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JFL SJW foid "academic" with problem glasses is deconstructing the "myth" that Black and Jewish men commit rape

  • Thread starter Atavistic Autist
  • Start date
Atavistic Autist

Atavistic Autist

Intersectional autistic supremacy
May 28, 2018

Rape myths are prominent social narratives that circulate harmful stereotypes that normalize and even sanction sexual violence. In this essay, we argue that the myth of the monstrous rapist in US rape culture rhetorically functions as an antiblack symbolic structure that circulates across historical and contemporary discourses. We outline the rhetorical norms of the myth through an analysis of discourses surrounding convicted serial sexual predator and Hollywood mega-producer Harvey Weinstein. Symbolic renderings of Weinstein’s monstrosity discursively darken him and mark him as a monstrous anomaly in relation to normative whiteness and masculinity. Content warning: This article contains references to, and descriptions of, racial and sexual violence.


It's extremely interesting how an archetypal feminist such as this, who would otherwise be exaggerating the problem of rape on college campuses, sees it fit to defend Black and Jewish men (icons of toxic masculinity if there ever were any) from being associated with the sexual improprieties they tend to commit.

Indeed, the phrase "rape myth" is typically a way of castigating those who downplay the supposed epidemic of rape against women. But when it comes to Black men, who are immensely over-represented relative to other races when it comes to crimes of rape (second only to their over-representation among crimes of robbery), then the facts about rape culture suddenly become inconvenient, certainly for a foid who's a professor of both "gender studies" and "African American studies."

The paradox of intersectionality :feelskek:

As for Harvey Weinstein, a Jewish millionaire who sexually abused female actresses in Hollywood as if it were a perk of his job -- a tradition among Jewish directors/producers in Hollywood ever since its foundation -- it is amazing how a supposed advocate for "oppressed" people would be running cover for the most affluent race in America, the Jewish race, which feels free to act with impunity, like classic lords on the manor.

44% of American Jews live in households making over $100,000 and 5 of the 10 of the top richest American billionaires are Jewish. This is not even to get into the particulars of how Jews exercise this wealth for their own benefit, which often goes to the detriment of those who aren't Jewish, insofar as the wealth of the rich always comes at the expense of the poor. But suffice it to say that Jews suffer from a bad case of Affluenza.

While I was not able to access her essay (notice how she doesn't even call it a "study" because the conclusion is foreordained and not meant to be subject to falsification), the purpose of it based upon the abstract is evidently to scapegoat average White men, who are socially alienated and low T as a rule, for the excesses of both the organized psychopathic ruling class and its Jewish core, and the organized psychopathic underclass and its Black core.

Scapegoating all blame onto the average White man in America (and thus the average man in America given that Whites form the majority of the population), is how the modern "left" attempts to justify its egalitarian pretenses and resolve the contradictions of its turgid and anachronistic philosophy, a product of communist boomers who were given LSD during the 70s and thus made into raving schizophrenics, hipster bohemians, and modern artists, who don't pose the slightest threat to capitalism. Case in point:

Gender pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
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View attachment 419134

It's extremely interesting how an archetypal feminist such as this, who would otherwise be exaggerating the problem of rape on college campuses and such, sees it fit to defend Black and Jewish men (icons of toxic masculinity if there ever were any) from being associated with the sexual improprieties they tend to commit.

Indeed, the phrase "rape myth" is typically a way of castigating those who downplay the supposed epidemic of rape against women. But when it comes to Black men, who are immensely over-represented relative to other races when it comes to crimes of rape (second only to their over-representation among crimes of robbery), then the facts about rape culture suddenly become inconvenient, certainly for a foid who's a professor of both "gender studies" and "African American studies."

The paradox of intersectionality :feelskek:

As for Harvey Weinstein, a Jewish millionaire who abused female actresses in Hollywood as if it were a perk of his job -- a tradition among Jewish directors/producers in Hollywood ever since its foundation -- it is amazing how a supposed advocate for "oppressed" people would be running cover for the most affluent race in America, the Jewish race, which feels free to act with impunity, like classic lords on the manor.

