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Discussion Should mods crack down on community bullying and infighting?

Should mods crack down on community bullying and infighting?

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Fat Link

Fat Link

Join me Proudweeb and we shall rule the galaxy.
Jul 31, 2019
Examples are how manletcels hate on tallfagcels with an unparalleled viciousness.

And how users delusionally don't believe mentalcels exist (Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise for example and only failed with women because he was a total mentalcel) and endless fights and arguments are had over this of whose a Chad and whose not based on appearance even after a supposed good looking user pours their heart out telling us of all their failures with women due to being a mental fuckup.
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No, it's funny to watch
If you really care for someone, you will be though with him
I love to shit on some users :dab:
Only obvious red flag like when someone says “this is why you inkwell”. It means they are a soy
Bullying members for things out of their control should be forbidden at least such as looks and mental disorder.

Looks shame self-centered women all you want though as they need their ego ruined. I suppose calling someone a moron for example shouldn’t be a bannable offence though.

I’m not sure where my vote would stand at this point since it depends on what type of bullying.
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If you really care for someone, you will be though with him
So if we were in some ZOG war together as military bros and you got half your head blasted off and you're dying in my arms which would you rather have me say to you in response to your hypothetical question below?

AAAAAAAAAAAcel: "Fat Link am I gonna be alright? Fuck my head hurts man!!"

Fat Link: Yes, bro. Its just a scratch (meanwhile half your brain is dropping out of your skull as I say that almost JFK style)


Fat Link: LOL, no bro. Sorry but you're fucked.
This is fight club. :feelzez::yes:

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if there is an underlying mutual agreement between both parties then no. if its a one sided attack then yes unless it is tame.
the last thing this place needs is reddit style tattletelling
I think bullying is a scumbag thing to do. If anything Incels should know better since many were bullied themselves. It also takes away from legit and productive discussion

Personally I dont mind a good fight, I dont fire the first shot, but I will defend Myself to the very End. Still it feels foolish to go back and forth with insults between two forum members who have never met each other in real life especially on an Incel board of all places where we all share similar experiences.

I actually had a couple of scumbag members say some trash to disrespect Me, and I Roasted them so hard they had to go Crying to the Mods by Reporting Me :feelsclown: when they were the ones who Disrespected Me first. :feelsclown::feelsclown:

Nothing in the world I hate more than a Bully, Incel or not. Unless the target legit deserved it (which IMO would be Justice and not bullying) I would brutally and savagely Erase them off the face of this Earth if I could.
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A certain amount of criticism is acceptable.

I personally enjoy criticizing Justus' love for his oneitis.
Nah man the drama is amazing. I love going though old posts of users constantly attacking each other:feelskek:

Especially dreg, uggo, pinkwell and FTL fightsView attachment 555951
Ngl the fights here are tame. Unlike Reddit where those demons literally doxxx you for saying women suck.
Our motto and credence should be, leave your Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook soy faggotry off our forum here. :feelsjuice: :yes:
nah, I have personal beefs with some users here, but in the end deep down I feel like we are all brocels
No unless it leads to doxxing and death threats and shit like that
Imagine getting triggered from complete strangers on the internet.
Examples are how manletcels hate on tallfagcels with an unparalleled viciousness.
The large majority of them are fakecels, and many have come out as larps.

And how users delusionally don't believe mentalcels
No such thing as mentalcel, we need to stop this bullshit, that's a fakecel. If you're talking about someone who is literally mentally retarded and has some kind of defect, that's not a mentalcel, that guy is retarded, he's handicapped, and he'd be too handicapped to use this forum.

The guys calling themselves mentalcels here use ridiculous excuses like "I'm high inhib bro", they don't have legitimate brain defects, they try to use cowardice or shyness as an excuse to not approach. Nobody gets to make that childish excuse, you either want something or you don't, shyness is not an excuse to do nothing but complain like you have it as bad as the rest of us that actually approach women.

It can't work like that, that's a ridiculous and arbitrary standard.

I don't know why mods keep promoting and allowing these ridiculous "loop hole standards" like you want trolls to come here or something lol

The same shit I said about the "I'm autistic excuse" with BB has already been used by someone else who is trolling and saying they're 6ft+ tall and other humblebrag traits, and guess what, he won't be the last one, because you guys keep promoting ridiculous loop hole standards.

