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share your bad experiences with females



Nov 9, 2017
what types of shit you have been through with females?
Some failed Stacy in the 7th grade put me in an online poll where the question was who the ugliest guy in class is. I got zero votes though, oddly enough, out of pity while the other four dudes got all the votes. Also, I hit it off super well with this girl who went to my high school the next year over a chat app and then when she saw me in real life after the summer break, she instantly deleted me. I wasn't even interested in her in that way. It's over.
Femoid became my gf just so I could take her to her job everyday since I had a car. Once she found a Chad with a car the femoid dumped me and is now getting fucked by said Chad when she would barely let me touch her.
I remember when I was working at this one place with this female, she targeted me and treated me nicely.
after getting to know her for a month I decided to download her pic off facebook and show her.
After that she got me in trouble. and I got in trouble for harassment and eventually fired.
catfishman23 said:
I remember when I was working at this one place with this female, she targeted me and treated me nicely.
after getting to know her for a month I decided to download her pic off facebook and show her.
After that she got me in trouble. and I got in trouble for harassment and eventually fired.

why would you do that?
Skinnycel said:
Femoid became my gf just so I could take her to her job everyday since I had a car. Once she found a Chad with a car the femoid dumped me and is now getting fucked by said Chad when she would barely let me touch her.

torujo said:
catfishman23 said:
I remember when I was working at this one place with this female, she targeted me and treated me nicely.
after getting to know her for a month I decided to download her pic off facebook and show her.
After that she got me in trouble. and I got in trouble for harassment and eventually fired.

why would you do that?
because I thought she was interested in me I was young and stupid. that's when I barely got out of my 4 year relationship.
I only had bad experiences in middle school because women avoided me in high school.
In middle school I was always picked on and called ugly everyday by these 8/10 femoids. I remember one day one this group of females would come ask me out as a joke and then the group of friends would all laugh at me and say "do you really think she would go for you". Women are evil and I hope they all die.
catfishman23 said:
I remember when I was working at this one place with this female, she targeted me and treated me nicely.
after getting to know her for a month I decided to download her pic off facebook and show her.
After that she got me in trouble. and I got in trouble for harassment and eventually fired.

What the fuck dude? Why would you download her pic and show her? I am seriously curious about what was going in your head
When I was in the 7th grade, I used AIM(the messaging service) and had a few schoolmates added. Inbetween the summer break between 7th and 8th grade, a fat female messaged me, but pretended she was this 5/10 girl who I had a crush on at the time. Being young and dumb I believed it to be the 5/10 girl I had a crush on. This fat bitch spent the entire summer talking to me and admitting "she had a crush on me too" and would always make excuses why she couldn't meet up over the summer(vacation with family, etc..). When school came back, the catfishing bitch told me to meet up with her the first day in the quad before class started. Needless to say, I found the 5/10 I had a crush on, and went in to hug her when she peeled back and went "EWWWWWWW" in front of at least 20-30 classmates. Everyone laughing at me, and then the fat bitch who had catfished me was watching the whole thing and told my crush what she had done over the summer. My crush then told me in front of all these people that in no fucking way would she ever even consider the thought of being seen with me. Cue more laughs and brutal public humiliation. Nothing like it.

I ate alone the rest of the year and didn't talk to anyone.
CopeMaster9001 said:
When I was in the 7th grade, I used AIM(the messaging service) and had a few schoolmates added. Inbetween the summer break between 7th and 8th grade, a fat female messaged me, but pretended she was this 5/10 girl who I had a crush on at the time. Being young and dumb I believed it to be the 5/10 girl I had a crush on. This fat bitch spent the entire summer talking to me and admitting "she had a crush on me too" and would always make excuses why she couldn't meet up over the summer(vacation with family, etc..). When school came back, the catfishing bitch told me to meet up with her the first day in the quad before class started. Needless to say, I found the 5/10 I had a crush on, and went in to hug her when she peeled back and went "EWWWWWWW" in front of at least 20-30 classmates. Everyone laughing at me, and then the fat bitch who had catfished me was watching the whole thing and told my crush what she had done over the summer. My crush then told me in front of all these people that in no fucking way would she ever even consider the thought of being seen with me. Cue more laughs and brutal public humiliation. Nothing like it.

