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It's Over #smalldickproblems

  • Thread starter IamJacksBrokenHeart
  • Start date


May 7, 2018
A small Dick is a death sentence for every Male ,
even if you're Alpha Ultra Chad ,
if you have a small dick its fucking Over .

Apart from that , there are VERY RARELY Chads with small dicks , cause every trait of a high value male are connected , they can be traced back to their genes + how much Testosterone was released during their teenage years .

Heigth , Hunter Eyes , chiseled Jawline , beard growth frame etc. are all signs of High Testosterone .

What im saying is , that youre genes present you with a certain possibly achievable Range on the Scale of attractivity / Sxcual Market Value and the decisions you make during your teenage years result in either the best possible result or the worst possible result
( Enough Nutrition , Vitamins , Psychological Wellbeing , enough Sleep etc. ) ,
so a man with a certain genetic predisposition
can become a 7 or a 9 , dependant on his Lifestyle .

Chads with pronounced Jawlines , Eye Area , Chin forward growth , Height etc. are also more likely to have a Big Penis in comparison to Males who have overall bad genetics .
Its more likely youll get the " Full Package " instead of a Chad with Micropenis .

Thats why ugly Males get hit with the Standart Go To Small Dick Insult way more often , cause nobody expects 3 Inches on Tyrone .


Men with #smalldickproblems will almost often suffer from Anxiety , Depression and loss of self esteem , cause of their comparably or imaginary too- small manhood .

( " [ ... ] However, 50% of men might interpret being less than average as being defective or abnormal. Comparing one's self or one's attributes against others is a double-edged sword [ ... ] such men are likely to believe that others think that they should be larger. [ ... ]

only 55% of the men were satisfied with their own penis size. "
Source : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bju.13010 )

Im elaborating on this , cause i think ( just like Primates today ) Humans , in the early stages of our Evolution , instinctively compared and showed of their Genitals in a show of dominance / male social hierarchy , and this anxiety of possible comparison und dominance is still instinctively implanted into our brains today , even if we wear layers of clothes that hide our Shame .
Screenshot 20190404 151549

Source : https://books.google.de/books?id=xC...age&q=monkeys show of penis dominance&f=false )

For example its still prevalent today in Dancing ( especially for Males , highlight the Genital Area / thrusting Hip Motions ) .
This instinctive , Underlying fear of " exposing the secret " and subsequently being dominated is extremely detrimental to Confidence and social Status .
My Take on this is , that Males with /r/smalldickproblems will either instinctively submiss and accept a low status in any given social context / social hierarchy or will try to overcompensate .

This feeling of real or perceived Inadequency will limit a Males possibly archievable Status in any given social hierarchy and he will resort to submissive behaviour ( hunched over , weak voice , overly controlled emotions , weak eye contact etc. ) .

In other Words ,
if we were living in Days , when it was normal for Humans to openly show their genitals for dominance , you'd likely would have killed yourself a long time ago .

We should be grateful , that we can hide beneath layers of clothing .
But this instinctive Anxiety will never go away .
You just have to COPE with it .
Its another Weight on our shoulders ,
that cant be lightened , even with surgery .
You will be ridiculed and dominated in any social context if you admit to having a small dick .

Its Over .

Also , JFL :

The Last Sentence is just perfect .
A small Dick is a death sentence for every Male ,
even if you're Alpha Ultra Chad ,
if you have a small dick its fucking Over .

Apart from that , there are VERY RARELY Chads with small dicks , cause every trait of a high value male are connected , they can be traced back to their genes + how much Testosterone was released during their teenage years .

Heigth , Hunter Eyes , chiseled Jawline , beard growth frame etc. are all signs of High Testosterone .

What im saying is , that youre genes present you with a certain possibly achievable Range on the Scale of attractivity / Sxcual Market Value and the decisions you make during your teenage years result in either the best possible result or the worst possible result
( Enough Nutrition , Vitamins , Psychological Wellbeing , enough Sleep etc. ) ,
so a man with a certain genetic predisposition
can become a 7 or a 9 , dependant on his Lifestyle .

Chads with pronounced Jawlines , Eye Area , Chin forward growth , Height etc. are also more likely to have a Big Penis in comparison to Males who have overall bad genetics .
Its more likely youll get the " Full Package " instead of a Chad with Micropenis .

Thats why ugly Males get hit with the Standart Go To Small Dick Insult way more often , cause nobody expects 3 Inches on Tyrone .


Men with #smalldickproblems will almost often suffer from Anxiety , Depression and loss of self esteem , cause of their comparably or imaginary too- small manhood .