"Mentalcel" is so easy to exploit, anybody can troll this forum using this as a "gateway", heck if I wanted to troll this forum I'd larp as a 6ft+ tall, White, Autistic, Mentalcel:
"I got a kiss before, she was only 5/10, I didn't know what to say, I just looked down at her face and froze up, I'm such a loser, autism ruins lives bros. Any advice on how to quit my mentalcel ways?, I need some help from my fellow incels" :feelskek:

That would be a "light" example that I would definitely get away with, I'd get a fucking warning. The last "autist" got a pass for getting a damn footjob, so a kiss and being 6ft+ tall wouldn't result in a ban, and from there people will just keep pushing the bar just a tiny bit, further and further until it becomes established how much you can get away with, and that's when the real trolling starts.

This is an ongoing process, it's becoming easier to troll and humblebrag because of lax subjective rules and trolls testing the waters on all avenues to see "what works" and what "roles" they can play to get away with trolling.

Before (years ago) it was the "I'm a black pilled normie" strategy (exploited by those like @Zyros)

Then it was the "secret Chad worshiping fandom" strategy (@Zyros had this but the one I know most for it is @mylifeistrash)

A guy who literally said many times that he was 6'5", White and had an average face, was allowed to be on this forum. Let that sink in.

Now it's the"I'm autistic" strategy (autism is the "new meta" for this game lol)

You guys could literally end this with a simple and blatant no bragging whatsoever rule, even on an external site, you will be banned. Doesn't matter if you are autistic, you aren't too stupid to use the internet, so you also aren't too stupid to know what bragging is. If someone is so mentally defective that they don't know what's bragging or not, they probably shouldn't be on a forum like this when a parent/guardian/care taker definitely wouldn't allow it, just like we wouldn't allow a literal 10 year old to use this forum.

Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise for example and only failed with women because he was a total mentalcel

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAo_mZMIUgg

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEloVeiZaJg

You are underestimating how much of a handicap being asian is on the dating market. Even if you are attractive women will still look down on you as "less than". An average looking white guy who makes similar income is probably on the same level as this asian male model in the eyes of the average western woman.

If an asian guy this attractive can get rejected I don't think Elliots rejection had anything to do with "mentalcel" or whatever it is you call it. If he was a white version of himself he would have gotten laid.

There's even some study that showed an asian man has to make X hundreds of thousands more than a white man to be rated on equal terms with him.
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The large majority of them are fakecels, and many have come out as larps.

No such thing as mentalcel, we need to stop this bullshit, that's a fakecel. If you're talking about someone who is literally mentally retarded and has some kind of defect, that's not a mentalcel, that guy is retarded, he's handicapped, and he'd be too handicapped to use this forum.

The guys calling themselves mentalcels here use ridiculous excuses like "I'm high inhib bro", they don't have legitimate brain defects, they try to use cowardice or shyness as an excuse to not approach. Nobody gets to make that childish excuse, you either want something or you don't, shyness is not an excuse to do nothing but complain like you have it as bad as the rest of us that actually approach women.

It can't work like that, that's a ridiculous and arbitrary standard.

I don't know why mods keep promoting and allowing these ridiculous "loop hole standards" like you want trolls to come here or something lol

The same shit I said about the "I'm autistic excuse" with BB has already been used by someone else who is trolling and saying they're 6ft+ tall and other humblebrag traits, and guess what, he won't be the last one, because you guys keep promoting ridiculous loop hole standards.

"Mentalcel" is so easy to exploit, anybody can troll this forum using this as a "gateway", heck if I wanted to troll this forum I'd larp as a 6ft+ tall, White, Autistic, Mentalcel:
"I got a kiss before, she was only 5/10, I didn't know what to say, I just looked down at her face and froze up, I'm such a loser, autism ruins lives bros. Any advice on how to quit my mentalcel ways?, I need some help from my fellow incels" :feelskek:

That would be a "light" example that I would definitely get away with, I'd get a fucking warning. The last "autist" got a pass for getting a damn footjob, so a kiss and being 6ft+ tall wouldn't result in a ban, and from there people will just keep pushing the bar just a tiny bit, further and further until it becomes established how much you can get away with, and that's when the real trolling starts.

This is an ongoing process, it's becoming easier to troll and humblebrag because of lax subjective rules and trolls testing the waters on all avenues to see "what works" and what "roles" they can play to get away with trolling.

