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Should We Marry Russian Mail Order Brides?

  • Thread starter PortraitOfTheAutist
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
[font=Georgia,]This post asserts, through the examination of scientific evidence, that even if you are incel in America, you can reasonably expect to marry a Russian 7. Don't believe it? If you finish this post and aren't convinced, I'll refund you your time back.[/font]


[font=Georgia,]As an ugly autistic young striver, the high profile marriages between rich moguls and their much younger wives were always on the back of my head; I had no chance of acquiring a passable girlfriend in college, and my plan, like that of so many others, was to acquire wealth in order to get pussy.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]The conventional wisdom of the gynokratie is that such a plan is risible because a gold digger won’t love you for who you “really are” - but the couples I’ve seen in the media were married for years. At that time, I found it remarkable Wendi Deng and Rupert Murdoch had married and were still married, since the latter had for the longest time had the appearance of someone who was one foot into the grave.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Deng’s biography had given me a negative impression of “mail order brides.” Deng had seduced her much older, and married, land-lord when she was in the US on a student, broken up his marriage, married him, then divorced him after 2 years when she acquired her green card from the marriage, having started cheating on him just 4 to 5 months into their marriage, if not earlier. And then there, much later, the reports of Deng physically abusing Murdoch, kicking him down, etc. N[/font]aturally, and mistakenly, I took Deng’s case as representative of mail order brides in general.

[font=Georgia,]It was only years later - after I stopped reading the manosphere blogs and relied more on examining the world of relationships through social media stalking directly - that I discovered the nuances of female caprice, and that Deng was not representative of the mail order bride at all.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]You hear much about women suffering from an inflated estimation of their own dating value as a result of having hookups with men out of their league; the case of Karen Owen and others had seared that narrative in my head, that I took for granted that women either marginally overestimated their own value, or grossly did. With that in mind, it was only natural, I thought, that mail order brides, being objectively of higher dating value than their husbands, would start cheating on them immediately and leave them soon after. If American wives abused their husbands of equal dating value so easily and abundantly, shouldn’t the abuse from the mail order brides be worse?[/font]

[font=Georgia,]They “should,” but they weren’t.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Recently I came across a number of Reddit threads with people sharing their experiences, first or second hand i.e. a relative, of having married a mail order bride. The results were remarkable, in that most of the relationships were successful, and it was emphasized in many of the successful stories that the man was far below the woman’s league.[/font]

  1. a PhD who’s a self-described 6.5 married a Russian PhD, described as a 9.5; she now makes more than him; happily married for 10+ years, two kids
  2. "I used to work with a woman who was a mail order bride from Siberia. She was really smart, good looking, and fun to work with. Her husband was a decade or so older than her, but they both really loved each other. I think when I met her they had been married about 5 years at that point.
  3. "He's a nice man, courteous, educated, attractive, and employed gainfully in the IT industry. The only thing wrong with him was that every time he started dating someone, he would basically start trying to pick out a china pattern by the 3rd date. This would make every American woman he went out with run screaming in the opposite direction at high speed.
    He went through an agency, corresponded with several Russian women for a number of months, flew over to meet the 3? 4? that seemed the most interesting and compatible. Within 24 hours he (and his bride to be) had decided that they were engaged.
    14+ years later they are still very happy. They have 2 children. She's a lovely person, both inside and out, intelligent and sweet and funny, and they seem absolutely devoted to eachother. It's practically a fairytale ending... I was impressed at how well it all worked out for them both."
[font=Georgia,]There are numerous, lengthy Reddit threads like this; you can dig up hundreds of examples if you go searching through the archives.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]At that point I had become acquainted with the phenomenon of women under-estimating their dating value, and this no longer took me by complete surprise, although it was still quite unexpected.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]In examining who the best with the highest SMV dated, i.e. fashion models, I discovered that - in total contrast to the conventional examples of them marrying rockstars, etc - many of them were in love with mediocre men - fashion photographers, random men from the fashion industry, a few of them even the makeup people, and club bouncers. This led me to the great realization that, their intuition determined by the proximate social context, women were susceptible to both greatly over-valuing, AND under-valuing, their own dating value; or rather, they didn’t think in such terms explicitly and rationally; in an environment where high value men were scarce, like the fashion industry, and with many of them from foreign countries with no natural “socializing space” or social setting, they just fell for whoever was in front of them.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]A cursory list of models dating mediocre men[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Marcellina Sowa married, has two kids with, a club promoter - basically a salesperson who tries to lure poor fashion models into going to clubs, which offers free food; rich men pay $$$ to gain entry into these clubs to hit on the models.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Karolina Kurkove dated this bald model scout for 8 years. She then married a no-name Scientologist, no evidence that he's rich. She has the best pair of thighs in this world, and I would rate her body an 11.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Edita Vilkeviciute has been dating a failed actor, now fashion photographer 27 years her senior for 5 years now.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Steven Meisel’s assistant, a bald Asian guy, dated Julia Stegner for many years, and is now with Jacquelyn Jablonski.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Raquel Zimmerman had dated, was married to, a scruffy, short photographer for more than a decade.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Many more examples where that came from.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]The upshot of these examples is that it's very possible for a woman to love a man of much lower SMV, and that you shouldn't dismiss the Reddit stories as fatuous just because it contradicts your model of women never dating, loving men far beneath them.[/font]