44% of American Jews live in households making over $100,000 and 5 of the 10 of the top richest American billionaires are Jewish. This is not even to get into the particulars of how Jews exercise this wealth for their own benefit, which often goes to the detriment of those who aren't Jewish, insofar as the wealth of the rich always comes at the expense of the poor. But suffice it to say that Jews suffer from a bad case of Affluenza.

While I was not able to access her essay (notice how she doesn't even call it a "study" because the conclusion is foreordained and not meant to be subject to falsification), the purpose of it based upon the abstract is evidently to scapegoat average White men, who are alienated and low T as a rule, for the excesses of both the organized psychopathic ruling class and its Jewish core, and the organized psychopathic underclass and its Black core.

Attributing all blame to the average White man in America, and thus the average man in America given that Whites form the majority of the population, is how the modern "left" attempts to resolve the contradictions of its turgid and anachronistic movement, a product of communist boomers who were fed LSD during the 70s and then made into raving schizophrenics who don't pose the slightest threat to capitalism.
Giga-based and high IQ.
Good thread. Lmao'd at the article.
Bro how the fuck do you have an African American and gender studies degree? This has to be a huge caricature
High IQ, good thread. It's incredible how white men are betrayed by white women.
Tfw I was right all along, no such thing as an blackcel once you swallow the rape pill
There's a jew in her head!
Bro how the fuck do you have an African American and gender studies degree? This has to be a huge caricature
If she wants an example of the myth of the Black rapist being used to distract from privilege, she should research how the ADL (the most powerful Jewish advocacy group in America) was founded in order to defend a Jewish child rapist and murderer, Leo Frank, and scapegoat his crimes onto a Black janitor, Jim Conley.

Fortunately, the Jewish criminal was arrested for his crime in that case, and even despite organized Jewry corrupting the governor of Georgia in order to secure their fellow bloodsucker a pardon, he was summarily lynched by the people of Georgia. :feelsautistic:

The fact that lynch mobs usually targeted those who the justice system failed to adequately punish, and that such unpunished criminals are most commonly found among the rich and the ruling class, then and today, this goes a long way towards explaining why vigilante justice has been stigmatized in American soyciety. In the OP, the phrase "Affluenza" is a reference to a case of a narcissistic teenager with a rich daddy who got away with his crimes, causing such public outrage that in another generation he might have gotten lynched.

For example, when Ken McElroy, an affluent psychopathic resident of Skidmore, Missouri was continually able to get away with his crimes -- ranging from robbery to attempted murder -- the people of that town banded together and lynched him. And this was as recently as 1981! But the media proceeded to concern troll this heroic event by comparing it to the KKK (even though the victim, Ken McElroy, was White).

It's much like how a noose that was hung outside the US Capitol building during the January 2021 riot was called racist by the media (when it was actually just a threat to hang politicians -- the media knew this but feigned ignorance in order to access pre-programmed aversion templates in the masses who have been subject to re-"education" on the matter, and have had their moral instincts re-wired in order to defend those in power on principle from the threat of revolutionary activity or vigilante justice).

More recently, the events in Skidmore, Missouri were made into a documentary by Israeli film-makers from (((Blumhouse Productions))), who, unsurprisingly, took an elitist view on the matter and used psychological jargon to pathologize means of justice that cannot be corrupted or evaded.

(((Blumhouse Productions))), by the way, is most known for its disgusting horror films, and it's hilarious for promoters of such depravity to concern troll about morality. But they have their own (((interests))), of course, which is to demoralize and alienate common people, particularly White people. Namely, horror movies help decrease social trust and increase mutual suspicion, along with the popularization of criminality in the culture generally (e.g. true crime, which can be said to originate from the cult of personality surrounding the Jewish mobster, Bugsy Siegel), and propagandizing against collective action is a classic way to facilitate the privilege of the ruling class through social alienation, whether it involves stigmatizing unions or vigilantism, both forms of collective power.

