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@ShitSkin ShitLife, the self-hating ethnic, makes an absurd comment

Ugly and being Neurodivergence really ruins
neurodivergence is the biggest death sentence possible for sub5s

even average looking men are destroyed by neurodivergence

seen it happen to guys in my college. men who would have otherwise been normies condemned to celdom because of the nt pill
neurodivergence is the biggest death sentence possible for sub5s

even average looking men are destroyed by neurodivergence

seen it happen to guys in my college. men who would have otherwise been normies condemned to celdom because of the nt pill
Yes bro, being myself an Neurodivergent and ugly sub3, it feels like we are an living corpse and we are totally not normal to the society, feels like we come from outside world
What discrimination do I face as a Hispanic except for dating?? And asians in america are more successful than white Americans. That one Study by that university doesnt represent all whites or ethnics.
This entire discussion was originally about dating. Your dating value is identical to your social value. That's why not only foids hate curries but everyone hates curries.

The discrimination is more social and sexual than economic, but there is still economic discrimination. In any social setting curries are at the bottom. In my school curries were automatically placed at the losers table. It was normal for all races to speak to each other but curries were ostracized from all other races. All races but especially whites avoided curries like the plague. Absolutely no one wanted to be seen by them. The only friends curries have are other curries, if there are no other curries then they will be the school outcast. Being a curry means you are automatically a loser incel. In a school with a single curry, he will be bullied by all the other students.

There is economic discrimination. There are studies which show if you put a brown name like "Abdul" or "Rajesh" you are less likely to get a job. You are also more likely to get fired or laid off if you are a shitskin. The best job security is being liked by your co-workers and no one likes shitskins. When it's time to lay people off they get rid of Indians first because no one wants to be around Indians. Women have better job security for this reason. I've also seen that Asians are less likely to get into managerial positions and this is partly because they are socially awkward from the years of exclusion but also due to height. Taller people are more likely to be promoted to be leaders. It's not as bad in the labor market because if you are high IQ you can always become a code monkey which is a good job for ugly incels with poor social skills. Asians/Curries do these incel jobs like computer programming.
Its not true that ethnics are mostly ugly, most are normal looking which means they are not ugly or good-looking but it's true that whites have higher SMV.
Whites have higher SMV because they are better looking. This is your low hispanic IQ on display. This conversation wouldn't have gone on for as long with an Asian.

Whites are taller, have blue eyes, blonde hair, straight noses, white skin, hunter eyes, muscles, and are bigger than all ethnics except blacks.

Nature (women) are trying to create the perfect organism. Imagine you are in a character creation screen in a game and you are trying to design the perfect human. Would they look Nordic or Curry? The perfect humans would look like male and female Swedish supermodels. This is why race is the most important factor in dating. Just like women are trying to remove all short and ugly men from the gene pool they are also trying to remove the lower races, including and especially if that race is their own. Ethnics are usually short and ugly. WMXF is so common because foids meaning NATURE want the entire planet to be Nordic white. That's why Noodle foids desperately try to bleach themselves with white genes. Race plays a special role because only members of that race can re-create the same race. It is impossible for an Asian to have a blonde blue eyed white child. The only way to have white children as an ethnic is to continually mix with whites for generations because their genes are recessive. This is why ethnic foids are obsessed with bleaching themselves because whites are the ideal human type. The perfect human isn't curry or rice.

I didn't make women like this. Take it up with god or nature. This is the way things are and it would be clear as day if you had an IQ above 80.
Whites have higher SMV because they are better looking. This is your low hispanic IQ on display. This conversation wouldn't have gone on for as long with an Asian.

Whites are taller, have blue eyes, blonde hair, straight noses, white skin, hunter eyes, muscles, and are bigger than all ethnics except blacks.

