The reason why you feel this way is because of soyciety, soyciety reacts negatively to you because of your height and face which are things you cannot control. You're not the problem, they are the problem. You can't change other people's opinion about you so you so should just forget about them. You should honestly find some good copes like working out, video games, weed, anime, whatever and just forget about soyciety. Get a new job where you can work from home. Forget friendships and forget relationships. People don't give a fuck about you and only use you and then throw you out like trash when they either get new "cooler" friends or you're no longer useful for them to keep around. Move to more a secluded area where there aren't many people around and indulge in your copes. If you get lonely, get a dog or some other kind of pet. Watch and laugh as soyciety inevitably collapses and normies suffering due to it's effects while you just chill in the woods comfortably. This is what I plan on doing. Fuck normscum, fuck people, fuck soyciety.
Nothing went wrong. The gene code selects for the organism that is the most fit for survival. To survive in nature you have to be cruel, selfish, ruthless, and unforgiving. Kindness will only get you used and then abandoned or at worst killed. Kindness doesn't even guarantee that people will like you either: