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RageFuel [Slavcels/EEcels GTFIH] Western sexpats talking about getting EE chicks.

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022

This was literally me, western country in 2000s, graduated highschool at 17, finished 5 year double degree IT and business in 4, not autistic, tried applying for every fucking position available, from supermarkets to video stores to cleanings to restaurants, got fucking NOTHING not even paid time work. Even tried volunteering at shitty animal shelters, nada. Forced to live with horrible parents, no money, no pussy, depression close to mental breakdown. Borrowed money, went to eastern Europe..... Was fucking amazing. Super cheap, amazing women, everyone wants to hire English speakers, especially natives... Basically white monkey job, they showed me off. Moved to Sofia cus of big business, learned Bulgarian, got a series of real jobs, still shit pay compared to western standards but it's cheap... Multiple GFS, finally met the right girl, gorgeous trad 18 year old with coke bottle build.... Living my best life now, was close to suicide. Fuck the west, unless you're a woman or nigger or you suck their dicks they won't hire you. "Sell yourself!!!" Fuck you nigger

I'm from Spain
I've been in a relationship with a romanian girl for 4 years

>Green eyes
>Pretty face
>Pretty voice
>Pretty ass
>Pretty medium-sized tits
>Slender figure
>Holds hands with me 100% of the time every time we go outside
>Part time job in a clothing shop literally because she "wants to support her man" (don't need the money tho)
>Manages money like a pro
>Cooks like a pro as well
>Orthodox Christian
>Loves kids
>Loved by kids
>Loves cooking
>Cool Constantinescu surname
>Cool and easy to learn language (She likes Spanish more tho)
>Cool and beautiful country (visited Teleorman twice, I'm in love with it)
>Cool family (They like me so much they consider me their son)
>Cool culture
>Cool Romanian house decoration
>Throws indirect messages about marriage every now and then
>Doesn't like other women
>Hates gypsies, muslims, beans, etc...

It's just white dating whites. Nobody cares.
But can EE men do the same in the west? Maybe some of them.
no very very few can. Slav men don't have enough money and media halo. Ofc a true slav Chad can without issue get a foid anywhere. But slav normies will struggle
no very very few can. Slav men don't have enough money and media halo. Ofc a true slav Chad can without issue get a foid anywhere. But slav normies will struggle
Yeah, if he is a Chad, he probably wouldn't feel the need to sexpat anyway. Especially when EE women usually mog western women.
slav men should go for central asian noodlefoids. I have seen many Ruskies with Kazakh and Uzbek foids.
You are living here?
No but my Insta gets the many slav male/asian female couples. Usually the slav is russian or pole and the foid is Kazakh or Korean.
No but my Insta gets the many slav male/asian female couples. Usually the slav is russian or pole and the foid is Kazakh or Korean.
Foids for all, foids for all! Come one, come all!

Bad, that some slavwomen are going away from slav genepool, but oh well. Bad, but.. we got more!
Foids for all, foids for all! Come one, come all!

Bad, that some slavwomen are going away from slav genepool, but oh well. Bad, but.. we got more!
Slavs are the incels of whites, but they're still white. Mog all ethnics.
Slavs are the incels of whites, but they're still white. Mog all ethnics.
We still got plenty of our own foids, not that incel'ish

State is poor. People are poor. Women are poor.. women are trying to get out of poverty by gold-digging
We still got plenty of our own foids, not that incel'ish

State is poor. People are poor. Women are poor.. women are trying to get out of poverty by gold-digging
Yeah, you just don't have money compared to other white people. But slav foids mog at least. Ukranian foids are probably the most attractive I've seen.
Yeah, you just don't have money compared to other white people. But slav foids mog at least. Ukranian foids are probably the most attractive I've seen.
No money for your white face! All is stolen by the gov
Slavs are the incels of whites, but they're still white. Mog all ethnics.
You'll probably disagree but I'd say that this differs from place to place. Western Europe especially is pretty shit when you're a Slav, there's even a German study which found that, percentually, more Slavs than ethnics (apart from Turks) living there claim to have faced discrimination:worryfeels:.

"It doesn't matter that foreigners are taking your women, because other foreigners think you're all the same:feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::soy::soy::soy:."
You shouldn't care even if it's Indians or blacks, but if you went to Taiwan and a chink killed you for "taking their women" that would be based, that's their lawgic.
It's brutal to see this happening but money talks hence why women tolerate betabuxes
slav men should go for central asian noodlefoids. I have seen many Ruskies with Kazakh and Uzbek foids.
Slav males such as Balkancels are universally considered as unattractive, they can only find a loyal wife in patriarchal areas.
Foids for all, foids for all! Come one, come all!