Nature (women) are trying to create the perfect organism. Imagine you are in a character creation screen in a game and you are trying to design the perfect human. Would they look Nordic or Curry? The perfect humans would look like male and female Swedish supermodels. This is why race is the most important factor in dating. Just like women are trying to remove all short and ugly men from the gene pool they are also trying to remove the lower races, including and especially if that race is their own. Ethnics are usually short and ugly. WMXF is so common because foids meaning NATURE want the entire planet to be Nordic white. That's why Noodle foids desperately try to bleach themselves with white genes. Race plays a special role because only members of that race can re-create the same race. It is impossible for an Asian to have a blonde blue eyed white child. The only way to have white children as an ethnic is to continually mix with whites for generations because their genes are recessive. This is why ethnic foids are obsessed with bleaching themselves because whites are the ideal human type. The perfect human isn't curry or rice.

I didn't make women like this. Take it up with god or nature. This is the way things are and it would be clear as day if you had an IQ above 80.
You are exaggerating the ethnicpill, and yout experiences do not reflect the experiences of all ethnics. Just because whites have higher smv doesn't mean that ethnics are mostly ugly. Like i said, ethnics are just normal looking, when I see a asian guy or a brown guy, I don't think they are ugly, they are just regular people. I admitted that whites have higher SMV but your still accuse me of being in denial. The discrimination against ethnics is very minor in other areas of life, it's not severe as you say it is, it's only severe in dating.
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You are exaggerating the ethnicpill, and yout experiences do not reflect the experiences of all ethnics. Just because whites have higher smv doesn't mean that ethnics are mostly ugly. Like i said, ethnics are just normal looking, when I see a asian guy or a brown guy, I don't think they are ugly, they are just regular people. I admitted that whites have higher SMV but your still accuse me of being in denial. The discrimination against ethnics is very minor in other areas of life, it's not severe as you say it is, it's only severe in dating.
Her is a random Asian guy, he is not a model. He is just a normal looking guy, he is not ugly. His white looksmatch does mogg him but that doesn't mean he is ugly.
You are exaggerating the ethnicpill, and yout experiences do not reflect the experiences of all ethnics. Just because whites have higher smc doesn't mean that ethnics are mostly ugly. Like i said, ethnics are just normal looking, when I see a asian guy or a brown guy, I don't think they are ugly, they are just regular people. I admitted that whites have higher SMV but your still accuse me of being in denial. The discrimination against ethnics is very minor in other areas of life, it's not severe as you say it is, it's only severe in dating.
No one cares what you think. What matters is what women think. I can say I don't think Indians are ugly, they are just average. All of the data and observable reality goes against that. I will post this again. I could think I am the most handsome man in the world but it wouldn't make it true.

Race > Height > Face > Money

- Being Asian costs you $247,000 extra per year compared to a white guy.
- Being 5'7" costs you $150,000 extra compared to a 5'11" guy, or $180,000 compared to a 6'2" guy.
- Being bottom 10% facially costs you $40,000 extra compared to an average guy or $186,000 compared to a top 10% guy.

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest 10% of men up to the performance of the top 10% most handsome men.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.


Clearly women do not agree with you and they think curries are ugly. I need you to repeat this term in your head non-stop. "Socio-sexual hierarchy". The two go hand in hand. In Canada there are a lot of curries. I posted a reddit screenshot with white leaf women talking about how they hate just SEEING curries on dating apps. They don't even want to see them! Go on any Canadian social media like the 6ixbuzz, instagram, or TikTok and see what regular people have to say about curries. See what curries have to say about their own experiences both here and on reddit. I posted plenty of stories. NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU THINK BECAUSE YOU ARE COPING AND DENYING REALITY. There's so much data out there showing women and people in general really care about race.

