1. We have realistic pussy substitutes now and have for years. An escortcel knows what real pussy feels like and what a Fleshlight feels like; the Fleshlight, assuming proper heating, lubrication, and maintenance, feels just like the real thing. Any sex robot worth even half its money will have a self-heating, self-lubricating silicone vagina, and it will be more convenient and sanitary than real vaginas that aren't even self-lubricating without the presence of Chad.
A fleshlight is a poor substitute. It is an incomplete substitute that doesn't offer what most women claim they offer, feminine companionship. You can't hold the fleshlight by the hand or cuddle it. A sex robot you can. It's an apples to oranges comparison. With the last part I largely agree. Having an accurate and life-like simulacra that is sanitary is apart of a sex robot's charm. No argument there.
2. Because the substitute is better? Real peanut butter without additives has separation issues, while something like PB2 or PBFit has 1/3 the calories per serving and is far more versatile while still tasting pretty much the same. Real women are neurotic and have inflated egos while sex robots will be completely subservient with personalities tailored specifically to the buyer's tastes. Real women eat, piss, shit, flake, and gossip, while the robot just needs to be recharged and refilled every so often.
Neurotic to who and inflated egos to who? For all the yammering Chad does about being tired of women, most Chads secretly like the drama and emotional strain that women bring into their lives. It gives them meaning and purpose that they couldn't manage without. Additionally, real women are already completely subservient to Chad and even custom-tailor their personalities when they want Chad. Ever heard the saying that women are chameleons? Women will play nice when they have no other choice but to. As for women having biological functions, not really a big issue. Them cucking sub-Chad males is.
Chad knows this better than anyone. He'll only stick with meatfoids if he's poor and can't afford it--and if these robots are going to be marketed to incels, they can't be too expensive.
Nonsense. First and foremost, Chad loves Drama. He loves rejecting women, kicking them the fuck out, and watching them scurry back to him after he shatters their lives into small pieces. For Chad, the chase is every fucking thing. As for these Robots needing to be cheap, most incels aren't poor and there are quite a few richcels. Sexbots will proliferate the same way that computers did. At first it will be a niche hobby for nerds. Then everyone will use it once there is some general utility beyond the niche.
3. True, real women will be easier to obtain. That will make them a lesser status symbol, thus giving Chad even less incentive to pursue them. He has harems now because that's optimal for his own pleasure. Once sex robots go mainstream, this will no longer be the case. The new optimal will be harems of silicone and steel.
One would think that, but a great example of why women will still be a commodity is the arrival of the car. In the late 1800s, there were millions of horses and horse drawn carriages across western cities of the Victorian era. Horses were big business. However, after Ford mastered the concept of the assembly-line (reducing the price of cars) and exploited the creation of artificial rubber, horse usage plummeted. Now so far this is inline with what you're saying.
However, as the supply of horses plummeted new activities formed around horse usage that made it prestigious. All of a sudden you were part of the elite if you could own a horse. In much the same way, owning foids or at least having their submission will carry very similar prestige. Even though foids shit and break stuff, they are still a valuable commodity that comes in short supply. Chads will FIND things to do to women. Trust me.
Most Chads won't adopt sexbots because there simply is no need for them to do so. Chads will have sex even more after sexbots arrive because the supply of betabuxx will largely dry up. This will cause Chad to become the selector. Women who unfortunately can't meet Chad's standards will have to go deal with cucks and adopt the bonobo strategy as previously stated.
The one thing real women will have over sex robots will be their ability to procreate. They will always be available for their looksmatches if and when they want to start families, and they will be better for having been forced to compete with sex robots in the sexual marketplace. Yes, things will be bleak. For women. Their massive cuntishness will hit them like a speeding van before they see it coming.
I still doubt that this will play out. I think you seriously underestimate how big of cucks most men are. Even though I think a significant portion of men will use sex robots, most men won't. In fact I don't even think the number will ever approach 50% for the reasons I've stated above. Most men are too desperate for feminine attention and affection. One only needs to look at this forum for evidence, and for the record I'm just making an observation. I'm not attacking this forum in any way, shape, or form.
With that out the way, how many men here still view sex robots as cope? How many more posts do you see of incels bashing sexbots instead of affirming them instruments of male liberation? This forum is a good indicator that most men given the chance, will still choose to interact with women in someway. Even if that interaction is heavily one-sided.