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LifeFuel Slavcels, what are your thoughts on Panslavism?

Stockholm syndrome.
Nope it's just the truth
Why do you Slavs keep seeking validation from self-castrating tranny cumskins?
Many don't some are annoyingly patriotic especially balkaners, or they actually believe they are superior to other Europeans.

I know that I am inferior to Germanic Europeans but atleast I don't look like a stereotypical gopnik there's that.
But on average WE person is richer than EE person
Doesn't make any sense to hate them because of that.
Nope it's just the truth
Many don't some are annoyingly patriotic especially balkaners, or they actually believe they are superior to other Europeans.

I know that I am inferior to Germanic Europeans but atleast I don't look like a stereotypical gopnik there's that.
Doesn't make any sense to hate them because of that.
You are a cuck. Only Slavs are real and most supreme whites.

@Ron.Belgrade BASED Balkans
Slavs are actually the original Aryans. They are in no way inferior to Germanic Europeans
Yes, even the steppe in India migrated from South Russia
Slavs are actually the original Aryans. They are in no way inferior to Germanic Europeans
If that's true they aren't the same as modern Slavs, Modern Slavs have ethnic admixture especially Poles, Ruskis and Ukrainians.
You are a cuck. Only Slavs are real and most supreme whites.

@Ron.Belgrade BASED Balkans
So the guy on the right looks whiter then the guy on the left to you?
So the guy on the right looks whiter then the guy on the left to you?
View attachment 1196660View attachment 1196661
Cherry picking. This is how Average non-Slavic white looks like


If that's true they aren't the same as modern Slavs, Modern Slavs have ethnic admixture especially Poles, Ruskis and Ukrainians.
Aryans were a culture first than race. And real Aryans weren't even white, they looked tanned with dark hair and eyes. Aryans being blue eyed and blonde haired is a white nationalist cope

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndoEuropean/comments/ocp6t6/reconstructions_of_ancient_indoeuropeans_by/

Why do you love Slavs but hate all other Europeans?
Because Slavs lynch faggots while other whites suck their cocks and "neovaginas"
The guy on the right is ugly but still white European and the guy on the left is attractive and is also white. They are both white but the difference lies in attractiveness
Having Nordic and generally Western European looks is the epitomy of being white, ugly whites are still white but will always be seen as less white since attractiveness is associated with whiteness especially in the modern age.

we black as fuck
Cherry picking. This is how Average non-Slavic white looks like
Average Nordic man vs Average Polish man

Nordic is on the left, Polish on the right

The giga self hate and black worship is mostly an anglosphere thing European whites don't do it.
Average Nordic man vs Average Polish man
View attachment 1196680View attachment 1196681
Nordic is on the left, Polish on the right
is this true? @To koniec
The giga self hate and black worship is mostly an anglosphere thing European whites don't do it.

That is actually true. I hate Germany so much, you can't truly express yourself there. Absolute feminist shithole
You Slavs should revive USSR and rape those Germans like in WW2. You Slavs are the most supreme
Any man who enters a long term relationship with one is an idiot.
why are Slav foids a bad choice? Many african guys say Russian foids are a bad choice and that polish is better. But i don t know, no experience because they reject me
USSR Slavs raped "Aryan" Germans and showed who the real Aryan are
yea and then the soviet government raped slavs
i dont need sex the government fucks me everyday bobo
Wouldn't work.
no, because my parents lived in a shithole country, beaten up and enslaved by fucking nigger russians, and only 35 years ago we got freed from their nigger rule and I would like to kill every single one of them for that you fucking curry
Negroes in EE appeared only after western influence.
The bad reputation is mostly caused by our own behavior alot of Polaks and Ruskis in Germany/UK behave like shit, they don't learn the language they leech of welfare, and a lot are also the typical ugly alcoholics with bloated faces, not all polaks behave like this obviously but it causes a very negative reputation.
You're overly critical. There are many criminals from EE in the West but majority of EE migrants are hard-working and law-abiding.
They definitely are better than blacks, Arabs or other non-European migrants.
Cucked idea, only putins dick suckers like it. Ot used to be somewhat reasonalble during 1800s because of other natioms, such as turkish, germans, austrians and hungarians having rule over some slavic nations, but today its cucked
Cucked idea, only putins dick suckers like it. Ot used to be somewhat reasonalble during 1800s because of other natioms, such as turkish, germans, austrians and hungarians having rule over some slavic nations, but today its cucked
I don't think any big figure in post-1917 Russia ever was a pan-slavist.
why are Slav foids a bad choice? Many african guys say Russian foids are a bad choice and that polish is better. But i don t know, no experience because they reject me
Slavic Foids are degenerate golddiggers without any decency.
I don't think any big figure in post-1917 Russia ever was a pan-slavist.
Oooh, Im retarded. I mistaked it because in 19th cent. Some slavic countries shilled panslavism as united under rule of russia. But tegardless, no, i dont think itd work. Just look at baloan JFL
@WorthlessSlavicShit seriously what are your thoughts on this? You always have informative insights on things
Only possible if Russia is dominant politically, culturally, economically as it was in the Soviet days. Also, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia have already shown that most slavs prefer tribalism over unity.
@WorthlessSlavicShit seriously what are your thoughts on this? You always have informative insights on things
Will respond soon, am going to be out of the house for an hour or so;).
Will respond soon, am going to be out of the house for an hour or so;).
I didn't know Slavs hated each other this much :feelsbadman: Slavs should all get united to form another USSR and kill all the rest of non-Slavic 'whites". Only you are real and most supreme whites