I already told you how curries were treated in my school. They were the school losers and outcasts. No one wanted to be near them. I'm not talking about one or two curries. There were hundreds of curries at my school. Everyone hated them. It matches the reddit stories I posted and the comments against curries on social media. All you've been doing is denying reality and saying "I don't think this is true" with no evidence.
Her is a random Asian guy, he is not a model. He is just a normal looking guy, he is not ugly. His white looksmatch does mogg him but that doesn't mean he is ugly.
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Women think that guy is ugly. Put him on tinder and he will get rejected. No one, absolutely no one cares what you think. Asian male models struggle on tinder.
Women think that guy is ugly. Put him on tinder and he will get rejected. No one, absolutely no one cares what you think. Asian male models struggle on tinder.
That's because women have unreasonable standards. They are irrational beings. In a womans perspective, he is ugly. In a male perspective, he is not ugly. If you think he is ugly, then you are like a foid
That's because women have unreasonable standards. They are irrational beings. In a womans perspective, he is ugly. In a male perspective, he is not ugly. If you think he is ugly, then you are like a foid
Women decide who is ugly or not because they are the selectors. A coping hispanic incel doesn't get to decide who is ugly or not. The ultimate test is whether foids find you attractive. White people think most ethnics are ugly and they are right. Most ethnics including that asian guy are vastly uglier than whites and that is why they are incels.
Women decide who is ugly or not because they are the selectors. A coping hispanic incel doesn't get to decide who is ugly or not. The ultimate test is whether foids find you attractive. White people think most ethnics are ugly and they are right. Most ethnics including that asian guy are vastly uglier than whites and that is why they are incels.
Then you think like a foid. You have a foid trait. You are cuck for agreeing with women
Lifefuel for dramacels
Then you think like a foid. You have a foid trait. You are cuck for agreeing with women
Both men and women think that asian guy is ugly. Only some asian and ethnic copers would think he is average. His own Asian women would reject him because they think he is ugly and pick a white guy over him. It's because of looks. Asians are uglier than whites.
Both men and women think that asian guy is ugly. Only some asian and ethnic copers would think he is average. His own Asian women would reject him because they think he is ugly and pick a white guy over him. It's because of looks. Asians are uglier than whites.
Its funny that you say ethnic men have very low smv but you ignore the fact that plenty of ethnic men in the West have gfs. If being ethnic was really that bad, I would only see white men with gfs. If you are a decent looking ethnic, you will be able to pull ethnic foids but not white foids. When I go outside, I see shitskin guys with gfs. And these shitskins are way better looking than me even though I am lighter then them. Your data and stats dont reflect reality, they are very small samples.
Its funny that you say ethnic men have very low smv but you ignore the fact that plenty of ethnic men in the West have gfs. If being ethnic was really that bad, I would only see white men with gfs. If you are a decent looking ethnic, you will be able to pull ethnic foids but not white foids. When I go outside, I see shitskin guys with gfs. And these shitskins are way better looking than me even though I am lighter then them. Your data and stats dont reflect reality, they are very small samples.
The sample size for that study was nearly 7000. 96% of Indians were excluded and 95% of Middle Easterners. That's almost the entirety. Success with white foids is a test of SMV because they are the most desirable and hardest to obtain. Canada is entirely curry at this point. I have never seen an Indian with a white girl in my entire life and we are fucking hindustan 2.0. I posted a screenshot from reddit with girls complaining about seeing Indian men on dating apps. What more is there to say? https://incels.is/attachments/7b4b86c3-4c19-4c75-af77-9b7bb29fc3df-png.1159843/

Curry, sand, and to a lesser extent rice are incel races. Blacks do better than other ethnics and Black male white female is common. Sands are even more incel in Europe than in NA.

Being curry or dark skinned sand means you will be an incel. There are exceptions but it's a general rule.
The sample size for that study was nearly 7000. 96% of Indians were excluded and 95% of Middle Easterners. That's almost the entirety. Success with white foids is a test of SMV because they are the most desirable and hardest to obtain. Canada is entirely curry at this point. I have never seen an Indian with a white girl in my entire life and we are fucking hindustan 2.0. I posted a screenshot from reddit with girls complaining about seeing Indian men on dating apps. What more is there to say? https://incels.is/attachments/7b4b86c3-4c19-4c75-af77-9b7bb29fc3df-png.1159843/

Curry, sand, and to a lesser extent rice are incel races. Blacks do better than other ethnics and Black male white female is common. Sands are even more incel in Europe than in NA.

Being curry or dark skinned sand means you will be an incel. There are exceptions but it's a general rule.
if you can still pull ethnic foids, you are a fakcel. Incel doesnt mean "unable to attract white females" it means "unable to attract females"
if you can still pull ethnic foids, you are a fakcel. Incel doesnt mean "unable to attract white females" it means "unable to attract females"
Here's a pro-tip. Ethnic foids hate hate ethnic men even more than white foids. Ethnic men remind ethnic foids of their own inferiority to white foids. That's why you see more Asian hate by Asian foids than white foids. White foids do everything they can to pretend ethnic men don't exist. Ethnic foids are reminded we exist whenever they look in the mirror or see their dad or brother.

