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Venting skincare routines are bullshit

Genetic Dead End

Genetic Dead End

Unfiltered sadness. AcneScarCel.
Oct 19, 2019
Normalfags LOVE to boast about how their perfect skin is due to their skincare routines and products, but what their puny NPC brains fail to realize is that all those bullshit products and routines are placebo nonsense, and that the real reason for their perfect skin is GENETICS AND NOTHING ELSE.

This is coming from someone who had severe cystic acne and subsequent brutal acne scarring and tried literally every treatment under the sun to no avail.The only thing that cured my acne are drugs that fucked up my bones but stopped the acne nonetheless, while my scars are still brutal as ever, even after 7 SESSIONS OF LASER TREATMENTS.

The only skincare thing is what food u eat and how much sleep and whether u b depressed/stressed or not. I don't think supplements and stuff like that make as much difference tho
Normalfags LOVE to boast about how their perfect skin is due to their skincare routines and products, but what their puny NPC brains fail to realize is that all those bullshit products and routines are placebo nonsense, and that the real reason for their perfect skin is GENETICS AND NOTHING ELSE.

This is coming from someone who had severe cystic acne and subsequent brutal acne scarring and tried literally every treatment under the sun to no avail.The only thing that cured my acne are drugs that fucked up my bones but stopped the acne nonetheless, while my scars are still brutal as ever, even after 7 SESSIONS OF LASER TREATMENTS.

It can make the difference between having a few pimples/ blackheads and having quite a bit of them
The only skincare thing is what food u eat and how much sleep and whether u b depressed/stressed or not. I don't think supplements and stuff like that make as much difference tho
It can make the difference between having a few pimples/ blackheads and having quite a bit of them

If you honeslty believe that burtal cystic acne/scarring can be avoided by eating and sleeping better and that it's not 99% genetic, then you're as blackpilled as an ITcuck.
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Dermatologists are about as useless as psychiatrists in my experience. It is almost entirely all about genetics. Diet can help, my skin is better avoiding dairy and sugar, even better on keto or carnivore (those approaches cause other issues) but still problematic.

Medicine is about turning a profit. Most drugs, creams, therapies are barely effective and often do more harm than good. I've probably been in a doctors office around 100 times in my life, besides 1 surgery on my arm they have been basically entirely useless and worse problematic (drug side effects). I would have done better with 0 healthcare tbh.
The only thing good that has happen to me when it comes to the black pill and this site is that I loss my acne and scarring. I don’t know why that happened but it did it’s still over though. Most dermatologist are just in it for the money and ego.
Dermatologists are about as useless as psychiatrists in my experience. It is almost entirely all about genetics. Diet can help, my skin is better avoiding dairy and sugar, even better on keto or carnivore (those approaches cause other issues) but still problematic.

Medicine is about turning a profit. Most drugs, creams, therapies are barely effective and often do more harm than good. I've probably been in a doctors office around 100 times in my life, besides 1 surgery on my arm they have been basically entirely useless and worse problematic (drug side effects). I would have done better with 0 healthcare tbh.
What surgery did you get?
Extremely based thread, based because true
Shit, I'm getting acne scar surgery now. How sever are your scars, mine did get better last time but not perfectly better
It's all bullshit glad i never spent money on that anti acne shit
Literally never used a skin care product in my life and I have clear skin. NOT BRAGGING.

Literally never used a skin care product in my life and I have clear skin. NOT BRAGGING.

Skin is 99% genetic. Know many people, from having dark skin to having bad pimples and aches.

Those people mainly stay indoors. Then Im light smooth skin yet I always go out in the sun.

Yea it's genetic.

No brag fyi. Just stating my experience.

I also haven't washed my bed and pillow sheets in about 6 months. Still have clear skin. JFL at "wash your bed and pillow sheets everyday bro!"

I use to wash my sheets every week, but when you're incel, there's no point, nobody is ever going in my bed besides me, so who gives a fuck, I just wash them when I feel like having clean and fresh sheets, which is rare, IDC its fine for me as it is.
If I have pretty good skin genetics will skincare and actually washing my face give me god-tier skin? Or just skin cancer in the future?

The only thing stopping me from having god-tier skin right now is that I think my pores are a bit too visible.
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Have you tried accutane? That’s what I’m on now
There are Chad construction workers and other labourers who have disgusting dirty skin throughout the whole day, but they have perfect skin.
There are homeless men with perfect skin.
There are guys out there who barely ever change their pillow case and have perfect skin.
Chad touches his face all the time and has perfect skin.
Chad eats trash every day, uses drugs and drinks and still has perfect skin.

I on the other hand do everything right, but I've been struggling with acne since I was 14. I'm 24 and still get cystic acne breakouts.

I never eat fast food, I shower every day, change bedsheets at least once a week, pillow case every 3 days, I gymcel and do cardio etc.

It's all bullshit.
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Idk about you. But my dermatologists help clear up my acne, and now I'm clear.
Dermatologists are about as useless as psychiatrists in my experience. It is almost entirely all about genetics. Diet can help, my skin is better avoiding dairy and sugar, even better on keto or carnivore (those approaches cause other issues) but still problematic.

Medicine is about turning a profit. Most drugs, creams, therapies are barely effective and often do more harm than good. I've probably been in a doctors office around 100 times in my life, besides 1 surgery on my arm they have been basically entirely useless and worse problematic (drug side effects). I would have done better with 0 healthcare tbh.

