Contexts is a quarterly magazine that makes cutting-edge social research accessible to general readers.
This article is from just before the P(l)andemic, so it's quite interesting to see things before such an event.
I like this part here, it shows that the study was collected data over the years, and also seemed to try & focus specific types of student based upon their wording.
As such, it can be concluded that whilst the results may be somewhat skewed, it will show how things are for the standard male or female college student in the United States.
First thing I found to be quite interesting, is this:
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I was genuinely expecting the South Asian(Curry), East Asian, and even Latino numbers to be highest amongst the males, yet it seems that foids consistently view it just as bad -if not much worse- than the average male.
This, will obviously be quit interesting to compare with later on.
Racial group differences in sexual behavior
Now, this should have been generally pretty predictable: However, it is quit interesting to see that a surplus amount of foids who have never had intercourse. That's probably the only genuine surprise I found whilst reading this article.
Predictable again.
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Now obviously, what surprises me if the discrepancy between male & female hookups here.
Various reasons could account for this:
-One probability, is just that more attractive males go off to college especially in the United States which does somewhat check out: However, still a solid amount of males at these institutes still tend to be virgins, which I will touch on later.
-Another factor is the possibility that foids are much more selective & nit-pick in college
This, however, is quite interesting:
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Blacks -and even Latinos- seem to have a higher percentage of median numbers of intercourse partners, so much for "

: Muh JBW!"
Now to clarify, the article defined hookups & actually having intercourse under a few differing terms:
So a lot of the guys who were having these hookups, seemed to not even actually be having intercourse.
Explaining racial differences and race-gender intersections
This elaborates on things more: Curries & Rices immigrating are more likely to be immigrants whom come from more "trad" or "conservative" cultures, which of course will factor in.
Overall, this was quite an interesting read for a few reasons: It highlighted to us that Inceldom is generally a universal problem, as indicated by this.
Whilst college students -at least the ones from the United States- tend to be from more wealthier families, which correlates with wealth, we still see a solidified amount of male students across
all racial demographics report being sexless. Thus, proving Inceldom is a universal issue.