In American soyciety, criminals and mobsters who harm the innocent are lionized (in modern times with the BLM martyrs), but vigilantes who execute unpunished criminals are stigmatized. You could call it clown world, but it only makes sense in terms of ruling class interests.
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Those people are utterly insane. I've seen such types going as far as saying that it's impossible for a black man to rape or commit violence because blacks are opressed, so in his case, he's just fighting back, rightfully.

There was also that video of a foid with leggings walking around in NY to prove the female oppression narrative; the video was removed later because someone noticed that only nonwhite men were making passes at her :feelskek:
16 167687 cldamk2 pepe the frog jew


Signed .co hen
Those people are utterly insane. I've seen such types going as far as saying that it's impossible for a black man to rape or commit violence because blacks are opressed, so in his case, he's just fighting back, rightfully.
So when an incel commits rape, it is not a crime. Good to know :feelsokman:

I'm sure these people will take the stand at my trial as expert witnesses to defend me :feelshaha:

There was also that video of a foid with leggings walking around in NY to prove the female oppression narrative; the video was removed later because someone noticed that only nonwhite men were making passes at her :feelskek:
Notably, the foid was also Jewish.
So when an incel commits rape, it is not a crime. Good to know
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why they fight so hard against the notion of us being officially considered an oppressed class.

I'm sure these people will take the stand at my trial as expert witnesses to defend me
If the "incels are oppressed" narrative was adopted officially, give it some decades of cultural change and yes, they would. NPCs and especially foids just follow the status quo.

Notably, the foid was also Jewish.
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why they fight so hard against the notion of us being officially considered an oppressed class.

If the "incels are oppressed" narrative was adopted officially, give it some decades of cultural change and yes, they would. NPCs and especially foids just follow the status quo.
Part and parcel of denying that incels are an oppressed class is denying that we're a class at all.

We are just meant to be socially alienated -- broken up into our component parts, as individually ugly and/or autistic people who don't have the power of the collective behind us.

That way we don't pose the slightest threat to the cultural hegemony and can be manipulated, placated, and/or abused at will.

This is the purpose of Alek Minnessian's judge saying that he wasn't really an incel and/or motivated by inceldom. It is meant to not only emasculate him into a pathetic attention whore, but to decrease the cohesion of the incel community. Indeed, there were many on this very forum disowning AM on the cues of their ruling class masters, and they would probably do such a thing again with another person they're told to outcast.

It may seem absurd that the FBI considers us a terrorist threat over merely a few sperg outs, but the ruling class takes any sort of collective organization that it is not officially permitted very seriously. And we shouldn't fall into (((their))) efforts to undermine our collective.
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Part and parcel of denying that incels are an oppressed class is denying that we're a class at all.

We are meant to just be socially alienated -- broken up into our component parts, as merely individual ugly or autistic people who don't have the power of the collective behind us.

That way we don't pose the slightest threat to the cultural hegemony.

This is the purpose of Alek Minnessian's judge saying that he wasn't really an incel and/or motivated by inceldom. It is meant to not only emasculate him into a pathetic attention whore, but to decrease the cohesion of the incel community. Indeed, there were many on this very forum disowning AM on the cues of their ruling class masters.

