shukin said:
I do agree; both are based on luck - just like everything else.
1. That the only reason beatuiful people are considered lucky is because fellow human beings decide to give them advantages, immunity and praise. It is an active choice from people and society to give them a better life.
2. That people who inherit a substantial amount of money are lucky, not because society tends to them, but rather because they won a randomized lottery at birth.
These scenarios differ in the sense that the first one is caused directly by humans and the other one indirectly. Choice(1) vs coincidence(2).
You are wrong because yoh are missing the point that father decides to give money to son. In some.cases he also decides against it and spends it,or maybe gives to his ex wife.
Inheriting also has a choice component in 99% of the cases.
And that also inheriting is something people decided to do,it is not an universal pprinciple. If one day your father decided to not leave you anything,there is very little you could do about it.
In fact beautful children are more likely to inherit because parents usually have favorite and disfavorite children. So in my family my father will get nothing while his sister will get multiple estates because their mother likes the sister more. And my father cannot do anything about it.