All foids want white men and in an open dating market like the west shitskins lose.
Here's a pro-tip. Ethnic foids hate hate ethnic men even more than white foids. Ethnic men remind ethnic foids of their own inferiority to white foids. That's why you see more Asian hate by Asian foids than white foids. White foids do everything they can to pretend ethnic men don't exist. Ethnic foids are reminded we exist whenever they look in the mirror or see their dad or brother.

All foids want white men and in an open dating market like the west shitskins lose.
How are non-white men losing when i see plenty of them with gfs in the west?
How are non-white men losing when i see plenty of them with gfs in the west?
How are they winning when curries are alone and this hated? https://incels.is/attachments/7b4b86c3-4c19-4c75-af77-9b7bb29fc3df-png.1159843/
Like I said at the beginning you are denying the lived experiences of millions of shitskins both on this forum and reddit and in real life. Do you think all of those reddit stories are made up? Go on reddit and type "I hate being Indian" and read. It would enlighten you about the suffering of other incels. https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=I+...5d6e&iId=c11b6a58-110a-4a8e-8a70-6f69692e9c62

It's all real. Consider yourself fortunate that you think shitskins don't suffer.

I don't see curries with gf's and there are millions of curries here. Older ones from curryland have arranged marriages.
How are they winning when curries are alone and this hated? https://incels.is/attachments/7b4b86c3-4c19-4c75-af77-9b7bb29fc3df-png.1159843/
Like I said at the beginning you are denying the lived experiences of millions of shitskins both on this forum and reddit and in real life. Do you think all of those reddit stories are made up? Go on reddit and type "I hate being Indian" and read. It would enlighten you about the suffering of other incels. https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=I+...5d6e&iId=c11b6a58-110a-4a8e-8a70-6f69692e9c62

It's all real. Consider yourself fortunate that you think shitskins don't suffer.

I don't see curries with gf's and there are millions of curries here. Older ones from curryland have arranged marriages.
i am not denying that curries face discrimaniton in dating but to say that ethnic males have it hard in dating is absurd because i see Asians, curries, blacks, Arabs, and mixed race males with gfs. It’s not a rare sighting, it’s a common sighting in the west. If you pill ethnic foids, you are not an incel. If your are good-Looking, foids will like you.
i am not denying that curries face discrimaniton in dating but to say that ethnic males have it hard in dating is absurd because i see Asians, curries, blacks, Arabs, and mixed race males with gfs. It’s not a rare sighting, it’s a common sighting in the west. If you pill ethnic foids, you are not an incel. If your are good-Looking, foids will like you.
Indians and Arabs get arranged marriages after they hit 30 years of being a virgin. I don't see young Indians and Arabs with girlfriends here, and we are a brown country. A large percentage of Asian males are incels because white men take all their foids and no one else wants them. Black men do better than other ethnics but they have some incels too.

It could be that you are either in denial or the experience of hispanics is different from curry and sand. Curries are an unfuckable race of permavirgins. Most sandniggers are the same way. Without arranged marriage these races would die out. I still think all ethnics struggle, including blacks.
Indians and Arabs get arranged marriages after they hit 30 years of being a virgin. I don't see young Indians and Arabs with girlfriends here, and we are a brown country. A large percentage of Asian males are incels because white men take all their foids and no one else wants them. Black men do better than other ethnics but they have some incels too.