I ate alone the rest of the year and didn't talk to anyone.
Shoulda went ER on the entire foken school at that moment, brohem.
My interactions with females had been nothing but humiliation and getting treated like dirt.
catfishman23 said:
I remember when I was working at this one place with this female, she targeted me and treated me nicely.
after getting to know her for a month I decided to download her pic off facebook and show her.
After that she got me in trouble. and I got in trouble for harassment and eventually fired.

lol, the autism is real
incel4layf said:
What the fuck dude? Why would you download her pic and show her? I am seriously curious about what was going in your head

Same. Lmfao. That is not how you stalk
Girl led me on, I was flirting with her, she was reciprocating positively, and my coworkers all believed she had a thing for me. I got my hopes up against my better judgment; asked her out. Turns out, she didn't have a thing for me; she had a boyfriend. Guess she just liked the attention; from what I've learned since then about her boyfriend, he's a sniveling wuss. Must've been nice to get attention from someone who's not quite as much a wuss. But still ripped my heart in two. Haven't had it since, nor as much hope for that matter. It was the first thing that made me want to turn to the black pill.

Fuck that bitch for not being honest right upfront.
CopeMaster9001 said:
When I was in the 7th grade, I used AIM(the messaging service) and had a few schoolmates added. Inbetween the summer break between 7th and 8th grade, a fat female messaged me, but pretended she was this 5/10 girl who I had a crush on at the time. Being young and dumb I believed it to be the 5/10 girl I had a crush on. This fat bitch spent the entire summer talking to me and admitting "she had a crush on me too" and would always make excuses why she couldn't meet up over the summer(vacation with family, etc..). When school came back, the catfishing bitch told me to meet up with her the first day in the quad before class started. Needless to say, I found the 5/10 I had a crush on, and went in to hug her when she peeled back and went "EWWWWWWW" in front of at least 20-30 classmates. Everyone laughing at me, and then the fat bitch who had catfished me was watching the whole thing and told my crush what she had done over the summer. My crush then told me in front of all these people that in no fucking way would she ever even consider the thought of being seen with me. Cue more laughs and brutal public humiliation. Nothing like it.

I ate alone the rest of the year and didn't talk to anyone.

Fuck man..
A femoid who was my friend fucked a Chad who bullied me. That is when my hatred started.
I remember I kissed my high school crush.
And she stopped talking to me.
Some failed Stacy in the 7th grade put me in an online poll where the question was who the ugliest guy in class is. I got zero votes though, oddly enough, out of pity while the other four dudes got all the votes. Also, I hit it off super well with this girl who went to my high school the next year over a chat app and then when she saw me in real life after the summer break, she instantly deleted me. I wasn't even interested in her in that way. It's over.

...or maybe you got zero votes because people didn’t think you were that ugly?
chodytaint said:
...or maybe you got zero votes because people didn’t think you were that ugly?

He was put in the poll because original female indeed "thought he was ugly".

If you are inceltears, please neck yourself, or at the very least, put me out of my misery.
It all started in 7th grade, (funny how it seems to be that way for a lot of us) when a girl was dared to ask me out and then begged me to say no.

Then in high school, every girl I tried approaching in class acted disinterested and could only respond with a "mhm" The ones that didn't outright ignore me talked to me like I was a toddler. At the same school, an entire class of girls (I was the only guy there) refused to sit at the same table as me. They'd squish in tables that were already filled just so they wouldn't be near me. I also overheard one of them asking the teacher if "any boys were gonna enter the class" because apparently, I didn't count as a "boy"

Then even later, I was lead on by a girl online who just used me as an emotional tampon and then threw me away when I was no longer of use. She also admitted to lying about a lot of things and sexting with other men immediately after "dumping" me.

So yeah... Any reasons why I SHOULDN'T hate femoids?
Ages 4-20: Completely ignored. One girl aid my face looks worse than shit when I was 11. Girls in toddler shcool denied my love.

Ages 20-21: I hanged out with a female. She shamed me and belittled me for performing better than her at the lessons. I also hanged out
with another girl who told me that she has lowered has standards and doesn't mind being seen with shubumans. They both date Chads.