It may seem absurd that the FBI considers us a terrorist threat over just a few sperg outs, but the ruling class takes any sort of collective organization that it is not permitted very seriously. And we shouldn't fall into (((their))) efforts to undermine our collective.
I think the fact we incels are a men-only group already jeopardizes our chances of becoming a relevant group. Both intrinsically (men have no in-group cohesion, just like Ryo argued here. Just see how people here are quick to dismiss someone else's incel status because they're tall, white, have kissed one drunken ugly landwhale 10 years ago, so on and so forth) and extrinsically (society doesn't care about ugly, low-status men; men don't care because, again, of male nature as argued by Ryo and women care even less since they're hypergamous and incapable of empathy towards grownup men.
I think the fact we incels are a men-only group already jeopardizes our chances of becoming a relevant group. Both intrinsically (men have no in-group cohesion, just like Ryo argued here. Just see how people here are quick to dismiss someone else's incel status because they're tall, white, have kissed one drunken ugly landwhale 10 years ago, so on and so forth) and extrinsically (society doesn't care about ugly, low-status men; men don't care because, again, of male nature as argued by Ryo and women care even less since they're hypergamous and incapable of empathy towards grownup men.
When it comes to human nature, it is important to understand that many different things are in our nature, and it's just a matter of what is socially incentivized that produces the prevailing trends.

It is true that men have an intrinsic status-seeking, mogging culture that is based in evolution. But men also have an intrinsic comradery that is conducive to fighting wars.

It is just that in modern (((soyciety))), the part of male nature which comes with fighting wars is broken down and stigmatized (the extrinsic aspect you speak of). Men are made to be narcissistic, and encouraged to stand-out, rather than sublimate themselves to the whole. A good example of this is Rambo movies and popular fighting-action films of the like, which reduce war-heroes to lone-wolf killers (JFL). Maybe psychologists, including those who work for the FBI, can "deconstruct" that.

Also, men are encouraged to be alienated at the exact same time that our enemies are encouraged to group together ("intersectionalism"). This is not a mistake, but rather purposely put into effect to achieve the results that it is. I stress the agency of the cultural hegemony, which is in part hyperbolic, just in order to demonstrate that it can be destroyed by our own agency.

For its part, homosexuality and tranny culture is also a clear facet of narcissistic culture (the more effeminate facet, to be sure, although narcissism and seeking to stand out based upon purely cosmetic features is always fundamentally effeminate, e.g. "not like the other girls") which is being malevolently promoted among men in order to further enfeeble and divide them, a flagrant assault only made possible by the already, long declining sperm counts and T levels in Western men.

This is all a veritable crisis, but one which is not paid too much mind by our psychopathic ruling class. It is no secret that they consider homosexuality and other pathological trends to be positive; and when it comes to the declining sperm counts and T levels which enable "LGBT," they outright ignore it.

For example, I predicted early in Covid-19's spread that talk about a "baby boom" during the associated lockdowns which was popular at the time was nonsense. And, sure enough, it turned out to be completely wrong:

But just like with news about declining sperm counts and T-levels, some specialized "experts" in the relevant fields will signal alarm, but this issue will not be taken up by the ruling class mouthpieces in the media for long. They will simply stop talking about it, denying the issue salience, and instead continue promoting trends which harm masculinity, the fertility rate, and thus Western society in general.

This is because our masters hardly even pretend to be benevolent; they are blatant pilferers and bloodsuckers. Even rapists, in their rapaciousness, but also in their many notable instances of taking sexual liberties with their vulnerable victims (their "vulnerable victims" ultimately expanding to encompass all of us who aren't them).
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High IQ, sorry for tagging you in a low IQ thread earlier- you are at your best discussing your fields of interest.
you are at your best discussing your fields of interest.
As autists usually are, but thankfully my co-morbid ADHD makes me varied.

The same cannot be said for other spergs, who are overly-repetitive.
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When it comes to human nature, it is important to understand that many different things are in our nature, and it's just a matter of what is socially incentivized that produces the prevailing trends.

It is true that men have an intrinsic status-seeking, mogging culture that is based in evolution. But men also have an intrinsic comradery that is conducive to fighting wars.
Interesting that you mentioned that because some days ago I was wondering, can we even say we have an accurate idea of what humans are like when we live in clown world? Like, which things we are seeing being manifested in people, particularly women, are innate and atemporal, and which are just clown-world driven? I have no doubts many belong to "group A" and always existed, but maybe some that we consider "group A" are actually "group B" (only exist because clown world pushed it).