Before (years ago) it was the "I'm a black pilled normie" strategy (exploited by those like @Zyros)

Then it was the "secret Chad worshiping fandom" strategy (@Zyros had this but the one I know most for it is @mylifeistrash)

A guy who literally said many times that he was 6'5", White and had an average face, was allowed to be on this forum. Let that sink in.

Now it's the"I'm autistic" strategy (autism is the "new meta" for this game lol)

You guys could literally end this with a simple and blatant no bragging whatsoever rule, even on an external site, you will be banned. Doesn't matter if you are autistic, you aren't too stupid to use the internet, so you also aren't too stupid to know what bragging is. If someone is so mentally defective that they don't know what's bragging or not, they probably shouldn't be on a forum like this when a parent/guardian/care taker definitely wouldn't allow it, just like we wouldn't allow a literal 10 year old to use this forum.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAo_mZMIUgg

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEloVeiZaJg

You are underestimating how much of a handicap being asian is on the dating market. Even if you are attractive women will still look down on you as "less than". An average looking white guy who makes similar income is probably on the same level as this asian male model in the eyes of the average western woman.

If an asian guy this attractive can get rejected I don't think Elliots rejection had anything to do with "mentalcel" or whatever it is you call it. If he was a white version of himself he would have gotten laid.

There's even some study that showed an asian man has to make how many hundreds of thousands more than a white man to be rated on equal terms with him.

Doesn't matter, I don't post something expecting people to read. I post it to speak my mind, and I post it so that when people ignore those warnings, and come back to say "nobody said otherwise", it can be thrown back in their face lol.

This has happened many times with things I've posted about, the most recent example being users using "I'm autistic" as a "free pass" to humblebrag. I said it would happen after they gave the first guy a pass and it did.

He doesn't have to read, but when shit goes south I'm sure as hell gonna throw it right back in peoples faces lol.
No tbh but advocating for harming the community or endlessly complaining should be. :feelsokman:
It can never be stopped completely, but it shouldn't go out of hand either.

Voted yes
People would just blow every negative interaction out of proportion and try to turn it into fakecel witchhunts 2.0.
How am I going to fuck with the "Canadians", then?
freedom of speech is way more important than feelings
and I say this despite all the hate comments I've gotten from foids here that LARP as incels
So if we were in some ZOG war together as military bros and you got half your head blasted off and you're dying in my arms which would you rather have me say to you in response to your hypothetical question below?

AAAAAAAAAAAcel: "Fat Link am I gonna be alright? Fuck my head hurts man!!"

Fat Link: Yes, bro. Its just a scratch (meanwhile half your brain is dropping out of your skull as I say that almost JFK style)


Fat Link: LOL, no bro. Sorry but you're fucked.
It wouldn't really matter at that point. And I would only fight for Incelistan
Being white and 6ft tall does not automatically get you laid. Stop community bullying for good.
No such thing as mentalcel, we need to stop this bullshit, that's a fakecel. If you're talking about someone who is literally mentally retarded and has some kind of defect, that's not a mentalcel, that guy is retarded, he's handicapped, and he'd be too handicapped to use this forum.
Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise for example
:lul::lul: Jfl no. Maybe for hapa standards sure, but in general he was HTN/Normie at best (nose failo & manlet). That being said he could've easily ascended if he locationmaxxed and tried to fake being NT.
This is an insult to real incels.
Which is why I think this is all some big joke that the mods are in on. I would not be surprised if one there a thread gets posted where all the mods are gathered together with women at some party, as a final fuck you troll post before they shut the forum down. It should not be this hard for actual incels to uphold incel standards on a forum, so one can only assume that they aren't actually incels.
@blkpillpres said:
You guys could literally end this with a simple and blatant no bragging whatsoever rule, even on an external site, you will be banned. Doesn't matter if you are autistic, you aren't too stupid to use the internet, so you also aren't too stupid to know what bragging is. If someone is so mentally defective that they don't know what's bragging or not, they probably shouldn't be on a forum like this when a parent/guardian/care taker definitely wouldn't allow it, just like we wouldn't allow a literal 10 year old to use this forum.

Here’s why you’re wrong.

Well you’re not “technically” wrong but that doesn’t matter in this case and I will attempt to explain why below. :feelsseriously:

You see big homie we’ve got a lot of dumb fucks here and I do mean A LOT who don’t understand what bragging actually is.

