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Blackpill Sex with NORMIES will be considered RAPE in the following decade



Apr 19, 2020
Andrea Dworkin formulated this argument in 1987, yet back then everyone laughed at the bitch, but now only a moron would deny that the notion of sexual intercourse as violation isn't the unspoken presumption of the #Metoo movement. Male sexuality is increasingly cast as uniquely predatory, no matter whether they speak from a essentialist or constructionist point of view, and all women are now potential victims of rape; be it by force, coercion and now even deception.

For decades the anti-rape slogan "No means no" meant emphasize a woman's bodily integrity as well as her ability to consent. Women weren't children, they argued, nor they were anyone's property, and as such they were deserving of being treated as fully capable adults. In this universe a woman is not a powerless subjects, in it's most fundamental essence she always has the power to control her own bodily autonomy, set boundaries, and bare the responsibilities of her decisions.

What started as a mechanism that would protect women from sexual extortion with threats and intimidation, slowly descended into the murky realm of power relations, nagging needy boyfriends and regret sex. This is where the 'the lack of a enthusiastic Yes, means No" enters the picture -- But women are queens that should be chased, and if a man isn't actively doing the chasing, bidding, persuading... he really isn't worthwhile, the FDS mantra goes! You suggest sex to a woman you like and she denies it to you at the time. Should you give up? Or is she testing whether you'll stick around and prove yourself a truly HVM by not giving up? Decide to pursue her and ask her a second time, and if lucky, the third is when she gives it to you. Was this successful seduction on your part? Or was it pressured? A case of persuasion or rape by coercion?

The legal precedent for this is a true testament to the successes of intersectional feminism as it combines racism with female empowerment. What looks like a match made in hell actually came into being in God's Holy Land, Israel. A israeli woman agreed to sex within the first 10 minutes of meeting a man who lied to her about being jewish. Upon discovering she had sex with a subhuman, she took it to Israeli court and won. Back in 2010 when it happened, the overt racialist tone of this case still made some feminists cringe, now it's being hailed as good exemplar of what should be adapted into the judicial systems of Europe and US. Thanks jews for that one, I might ad.

tl;dr: the definition of rape in the next decade will be formulated along these lines: "People believe that in order to give consent then the parties must be of equal power making a mutual decision... But men and women definitely don't have equal power. Thus, how can women give consent? "
All Sexual Intercourse with non chads Will Become Rape in the Following Decade
It already is. Nothing else to discuss
All Sexual Intercourse with non chads Will Become Rape in the Following Decade
It already is tbh

Can't wait for when it all kicks off.
It already is. Nothing else to discuss
Andrea Dworkin formulated this argument in 1987, yet back then everyone laughed at the bitch, but now only a moron would deny that the notion of sexual intercourse as violation isn't the unspoken presumption of the #Metoo movement. Male sexuality is increasingly cast as uniquely predatory, no matter whether they speak from a essentialist or constructionist point of view, and all women are now potential victims of rape; be it by force, coercion and now even deception.

For decades the anti-rape slogan "No means no" meant emphasize a woman's bodily integrity as well as her ability to consent. Women weren't children, they argued, nor they were anyone's property, and as such they were deserving of being treated as fully capable adults. In this universe a woman is not a powerless subjects, in it's most fundamental essence she always has the power to control her own bodily autonomy, set boundaries, and bare the responsibilities of her decisions.

What started as a mechanism that would protect women from sexual extortion with threats and intimidation, slowly descended into the murky realm of power relations, nagging needy boyfriends and regret sex. This is where the 'the lack of a enthusiastic Yes, means No" enters the picture -- But women are queens that should be chased, and if a man isn't actively doing the chasing, bidding, persuading... he really isn't worthwhile, the FDS mantra goes! You suggest sex to a woman you like and she denies it to you at the time. Should you give up? Or is she testing whether you'll stick around and prove yourself a truly HVM by not giving up? Decide to pursue her and ask her a second time, and if lucky, the third is when she gives it to you. Was this successful seduction on your part? Or was it pressured? A case of persuasion or rape by coercion?

The legal precedent for this is a true testament to the successes of intersectional feminism as it combines racism with female empowerment. What looks like a match made in hell actually came into being in God's Holy Land, Israel. A israeli woman agreed to sex within the first 10 minutes of meeting a man who lied to her about being jewish. Upon discovering she had sex with a subhuman, she took it to Israeli court and won. Back in 2010 when it happened, the overt racialist tone of this case still made some feminists cringe, now it's being hailed as good exemplar of what should be adapted into the judicial systems of Europe and US. Thanks jews for that one, I might ad.

tl;dr: the definition of rape in the next decade will be formulated along these lines: "People believe that in order to give consent then the parties must be of equal power making a mutual decision... But men and women definitely don't have equal power. Thus, how can women give consent? "

There's trash here who are actually utilising her arguments against certain Incel subsection here.
Can't wait for when it all kicks off.