This is who calls us "problematic" and tells us to "get laid" on Reddit:lul::lul:.

Cucked idea, only putins dick suckers like it. Ot used to be somewhat reasonalble during 1800s because of other natioms, such as turkish, germans, austrians and hungarians having rule over some slavic nations, but today its cucked
Eh, it could work, but as was already said above, there would have to be a lot of guardrails in place to allow a lot of autonomy to the various countries/nations and to make sure that nobody was really dominating anybody and that no national identities were in danger of being assimilated. If Slavic countries united right now, Russian Federation would provide barely over half of the population, and since ethnic Russians are barely over 70% of Russia, that wouldn mean that such a superstate wouldn't have any population that would be an absolute majority. That alone rules out any possibility of there being a dominant ethnicity in that country, and so any attempt to dominate other ethnicities would be very strongly resisted, leaving really nothing else apart from a federation of autonomous republics as a possibility.

Only possible if Russia is dominant politically, culturally, economically as it was in the Soviet days. Also, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia have already shown that most slavs prefer tribalism over unity.
True. The second is especially annoying, since while we were capable of splitting peacefully with one another, unlike what the Balkaners did, the fact was that we were unable to hold together a country of even two different ethnicities. Now imagine problems like that country had, with political representation, income disparities and so on, but scaled up to include all Slavic countries. It would be insane. Doable, but insane.

This is who calls us "problematic" and tells us to "get laid" on Reddit:lul::lul:.

Eh, it could work, but as was already said above, there would have to be a lot of guardrails in place to allow a lot of autonomy to the various countries/nations and to make sure that nobody was really dominating anybody and that no national identities were in danger of being assimilated. If Slavic countries united right now, Russian Federation would provide barely over half of the population, and since ethnic Russians are barely over 70% of Russia, that wouldn mean that such a superstate wouldn't have any population that would be an absolute majority. That alone rules out any possibility of there being a dominant ethnicity in that country, and so any attempt to dominate other ethnicities would be very strongly resisted, leaving really nothing else apart from a federation of autonomous republics as a possibility.

True. The second is especially annoying, since while we were capable of splitting peacefully with one another, unlike what the Balkaners did, the fact was that we were unable to hold together a country of even two different ethnicities. Now imagine problems like that country had, with political representation, income disparities and so on, but scaled up to include all Slavic countries. It would be insane. Doable, but insane.
So we won't see Slavs uniting soon to kill all the non-Slavic whites anytime soon? :fuk::fuk:

Why do you Slavs have to hate each other this much man?
Panslavism to me always looked like a psyop designed to bring minor slavic nations under control of some bigger entity (russian empire) in the world where most slavs didn't have any political freedom. But who needs panslavism now that slavic countries/peoples are free and can do whatever they want. This is a purely speculative and artificial construct, especially when you look at the history of balkans and how they are always eager to jump at each other's throats. Of course russians, ukranians and poles also have their own strifes etc.
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@To koniec @Incline @Copexodius Maximus thots?

I want this to become a reality, only Slavs are real and most superior whites
Pan-anything is a low iq retard idea. It just leads to the most powerful ethnicity/group dominating and forcing everyone else to submit to their rule.
Pan-anything is a low iq retard idea. It just leads to the most powerful ethnicity/group dominating and forcing everyone else to submit to their rule.
Didn't happen in India. Just be holding together federation theory.

Only problem you may have is during tax spiting were the unproductive but higher population group would get higher tax share like for North India
Didn't happen in India. Just be holding together federation theory.

Only problem you may have is during tax spiting were the unproductive but higher population group would get higher tax share like for North India
bro india is just a colonial project so it literally proves the point that pan-anything is always done to subdue someone and fuck him up
stop being a race traitor by leaving white mans alliances and joining steppe niggers poor ass fucked up system? fuck you curry we dont want to live like you do in your shithole

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