Explanation: I’ve only been modding this site for around four months time and already I’ve encountered probably over a hundred instances of users wrongly reporting other users over what they believe to be bragging when any sane or generally intelligent person will point out to you that said reported post is not actually in any way, shape or form a brag but simply a conveying of information.

Bragging and what is not bragging examples for the class:

Not bragging- Hey guys I tried ascending tonight by going to the club/bar/wherever and there was a lot of pretty girls there.

Bragging- Hey guys I tried ascending tonight by going to the club/bar/wherever and some girls actually came up to me and chatted me up, one said I was really hot and another one even asked me to dance. Oh yeah I was the man tonight alright! I bet next time I go back there I’ll get some numbers and dates and become a Chad slayer before long. Shit was so cash!!


You would not believe the amount of morons who report both of the above kinds of examples as bragging.

After reading this you’ll probably respond and tell me to just do what a moderator should do and simply reject the reports that don’t actually qualify as bragging and punish the ones that do.

Well I already infact do this but even then you’ve got various terminal forum whiners and malcontents who claim not enough is being done against bragging or this or that etc, etc. :feelsseriously:

So what you need to know as a potential incel forum runner yourself is that almost every decision you make or don’t make will be questioned to ridiculous levels of absurdity and all forms of accusations equally ridiculous and absurd will be flung your way because this or that forum crybaby doesn’t feel you’ve done your job correctly which actually translates into you just haven’t given them what they want even though you as admin who has far more information to go on than they knows that their way will not be in the best long term interests of the community. :feelsUgh:

Just the perception being made and somehow getting out of control (since to many perception=reality) that you as the site leader may be a normie/Chad or somehow aiding and abetting normies and Chads is damn near enough to set off a massive forum wide hysteria leading to a mass exodus or insurrection attempt, so I hope you know what you’re in for if you ever really do get your own site off the ground BPP. :feelsugh:

@Broly “Even if they do have some form of mental drawback, they should try to work on it instead of coming here.”

That’s what they’re doing by coming here ie “working on it”. :feelsseriously:
Honestly women’s standards are so high these days you could look exactly like Henry Cavill and they’re not going to want to be with you if you suffer from even something as functionally mundane as a very bad stutter.

@BlkPillPres “We wouldn’t let someone use this site if they were 10 years old”.

Actually both of us would and for all I know I may already have. :feelsUgh:
Not intentionally of course but as the problem I’ve long pointed out in response to your forum bettering tirades is we simply cannot know for sure when someone is lying on here and when someone isn’t.

That’s why all your fancy new rule ideas or proposals ultimately won’t end up amounting to much more than a hill of beans even if you do get your own site up and running because you’ll most likely be operating under the same presently flawed system we here and the rest of the online world largely uses which is the honor system.

To create a real 100% trucel site that posters that are generally impossible to please such as the user @nice_try for example would love and approve of would simply be too expensive and privacy invasive for most people’s tastes and dangerous too for wage slave cels who can’t afford their info potentially falling into the wrong hands after it’s exposed.

View: https://youtu.be/wn-U6fVvgEQ
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Examples are how manletcels hate on tallfagcels with an unparalleled viciousness.
They do it for a valid reason. Height is the most important trait in dating. Open your eyes, look around, you don't see couples where the man isn't taller than the woman. You don't see it, it doesn't exist. So tall guys naturally have more potential partners and it also proofs height to be the number one most important trait. Women won't date you if you're smaller than them, doesn't matter who you are, that's a fact.

Height is also the number one mogger trait. Please educate yourself and google "heightmog". Even the ugliest fucker of all time would mog a handsome manlet to oblivion. Height has such an incredible halo effect, that's why even ugly males can get a gf when they at least are tall.

There just is no discussion about the importance of height.

Elliot Rodger was a Chad appearance wise for example and only failed with women because he was a total mentalcel
This is NOT true.

How exactly is this mixed race, weak chinned, bloaty lipped MANLET a Chad? HOW?
He obviously got mogged to oblivion by 6'2 college Chads in Isla Vista. He had no chance because of his LOOKS.

And how users delusionally don't believe mentalcels exist
No such thing as mentalcel, we need to stop this bullshit, that's a fakecel. If you're talking about someone who is literally mentally retarded and has some kind of defect, that's not a mentalcel, that guy is retarded, he's handicapped, and he'd be too handicapped to use this forum.