It could be that you are either in denial or the experience of hispanics is different from curry and sand. Curries are an unfuckable race of permavirgins. Most sandniggers are the same way. Without arranged marriage these races would die out. I still think all ethnics struggle, including blacks.
You live in India, right?
i live in the USA. In my country, I see good-looking ethnics with gfs. It’s actually common to see ethnic males my age (gen z) with gfs
The study I posted is from the USA. 96% curry and 95% sand exclusion rate. The reddit stories are from Indian Americans. Most of the currycels and sandcels on this forum are from America. The hispanic situation is not as bad as curry and sand.
The study I posted is from the USA. 96% curry and 95% sand exclusion rate. The reddit stories are from Indian Americans. Most of the currycels and sandcels on this forum are from America. The hispanic situation is not as bad as curry and sand.
Im not only talking about Hispanics, when I say ethnic males im referring to all non-white males. I see decent looking curry males with gfs in my area which California. If you are a good-looking curry then you can pull non-white foids. If you are an ugly curry, you have zero SMV
Im not only talking about Hispanics, when I say ethnic males im referring to all non-white males. I see decent looking curry males with gfs in my area which California. If you are a good-looking curry then you can pull non-white foids. If you are an ugly curry, you have zero SMV
There are no good looking curries JFL. A good looking curry is one in 10 million. Curries are all incels and in every study they are below even asians in the dating market. Only fobs with arranged marriages have girls here.

This is what foids think of curries. All the videos are from America.

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=aoS0DZX01dvMQmgP

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/kH7xW7oA_yQ?si=s0HvqjMdHLhPEn-U

View: https://youtu.be/D1sJcUpr1Kw?si=xaj-WR-64w392Fa-

View: https://youtu.be/C8ttZyAkz6Q?si=WBVnIn4UJIG_6365
There are no good looking curries JFL. A good looking curry is one in 10 million. Curries are all incels and in every study they are below even asians in the dating market. Only fobs with arranged marriages have girls here.

This is what foids think of curries. All the videos are from America.

View: https://youtu.be/dNKBrILSsE8?si=aoS0DZX01dvMQmgP

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/kH7xW7oA_yQ?si=s0HvqjMdHLhPEn-U

View: https://youtu.be/D1sJcUpr1Kw?si=xaj-WR-64w392Fa-

View: https://youtu.be/C8ttZyAkz6Q?si=WBVnIn4UJIG_6365

I’ve seen decent looking curries with gfs in my area. Im not saying that all or most curries are good-looking, that’s far from the truth. If you are a decent looking ethnic, you can pull ethnic foids but not white foids
I’ve seen decent looking curries with gfs in my area. Im not saying that all or most curries are good-looking, that’s far from the truth. If you are a decent looking ethnic, you can pull ethnic foids but not white foids
Going around in circles. No one cares if you think they are decent looking. Those videos are what people actually think about curries. All curries are ugly and they are all incels. Just a fact.
Going around in circles. No one cares if you think they are decent looking. Those videos are what people actually think about curries. All curries are ugly and they are all incels. Just a fact.
Not all are incels, the decent looking ones can pull ethnic foids. I live in the west, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. If you are an ugly curry, you have zero SMV
Not all are incels, the decent looking ones can pull ethnic foids. I live in the west, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. If you are an ugly curry, you have zero SMV
96% of foids excluded Indians. Women have much higher standards than men. They think 80% of men are ugly. It doesn’t matter if you think they look decent, women think curries are ugly. When you ask foids “what race would you not date?” They always say indian. I just posted four videos of that happening with multiple foids.
96% of foids excluded Indians. Women have much higher standards than men. They think 80% of men are ugly. It doesn’t matter if you think they look decent, women think curries are ugly. When you ask foids “what race would you not date?” They always say indian. I just posted four videos of that happening with multiple foids.
Curries have lowest SMV but i still see decent curries in my country who have gfs , its not rare, i see it time from time. I also live next to a city that is filled with curries. When i go there for food, I see curries with gfs, im not talking about the older curries with arraigned marriages, i see the young ones (gen z) with gfs. Some of those curries with gfs facially mogg me even though i have lighter skin than them. I rarely see them with white gfs but i do see them with non-white foids.
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Curries have lowest SMV but i still see decent curries in my country who have gfs , its not rare, i see it time from time. I also live next to a city that is filled with curries. When i go there for food, I see curries with gfs, im not talking about the older curries with arraigned marriages, i see the young ones (gen z) with gfs. Some of those curries with gfs facially mogg me even though i have lighter skin than them. I rarely see them with white gfs but i do see them with non-white foids.
This is going on for way too long. You are just saying I see when I’ve posted everything from studies to street interviews to confessions to a link with thousands of confessions.

