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NSFW Should Travis the chimp be one of our saints?

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Legal Alien, AIN no.1106
Jun 30, 2024
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Charla travis 062713

Chimpanzee named Travis that went ER and mauled a foid
Adam Lanza made a call to John Zerzans radio show discussing how Travis was basically the animal equivalent of a mass shootER and he was right. The conditions Travis was raised under were setting himself up for disaster
No, this chimp probably fucked his handler
Yes, there are actually many interesting parallels between us and Travis.

1. He had a pleasant childhood...

Back in Stamford, Sandy and Jerry played with Travis, who absorbed their smells and cues and began learning their language. Sandy bottle-fed him formula, burped him, put him down for naps in a crib in their bedroom. At 3 months, he turned over. Soon he was scooting, then walking on his arms and legs, his knuckles absorbing much of his weight. They taught him to use the toilet. They joined him in the bathtub. They brushed his teeth, and later taught him to brush his own teeth. Sandy bought him an extensive wardrobe and dressed him every morning.

2. ...But it all fell apart after he hit puberty, as he became involuntarily celibate and sexually frustrated.

Stamford’s animal-control officer was more concerned. After contacting primatologists, she spoke with Sandy, arguing that Travis was by now a fully sexualized adult (chimpanzees in the wild have sex, nonmonogamously, as often as 50 times a day); that he had the strength of at least five men; that adult chimpanzees are known to be unpredictable and potentially violent (which is why all chimp actors are prepubescent); and that maintaining Travis for the duration of his five- or six-decade lifetime was not viable. Sandy seemed to pay an open mind to the officer’s warning but ultimately concluded that Travis had never exhibited even the slightest capacity for violence.

3. He was then tormented and bullied by normies.

They were in the 4Runner, stopped downtown at the intersection of Tresser and Washington Boulevards, when someone, for reasons unknown, threw an empty soda bottle into Travis’s partially open window. Travis looked, grunted, unbuckled his seat belt, unlocked and opened the door, and began knuckle-running across the road.

4. And then he was socially isolated and confined to his home.

The Herolds stopped taking Travis out in public after the incident in downtown Stamford, and they spent most of their time away from work at home with him.

Travis was one of us. He was just as deprived, frustrated and depressed as we are. He had unrequited sexual desires, he couldn't be taken outside anymore and his life lacked purpose. It drove him towards insanity. Sadly, being a chimpanzee, he didn't have the capacity to cope with his situation and he inevitably lashed out. His life was as cruel as it was depressing.

But as sad as his life was, we can learn many key lessons from Travis the Chimp's life. His story highlights the primal need we have for social contact, intimacy and purpose. We deteriorate without them. Like Travis, we are all neglected and abused apes.
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Yes, there are actually many interesting parallels between us and Travis.

1. He had a pleasant childhood...

2. ...But it all fell apart after he hit puberty, as he became involuntarily celibate and sexually frustrated.

3. He was then tormented and bullied by normies.

4. And then he was socially isolated and confined to his home.

Travis was one of us. He was just as deprived, frustrated and depressed as we are. He had unrequited sexual desires, he couldn't be taken outside anymore and his life lacked purpose. It drove him towards insanity. Sadly, being a chimpanzee, he didn't have the capacity to cope with his situation and he inevitably lashed out. His life was as cruel as it was depressing.

But as sad as his life was, we can learn many key lessons from Travis the Chimp's life. His story highlights the primal need we have for social contact, intimacy and purpose. We deteriorate without them. Like Travis, we are all neglected and abused apes.
Very thoughtful reply Chimps also like to bully each other though Travis actually looked pretty big so I doubt he would have too many issues if introduced to a sanctuary again properly. Keeping him from any sex thought is not like having an unneutered male dog like this foid thought, more like keeping a man in you're house with the mind of a child and the strength of five men then refusing him his favorite toy a foid chimp in this case.
The 911 call was hilarious. Who knew you shouldn't fuck with monkeys
The 911 call was hilarious. Who knew you shouldn't fuck with monkeys
Operator thinking it is just a hysterical foid jfl come to find this mf absolutely going er wrecking the house and making her look like a bomb survivor. :feelskek:
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Chimpanzee named Travis that went ER and mauled a foid

Yes, there are actually many interesting parallels between us and Travis.

1. He had a pleasant childhood...

2. ...But it all fell apart after he hit puberty, as he became involuntarily celibate and sexually frustrated.

3. He was then tormented and bullied by normies.

4. And then he was socially isolated and confined to his home.

Travis was one of us. He was just as deprived, frustrated and depressed as we are. He had unrequited sexual desires, he couldn't be taken outside anymore and his life lacked purpose. It drove him towards insanity. Sadly, being a chimpanzee, he didn't have the capacity to cope with his situation and he inevitably lashed out. His life was as cruel as it was depressing.