The guys calling themselves mentalcels here use ridiculous excuses like "I'm high inhib bro", they don't have legitimate brain defects, they try to use cowardice or shyness as an excuse to not approach. Nobody gets to make that childish excuse, you either want something or you don't, shyness is not an excuse to do nothing but complain like you have it as bad as the rest of us that actually approach women.

It can't work like that, that's a ridiculous and arbitrary standard.

I don't know why mods keep promoting and allowing these ridiculous "loop hole standards" like you want trolls to come here or something lol
Most of these so called "mentalcels" aren't even diagnosed. They infact don't even have a mental illness. It's all just a big larp and a big excuse. Social dynamics and human interaction can be learned. These dudes refuse to put the work in, they refuse to improve how they act towards others, just so they can claim themselves non NT and have an excuse to post here on this forum. They're a perfect example of fakecels. This is inacceptable.

"Mentalcel" is so easy to exploit, anybody can troll this forum using this as a "gateway", heck if I wanted to troll this forum I'd larp as a 6ft+ tall, White, Autistic, Mentalcel:
"I got a kiss before, she was only 5/10, I didn't know what to say, I just looked down at her face and froze up, I'm such a loser, autism ruins lives bros. Any advice on how to quit my mentalcel ways?, I need some help from my fellow incels" :feelskek:
I already told them bro, but they refuse to understand it. They would accept a literal gigachad on this forum as long as he claims "muh non NT" and doesn't break rules (being incel and unable to attract women is obviously not part of the rules). It's a bit mind boggling how you can't see the illogic in this, but whatever.

Bragging- Hey guys I tried ascending tonight by going to the club/bar/wherever and some girls actually came up to me and chatted me up
I feel like you're TROLLING ME right now. That is EXACTLY what moeggels said and I reported him for bragging about having foids being attracted to him and you refused to punish him (AGAIN).

I just wanted to search the quote, but the thread seems to be deleted. The thread was called "It's Over - Talked to a femoid at a bar" by Moeggels. Why does every proof of him outing himself as a fakecel get deleted? This is not the first time.
Or am I too stupid to find the thread?


you could look exactly like Henry Cavill and they’re not going to want to be with you if you suffer from even something as functionally mundane as a very bad stutter.

Ok. That's it. I'm now 100% convinced that you're trolling. You CAN'T be serious, you just CAN'T.

posters that are generally impossible to please such as the user @nice_try for example
I honestly don't feel like I'm impossible to please.

Is it too much to ask that we dont have Henry Cavill :lul: on an incel forum? Really?

Is it too much to ask to ban people who openly admitted that they have women being attraced to them?

Is it too much to ask to have a forum on which people don't SPAM?

I honestly feel like this is not impossible to please, I feel like this is the MINIMUM REQUIREMENT for a good forum.

It should not be this hard for actual incels to uphold incel standards on a forum, so one can only assume that they aren't actually incels.
It's almost like you have to feel bad because you don't want Henry Cavill on an incel forum.
You have to feel bad because you want users out who admitted they have females showing interest in them.
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Nobody cares. Internet "hate" is retarded. Just ignore the fags instead of le banning
I love communty bullying and infighting as much as the next guy and especially in the context of this thread I say No. Braggers deserve to be called out.
"Mentalcel" is so easy to exploit, anybody can troll this forum using this as a "gateway", heck if I wanted to troll this forum I'd larp as a 6ft+ tall, White, Autistic, Mentalcel:
"I got a kiss before, she was only 5/10, I didn't know what to say, I just looked down at her face and froze up, I'm such a loser, autism ruins lives bros. Any advice on how to quit my mentalcel ways?, I need some help from my fellow incels" :feelskek:

