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Experiment Should White men geomaxx in the Dominican Republic or Philippines?


NT Master

Failed Beta
Sep 11, 2022
After extensive research. I have concluded that these two countries are where "Just Be White" theory is the strongest. Both Latin America and Southeast Asia are famous/infamous regions where even average White men are treated like Chads while any dark-skinned man is seen as ugly. Even compared to other countries in their region however, both Dominican Republic and the Philippines have the strongest halo effect active for White normies. If you only had to pick one to ascend in however, which one should you choose? Let's compare them.
  • Colonized by Spain during the 16th Century.
  • Was heavily Christianized during the Spanish colonial period.
  • All of their priests and overseers were White men so they heavily associate being white with being powerful or important.
  • All of their images in their churches are full of White people and White Jesus.
  • Their statues of notable Spanish people are made of White marble.
  • Like all Asian countries, they also associate being pale with being wealthy since the peasants have to work outside in the hot sun while the upper-class relax indoors.
  • Easily the most Americanized country in Asia due to being an American colony and with English being mandatory to learn.
  • They have a large sex industry with brothels at every tourist town and near every military base. US G.I.s even call Filipinas "Little brown fucking machines powered by rice".
  • They are also the main mail order bride country to the point that it's a stereotype.
  • It's a developing nation so even a modest Western bank account will go far here.
Dominican Republic
  • Also colonized by Spain during the 16th Century.
  • The country to this day is still ruled by a White Spanish elite.
  • The blanqueamiento (whitening) or mejorar la raza (improve the race) belief is very strong here. Marrying somebody whiter than you are is a life goal for most Dominicans. That it is because White = rich and Black = poor there and who wants to be poor?
  • Just like Mexico, their media is full of White people or light-skinned multiracials despite the fact that most people there are brown-skinned mutts.
  • Dominican Republic has a terrible relationship with Haiti; an all-Black country that borders the Dominican Republic. This is because Haiti invaded the Dominican Republic 200 years ago and the D.R. eventually fought them off.
  • Pure Black people in the D.R. are seen as dirt-poor Haitians and the Black Dominicans go out of their way to prove they aren't Haitian by denouncing them and even crapping on dark-skinned people in general.
  • Back in the 1930s, a dictator by the name of Rafael Trujillo massacred thousands of Haitians for hopping the border. If you couldn't pronounce parsley in Spanish correctly, you got shot.
  • That same dictator also made all Dominicans cut or straighten their kinky hair and made up dozens of new terms for Dominicans to call themselves like mulatto or Morena or mestizo or cafe or high-yellow or redbone. No genuine Dominican was supposed to call themselves Black.
  • The Dominican Republic was the only country willing to accept Jewish refugees in 1938, the reason being that he wanted the European Jews to come to his nation, marry the locals, and transform the D.R. into a rich White country like the USA or UK.
  • Their country's economy is dependent on tourism so they practically worship the White Americans who come there. Any blonde or red-haired person who travels there will get complimented and even stared at.
I think if you just want to get laid, the Philippines is the best choice due to a lot of their women willing to be literal whores for White men (even pedophiles head over there to get lucky for no consequences). If you want people to treat you as a god just for being White though, head over to the Dominican Republic. The D.R. is also probably cheaper to travel to unless you live in New Zealand or Australia.
Dominicans are moggers. Go there. Don't opt for the easy route with goblin filipina subhuman scum.
Hell nah fuck out of DR @TheDarkEnigma come look at this bro
Btw the parsley massacre was a fabricated lied about event they started it by massacring Dominicans.
Dominicans are moggers. Go there. Don't opt for the easy route with goblin filipina subhuman scum.
Wouldn't it be wise to put the subhuman filipina into a good use and use her as a sex slave, let her worship your white cock for some pleasure?
Just move to a dangerous, low-inhib jungle country as a mentally ill incel theory
Yeah, we would be an easy prey for local thugs and criminals.
Phillipines. The Dominican Republic is full of Latinos and nigs
No, foreigners GTFO out of my country.
No they should stay in their nigger shithole
Just move to a dangerous, low-inhib jungle country as a mentally ill incel theory