( " [ ... ] However, 50% of men might interpret being less than average as being defective or abnormal. Comparing one's self or one's attributes against others is a double-edged sword [ ... ] such men are likely to believe that others think that they should be larger. [ ... ]

only 55% of the men were satisfied with their own penis size. "
Source : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bju.13010 )

Im elaborating on this , cause i think ( just like Primates today ) Humans , in the early stages of our Evolution , instinctively compared and showed of their Genitals in a show of dominance / male social hierarchy , and this anxiety of possible comparison und dominance is still instinctively implanted into our brains today , even if we wear layers of clothes that hide our Shame .
" View attachment 103843
Source : https://books.google.de/books?id=xCAxDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT149&lpg=PT149&dq=monkeys+show+of+penis+dominance&source=bl&ots=9Y3sylaaVb&sig=ACfU3U2pl3kZlh8FZNfvRKZs0lvXfKtqBg&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWgpiuv7bhAhXCZFAKHSVUD24Q6AEwAXoECAIQAQ#v=onepage&q=monkeys show of penis dominance&f=false )

For example its still prevalent today in Dancing ( especially for Males , highlight the Genital Area / thrusting Hip Motions ) .
This instinctive , Underlying fear of " exposing the secret " and subsequently being dominated is extremely detrimental to Confidence and social Status .
My Take on this is , that Males with /r/smalldickproblems will either instinctively submiss and accept a low status in any given social context / social hierarchy or will try to overcompensate .

This feeling of real or perceived Inadequency will limit a Males possibly archievable Status in any given social hierarchy and he will resort to submissive behaviour ( hunched over , weak voice , overly controlled emotions , weak eye contact etc. ) .

In other Words ,
if we were living in Days , when it was normal for Humans to openly show their genitals for dominance , you'd likely would have killed yourself a long time ago .

We should be grateful , that we can hide beneath layers of clothing .
But this instinctive Anxiety will never go away .
You just have to COPE with it .
Its another Weight on our shoulders ,
that cant be lightened , even with surgery .
You will be ridiculed and dominated in any social context if you admit to having a small dick .

Its Over .

Also , JFL :

The Last Sentence is just perfect .

That’s why I drink alone in my trailer boyo. Whenever I leave I’m constantly on edge. It’s not safe for us in this world.my advice to literally everybody on this forum is to develop situational awareness, acquire weapons and learn to use them.
Pick one tbh. You cant be an alpha without a big dick. It would look really funny.
this is LARP retards
do u really think roasties would bother undressing a subhuman incel even if it was to make fun of him? jfl
they can hardly keep themselves from puking just from looking at an incels face
There are several fakecels or semifakecels here, it's the only part that can boast about this site ... talk about your huge dicks.
I'm 7x6 but that dosn't help me at all.
this is LARP retards
do u really think roasties would bother undressing a subhuman incel even if it was to make fun of him? jfl
they can hardly keep themselves from puking just from looking at an incels face
high IQ. It is a fetish post.
How small is small though?
It's truly over for me then :feelsbadman:
15-16 can still get away, but by comments you (you can search if you want) already see some ridicule or demonstrations of virtue saying that size does not matter and bla bla bla. 15, 16/17 is a cut line.
I wish a bunch of cute girls would forcibly undress me and start making fuck of my dick
there is a ugly fat foid on there who is always talking about how a 4 inch dick is all she needs cant stand her bs.
15-16 can still get away, but by comments you (you can search if you want) already see some ridicule or demonstrations of virtue saying that size does not matter and bla bla bla. 15, 16/17 is a cut line.
15-16 bpel?
There needs to be more research on how to get men's dicks to be bigger. The effect of small dicks on men's self esteem and reputation with women is fucking insane.
Yes I would say the small dick is the biggest "counter" in a man. I just can not understand how people can laugh something that really destroy a man's life, many man commit suicide because of this.

But, as my master said: "It's easier to an ant understand an elephant than someone with compassion to understand someone who does not have"
Yet another smaldickbait thread.

All those who made fun of this guy deserve to be hanged.
It's so fucking lame to make fun of someones shortcomings. I get really upset about that stuf.
Before dickmaxing I suggest that the guy first go gymmax and then beat the crap out of those losERs.

Don't ever get drunk at parties because people WILL frame you.
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Do op mean that the girls wrote #me too on the last sentence treating the vicitm as a pervert?
I have suicidal thoughts about it.
This is so sad my friend, although my dick is average I literally can feel the pain when someone makes jokes about small penis. Since my chilhood I have empathy for any people, I just can't understand why people in this world are so bad.
This is so sad my friend, although my dick is average I literally can feel the pain when someone makes jokes about small penis. Since my chilhood I have empathy for any people, I just can't understand why people in this world are so bad.
i cant stand people here even who says it doesnt matter and they usally have average to big dicks the damn idiots. do they think that guy with a thin or short dick wouldnt want even just to be average size.
This is so sad my friend, although my dick is average I literally can feel the pain when someone makes jokes about small penis. Since my chilhood I have empathy for any people, I just can't understand why people in this world are so bad.
I also did not say that I have a micropenis, but it is small and may even be micro depending on the foid pattern.
i cant stand people here even who says it doesnt matter and they usally have average to big dicks the damn idiots
I also did not say that I have a micropenis, but it is small and may even be micro depending on the foid pattern.
Just slap them,or tell them they have small and saggy breast.Tell them they are so insecure they have to use makeup.Tell them they are hypocrite.They can't go out on street without makeup.Yet,they talk about natural beauty.My ass.
I have suicidal thoughts about it.