[font=Georgia,]You could wax paranoid and attribute those posts on Reddit to viral marketing by mail order bride services, but the dating lives of models is a great corroboration to the fact that women are very wiling to date, and love, men of much lower SMV, as long as the social context dictates that their choice is “rational.”[/font]

[font=Georgia,]A typical Russian bride doesn’t look around and examine like an autistic manosphere researcher the quality of the men women of approximately her own beauty date and marry in her social class, she uses the quality of men she could attract in Russia, plus her own conception of how much better America should be, as a vague barometer, with the bar always much lower than what it “should be” i.e. what her own market price should fetch. The dearth of eligible men in those countries means that she has artificially deflated standards, which even though she herself might realize is “irrational,” is not something that can be easily detached emotionally; imagine how appreciative you might be of a virgin bride if you were somehow transported back to the 19th century, even though you “know” that it’s not anything out of the ordinary, and that such a characteristic is a baseline, not something rare and precious. An Eastern European woman’s low standards, embedded deep in her psyche through years of experience, isn’t going to vanish overnight.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]The chances of success for a typical man who acquires a mail order bride would be much better than the distribution of success and failure in those threads, since the pool in that market is toxic, selecting for the most desperate, psychologically broken and socially inadequate men; the failures should be usually attributed to some unforgivable defect on his part. The knightian uncertainty of acquiring a foreign bride means that eligible American men almost always avoid it, which in turn makes the expected premium from such an investment very high.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]Given the information out there, it’s pretty much insane not to get a Russian/Ukrainian mail order bride. Yes, these stories are old, and yes, Russia is wealthier than it used to be, but things are still very tough over there, especially in Ukraine. At this point, not getting a Russian bride would be like Jefferson refusing the Louisiana Purchase. How could such a good deal be true? Is this a trick on Napoleon's part? It's no trick. Napoleon desperately needed money to finance his conquest of Europe, and Russian women have really low standards pressed into them by years of hardship. It's a golden opportunity almost all men ignore by virtue of projecting their own psychological profile onto women.[/font]

[font=Georgia,]If you do a little more digging yourself - just find the top models via forum.fashionspot.com, go through the bf/gf thread and look up their dating histories, and read a few of the Reddit threads to confirm that these assertions are true, you'll find yourself utterly convinced, I promise.[/font]
"mail order brides" lol that's just a scam
First they hacked the emails, and now they hack your penises
Are you retarded? This is worse then goldiggers, these women will marry you so they can get citizenship, and then they will divorce you.
Crustaciouse said:
Are you retarded? This is worse then goldiggers, these women will marry you so they can get citizenship, and then they will divorce you.

Did you even read the post?
excellent idea if you make filesystems and don't mind losing $60m
JovanD said:
"mail order brides" lol that's just a scam

That's the common misconception, yes, but if you read the OP then you'd see that many mail order marriages are successful.
There are many horror storys too about mailorder brides.

You seriously need to consider many things and talk with guys who have already ordered some.
kekTV said:
There are many horror storys too about mailorder brides.

You seriously need to consider many things and talk with guys who have already ordered some.

There are a lot of success stories as well though, as long as you be careful then I think it would work out. It's no worse of an idea than converting to Islam imo.
PortraitOfTheAutist said:
kekTV said:
There are many horror storys too about mailorder brides.

You seriously need to consider many things and talk with guys who have already ordered some.

There are a lot of success stories as well though, as long as you be careful then I think it would work out. It's no worse of an idea than converting to Islam imo.

The reason why many of these marriages work is because femoids from poorer nations are willing to trade looks for stability. It's a trade-off that Western women don't need to concern themselves with, so they stick to looks. The wealthier the nation, and the more "independent" the femoids are, the more looks matter.

Consider the situation 8000 years ago at the beginning of the Neolithic period. Farmers migrated into Europe from the south, bringing this new concept of 'wealth'. Neolithic Stacy no longer had to do as much labor, things were more stable, predictable, with farming. Suddenly looks started to matter more, which is why Neolithic Chad had a harem of 17 women on average that he was impregnating.

In other words, urbanization - hence stability - is what causes femoids to shift focus from stability to looks.
Seems like a risky investment to me. But this is a great post IMO.

I agree - a lot of incels underestimate the power of social context and conditioning. Attractiveness is relative to an extent. Women are less picky when you limit their choices and freedom, and keep them unaware of their SMV.

This is one of the reasons I identify with patriarchycels, traditioncels, shariacels, etc. Females will be content with less if they don't know any better. A lot of the older folks in my family are in semi-arranged marriages, and their relationships are practically bulletproof. I can honestly say some of these guys would be incel if they grew up in the West.

The problem is that feminism is infecting the rest of the world at a rapid pace. We need to keep that shit quarantined.
It triggers me as fuck as a slav.
fukmylyf said:
Seems like a risky investment to me. But this is a great post IMO.