Ages 21-23: Absolutely invisible to any FHO. They only aknowledge my presence if I act like a clown and entertain them.
Reposting this from another thread. Here are a list of times I was mistreated by girls in the last 7 years or so off the top of my head:

Asking a girl I was on a date on to put my arm around her and she refused

Having a girl I crushed on unfollow me and untag me from all the pictures I had her tagged in out of the blue. I’ve since deleted all social media a long time ago except for WhatsApp which I use to contact my friends

First time clubbing two weeks ago, was with three other friends and they see a girl that the others knew but I didn’t. When she left the club, I was the last one she gave a goodbye hug to

Getting cucked by one of only two girlfriends I ever had. Blonde HQNP 6/10 girl. Cucked me with like 5+ guys, literally what started my voyage into the redpill

Girl who tried to befriend me getting freak out out and ignoring me after jokingly saying I was a narcissist after she beat me in a test. Literally was my only chance of making female friends in my sixth form which sucked as I was at an all boys secondary school prior.

Girl on oovoo referred to me as “acne” (accutane has eradicated it since but there is still some scarring on my temple)

Refused to date a girl who was a 3/10 and then she called me a player to her female friend who replied with “aren’t players supposed to be hot”

Got called a “bastard” for accidently stepping on a girls foot on a bus

Girl called me “one eyebrow” on the bus because I had shaved off my eyebrow

Got humiliated in front of sixth form girls in year 9 for shaving my eyebrow off before I had to represent the school for a maths challenge and they had to draw them in and they laughed at me

Girl asks me to stop playing guitar so she can hear Chad play piano and sing

Girl says to Chad friend “can we go” looking freaked out because I jokingly accused her of being a witch

Hottest girl in my sixth form gets pissed off at me for not opening a locked door for her

Another one of the hottest girls in my sixth form knocks down my pencil case and says “I barely touched it” (although she picked it up for me)

Two girls laugh at me when I say that I am a “modern day Iago” to them when I was put in a group with them

Girl says she “hates working in groups” when paired up with me

Girl in a queueline for a rollercoaster says “I’m not sitting next to him”

7/10 girl who messaged me on Instagram with “hey sexy” goes no contact on me after I call her “pulchritudinous.” Realise a few years later that she was probably taking the piss

Girl in my physics class takes the piss out of me because I told her that I didn’t believe in gravity

Girl calls me a “pleb” because I said that makeup was witchcraft

Girl on the bus mocks me for playing on a chess app

Girls in my English class stare and laugh at me for putting my kahoot username as “badlytimedwank” as a joke

Really hot girl (same one that knocked the pencil case down) laughs at me for not bringing in my pencil case on the last day of term and telling the teacher that I thought we were just playing games

Two girls approach me both like 6-7/10, start talking to me then ask why I’m shy to which I respond with “I don’t talk to girls much” and then they burst out laughing. They ask me if I think they’re hot and I ask for a candid picture of them with no make up so I could make a more cultivated opinion. They walk off into an elevator. I try to be low inhib and run up the stairs to the first floor (only two floors) and stand in front of the elevator. When the doors opened I said “you have arrived at first floor” to the girls and they screamed. I got told off by a security guard and asked to leave.

Girl laughed at me when I got a C in an assignment

Unmatched by some girls in another SH users tinder experiment of me because of my height (5”7) which I asked him to put in the bio

Drunk girl at a pub tried to introduce me to her sober mate and the sober mate responded with “I don’t care”

7/10 girl says I’m wierd to my friend because I drunkenly called her a witch

6”2 girl at church says I have twig arms

Autistic girl threw a Fanta bottle at me

Same autistic girl messaged me making fun of my flat cap calling it a “grandad cap” and saying “no wonder why everyone bullies you”

Same autistic girl messaged me saying I’m “ugly”

Girl tells my friend that she thinks I’m “fit” then says that she “was joking”

Multiple girls laugh at me for jokingly walking down the street in a dressing gown

Boy asks a 3.5/10 girl if she would fuck me and she says “ew”

Girl says that I “scare her” and gets angry at me for refusing to kiss her in a game of truth or dare because I was afraid she would slap me

Girl calls me a “pervert” for jokingly making some mildly crude remarks and then she laughs at me for throwing up after a ride

Girl says that “I’ll never get laid unless I change my attitude”

I’ll admit I have acted a little eccentric in some of the scenarios due to my autism and some were from a few years ago. I have since worked hard on NT maxing but I still am a kissless virgin. I also feel some of my old autistic behaviour would have been excused had I been a Chad.
I registered a dating app. One young blonde girl messaged me. At first I thought someone was trolling me. So I answered cool and didn't take it serious.
She asked me "If I would be her BF" so I said yes eventually but not sure about If I was getting fooled by some dude. We dated the next day. She was a little chubby but definitely fuckable. After that I realized that she wanted me to be her prom date. (I understand that a few days later) She never even wanted to know me closely.