There's trash here who are actually utilising her arguments against certain Incel subsection here.

Which arguments?
By 2040 most men will be incels, the primitive order of mating is returning as society crumbles. Chad will have harems while the rest of us end up without a mate.
It already is in a way. Women can retract consent after sex for example.
Coronavirus collapse came just in time tbh.
By 2040 most men will be incels, the primitive order of mating is returning as society crumbles. Chad will have harems while the rest of us end up without a mate.
Maybe the nightmare of Hadmaid's tale conveys a secret desire for this.

Coronavirus collapse came just in time tbh.
Just wait till it's over as divorce rates skyrocket.
RAPE BY DECEPTION: A israeli woman agreed to sex within the first 10 minutes of meeting a man who lied to her about being jewish. Upon discovering she had sex with a subhuman Palestinian she took it to Israeli court and won.
Fixed. You're Jewish OP?
All Sexual Intercourse with non chads Will Become Rape in the Following Decade
If ever words, pertaining to our times, were worthy of inscription in letters of gold, to be spread far and wide as to fall upon the ears of any who have not heard, they would be yours. BASED
If ever words, pertaining to our times, were worthy of inscription in letters of gold, to be spread far and wide as to fall upon the ears of any who have not heard, they would be yours. BASED
lol, thanks brocel
Generally when I hear of rape by deception is something alone the lines of Lying about putting on the condom or lying about having a vasectomy. And those are kinda of understandable since they might lead to unwanted pregnancy, but this one sounds ridiculous, somehow lying about your religious beliefs to have sex with someone is rape? It happened in Israel tho, I highly doubt something like that would happen over here. People don't care about religion as much. By the way I just googled it and the guy apparently got sentenced to 18 months, fucking stupid clown world. I wonder how far can they take it, like in the future will having a cum and dump we rape be deception since the woman was under the impression that you were going to start a serious romantic relationship with her? Rape laws are certainly getting ridiculous and the radfem fantasy of making all heterosexual sex illegal (illegal for men, not woman) might actually become true. But then again, the Israel case is more of a discrimination case, since the man was palestinian, and a lot of international organizations spoke up about it, so I wouldn't take that as an example that is already happening, but is certainly closer by the day.

In the future, filling a sexual consent form, will be a requirement. Woman will have a consent app on their cellphone that asks them whether they are still consenting or not every 20 seconds, so that they have to use their fingerprint scanner to confirm, and if they miss any, the police will be immediately called in the location and the man will be given life in prison.
It already is in a way. Women can retract consent after sex for example.
Is there any confirmed case of this? In the cases that I've seen the man was found not guilty, although he got lucky since there were security cameras around the place, had those cameras not been there he probably would've been falsely accused of rape by retracted consent afterwards.
Is there any confirmed case of this? In the cases that I've seen the man was found not guilty, although he got lucky since there were security cameras around the place, had those cameras not been there he probably would've been falsely accused of rape by retracted consent afterwards.
A while ago I listened to a radio show where the guests were a feminist #metoo activist and a university social worker that dealt with complaints of sexual harassment and assault on campus. The feminist was confident about distincting sex from rape, until the social worker presented her with a case involving a girl that invited a guy in her dorm room and with whom she ended up having sex with. A few days later she came to the campus social worker claiming that she thinks she was raped. When asked to describe how it happened and if force or coercion where used, she admited that she did infact consent to the act, BUT since he was a big black guy, she felt overpowered by his intimidating stature and decided to suck him off in hope to avoid a POTENTIALLY uncomfortable situation

The #metoo activist thought this case should fall in the 'rape by coercion' bracket.
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Intersectional feminism is a farce, and in any case, a domain of feminism that other feminists fail to take seriously, since they refuse to consider the cultural context surrounding men of colour.

The case involving a Palestinian man who lied about being Jewish is an excellent example.
A while ago I listened to a radio show where the guests were a feminist #metoo activist and a university social worker that dealt with complaints of sexual harassment and assault on campus. The feminist was confident about distincting sex from rape, until the social worker presented her with a case involving a girl that invited a guy in her dorm room and with whom she ended up having sex with. A few days later she came to the campus social worker claiming that she thinks she was raped. When asked to describe how it happened and if force or coercion where used, she admited that she did infact consent to the act, BUT since he was a big black guy, she felt overpowered by his intimidating stature and decided to suck him off in hope to avoid a POTENTIALLY uncomfortable situation

The #metoo activist thought this case should fall in the 'rape by coercion' bracket.
That just wouldn't fly on modern USA, no way. Is like the most racist thing they can say. What did the host say about it? I feel like if a case like that where to ever happen, the outrage will be against feminism would be huge.

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