I agree - a lot of incels underestimate the power of social context and conditioning. Attractiveness is relative to an extent. Women are less picky when you limit their choices and freedom, and keep them unaware of their SMV.

This is one of the reasons I identify with patriarchycels, traditioncels, shariacels, etc. Females will be content with less if they don't know any better. A lot of the older folks in my family are in semi-arranged marriages, and their relationships are practically bulletproof. I can honestly say some of these guys would be incel if they grew up in the West.

The problem is that feminism is infecting the rest of the world at a rapid pace. We need to keep that shit quarantined.

Feminism is practically guaranteed with urbanization. The more urban (and thus more stable the environment), the more sexual dimorphism matters to a femoid. It's why in Russia you'll see some gremlins with a 9/10+ female at their side. Or even in Brazil, or [insert non-First World nation here]. It's why Russian women really play up the sexual dimorphism to appeal to betabux guys because the alphafux Chads are likely to be gopniks that can't even get a job and pretty much swindle, drink, and smoke all day.

The more a female is required to play up her sexual dimorphism to score a man, the less feminist she is.

Consider that when the environment is stable, she doesn't need a man for that. Every chump from her environment can offer that. Hell, the STATE can offer that. Her needs are taken care of from cradle to grave. So what stands out? Sexual dimorphism = Chad.
Incelicious said:
Feminism is practically guaranteed with urbanization. The more urban (and thus more stable the environment), the more sexual dimorphism matters to a femoid. It's why in Russia you'll see some gremlins with a 9/10+ female at their side. Or even in Brazil, or [insert non-First World nation here]. It's why Russian women really play up the sexual dimorphism to appeal to betabux guys because the alphafux Chads are likely to be gopniks that can't even get a job and pretty much swindle, drink, and smoke all day.

The more a female is required to play up her sexual dimorphism to score a man, the less feminist she is.

Consider that when the environment is stable, she doesn't need a man for that. Every chump from her environment can offer that. Hell, the STATE can offer that. Her needs are taken care of from cradle to grave. So what stands out? Sexual dimorphism = Chad.

good point. 

Putting women in the workforce was the beginning of the end.
fukmyly said:
good point. 

Putting women in the workforce was the beginning of the end.

Which brings me to a theory. Perhaps some incels here want to give it a shot: the more a woman plays up her feminine charms and emphasizes her feminine physical features, the less she cares about looks on a guy. Of course, all women want Chad sexually. They all fantasize about him. But practically speaking, she probably realizes that Chad would be no good for anything long term.

So, the more feminist, the less sexual dimorphism on her part, the more she cares about looks/sexual dimorphism on your part, the less likely she wants anything long term

The less feminist, the more sexual dimorphism/feminine on her part, the less she cares about your looks, the more likely she wants something long term.

Just a theory. To test this, when you go out, take a good look at the couples. How many are looksmatches?
From my anecdotal experience Russian women specifically seem to be welcoming to ethnics so perhaps a good option for ethnicels.
I think if you're not interested in getting a mail order bride then the next best option is to move to Germany and fuck escorts bareback. Marrying is inherently a bad deal for men. This is why bachelorhood was illegal in early Rome. Marriage is a social and political institution, that men had to be coaxed in by law and by being given tremendous legal privileges (ownership of the wife and family, including often power of life and death). But even with those privileges it's hardly worthwhile.

If it's a question for children, I advocate doing whores bareback and letting them have children, but out of wedlock, and letting the state or other men take care of their material upbringing. You can also do this in other countries under a pseudonym.

You could also consider converting to Islam or Mormonism. You need society and religion to keep femoids in check. Or simply getting out of America and moving to a poorer country. The best way to screen a girl from a poor country is to say you have don't have any intention of returning home to America; this filters out the women who look at big houses in the suburbs and get all hot and bothered about living the idealized USA middle class life.
im from canada, from my understanding they have to be married for 2 years before they can run away. get them to sign a separate assets thing when you marry them, fuck them for two years then get another one when she dips. i think they actually give you a free one if they run away too.
Here's an example of a Ukrainian model (legit fashion model) and her mediocre looking husband. The genesis of this thread was commenters at forum.fashionspot pointing out in the bf/gf thread that for some reason many Eastern European models, and only Eastern European models, had really ugly husbands.


Even Russian mail order brides would reject me sadly.
whatiamnotgoingtodo said:
It triggers me as fuck as a slav.

Relate so hard. My own mother suggested I get a mail-order bride from Russia after we saw one with some disgusting neckbeard at the beach. "If he can get a woman like her, then imagine who you can get?" FML

Morf12 said:
From my anecdotal experience Russian women specifically seem to be welcoming to ethnics so perhaps a good option for ethnicels.

This is odd given how wildly xenophobic Russians are in general.
I still don't think this is a bad idea if you just want to acquire a wife, arranged marriages worked for centuries and she might even grow feelings for you eventually, almost like a form of stockholm syndrome.
Not for me. I couldn't help thinking I'd wake up one day with no internal organs, no FHO and Bratva swarming all over the place.

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