She break up with me in the sixth day, not even a week. I'm glad I didn't go to her prom night.

This was the first experience of me with girls. I was 20 years old when that happen. I was fooled by a 17 years old girl. I couldn't get out of depression for a few months.
Last edited:
I registered a dating app. One young blonde girl messaged me. At first I thought someone was trolling me. So I answered cool and didn't take it serious.
She asked me "If I would be her BF" so I said yes eventually but not sure about If I was getting fooled by some dude. We dated the next day. She was a little chubby but definitely fuckable. After that I realized that she wanted me to be her prom date. (I understand that a few days later) She never even wanted to know me closely.

She break up with me in the sixth day, not even a week. I'm glad I didn't go to her prom night.

This was the first experience of me with girls. I was 20 years old when that happen. I was fooled by a 17 years old girl. I couldn't get out of depression for a few months.
What is this shit? God tier necroposting.
Some failed Stacy in the 7th grade put me in an online poll where the question was who the ugliest guy in class is. I got zero votes though, oddly enough, out of pity while the other four dudes got all the votes. Also, I hit it off super well with this girl who went to my high school the next year over a chat app and then when she saw me in real life after the summer break, she instantly deleted me. I wasn't even interested in her in that way. It's over.

Hahahahahhaha wtf why would somebody do such a vote. Never mind, you are not the ugliest brother :feelsokman:
A roastie looked me in the eye and said "I love you", and I said "okay", then I found out it was a prank ;_;
She lost a bet or something, and had to do it.
I was 15 btw. That experience made me realize how worthless I am.
I registered a dating app. One young blonde girl messaged me. At first I thought someone was trolling me. So I answered cool and didn't take it serious.
She asked me "If I would be her BF" so I said yes eventually but not sure about If I was getting fooled by some dude. We dated the next day. She was a little chubby but definitely fuckable. After that I realized that she wanted me to be her prom date. (I understand that a few days later) She never even wanted to know me closely.

She break up with me in the sixth day, not even a week. I'm glad I didn't go to her prom night.

This was the first experience of me with girls. I was 20 years old when that happen. I was fooled by a 17 years old girl. I couldn't get out of depression for a few months.
This nigga is either the best troll here or the lowest iq tardcel ever.
A roastie looked me in the eye and said "I love you", and I said "okay", then I found out it was a prank ;_;
She lost a bet or something, and had to do it.
I was 15 btw. That experience made me realize how worthless I am.
Your story reminded me one sad case that happened to me as well...
When i was 13 years old i meet a cute blonde girl in my class, she was very shy and cute overall and i try to flirtbut she obviously wasn't interested in me because chad already had his eyes on her, despite the fact she wasn't interested in me i kept trying to talk to her until she hit me in the stomach abd said to me ''leave me alone you fucking creep'', i was so depressed at the time but i learn my lesson in a harsh way, that orbiters like me are fucking worthless and miserable who deserve nothing but respect, and since that day i promised to myself i will never orbiter anyone anymore.
Later that bitch became a smug bitch since every male in my class wanted to date her and now she is getting blacked by tyrone from the pics i've seen in her FB
dated this hot bitch who seemed to have all the same interests as me and i thought i was in love with her. then she robbed me and turned out to be a fuckin cokewhore. i think she's in jail now
Please share
Well, that was the case where girl ever kissed me in the cheek (fakecel get out). That's why i don't like to share it, could sound like bragging, lul.
It was school concert, so our classes was gathering in assembly halls. Like a truecel, i sat without anyone sitting next to me. Girls classmates was sitting near, but there was several empty chairs between me and them. They were lively talking about something, laughting, then suddenly one girl went through several chairs that was between us, sitted next to me and kissed me in the cheek, then quickly returned at her place. It was like a dream, and once she returned at her place, she and all other girls acted like nothing has happened, they continued to talk about something and laugh, without even looking at me.