Either way it will not spread like breast augmentation.

I also want to say that in 2016 this "gillette" woman had a son who committed suicide. I'm not saying that he committed suicide because of the small penis, but I'm sure she began to rethink her music that was the cause of the suicide of many men. This is karma, karma is not a punishment, it only teaches you to have compassion for people, either for good or for evil.
15-16 can still get away, but by comments you (you can search if you want) already see some ridicule or demonstrations of virtue saying that size does not matter and bla bla bla. 15, 16/17 is a cut line.
Fuck, so 13.5/14 is an absolute death sentence then.
My dick is medium, depending on the "Average" that is used, even the part of it covered by skin I would be with 15 cm, small acceptable but already small for several. With the excess skin and lumps I have 11-12 cm only.
Fuck, so 13.5/14 is an absolute death sentence then.
I based it on Yahoo Answers comments. Generally who was 17+ was already a great start, 14 spoke of average but nobody praised. Less than that began or mockery or manifestations of virtue.
My dick is medium, depending on the "Average" that is used, even the part of it covered by skin I would be with 15 cm, small acceptable but already small for several. With the excess skin and lumps I have 11-12 cm only.
So? mine's 10 cm erect,is estetic and veiny.Is just my naturality.I was born with it.Is not my fault.Is easy man,if a guy make fun of it,just fuck his face up and menace him.And if a woman tell something,just ask her why the fuck should any man listen to her.You will see how she will behave.The problem of that jerks is that they think that the things they say,would be important.They have to be ignored.Period.
Foids laughing at small dick is extremely cruel but nobody bets an eye. No one ever makes fun of small breasts, because its considered sexual harassment teehee :feelskek:
So? mine's 10 cm erect,is estetic and veiny.Is just my naturality.I was born with it.Is not my fault.Is easy man,if a guy make fun of it,just fuck his face up and menace him.And if a woman tell something,just ask her why the fuck should any man listen to her.You will see how she will behave.The problem of that jerks is that they think that the things they say,would be important.They have to be ignored.Period.
The problem that was already redpillado and I have obsessive compulsive disorder (hence developed body dysmorphia so ... is obviously related to the other disorder)
when they made a comment about him. Before, on one side, a guy mocked, but since it was not redpiled at the time, I did not call.
One was in 2010 (I did not call because it was bluepilled) and then another in 2015 (it was a bomb already because I knew about hypergamy). At the beginning of 2018 I took the blackpill.
Foids laughing at small dick is extremely cruel but nobody bets an eye. No one ever makes fun of small breasts, because its considered sexual harassment teehee :feelskek:
Pathetic and nonsense.A woman can look my crotch but i can't look at hers.
There was one day i told a woman that her pussys lips were visible.She just ignored me.LOL
The problem that was already redpillado and I have obsessive compulsive disorder (hence developed body dysmorphia so ... is obviously related to the other disorder)
when they made a comment about him. Before, on one side, a guy mocked, but since it was not redpiled at the time, I did not call.
One was in 2010 (I did not call because it was bluepilled) and then another in 2015 (it was a bomb already because I knew about hypergamy). At the beginning of 2018 I took the blackpill.
A guy mocked me for that too,but i was 13 years.After a month he stopped but he looked obsessed for it so i asked him if he was gay.LOL
And that's why Asians will always be the true Incels...
Dickpill is part of the heightpill. It is not scientific to assume that all tall people have a large penis, but there is a strong coleration between the height and size of the penis(even a guy with reddita writes "i'm short and i have a small penis")
there is a strong coleration between the height and size of the penis(even a guy with reddita writes "i'm short and i have a small penis")
thats exactly what i said
signs of good genetic quality go hand in hand
Foids laughing at small dick is extremely cruel but nobody bets an eye. No one ever makes fun of small breasts, because its considered sexual harassment teehee :feelskek:
Males are disposable and thus they get made fun of without regards to their feelings
High IQ. Even gigachad is useless if he has a small dick.
If I were a micropenis gigachad I'd focus on the romantic aspect of things and only go for foids as young as possible and who are virgins. Oops, that's already what I want to do as an averagedickcel anyway.
My dick is small

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