I live in Canada. I see more curries than I see white people. This entire country is curry. You have to live here to understand how many curries there are. I have never once seen a curry with a white girlfriend and curries WORSHIP WHITE GIRLS. I see black men with white girls all of the time and they are a much smaller percentage of my city. The only curries with girls here are fobs or older curries who got arranged marriages. Curries can’t compete in the free dating market. There are millions of curries here and I have never seen a single one score with the race of women they worship. All young curries are incels.

This is from r/Canada it’s not from some obscure feminist “femcel” forum. It’s the reddit page of Canada. This is what women think of curries.

I’m done, you have a distorted view of reality and your argument is “I know a guy” and “Curries look good to me”
This is going on for way too long. You are just saying I see when I’ve posted everything from studies to street interviews to confessions to a link with thousands of confessions.

I live in Canada. I see more curries than I see white people. This entire country is curry. You have to live here to understand how many curries there are. I have never once seen a curry with a white girlfriend and curries WORSHIP WHITE GIRLS. I see black men with white girls all of the time and they are a much smaller percentage of my city. The only curries with girls here are fobs or older curries who got arranged marriages. Curries can’t compete in the free dating market. There are millions of curries here and I have never seen a single one score with the race of women they worship. All young curries are incels.

This is from r/Canada it’s not from some obscure feminist “femcel” forum. It’s the reddit page of Canada. This is what women think of curries.

I’m done, you have a distorted view of reality and your argument is “I know a guy” and “Curries look good to me”
Curries who are with ethnic foids instead of white foids are incels?? That is not the definition of an incel. If you have a gf, it doesn't matter what race they are, they are not an incel. You don't even know the definition of an incel. I live with curries, and I see young curries with non-white gfs, and you still think they are incels?? You are a fool. I said that whites have highest smv but that doesn't mean all curries are incels which is not true because in real life, there are decent curries who have gfs, but only ethnic gfs. Its amazing how you keep tapping even though I said that curries have lowest smv
Curries who are with ethnic foids instead of white foids are incels?? That is not the definition of an incel. If you have a gf, it doesn't matter what race they are, they are not an incel. You don't even know the definition of an incel. I live with curries, and I see young curries with non-white gfs, and you still think they are incels?? You are a fool. I said that whites have highest smv but that doesn't mean all curries are incels which is not true because in real life, there are decent curries who have gfs, but only ethnic gfs. Its amazing how you keep tapping even though I said that curries have lowest smv
I went over how ethnic foids feel about ethnic men. You just have the memory of a goldfish. Curries are incels and can’t get anything. I said that numerous times throughout the thread.

Here's a pro-tip. Ethnic foids hate hate ethnic men even more than white foids. Ethnic men remind ethnic foids of their own inferiority to white foids. That's why you see more Asian hate by Asian foids than white foids. White foids do everything they can to pretend ethnic men don't exist. Ethnic foids are reminded we exist whenever they look in the mirror or see their dad or brother.

All foids want white men and in an open dating market like the west shitskins lose.
I went over how ethnic foids feel about ethnic men. You just have the memory of a goldfish. Curries are incels and can’t get anything. I said that numerous times throughout the thread.

This normal looking curry has an Asian gf, he is not an incel because he has a gf. Saying that he is an incel would be insane. If a guy has a gf, he is not an incel.
He is not an outlier there are tons of videos of youtube of Indian guys with gfs. Its not just one video, theres more videos.
JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: Look at everything I posted and you are saying “I can find an Indian guy with a filipino girl on YouTube therefore curries aren’t incels”
JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: Look at everything I posted and you are saying “I can find an Indian guy with a filipino girl on YouTube therefore curries aren’t incels”
IMG 0764