But as sad as his life was, we can learn many key lessons from Travis the Chimp's life. His story highlights the primal need we have for social contact, intimacy and purpose. We deteriorate without them. Like Travis, we are all neglected and abused apes.
He became chimpcel because his retarded owners wouldn't let him live in the wild and in nature where he could get with foid chimps and mate. Brutal helicopter parent pill. Then he went ER too.

Not to mention also his owners were retarded for keeping a primate/simian in the first place. Monkeys and apes make terrible pets and are not domesticated or even tame really. They are not meant to be pets and you should never let your guard down around them. They are wild animals who can go crazy and maul you at any moment for any possible number of reasons.

Travis should definitely be an incel saint now. Saint Travis.
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Adam Lanza made a call to John Zerzans radio show discussing how Travis was basically the animal equivalent of a mass shootER and he was right. The conditions Travis was raised under were setting himself up for disaster
I remember first reading about this and listening to the 911 call when i was 6. scary shit ngl
That chimp mogs me
Chimps are vicious. I wouldn't go anywhere near one. Their attacks are absolutely brutal. They hunt monkeys and rip them apart, and wage war against other chimp colonies. Whereas gorillas and orangutans are fairly gentle and there are no reported killings of humans. There are lots of reports of chimp attacks. They're also highly intelligent, which leads them to targeting weak spots, such as eyes and genitals.

And with these wild animal attacks, it's almost always not the owner who is attacked, but some poor sap who knows the idiot owner.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6-Vy-Xf89M

Females love dangerous and masculine pets. Have you noticed how they tend to only like dog breeds which are either big/strong/dominant/mischievous or cute? There aren't many who love Border Collies, for example. Because they're submissive and placid, despite them being the most intelligent breed. They pick dogs/pets just like they pick men.
Chimps are vicious. I wouldn't go anywhere near one. Their attacks are absolutely brutal. They hunt monkeys and rip them apart, and wage war against other chimp colonies. Whereas gorillas and orangutans are fairly gentle and there are no reported killings of humans. There are lots of reports of chimp attacks. They're also highly intelligent, which leads them to targeting weak spots, such as eyes and genitals.

And with these wild animal attacks, it's almost always not the owner who is attacked, but some poor sap who knows the idiot owner.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6-Vy-Xf89M

Females love dangerous and masculine pets. Have you noticed how they tend to only like dog breeds which are either big/strong/dominant/mischievous or cute? There aren't many who love Border Collies, for example. Because they're submissive and placid, despite them being the most intelligent breed. They pick dogs/pets just like they pick men.

I know the one on the thumbnail is actually of a dude who got his chimp taken by police and given to a sanctuary. Crazy the other chimps saw him giving cake to Moe got jealous and nearly killed the guy.
I know the one on the thumbnail is actually of a dude who got his chimp taken by police and given to a sanctuary. Crazy the other chimps saw him giving cake to Moe got jealous and nearly killed the guy.
Yeah. He protected his wife like a simp, she hid under a table or something during the attack and was unharmed. It was taken away because it bit a friend's finger IIRC. I'd rather have died if I was the woman who lost her sight and hands.
yes, rip travis
What kills me is this foid could still find love and I never will
Adam Lanza made a call to John Zerzans radio show discussing how Travis was basically the animal equivalent of a mass shootER and he was right. The conditions Travis was raised under were setting himself up for disaster
i remember listening to that years ago i should listen to it again
Chimps are very sadistic, one of the few animals with the capacity to feel that emotion. Wouldn't shock me if he deliberately chose to disfigure him.
Very thoughtful reply Chimps also like to bully each other though Travis actually looked pretty big so I doubt he would have too many issues if introduced to a sanctuary again properly. Keeping him from any sex thought is not like having an unneutered male dog like this foid thought, more like keeping a man in you're house with the mind of a child and the strength of five men then refusing him his favorite toy a foid chimp in this case.
Thank you. Much of what you say is true, but I don't think Travis would necessarily have thrived at a sanctuary. Chimps raised among humans lack the social skills needed to integrate into Chimpanzee communities.

If an owner decides they can no longer keep their pet chimp they often run into problems. Sanctuaries are often full and accredited zoos will not take pet chimps because they lack the social skills to integrate with a group.

All Travis had ever known was people. He was a fatcel raised in a middleclass American home. If Travis had ended up at a sanctuary, he may have been mercilessly assaulted or bullied by the other chimps.
Thank you. Much of what you say is true, but I don't think Travis would necessarily have thrived at a sanctuary. Chimps raised among humans lack the social skills needed to integrate into Chimpanzee communities.

All Travis had ever known was people. He was a fatcel raised in a middleclass American home. If Travis had ended up at a sanctuary, he may have been mercilessly assaulted or bullied by the other chimps.
That's unfortunate hard to get him around other chimps if he would even enjoy it and has been put into a home and conditioned where he can not feel fulfilled on those aspects he would get from being around them.
Yes he should be
No because he wasnt incel, dummy.
Old case but funny as fuck, i mean who has a fucking drugged up Chimp in diapers in their house?

Like wft is this? How is this shit allowed :feelskek:

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