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Discussion Shortcels, where you always the shortest amongst your peers in school or were you taller until everyone grew past you?



404: faceonality and bonefidence not found
Nov 10, 2022
I was always among the shortest, if not the shortest amongst my classmates for my entire school career. Being short as a kid didn't concern me too much because I always thought I was going to grow big like everyone else. This really never bothered me until my mid-teens, when I noticed that everyone was shooting up in height while I remained shorter than everyone else.

At the end of 12th grade, when I was about 17-18, we had a class reunion at my old elementary school. All of the guys there were taller than me and so were most of the girls. The second shortest guy there was probably about 5'7 and he was one of the very few guys that I was taller than back in elementary school. The reunion took place during the school day and we had to do a ceremony where we had to run through the hallways and high five all of the kids outside their classrooms as we ran past. Some of the kids looked at me funny as they probably didn't believe I was a high schooler.
I was always like the second-shortest in class. I was about 5'7 as well when I graduated hs, bottom 10% in my class, I'm maybe an inch and a half taller now.
I was a height mogger and the tallest kid until around 13, where my height stunted and everyone grew tallER than me
I was taller (5´9) until everyone else (after summer break and their growth spurt),
grew 4/5 inches.
Brutal, I felt LITERALLY genetically inferior to my peers.
I was tall or at least above average height compared to my peers when I was a kid, but now I'm below average height. I wasn't even a early bloomer, I stopped growing at 17, my height just didn't increase as much as others during puberty.
I have always been the shortest guy in my class at school. Even though I was the oldest male most of the time, I stopped growing by the time I started high school, while other guys continued growing until they were in their 20s.
always the shortest, now i have an adult height of 5'6 JFL at this fucked life.
have always been shortest or the 2nd shortest in school, slow growth just to end up 5'7
have always been shortest or the 2nd shortest in school, slow growth just to end up 5'7
Same thing happened to me except I ended up 5'4.

I never had a big growth spurt like other kids did.
I was always among the shortest, if not the shortest amongst my classmates for my entire school career. Being short as a kid didn't concern me too much because I always thought I was going to grow big like everyone else. This really never bothered me until my mid-teens, when I noticed that everyone was shooting up in height while I remained shorter than everyone else.

At the end of 12th grade, when I was about 17-18, we had a class reunion at my old elementary school. All of the guys there were taller than me and so were most of the girls. The second shortest guy there was probably about 5'7 and he was one of the very few guys that I was taller than back in elementary school. The reunion took place during the school day and we had to do a ceremony where we had to run through the hallways and high five all of the kids outside their classrooms as we ran past. Some of the kids looked at me funny as they probably didn't believe I was a high schooler.
I used to be the tallest kid in middle school only grew to barely 5’10
Always among the shortest
They made me skip a grade when I was 6 due to my so-called higher intelligence. After that I remained the shortest (and youngest) until college. THANKS PARENTS, CLEVER MOVE!
Always tiniest and scrawniest

It never began
At 511 i was still heightmogged, Thats how brutal scandinavia is.
5'8, average among other sands but upper class sands mog me to oblivion and I'm born into an upper class family so all my immediate peers height mog me
I was slightly taller than my friends until 14-16. Then they overtook me.
I was one of the shortest in middle school, somehow made it to 5'9 by highschool. So average Only in highschool. Brutal
I was basically always the smallest in my grade
I hit puberty early, I reached my adult height of 5'6 by aged 11 and I never grew since. I towered over my peers until around aged 15. Being tall for those few years didn't get me any female attention though as I didn't have handsome face.
I was taller (5´9) until everyone else (after summer break and their growth spurt),
grew 4/5 inches.
Brutal, I felt LITERALLY genetically inferior to my peers.
I was possibly the shortest in town( all 10 schools).

Till like 16 then i grew past some but im still bottom 30% height wise

Most peers grew a lot in early/mid high school. Some dudes ik went from 5 11 to 6 3 in a year.
But i grew only 2 inches since the start of hs and since 16 i havent grew a single inch. Stuck at 5'9 for eternity
I was always like the second-shortest in class. I was about 5'7 as well when I graduated hs, bottom 10% in my class, I'm maybe an inch and a half taller now.
Brutal. I was one of the tallest until I turned 13 and subsequently stopped growing. Now I am 5'5".
Always shortest. I was 4'11 when i graduated high school, and peaked at 5 foot 2 inches in college.
I was short with tiny hands till 16, I was heightmogged by elementary schoolers. I outgrew A LOT of people including my friends and family though.
I was taller (5´9) until everyone else (after summer break and their growth spurt),
grew 4/5 inches.
Brutal, I felt LITERALLY genetically inferior to my peers.
5'8, average among other sands but upper class sands mog me to oblivion and I'm born into an upper class family so all my immediate peers height mog me
What about 185cm hehe
Always among the shortest too.
I think it's better this way tbh, I rarely feel mogged unless someone's a head taller than me because I'm used to it.

But yes, even in my uni years
173 is below average but it's not THAT short.
nothing new here
I was always among the shortest, if not the shortest amongst my classmates for my entire school career.
same, even though i was older than most, since being born in first quarter.
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i was a whopping 5'9'' at 11 height mogging all of the school except one or two who were a little tiny bit taller then i was this way till now. i am twenty and guess how much i grew since then i am 5'10'' now grew one inch (fart sound)
I was always among the shortest, if not the shortest amongst my classmates for my entire school career. Being short as a kid didn't concern me too much because I always thought I was going to grow big like everyone else. This really never bothered me until my mid-teens, when I noticed that everyone was shooting up in height while I remained shorter than everyone else.

At the end of 12th grade, when I was about 17-18, we had a class reunion at my old elementary school. All of the guys there were taller than me and so were most of the girls. The second shortest guy there was probably about 5'7 and he was one of the very few guys that I was taller than back in elementary school. The reunion took place during the school day and we had to do a ceremony where we had to run through the hallways and high five all of the kids outside their classrooms as we ran past. Some of the kids looked at me funny as they probably didn't believe I was a high schooler.
I was the shortest kid during the entirety of school, to the point everyone towered me except some cumskin who had a health issue.

Puberty and some mk677 "saved me" and now I'm 5'8.5 so not turbomanlet but regular manlet rn
All the bragging averagecels and fakecels came right on queue even if you said for the shortcels this damn site man

Anyway, thinking of it now there were always taller folks in my class but in middle school maybe it was a bit more tolerable, one high school came it was over though, graduated at 5'7 and about to turn 30 next year.

Seriously having a mental battle on whether to go get leg lengthening or not
I was always THE shortest student in the class. No one was ever shorter than me

I theorize this is because I was born one month before the start of the school year, meaning everybody in my class was several months older than me if not an entire year or more

Entering high school, I wasn't even 5ft tall yet. I was still in the 4ft range in high school :shock:

10th grade I grew to 5'6 but was still the shortest dude

Luckily I eventually did end up growing and I'm 5'10 today. I was very lucky to not be damned to eternal manletdom
Shortest by a long shot, I grew after high school which put me to closer to average but I'm still shorter by generational standards. It was torture roaming the halls and feeling so closed in because everyone including most foids were a head taller. I remember a school end of year trip to a theme park and only just meeting the height requirements for the rollercoasters.
was noticeably short as a kid then became just normal short as a teenager
I looked at photos of me in elementary school with classmates I was short then as well lol

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