I have no doubt at all humans have always been bad and full of terrible defects, but nowadays things are simply way to far gone and pervertions pop up left and right at a extent that never happened before. Mental illnesses also seem to be at an all-time high.

It is just that in modern (((soyciety))), the part of male nature which comes with fighting wars is broken down and stigmatized (the extrinsic aspect you speak of). Men are made to be narcissistic, and encouraged to stand-out, rather than sublimate themselves to the whole. A good example of this is Rambo movies and popular fighting-action films of the like, which reduce war-heroes to lone-wolf killers (JFL). Maybe psychologists, including those who work for the FBI, can "deconstruct" that.
I was discussing about this Chinese movie I saw and recommended here with both some user here (forgot who) and an IRL friend. It's very notable than Jun Bao, the MC from this movie, differs greatly from your typical western MC. In modern western movies, the MC, even when ultimately more good than bad, HAS to have some touch of being a jerk/scoundrel/thug/rebel/dark triad/drug-addict/etc, making him almost an antihero. Jun Bao is the textobook definition of a good person, he wouldn't fly well as a MC in a modern western production (people would find him "boring" and unappealing in general.

Also, men are encouraged to be alienated at the exact same time that our enemies are encouraged to group together ("intersectionalism"). This is not a mistake, but rather purposely put into effect to achieve the results that it is. I stress the agency of the cultural hegemony, which is in part hyperbolic, just in order to demonstrate that it can be destroyed by our own agency.
I also have no doubt whatsoever such state of things we have in the west now was carefully planned and put in practice. You don't even have to be very smart or study a lot to come to this obvious conclusion, it baffles me how some people still think it's all a coincidence.

This is all a veritable crisis, but one which is not paid too much mind by our psychopathic ruling class. It is no secret that they consider homosexuality and other pathological trends to be positive; and when it comes to the declining sperm counts and T levels which enable "LGBT," they outright ignore it.
Sexual pervertions being elevated to sacrosanct/uncriticizable status is something absolutely insane and it's indeed one of the major agendas of our times. My two only removed videos from YT were those who dealt with such subject (in a critical way).

This is because our masters hardly even pretend to be benevolent; they are blatant pilferers and bloodsuckers. Even rapists, in their rapaciousness, but also in their many notable instances of taking sexual liberties with their vulnerable victims (their "vulnerable victims" ultimately expanding to encompass all of us who aren't them).
Yeah, things are not even being disguised anymore like in the past.
Mental illnesses also seem to be at an all-time high.
This is largely due to the fact that mental illness categories in the DSM are at an all-time high.

You would expect for a legitimate book on mental problems to start off big, but then be synthesized and shortened as methods are perfected (as the book gets "edited" and trimmed-down, so to speak). But the DSM has only increased in size over the years.

The only notable exception to this being that homosexuality was removed as a mental illness during the 1970s, which was also the era of closing down long-term mental institutions, and the era in which neoliberalism and thus our modern political order was established :feelskek: :feelsclown: You can view the closing down of long-term mental institutions as part of the overall trend since then of dispelling with social safety nets and the social good in general -- or the erosion of socialism and the founding of the schizophrenic and misdirected "New Left"

But homosexuality was duly replaced with the "disorder" of ego-dystonic homosexuality, or being a homosexual who tries to repress it for your own good. And then less a decade later, the AIDS crisis began :feelskek: :feelsclown:

You are correct that sexual paraphilias are present at unprecedented levels now for lack of enforced opposition to them, and people are feeling increasingly mentally ill-at-ease in particular ways, but the role of psychology in the mainstream is largely to obscure the reasons for this, and, at most, promote copes for it, rather than address the fundamental issues in the first place. Remember that "cope" is a phrase that was popularized by psychology.