Your story reminded me that case because i still don't know what was it, why she acted like that, so i came to think of it as she has lost bet or something as well. And as a punishment for her loss she had to kiss ugliest and most autistic kid in the class, it obviously was me. She never ever talked to me after that.
Well, that was the case where girl ever kissed me in the cheek (fakecel get out). That's why i don't like to share it, could sound like bragging, lul.
It was school concert, so our classes was gathering in assembly halls. Like a truecel, i sat without anyone sitting next to me. Girls classmates was sitting near, but there was several empty chairs between me and them. They were lively talking about something, laughting, then suddenly one girl went through several chairs that was between us, sitted next to me and kissed me in the cheek, then quickly returned at her place. It was like a dream, and once she returned at her place, she and all other girls acted like nothing has happened, they continued to talk about something and laugh, without even looking at me.

Your story reminded me that case because i still don't know what was it, why she acted like that, so i came to think of it as she has lost bet or something as well. And as a punishment for her loss she had to kiss ugliest and most autistic kid in the class, it obviously was me. She never ever talked to me after that.
At least you know the truth now. It was just a prank bro :feelsrope:
At least you know the truth now. It was just a prank bro :feelsrope:
Yeah, most likely. I was just thinking what was it, and realisation somehow came to mind. (High IQ at its finest.) Worst experiences, so far. When femoid lost her fucking bet and has to kiss/hug/say "iloveyou" to her most ugly/autistic classmate for that.
"Respect wymyens, bro". I must respect them, where they clearly weren't respecting me, since my late childhood.
I was living a troubled youth so I was already growing white hairs at a young age and the girls would call me grandpa.
Yeah, most likely. I was just thinking what was it, and realisation somehow came to mind. (High IQ at its finest.) Worst experiences, so far. When femoid lost her fucking bet and has to kiss/hug/say "iloveyou" to her most ugly/autistic classmate for that.
"Respect wymyens, bro". I must respect them, where they clearly weren't respecting me, since my late childhood.
Women would not care if I died, but I must respect them
I was already growing white hairs at a young age
How young? I didn't know it was possible
Women would not care if I died, but I must respect them

How young? I didn't know it was possible

middle school, and started balding at 14
I don't interact with femshits.
I have enough of that to write a 500 page book lol
started balding at 14
That's insane shit. Lowest hair quality. Greying and balding at that age. But it doesn't make difference, 14 or 18 or 22. Men should normally retain NW0 - NW1 till their 35, at very least. But we're all subhumans.
That's insane shit. Lowest hair quality. Greying and balding at that age. But it doesn't make difference, 14 or 18 or 22. Men should normally retain NW0 - NW1 till their 35, at very least. But we're all subhumans.

Yup, if Karma is real I was a serial murder rapist house invader torturer in a past life.
Women would not care if I died, but I must respect them
They are not entitled to sex, but you're entitled to protect them. It wasn't like that in ancient times! Men protected, women gave sex. Today femoidists removed men's right to sex, but left femoid's right to be protected. Look how beautiful they do things and call that "Equality".
Femoid became my gf
When I was in the 7th grade, I used AIM(the messaging service) and had a few schoolmates added. Inbetween the summer break between 7th and 8th grade, a fat female messaged me, but pretended she was this 5/10 girl who I had a crush on at the time. Being young and dumb I believed it to be the 5/10 girl I had a crush on. This fat bitch spent the entire summer talking to me and admitting "she had a crush on me too" and would always make excuses why she couldn't meet up over the summer(vacation with family, etc..). When school came back, the catfishing bitch told me to meet up with her the first day in the quad before class started. Needless to say, I found the 5/10 I had a crush on, and went in to hug her when she peeled back and went "EWWWWWWW" in front of at least 20-30 classmates. Everyone laughing at me, and then the fat bitch who had catfished me was watching the whole thing and told my crush what she had done over the summer. My crush then told me in front of all these people that in no fucking way would she ever even consider the thought of being seen with me. Cue more laughs and brutal public humiliation. Nothing like it.