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There are more examples, you want 100 more examples? Btw, these curries have gfs because thy have decent looks, they are not handsome but they still have gfs which means they are not incels.
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No, they are not black, im talking about dark Mexicans and Indians
Like dark Mongolid types not the negroid. Just because they look different but yet still struggle with dating is messed up because they have similar dark melanin skin tone but because of different race the very dark skin amerindians/metizios/Arabs/ and Southern Indians from India still struggle like WTF
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There are more examples, you want 100 more examples? Btw, these curries have gfs because thy have decent looks, they are not handsome but they still have gfs which means they are not incels.
The biggest dream of every curry is to leave curryland and upgrade their genes with anything because everything is an upgrade. Curry reputation has been completely annihilated in the west so they are now all going to Eastern Europe and South East Asia. They will destroy their reputation there too. You can find curries in every corner of the world trying to upgrade their awful genetics, a tiny fraction succeed. Most curries fail, especially in the west where curry SMV is abysmal.
The biggest dream of every curry is to leave curryland and upgrade their genes with anything because everything is an upgrade. Curry reputation has been completely annihilated in the west so they are now all going to Eastern Europe and South East Asia. They will destroy their reputation there too. You can find curries in every corner of the world trying to upgrade their awful genetics, a tiny fraction succeed. Most curries fail, especially in the west where curry SMV is abysmal.
so that means not all curries are incels because a lot of them are moving to East Europe and Asia. My point is that not all curries are incels, these examples prove that you are wrong about all curries being incels.
Here are more examples,
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so that means not all curries are incels because a lot of them are moving to East Europe and Asia. My point is that not all curries are incels, these examples prove that you are wrong about all curries being incels.
You are genuinely 30 IQ if you think that I think that every curry around the world is an incel. They fail in Eastern Europe and Asia too. Slavs don’t want them either. They go there because curry geomaxxers realize that their repuation has been completely nuked into obilivion in the west. They are still curry so can’t compete against Slavs or Asians and get rejected there too. The odds are better but it’s still rejection because no one wants curries.
You are genuinely 30 IQ if you think that I think that every curry around the world is an incel. They fail in Eastern Europe and Asia too. Slavs don’t want them either. They go there because curry geomaxxers realize that their repuation has been completely nuked into obilivion in the west. They are still curry so can’t compete against Slavs or Asians and get rejected there too. The odds are better but it’s still rejection because no one wants curries.
It appears that your are the one with a low iq, you said in a pervious post that curries are incels and cant get anything. You are contradicting yourself
IMG 0777
It appears that your are the one with a low iq, you said in a pervious post that curries are incels and cant get anything. You are contradicting yourself
View attachment 1160374
Curries are incels and can’t get anything. Exceptions exist but it’s a rule. Even the geomaxxers can’t get anything. There are millions of curries all over the world. It’s likely one of them has a girlfriend just like it’s likely a severely disabled guy in a wheelchair has a girlfriend somewhere in the world. The curries who do ascend are nearcels who spend most of their lives single. They have sex once get dumped and then go back to being single for a long time. White normies can get consistent sex.
Curries are incels and can’t get anything. Exceptions exist but it’s a rule. Even the geomaxxers can’t get anything. There are millions of curries all over the world. It’s likely one of them has a girlfriend just like it’s likely a severely disabled guy in a wheelchair has a girlfriend somewhere in the world. The curries who do ascend are nearcels who spend most of their lives single. They have sex once get dumped and then go back to being single for a long time. White normies can get consistent sex.
Those examples of brown curries having gfs are not rare, they are plenty of them. If a male can get some sex, he is not an incel. Being incel doesnt mean having the ability to have consistent sex, that is not the definition of incel. Whites mogg curries but that doesnt mean curries are incels. If a curry is good-looking, he can pull some foids but not as much as a white normie, he is still a fakecel
Those examples of brown curries having gfs are not rare, they are plenty of them. If a male can get some sex, he is not an incel. Being incel doesnt mean having the ability to have consistent sex, that is not the definition of incel. Whites mogg curries but that doesnt mean curries are incels. If a curry is good-looking, he can pull some foids but not as much as a white normie, he is still a fakecel
They are rare. Curries are more hated in East Asia than in the west. You as a hispanic would get rejected in East Asia. They hate brown people there. That guy is an exception. The typical experience of a curry is inceldom, then arranged marriage in their late 20s to 30s.

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