Bad, that some slavwomen are going away from slav genepool, but oh well. Bad, but.. we got more!
probably good on some level aka in the grand scheme of things if the genes are moving westward (I see it in a comparable light to the Germanic invasions of the decedent roman empire guess slavs fell to some of the pc nonsense so it wont be as extreme) the inverse would certainly be bad. Look at Germanic countries tell me those people are not largely irredeemable (especially their foids) id rather Germany go to slavs than to turks, africans and arabs.
Its very hard in EE to get laid if you are not chad. if you are not in their social circle you will be traited like an animal.
Looks is everything there.
And money would not save you.
Slav males such as Balkancels are universally considered as unattractive
giga cope. balkan"cels" have an average height of 6'2. slavcels are 5'6 belarussian farmoids not 6'2 croatian gigamoggers. plus balkaniggers have media halo from all the nba guys
You shouldn't care even if it's Indians or blacks, but if you went to Taiwan and a chink killed you for "taking their women" that would be based, that's their lawgic.
That too, but in this specific case, it's more about him implying that Westerners and Slavs and other Eastern europeans are all the same.

Which is pretty comical since he's a curry and given how much of an issue curries marrying different kinds of curries is in India:

I honestly would've expected him to understand that, just because some outsiders might see two groups as being the same, it doesn't mean that those two different groups are in any way similar, especially given that Westerners and Slave/Eastern Europeans are on average much different than Hindus and Muslims in India:feelshaha:.
That too, but in this specific case, it's more about him implying that Westerners and Slavs and other Eastern europeans are all the same.

Which is pretty comical since he's a curry and given how much of an issue curries marrying different kinds of curries is in India:

I honestly would've expected him to understand that, just because some outsiders might see two groups as being the same, it doesn't mean that those two different groups are in any way similar, especially given that Westerners and Slave/Eastern Europeans are on average much different than Hindus and Muslims in India:feelshaha:.
Probably it is a result of USA lumping in all Europeans as the same ethnicity ("white") considering the country's sheer soft power.
Probably it is a result of USA lumping in all Europeans as the same ethnicity ("white") considering the country's sheer soft power.
You shouldn't care even if it's Indians or blacks, but if you went to Taiwan and a chink killed you for "taking their women" that would be based, that's their lawgic.
tbh who cares about what indians on here think.
German study which found that, percentually, more Slavs than ethnics (apart from Turks) living there claim to have faced discrimination:worryfeels:.
discrimination against ethnics in germany starts at getting bad grades in school.

I mean it’s brutal yeah but these people are still apart of your race no?
Also aren’t there asian immigrants in EE countries you could try to gookmaxx
giga cope. balkan"cels" have an average height of 6'2. slavcels are 5'6 belarussian farmoids not 6'2 croatian gigamoggers. plus balkaniggers have media halo from all the nba guys
@Gaz DaJous thoughts
I mean it’s brutal yeah but these people are still apart of your race no?
"Race" is basically a meaningless concept outside of the US and maybe a few other parts of the Anglosphere. Most of Europe, and most of the world in general, are mainly classifying themselves by their ethnicities rather than still-quite-vaguely defined "races."

I already talked about this in this thread, but basically, just because Americans/Anglospherans would say that those groups of foreigners are the same as me (lol:feelshaha::feelshaha:) doesn't mean I'm going to be any less annoyed by them coming to my country and taking the women here than if it was done by foreigners who don't exactly look like me:feelsugh:.

"It doesn't matter that foreigners are taking your women, because other foreigners think you're all the same:feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::soy::soy::soy:."
That too, but in this specific case, it's more about him implying that Westerners and Slavs and other Eastern europeans are all the same.

Which is pretty comical since he's a curry and given how much of an issue curries marrying different kinds of curries is in India:

I honestly would've expected him to understand that, just because some outsiders might see two groups as being the same, it doesn't mean that those two different groups are in any way similar, especially given that Westerners and Slave/Eastern Europeans are on average much different than Hindus and Muslims in India:feelshaha:.

Also aren’t there asian immigrants in EE countries you could try to gookmaxx
Not sure why you would think that. In most EE countries immigrants are just a few percent of the population, and even then, are mostly from other EE countries.



Admittedly, usually when I'm on the bus and going through the city, I see at least one random noodlewhore somewhere, but I highly doubt I'm Chad enough to possibly score any of those, considering how many local fetishizers the single ones of them could get together with.
"Race" is basically a meaningless concept outside of the US and maybe a few other parts of the Anglosphere. Most of Europe, and most of the world in general, are mainly classifying themselves by their ethnicities rather than still-quite-vaguely defined "races."
You might be right actually. I’m an amerimutt so I guess my views on race are a lot more simplistic than the rest of the world.
I already talked about this in this thread, but basically, just because Americans/Anglospherans would say that those groups of foreigners are the same as me (lol:feelshaha::feelshaha:) doesn't mean I'm going to be any less annoyed by them coming to my country and taking the women here than if it was done by foreigners who don't exactly look like me:feelsugh:.
Fair enough,

I just assumed it wouldn’t be that bad because the European men taking your women are still “white” so if they reproduced with some slavwhore they’re children would also be “white” ie carry European genes and express a European phenotype.