I ate alone the rest of the year and didn't talk to anyone.

fucking wow, i would've roped immediatly
My worst experience doesn't sound that bad, but it was the catalyst for everything. In 8th grade, I was in the youth hostel with a friend of mine and there was one female classmate. I just stood there, said absolutely nothing and did not even look at someone. She just told me out of nowhere that I was ugly. I couldn't realize what was happening. I don't get why she had to tell me that.
After that, I never even tried anything else with girls in reallife. I gave up. If I had tried, there would probably be way more harsh humiliations.
On one day I was desperate, I went on Instagram and there was this site where teenagers can get to know each other. You just had to send your name and age and interests and pictures to the site and the admin published it. Then people would initiate conversations. Of course I did not do that, but I messaged a girl that has posted there. She was very unresisting. Over text, I came across as a bad boy, which made her horny or shit. She badly wanted to meet me, so we did. She made her parents drive a hundred kilometer to my place. When she saw me, she already told me she expected a different looking guy. My anxiety at this time was skyrocketing, there was awkward silence continuously. She already wanted to leave again, but then I took a lead somehow and took her to a place to eat. This was the first time I could get some words out lmao. Despite this bad first impression I made, she wanted to see me again. I wondered why, because my social anxiety and my looks (at this time my acne was the worst, legitimately over 100 red spots in my face), must have turned her off. So I drove hundred km to her place. She even hugged me when I got there. Just 1 hour there, she wanted me to go home. I drove on a full train for the entire day for this lol. All this sounds like fakecel material, the bad part comes now. We decided to not ever see again, but we still texted. I later behaved like an autist spamming shit and I just blocked her. She then made her friend text me, sending insults. Luckily I blocked her early or I would have read all the insults she had to tell me. Also what blackpilled me while having the only close interactions to this girl was that she sent me pictures of guys that have initiated text conversations with her and that their looks repelled her. The same was the case for me probably. Keep in mind back in these days I was bluepilled, I believed looks don't matter. To humiliate me even more, she set up a fake profile and texted me on Instagram pretending to like me and shit. But the texting style was the same lmao and there's no reason to text me because I have a dead profile. I realized and told her that I'm not that dumb.
Honestly, I wish I could get to talk to her for one more time. I want brutal honesty now. She shall tell me all the insults she wanted to tell.
In December 2013 I met this fat chick who had massive knockers (I was at a sleep-over, not something that I've done since). Anyway Ms. Knock-knock seemed friendly at first, then a few months later the SHTF. I began working a 6 day week and I had contemplated deleting most of my online accounts. I sent ranty emails about how I want to disconnect from everything for a while. I also sent an interesting article with a similar theme - about a musician who hated modernity (I knew Ms. Knock-knock via my interest in music). If I recall correctly, Ms. Knock-knock sent me a whingy email at this point, saying that my emails was scaring her (LMAO)

The final straw was September 2014. I had quit my horrible job and 4 days later I see in the newspaper that my supervisor had crashed his Nissan Skyline - SIDEWAYS, INTO A FUCKING POWER POLE..... as "car enthusiasts" often do :feelsokman:

At this point I was genuinely looking for a friend or emotional support, so I tried calling Ms. Knock-knock but her parents told me that she had moved out. Then I received an email from Knock-knock telling me NOT to call her parent's house because it makes her feel uncomfortable or some shit. The thing is, I met her at her parent's house during the sleep-over. Furthermore, Knock-knock almost never replied to emails and she also told me "don't bother calling me on my mobile because it's always turned off and at the bottom of my bag".

After mutually ditching this fat, big titted bitch, I also had to ditch her man-servant, who I will refer to as Sir Fag-well. It was Fag-well who introduced me to knock-knock. They have a special bond - knock-knock has huge tittays and Fagwell was always orbiting her probably hoping to slay her, which of course he would undoubtedly deny! Sir-fagwell spent FIVE years at university and it was mostly so he could go to sleepovers and sleep with chicks on the couch. The December 2013 sleepover was proof of this. Everyone stayed awake until late except for knock-knock and I. When I went to check on the others the following morning, I saw Fag-well, basically passed-out in his undies, cuddling a slut on the couch. He reckons that I'm a ma-soddgg-en-ast, but he's the one who treats women like shit, not me. He's all about orbiting and getting easy hook-ups.

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