For example, if a man presents to a therapist and explains to them that he was molested by another man when he was young, and therefore has developed an all-consuming, compulsive cathexis on homosexual sex, the therapist will tell him to embrace his homosexual urges that were conferred to him by sexual abuse in the first place. That fighting back is futile, etc.

You can see how such a program is useful to the ruling class, and therefore why incels and other disaffected social elements are repeatedly told to "go to therapy." The purpose is to artificially manipulate your affect, not address what disaffected you in the first place for good so that it never happens to anybody else again, because the latter trespasses onto the exclusive territory of your masters, and they are perfectly fine with the status quo. For it is their creation. And besides, you are but an individual, and "nobody is coming to save you" (what therapists consider to be the prerequisite you need to accept before eventually achieving their version of enlightenment, which is actually based in Eastern Mysticism and other defeatist superstitions rather than scientific or even semi-scientific reasoning).
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Is this "science"?
If she wants an example of the myth of the Black rapist being used to distract from privilege, she should research how the ADL (the most powerful Jewish advocacy group in America) was founded in order to defend a Jewish child rapist and murderer, Leo Frank, and scapegoat his crimes onto a Black janitor, Jim Conley.

Fortunately, the Jewish criminal was arrested for his crime in that case, and even despite organized Jewry corrupting the governor of Georgia in order to secure their fellow bloodsucker a pardon, he was summarily lynched by the people of Georgia. :feelsautistic:

The fact that lynch mobs usually targeted those who the justice system failed to adequately punish, and that such unpunished criminals are most commonly found among the rich and the ruling class, then and today, this goes a long way towards explaining why vigilante justice has been stigmatized in American soyciety. In the OP, the phrase "Affluenza" is a reference to a case of a narcissistic teenager with a rich daddy who got away with his crimes, causing such public outrage that in another generation he might have gotten lynched.

For example, when Ken McElroy, an affluent psychopathic resident of Skidmore, Missouri was continually able to get away with his crimes -- ranging from robbery to attempted murder -- the people of that town banded together and lynched him. And this was as recently as 1981! But the media proceeded to concern troll this heroic event by comparing it to the KKK (even though the victim, Ken McElroy, was White).

It's much like how a noose that was hung outside the US Capitol building during the January 2021 riot was called racist by the media (when it was actually just a threat to hang politicians -- the media knew this but feigned ignorance in order to access pre-programmed aversion templates in the masses who have been subject to re-"education" on the matter, and have had their moral instincts re-wired in order to defend those in power on principle from the threat of revolutionary activity or vigilante justice).

More recently, the events in Skidmore, Missouri were made into a documentary by Israeli film-makers from (((Blumhouse Productions))), who, unsurprisingly, took an elitist view on the matter and used psychological jargon to pathologize means of justice that cannot be corrupted or evaded.

(((Blumhouse Productions))), by the way, is most known for its disgusting horror films, and it's hilarious for promoters of such depravity to concern troll about morality. But they have their own (((interests))), of course, which is to demoralize and alienate common people, particularly White people. Namely, horror movies help decrease social trust and increase mutual suspicion, along with the popularization of criminality in the culture generally (e.g. true crime, which can be said to originate from the cult of personality surrounding the Jewish mobster, Bugsy Siegel), and propagandizing against collective action is a classic way to facilitate the privilege of the ruling class through social alienation, whether it involves stigmatizing unions or vigilantism, both forms of collective power.

In American soyciety, criminals and mobsters who harm the innocent are lionized (in modern times with the BLM martyrs), but vigilantes who execute unpunished criminals are stigmatized. You could call it clown world, but it only makes sense in terms of ruling class interests.
Read every words. Zeta High IQ comment. You could make it an independant post tbh
As autists usually are, but thankfully my co-morbid ADHD makes me varied.

The same cannot be said for other spergs, who are overly-repetitive.
God made us unfinished. It's over
lol thank god i am neither american nir paying taxes or i would fund this bullshit

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