That would be a "light" example that I would definitely get away with, I'd get a fucking warning. The last "autist" got a pass for getting a damn footjob, so a kiss and being 6ft+ tall wouldn't result in a ban, and from there people will just keep pushing the bar just a tiny bit, further and further until it becomes established how much you can get away with, and that's when the real trolling starts.
I actually did try that kind of trolling lol. Got permabanned for it. But I guess in the post @-BrettyBoy- age I could've gotten away with it.
No. Drama and fighting is entertaining :hax:
I think it would be great for our community to reach a place where bullying/infighting wasn't necessary anymore, but I absolutely do not think that moderation can get us there. Not to say that moderation isn't important, but mods are people too. The community should choose to stop the infighting if that's where the community is at, culturally. Right now I think any attempt to stop the infighting is just going to fracture the community and leave a lot of great people out in the dust, even if the bullies do feel vindicated.
I think it would be great for our community to reach a place where bullying/infighting wasn't necessary anymore, but I absolutely do not think that moderation can get us there. Not to say that moderation isn't important, but mods are people too. The community should choose to stop the infighting if that's where the community is at, culturally. Right now I think any attempt to stop the infighting is just going to fracture the community and leave a lot of great people out in the dust, even if the bullies do feel vindicated.
Infighting only happens within a community without clear strict rules and definitions. When those things exist, people leave and start their own communities that fit their own values, but lets be honest, the people who in this case would leave are trolls and larps, so they wouldn't start a different community, their sole purpose being here is to fuck with the ones that should be here.
How about we not only NOT stop bullying of mentalcels or tallfagcels, but instead ban those fucking cretins on the spot and restore peace that way. You think the average trucel gives a fuck about tallfag"cels" & mental"cels" feelings? JFL this isn't fucking Twitter :feelshaha:

The fact that you had to ask this question tells me you have no idea how to run an incel forum, I'm not saying this to be a cunt, just saying that's the impression I'm getting.
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So according to you
Speaking out against fakecel bs = bullying
Do you even know what this forum was made for?
I barely meet people whom I can relate to these days on .is due to the poor ass moderation. Kinda reminds me of the sub8 era with all those normie faggots aka inkwell, Colvin and mylifeistrash
They do it for a valid reason. Height is the most important trait in dating. Open your eyes, look around, you don't see couples where the man isn't taller than the woman. You don't see it, it doesn't exist. So tall guys naturally have more potential partners and it also proofs height to be the number one most important trait. Women won't date you if you're smaller than them, doesn't matter who you are, that's a fact.

Height is also the number one mogger trait. Please educate yourself and google "heightmog". Even the ugliest fucker of all time would mog a handsome manlet to oblivion. Height has such an incredible halo effect, that's why even ugly males can get a gf when they at least are tall.

There just is no discussion about the importance of height.

This is NOT true.
View attachment 557228View attachment 557229View attachment 557230

How exactly is this mixed race, weak chinned, bloaty lipped MANLET a Chad? HOW?
He obviously got mogged to oblivion by 6'2 college Chads in Isla Vista. He had no chance because of his LOOKS.

Most of these so called "mentalcels" aren't even diagnosed. They infact don't even have a mental illness. It's all just a big larp and a big excuse. Social dynamics and human interaction can be learned. These dudes refuse to put the work in, they refuse to improve how they act towards others, just so they can claim themselves non NT and have an excuse to post here on this forum. They're a perfect example of fakecels. This is inacceptable.

I already told them bro, but they refuse to understand it. They would accept a literal gigachad on this forum as long as he claims "muh non NT" and doesn't break rules (being incel and unable to attract women is obviously not part of the rules). It's a bit mind boggling how you can't see the illogic in this, but whatever.

I feel like you're TROLLING ME right now. That is EXACTLY what moeggels said and I reported him for bragging about having foids being attracted to him and you refused to punish him (AGAIN).

I just wanted to search the quote, but the thread seems to be deleted. The thread was called "It's Over - Talked to a femoid at a bar" by Moeggels. Why does every proof of him outing himself as a fakecel get deleted? This is not the first time.
Or am I too stupid to find the thread?

View attachment 557237

Ok. That's it. I'm now 100% convinced that you're trolling. You CAN'T be serious, you just CAN'T.

I honestly don't feel like I'm impossible to please.

Is it too much to ask that we dont have Henry Cavill :lul: on an incel forum? Really?

Is it too much to ask to ban people who openly admitted that they have women being attraced to them?

Is it too much to ask to have a forum on which people don't SPAM?

I honestly feel like this is not impossible to please, I feel like this is the MINIMUM REQUIREMENT for a good forum.

It's almost like you have to feel bad because you don't want Henry Cavill on an incel forum.
You have to feel bad because you want users out who admitted they have females showing interest in them.
Gigabased for actually spittin fax, forum is quickly going down in quality and losing its original purpose because of these retarded trolls and "mentalcels" who only grief and don't even try irl.

I'll give it a month or two till we turn this shithole into looksmaxx 2.0.
JFL at believing Henry fucking CAVILL can be incel cuz of NT. It totally disregards the true meaning of the blackpill.

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