Agreed. Kind of sucks that chad can eat fuck all and still has perfect skin. Its about having high tolerances towards foods, many peoples skin react bad to dairy for example. If you got great genetics, you could likely live on McDonalds and alcohol and still put on muscles and have great skin. Where as me, I react badly to dairy and sugar and junk food in general. Also FUCK Dermatologists, health care is a giant fucking scam.
The only skincare thing is what food u eat and how much sleep and whether u b depressed/stressed or not. I don't think supplements and stuff like that make as much difference tho

High IQ. You are what you eat, when it comes to skin
High IQ. You are what you eat, when it comes to skin
I've been vegan for 8 years, meaning I haven't eaten any fast food for nearly a decade, and my skin keeps getting worse.
Even if they work who cares tbh my face has no cure
Even if they work who cares tbh my face has no cure
I would go from a 3 to a 5.5 if I had clear skin, that's what kills me the most.
Yeah, I still have noticable acne in my late 20s. At this rate if I don't rope I'll be a 30 year old with acne. I hate life
Normalfags LOVE to boast about how their perfect skin is due to their skincare routines and products, but what their puny NPC brains fail to realize is that all those bullshit products and routines are placebo nonsense, and that the real reason for their perfect skin is GENETICS AND NOTHING ELSE.

This is coming from someone who had severe cystic acne and subsequent brutal acne scarring and tried literally every treatment under the sun to no avail.The only thing that cured my acne are drugs that fucked up my bones but stopped the acne nonetheless, while my scars are still brutal as ever, even after 7 SESSIONS OF LASER TREATMENTS.

I used a soap that supposedly cured acne and oily skin a couple of years back, it worked to some extent in wich my acne was completely gone for a couple of weeks,so i stopped using it. after two days of not using it my acne came back completely and never went away again.
Diet can help, my skin is better avoiding dairy and sugar, even better on keto or carnivore (those approaches cause other issues) but still problematic.

Yeah I wonder if I had known back then what I know now about diet, if I could have changed things. I always noticed eating more sugar increased acne. I wonder if something like paleo could make acne minimal but maybe that's cope and it's just subhuman skin.

Anyway, 60 euros worth of accutane cured the problem.
Its all genetic including all the eati g healthy stay away from alcohol and tobacco nonsense. Saw a show on tv where tons of 80 to 100 years old geezers boast all they did when they were young was 3 martinis and big cigars lunches. But if you have bad genetic , One cigarette will give you lung cancer.
There are several different causes for acne, and different treatments for different types. Some ointments can help reduce acne by reducing the amount of bacteria in the region, it’s really all just chemistry
Literally never used a skin care product in my life and I have clear skin. NOT BRAGGING.

I went vegan because of the acne, it was still the same even when I ate meat.
I went vegan because of the acne, it was still the same even when I ate meat.
You've got it all wrong... Plants are the "foods" which cause the most inflammation and thus aggravating your skin issues further.
It's not about eating meat, it's about NOT eating plants. I'd suggest you to try a strict Carnivore diet since it seems all else has failed, all Carnivore dieters I've seen on YT have perfect skin, which is of course also due to genetics, but I'm just pointing that out.
Those products are a scam like everything else in this money hungry society.
I have horrible skin. Sugar, candies and processed food only turn thing worse.
I stopped eating dairy for years in order to reduce the levels of fat and hormones from my diet and it did nothing. I tried every cream, pill, soap etc and nothing happened but making things worse.
Its bad genetics but I refuse to understand it so I keep on trying
There is no routine for ur cursed genetics
There's no use in taking care of your skin if you don't have the right body and face

I had issues with energy levels, muscle twitching (despite mg supps, potassium salts etc.), dry mouth and a hard time eating enough calories. It's great for skin, thing is at least half my skin problems are permanent damage, not active outbreaks, so it alone wouldn't make me ascend (in HS/College it would have).

Common cons with the diet in general 1. it's expensive 2. it's gross and boring 3. it's socially isolating 4. it's hard to eat enough calories if your naturally thin and active you'll eventually burn out, unless you got the money for daily ribeye steaks like Shawn Baker. 5. there's no consensus on how to properly do it, it's like skin care, everyone has there own version of what is the holy grail, it's easy to end up frustrated and confused.
I went vegan because of the acne, it was still the same even when I ate meat.

If your main issues are active outbreaks, a lower carb diet that keeps insulin low and puts you in a state of ketosis can help. Ketogenic diets mimic fasting by limiting carbohydrates, the body gets into a state of fat burning, like it would if you were on a fast, this can have an anti-inflammatory effect that generally calms down skin and sebum.

If you've done veganism for 8 years and it still hasn't worked, I think it would be worth it to trying a different approach.
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I've been vegan for 8 years, meaning I haven't eaten any fast food for nearly a decade, and my skin keeps getting worse.

Fuark. It must be hormonal imbalances or something causing that
Kind of sucks that chad can eat fuck all and still has perfect skin.

I don't have data or studies to back it up, but I suspect good looking people have great skin in large part because they have regular sex with different people. There's a lot of "skin flora" bacteria that live on the human body and acne is basically an imbalance where you have too much bad bacteria. It's blamed on excess sebum production making the bad bacteria flourish, but I wonder if having a regular influx of good bacteria from healthy strangers is actually important for skin. It would indicate it's over if you don't ascend as a young teen so is a major suifuel thought.
Great skin is like your hairline, either you have the genetics or you don't.
I hate the blackheads in my nose and some pimples here and there but food it's a great fucking cope.

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