As opposed to an African or Asian breeding a Slav foid which they’re offspring would not carry those genes for the most part.
Not sure why you would think that. In most EE countries immigrants are just a few percent of the population, and even then, are mostly from other EE countries.
Oh gotchu. I assumed they did because of the travel videos I used to watch, in those vids a lot of the ethnics there were mostly Asian so I assumed that they were a decent fraction of the population.
I see at least one random noodlewhore somewhere, but I highly doubt I'm Chad enough to possibly score any of those
True true, especially since these gooks would be assimilated enough to tell the difference between incel Slav and chad Slav.

Also I have a question for you

Why is there so much Korean worship in some EE countries like Russia and Poland? I literally seen posts of Slavic women larping like they’re Korean.
TFW you will never have an Eastern European wife :feelsrope:
I just assumed it wouldn’t be that bad because the European men taking your women are still “white” so if they reproduced with some slavwhore they’re children would also be “white” ie carry European genes and express a European phenotype.

As opposed to an African or Asian breeding a Slav foid which they’re offspring would not carry those genes for the most part.
Maybe so, but even if they'll look like the locals (which actually isn't really 100% certain, I know a fair few of people with one foreign parent and most of them, when you look at the local average, tend to have unusual features. Which isn't really surprising, after all, there aren't all that many people in, for example, Russia, that look like Spaniards or Italians, and vice versa in Spain and Italy.) there's the question of split loyalties and how they'll identify themselves. Most of those "mixed" people, from what I've seen, see themselves as simply living here, rather than this being "their" country, knowing that they have another place to fall back on if they'd need to, while for the rest of us, this is the only country we have.

Oh gotchu. I assumed they did because of the travel videos I used to watch, in those vids a lot of the ethnics there were mostly Asian so I assumed that they were a decent fraction of the population.
I see. Interesting.

Why is there so much Korean worship in some EE countries like Russia and Poland? I literally seen posts of Slavic women larping like they’re Korean.
This might be a bit of an awkward admission, considering that I was one of the early koreaboos, listening to SNSD years before K-pop had truly swept over the world, but I'm really not sure. I'd say the colourful aesthetic is probably a big draw, not to mention that it's presented to them by high-tier prettyboy Chang singers. Also, I think that its prolificness is a big draw in itself. At this point, Korean culture is one of the most widespread and world-dominating ones out there in the cultural sphere, so for a lot of normies, especially young ones, I'd say it's a natural alternative for when they think American culture and media is too "mainstream".
Probably it is a result of USA lumping in all Europeans as the same ethnicity ("white") considering the country's sheer soft power.
I mean it’s brutal yeah but these people are still apart of your race no?
You might be right actually. I’m an amerimutt so I guess my views on race are a lot more simplistic than the rest of the world.

This explains it quite nicely I'd say:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatifalthist/comments/1380pq7/how_does_your_country_define_race/


Phenotype: Your country has a Darwinistic/Platonic view of races. It assumes that all humans belong to one of several identifiable races who are psychoscially distinct culturally and physically.

This view is highly unusual and unique. It was developed in England in the 1700s and 1800s by English philosophers, scientists, and anthropologists. It is emergent from the analytical school of British philosophy. Exists only in English speaking countries including the United States.

Ancestry: You divide humans depending on how much indigenous American or foreign ancestry you have in your family lineage. Unique to Latin America.

Nationality: Country and nation are identical. Your country is who you are and it is your heritage. You must be loyal to it and love it. People of other nationalities are highly distinct from you, even if they look similar. Assimilation of foreigners may or may not be tolerated. A highly European concept derived from continental European philosophy.

Ethnicity: Your state identity is either artificial or highly multicultural. How you identify yourself is largely based upon your mother language. Popular in countries that have a national identity but which are highly diverse.

Tribe/clan: National identity is meaningless and highly artificial. Language is a tool of communication and doesn't matter much either. What matters is which clan or tribe your father belongs to. Popular in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Religion: Religious differences are the single most important division amongst society and how you view others and yourself. They dictate how you should see and interact with the world . Unique to the Middle East and Sri Lanka.

Caste: Unique to India. You are assigned a community by birth with which you must marry, interact, and identify with for your whole life. You must follow the rules and social customs of your caste and can never leave it. Caste defines everything from occupation, marriage, and association.
The fall of the eastern bloc and its consequences has been a disaster for the slavic race.
Isn't eastern europe betabuxx only?

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