal as fuck). u gotta be open to dose or medication changes and just keep trying out shit until u find something that works. SSRI's take forever to fully kick in so u gotta bite the bullet and endure until u become sure it's worthless (u prob already know this). @zerozerozero could even be right about it making u feel worse. make sure u explore all ur options, have hope, and even take a break from school if needed. When i was younger and had my first taste of mental illness I thought I was completely fucked too.
Just had a convo with my mom, it wasn't good & she(as well as my dad) are very unhappy, disappointed, in me, and stressed

Just fuck my life, this is shit & I just want to go to sleep & never have to wake up
I'll maybe post on this tomorrow, for those who give a shit anyways
I want to just fucking give up & just fade on to Agartha already, I want to be in its warm embrace.
I can't handle my fucking reality anymore, it's been too brutal.

Things never improve, I just knew they wouldn't
Just had a convo with my mom, it wasn't good & she(as well as my dad) are very unhappy, disappointed, in me, and stressed

Just fuck my life, this is shit & I just want to go to sleep & never have to wake up
you go to college AND work a job the fuck more do they want from you???
you go to college AND work a job the fuck more do they want from you???
Yeah it's bullshit, and then they wonder why I use substances & fell down a rabbit-hole.

Just fuck my life, I'm sick of everything
@RealSchizo @VictimofBpillReaper @EpedaBIGDICKENERGY @BosniaCel @ItsovERfucks @ChudMasterofBation @ElTruecel @Friezacel

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