Who said anything about moving? I'm talking about sexpats going on vacation, having some fun, then coming home with their virginities gone and their confidence raised.
Why should I spend 1000s to go to some location where I can get killed or mugged by some low inhib thug?
Yep, it's a muttfested cesspool full of criminals. I have disdain for my own people.
Both are full of trannys and hapas and other lowlifes
True, grew up in ny with a ton of dominicans who were always low inhib and fiery, feel like it runs thru the blood (same with PR but to a lesser extent)
Puerto Ricans are more white than us.
After extensive research. I have concluded that these two countries are where "Just Be White" theory is the strongest. Both Latin America and Southeast Asia are famous/infamous regions where even average White men are treated like Chads while any dark-skinned man is seen as ugly. Even compared to other countries in their region however, both Dominican Republic and the Philippines have the strongest halo effect active for White normies. If you only had to pick one to ascend in however, which one should you choose? Let's compare them.
  • Colonized by Spain during the 16th Century.
  • Was heavily Christianized during the Spanish colonial period.
  • All of their priests and overseers were White men so they heavily associate being white with being powerful or important.
  • All of their images in their churches are full of White people and White Jesus.
  • Their statues of notable Spanish people are made of White marble.
  • Like all Asian countries, they also associate being pale with being wealthy since the peasants have to work outside in the hot sun while the upper-class relax indoors.
  • Easily the most Americanized country in Asia due to being an American colony and with English being mandatory to learn.
  • They have a large sex industry with brothels at every tourist town and near every military base. US G.I.s even call Filipinas "Little brown fucking machines powered by rice".
  • They are also the main mail order bride country to the point that it's a stereotype.
  • It's a developing nation so even a modest Western bank account will go far here.
Dominican Republic
  • Also colonized by Spain during the 16th Century.
  • The country to this day is still ruled by a White Spanish elite.
  • The blanqueamiento (whitening) or mejorar la raza (improve the race) belief is very strong here. Marrying somebody whiter than you are is a life goal for most Dominicans. That it is because White = rich and Black = poor there and who wants to be poor?
  • Just like Mexico, their media is full of White people or light-skinned multiracials despite the fact that most people there are brown-skinned mutts.
  • Dominican Republic has a terrible relationship with Haiti; an all-Black country that borders the Dominican Republic. This is because Haiti invaded the Dominican Republic 200 years ago and the D.R. eventually fought them off.
  • Pure Black people in the D.R. are seen as dirt-poor Haitians and the Black Dominicans go out of their way to prove they aren't Haitian by denouncing them and even crapping on dark-skinned people in general.
  • Back in the 1930s, a dictator by the name of Rafael Trujillo massacred thousands of Haitians for hopping the border. If you couldn't pronounce parsley in Spanish correctly, you got shot.
  • That same dictator also made all Dominicans cut or straighten their kinky hair and made up dozens of new terms for Dominicans to call themselves like mulatto or Morena or mestizo or cafe or high-yellow or redbone. No genuine Dominican was supposed to call themselves Black.
  • The Dominican Republic was the only country willing to accept Jewish refugees in 1938, the reason being that he wanted the European Jews to come to his nation, marry the locals, and transform the D.R. into a rich White country like the USA or UK.
  • Their country's economy is dependent on tourism so they practically worship the White Americans who come there. Any blonde or red-haired person who travels there will get complimented and even stared at.
I think if you just want to get laid, the Philippines is the best choice due to a lot of their women willing to be literal whores for White men (even pedophiles head over there to get lucky for no consequences). If you want people to treat you as a god just for being White though, head over to the Dominican Republic. The D.R. is also probably cheaper to travel to unless you live in New Zealand or Australia.

So many of my relatives married Dominicana's, they disgust me. I want to go Pinaymaxxing but I really don't want a Tradwife (leech), I have yet to meet a Pinay who didn't dream of being a Tradwife and all Pinays with careers I know are just failed Tradwives. :feelswhat:
1800 usd plane ticket 1800 usd plane ticket back, 1000 for food and stuff to stay a month, Yep 5000 dollar trip and i cant afford it because of the hand i was dealt
Ok tranny GrAYfag

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