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Experiment Should females be allowed to drive?

Should they?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 17.5%
  • No

    Votes: 52 82.5%

  • Total voters
Yes...to achieve the economic output and economic development foods should drive lmao u thi k if they couldn't drive they wouldn't walk to chad.
Hypocrisy = not acting in accordance to what you preach.

I am not preaching here that private car use is somehow evil for an individual to do

You also said this:
Blackpill: Nobody should be allowed to drive, since private vehicles are emblematic of social alienation, running concomitant with suburbanization and narcissistic excesses. There should be public transportation only.

and it is easy to get if you meet the basic minimum requirements," a sentiment that anybody would naturally express of driving a car if they accomplished the simple bureaucratic tasks required to do this and gain some experience.

I wish it would be just some bureaucratic tasks because I am really struggling with driving itself.
They should be exterminated.
You also said this:

"There should be public transportation only" is quite distinct from saying "you should take public transportation only."

There is a difference between making your life harder than it already is out of a desire to be individualistically virtuous, and making broad critiques of things around you, out of a desire that they get corrected on a meta-level one day.

As an individual, I have no possible capacity to enforce a society where there is "public transportation only," which proves the point I've been making about my perspective, as not being based in individual ethics, and hence not being subject to accusations of hypocrisy.

It is not hypocrisy to not be living up to the standards of a society you advocate for which is purely theoretical and doesn't even exist (not yet, at any rate).
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Also @rightfulcel thoughts on this?
It seems people will be bragging about having a driver license while saying its not important again then getting offended. Same old same old.

As for the thread women not driving would split "global warming" in half jfl :lul: :lul: :lul:
This is a classic fallacy. I can criticize a socially hegemonic behavior while still engaging in the said behavior, because I am not responsible for the fact that I have been compelled to engage in the said behavior.

It's like saying "you can't criticize capitalism if you own a smartphone."

Or "you can't criticize illegal immigration to the US if you eat Mexican food," or, more pertinently, "you can't criticize Arab immigration to Germany if you eat kabobs."

All these issues go beyond the mere individual level and what an individual does or does not do.

I am not making philosophical moral arguments for individual ethics here, but social critiques, which necessarily require that I am part of what I criticize, inasmuch as everybody is a part of society and subjected to the same social pressures.

You seem to be projecting egoism onto me, and cannot compute how somebody could possibly think beyond themselves and their own individual selfishness as based in conformist desires.

Because they are directly connected together.

The idea of a car as symbolizing masculinity is directly connected to the idea of work as symbolizing masculinity.

What do most people use their cars for most of the time? To drive to and from work.

Before Auschwitz, where you Germans told the Jews they would be "freed through work," how did the Nazis gas Jews? In a motor vehicle:

It's all connected! :feelsthink:

Okay, let's just ignore the lack of physical activity which contributes to obesity.

What facilitates the poor diet of Americans? It is still cars, which is what an American uses to go to the drive through and order an unhealthy meal, after a long day of wageslaving (which itself is based upon car use -- consider in this connection the fact that the most obese Americans are truckers, who also compose the single largest segment of the US economy).

It is a totally correct mindset to associate power with abuse, unlike an egoistic mindset which I see coming from you.

Btw, I like your posts too, and don't confuse a critique of your views as an attack on your person. It is just further confirmation of your egoism if you do ngl.
Obesity is caused by eating at a net surplus of calories, NOTHING ELSE.
I voted yes so @LastGerman can get cucked even more
"There should be public transportation only" is quite distinct from saying "you should take public transportation only."

You literally said ''There should be public transportation ONLY.''

Perhaps you did not mean it like this, but this is what you said.
Obesity is caused by eating at a net surplus of calories, NOTHING ELSE.
But calories are burned off by physical exercise, which, in the past, humans would have an abundance of by necessity, since they needed to walk to places and perform manual labor constantly.

Compare that model to our current sedentary soyciety, of which car use is an integral part. In a car, you literally just sit in a seat and operate a series of basic controls.

Indeed, sometimes when I'm driving my car I forget that I'm even in a car, and not just sitting on my computer chair and performing similarly basic functions on an electronic screen.

Both are conducive to obesity, and run in tandem with each other. Much like me, normies must likewise experience such a blur between the seat of their car and the seat of their office chair at work, and to call this domesticated dystopia "masculine" as LastGerman does is absurd.

It is not "masculine" to be domesticated and sedentary, which car use contributes to. At most, you can use a car to drive to the gym and engage in commodified exercise at Planet Fitness and listen to the effeminate pop music playing on the speakers there (JFL).

You literally said ''There should be public transportation ONLY.''

Perhaps you did not mean it like this, but this is what you said.
The difference between "there should be public transportation only" and "you should use public transportation only" is not a difficult concept to understand.

Let me turn the fallacious argumentation you're engaging in back onto you:

Do you get driven anywhere by your mother? If you admit to this, then you're clearly a hypocrite, because you've just said that you think females shouldn't drive, so to be driven anywhere by a female exposes you as being inconsistent. :feelstastyman: :feelsugh:

If you are truly this dense, then try learning about the concept of social incentives. But I actually think you're trolling, and much like you have been projecting your own egoism onto me, you've also been projecting your own motivation of trolling onto me.

To be sure, this argument has not been entirely serious on my part either, but only in the sense that a proposition put forth under the context of dialectical reasoning is never totally serious, and specifically meant to be challenged and broken apart. But you have not reciprocated this, and seem to be combining a desire to troll with an egoistic self-identification with your troll (the "driver's license pill"). It's a truly odd sight to behold ngl.
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The difference between "there should be public transportation only" and "you should use public transportation only" is not a difficult concept to understand.

You are missing a specific word here ''ONLY''. I think the way you put those words in combination with ''only'' was perhaps a bit clumsy and you actually wanted to say something different here.

Let me turn the fallacious argumentation you're engaging in back onto you:

There is not any fallacy at all.

Do you get driven anywhere by your mother? If you admit to this, then you're clearly a hypocrite, because you've just said that you think females shouldn't drive, so to be driven anywhere by a female exposes you as being inconsistent. :feelstastyman: :feelsugh:

There are clearly other factors which comes into play such as age for example.

But for my part now, I try to prevent it as much as I can. This is the only thing I can do now since I am pretty much powerless on all levels to be honest. This is actually what you want, powerless people like me without any influence whatsoever.

If you are truly this dense, then try learning about the concept of social incentives. But I actually think you're trolling

Ok, you have to be trolling here.

you've also been projecting your own motivation of trolling onto me.

No, since I did not troll you at all. In fact I am not even joking around.

To be sure, this argument has not been entirely serious on my part either

Ok, good, I will take that but then what are we actually talking about?

but only in the sense that a proposition put forth under the context of dialectical reasoning is never totally serious, and specifically meant to be challenged and broken apart. But you have not reciprocated this, and seem to be combining a desire to troll with an egoistic self-identification with your troll (the "driver's license pill"). It's a truly odd sight to behold ngl.

I know from where you are coming from here, do not worry, but you lack the capacity to understand my point of view. This discussion will lead to nowhere. If you are actually curious about this topic I can give you some hyperlinks to threads where I have elaborated this topic.

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