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Should I start drinking? Describe to me how being drunk feels tbh

Total Imbecile

Total Imbecile

Honorary ethnic
Dec 19, 2017
I can finally legally buy alcohol, however I dont drink so its like whatever. A lot of incels seem to be coping by drinking and Im thinking maybe I hsould give it a shot

There are 2 reasons why I dont drink
1. Alcoholic drinks just taste bitter and disgusting
2. I like being in control of my actions 100% of the time, losing control over myself is my biggest fear
you'll feel dizzy/unsteady and get this warm tingling sensation throughout your body. Your vision will get blurry (it's not really noticeable) and your head will feel heavy. Some parts of your body might go numb (for me it was my hands and mouth). The best part is the euphoria - you'll feel very happy and confident if you're in the right environment/mood. If not, it can have the opposite effect. :trepidation: Overall I would recommend drinking at a party for the real experience. Also don't overdo it - slow down once you feel the effects and drink lots of water after.
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my first time drinking was half a bottle of hennessy, along with half a bottle of bacardi gold, and some red wine, i drank lots of water too because it literally tasted like shit

i got low inhibition AS FUCK and started acting like a retard, so i guess it's nice if you do it in a public environment.
1. Mix your drinks with something if you don't like it raw. Like google some good combinations and experiment until you find a good mixture, also when you drink enough you will jus get used to the bitterness.
2. Just drink a bit and don't get blackout drunk, remember you don't have drink a lot its not mandatory. Also if you constantly remind yourself to stay in control you won't lose control (it'll ruin your drunkness but oh well). Sometimes drinking a bit eases you up and lets you come out of your shell so makes things a bit more fun. Although don't get to dependent on this cause then it will get even more difficult to act normal sober.

I aint even old enough to legally buy drinks yet but thats my advice to you lol. Also drinking doesn't get you super fucked up, it only does that if you drink a lot so don't be afraid to just drink a bit or pace yourself so you can just get a bit disoriented or whatever. Its fun so yeah just try it you'll eventually like it and of course its good cope.
my first time drinking was half a bottle of hennessy, along with half a bottle of bacardi gold, and some red wine, i drank lots of water too because it literally tasted like shit

i got low inhibition AS FUCK and started acting like a retard, so i guess it's nice if you do it in a public environment.

lol that's overkill, wtf. Don't do this for your first time tbh
Alcohol is supposed to taste nasty. It's bad for you.

You may or may not lose control. Some people black out and do stuff they don't remember. That's never happened to me. If I drink to excess I just vomit and get sleepy. I'm always conscious about what I'm doing. Others, not.

Drinking feels amazing and takes your mind off your troubles, but it also makes you feel like shit after. It's hard to recommend to someone who's never done it because it's so addicting depending on your personality/level of restraint.
lol that's overkill, wtf. Don't do this for your first time tbh

i know, i was completely retarded LOL. i was trying to get as drunk as humanly possible but in the end it wasn't even that strong.
Don't pick up drugs/alcohol. They will make a shitty life worse. The temporary bliss isn't worth the long term negatives. Not to mention in our positions where it would be very easy to get addicted to since it's an escape.
Don't pick up drugs/alcohol. They will make a shitty life worse. The temporary bliss isn't worth the long term negatives. Not to mention in our positions where it would be very easy to get addicted to since it's an escape.

lame, try drugs next OP they also help and are great cope and don't be like this lifeless faggot we already miss out on so much in life might as well have some fun we can get
another thing worth mentioning: the euphoria can be a bit overwhelming. The first time I got drunk I legit cried a little, lol
getting buzzed is okay, can be enjoyable.
drinking until you puke is misery
another thing worth mentioning: the euphoria can be a bit overwhelming. The first time I got drunk I legit cried a little, lol
true. The first time you don't really know what to expect. It can hit you in weird ways. After a few times, you adjust.
drinking is degenerate
drinking is degenerate
This tbh

it contributes to the slut culture so hard

JFL if you support drinking, when sharia law is implemented, alcohol drinkers will be personally beheaded by me
The bitterness is an acquired taste actually. I love the euphoria of drinking 1 beer / hour for 9 - 10 hours in a row. I never go for black outs, just ongoing buzz.
Alcohol is for low life trash humans.
Once truecels start drinking it's over.

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