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Sex is a disgusting animalistic need created by the jews



niggerhater, ex-millionaire
May 7, 2024
Sex is truly disgusting and you're an animal if you don't realize it. You're literally putting your genitalia that you're using to release urine into a stinky, wet human hole that reeks of rotten fish full of bacteria and disease and not only that, you're losing your sanity and giving everything you have in life to chase that feral urge. You haven't evolved if having sex is on the list of your priorities. The jews inventing sex was one of their most brilliant power moves ever, it literally enslaved the whole world. I remember a local politician, can't recall the name, about 20 years ago when I was a child, causing controversy here saying that ''sex is for the lower class''. Money is everything in life, sex is absolutely nothing. Every single human being should be castrated so we can finally put an end to this god forsaken pathetic useless miserable vicious life circle that we have created. You need to begin worrying that you're broke, not that you're an ugly deformed virgin. Money buys everything of significance in life, literally everything, broke normfags will say ''muh money you can't buy love and health with money'' as if I'd need any of that. Love is another scam created by the jews and it's doomed to end in pain and you get no benefit of it either. Muh health. Why'd I need health, as if I'm dying to be alive at all? You can buy literally everything else with money including that pathetic 'sex' you're after. Even the most deformed micropenis trucel can have orgies with 10 Playboy and Victoria Secret models everyday with enough money. Bad news for the trucels though is that you can't get to the level of money required for that if you think sex has any significance in life and you're not putting money above literally everything.
No, this is cope.

Creampying a woman's vagina must be the BEST feeling in the world. It is the peak of the male sexual experience. It is natural. It is right.

Women's vagina is literally designed to maximize pleasure for the man so that he can ejaculate more effectively, increasing his chance of creating offspring.

The vagina walls massage the penis veins, improving the heart's bloodflow and overall health. The womb has the perfect pressure, pH levels, temperature and humidity for your sperm to enjoy. Sperm is part of every man, and it is unique to him. Your sperm deserves better than to die dried up in tissue paper.

Women are dumb pieces of meat. Their only purpose is to please men sexually, offer them affection, and birth their children.
No, this is cope.

Creampying a woman's vagina must be the BEST feeling in the world. It is the peak of the male sexual experience. It is natural. It is right.

Women's vagina is literally designed to maximize pleasure for the man so that he can ejaculate more effectively, increasing his chance of creating offspring.

The vagina walls massage the penis veins, improving the heart's bloodflow and overall health. The womb has the perfect pressure, pH levels, temperature and humidity for your sperm to enjoy. Sperm is part of every man, and it is unique to him. Your sperm deserves better than to die dried up in tissue paper.

Women are dumb pieces of meat. Their only purpose is to please men sexually, offer them affection, and birth their children.
Didn't read more than 4 words of this cope. This is a high IQ thread pleb, go back to BLACKED or whatever your other tab is.
Massive cope you're just trying to make yourself feel better
Massive cope you're just trying to make yourself feel better

  1. an ordinary person, especially one from the lower social classes.
Some things in nature are disgusting gray

You say its a high IQ thread yet you provide only a singular argument and the argument itself is extremely weak and retarded if you have anything above a double digit IQ
I shall fight until my last breath for money, my most precious dream and my Jihad.
Didn't read more than 4 words of this cope. This is a high IQ thread pleb, go back to BLACKED or whatever your other tab is.
Image 2024 05 10 142229653

These are my tabs
Sex is free if you're Chad or a wimmin so it couldn't have been created by kikes.
Some things in nature are disgusting gray

You say its a high IQ thread yet you provide only a singular argument and the argument itself is extremely weak and retarded if you have anything above a double digit IQ
Your bio describes the cuck that you are perfectly. Your biggest dream in life is a virgin whore. All you can amount to in life in a utopian world is a worthless femoid whore spawning a carbon copy of yourself and then leaving you to go fuck niggers.
It was designed by them to be this way. Your comment makes no sense.
Jews would charge interest on the air people breathe if they could.
Wonder why all niggers and shitksins are reproducing and growing everyday while the white nations are slowly dying and being replaced. Almost as if sexual needs and urges have something to do with IQ.
Wonder why all niggers and shitksins are reproducing and growing everyday while the white nations are slowly dying and being replaced. Almost as if sexual needs and urges have something to do with IQ.
r and k selection

If you believe you are capable of making "high iq threads" this should be easy for you to figure out, if not, theres more normie sites out there like 4chan or reddit for folks like you (the vast majority) that never learn the truth and never have a reason to
r and k selection

If you believe you are capable of making "high iq threads" this should be easy for you to figure out, if not, theres more normie sites out there like 4chan or reddit for folks like you (the vast majority) that never learn the truth and never have a reason to
I aspire to be a billionaire, to control plebes like you and to influence history. Let me provide a brief description of your aspirations in life according to your own bio:

All I've ever wanted from life is to have a young beautiful virgin gf & we would love each other.We would travel together & experience life together.I feel like I have missed out on so much already & with every passing day I lose hope & time.Sadly I'm an extremely short man in an extremely hypergamous society.I can not live out my simple dream which is reality for the more fortunate.

You're not fit to be talking to someone like me. I'd never even look your way on the street, I'd never hold a conversation with someone whose biggest ambition in life is to travel this horrible world with some dirty nigger abused whore and ''love each other''. You're a low class subhuman while I was born for grand things. We're not the same.
Wonder why all niggers and shitksins are reproducing and growing everyday while the white nations are slowly dying and being replaced. Almost as if sexual needs and urges have something to do with IQ.


niggerhater, ex-millionaire​

Women are dumb pieces of meat.
Based :feelsgah:

Wonder why all niggers and shitksins are reproducing and growing everyday while the white nations are slowly dying and being replaced. Almost as if sexual needs and urges have something to do with IQ.
This is so retarded lol. Whites have more recreational sex.
Based :feelsgah:

This is so retarded lol. Whites have more recreational sex.
Wonder why all niggers and shitksins are reproducing and growing everyday while the white nations are slowly dying and being replaced. Almost as if sexual needs and urges have something to do with IQ.
This is so retarded lol. Whites have more recreational sex.

Yeah I'm sure soycucks have more sex than the niggers in the villages of Congo you fucking aspie
Yeah I'm sure soycucks have more sex than the niggers in the villages of Congo you fucking aspie
So soycucks don't have sex cause they're high IQ ? Not because women don't want them or because they have dangerously low-t levels ? :feelshaha: Gee whiz you're an idiot
Low IQ. Desire of sex is irrational just like desire for everything else. Even desire to continue your meaningless existence is dictated by your biology. You can call it instincts, but biologists will laugh you out if town for doing that.

The truth is that at done time there will be no people and no life on earth or in the universe in general. Your life is futile, just like your post on this site. In a few months it will be covered by endless stream if brainfarts and noone will ever remember you wrote it.

Relax. Live your life and succumb to your instincts. You have only one life, so live it to the fullest! We all gonna rot in the end.
You know 200 hundred years ago whites had big families just like african niggers today ? Please don't pretend it's because of "high IQ" instead of contraception/feminism/individualism/hypergamy, you're acting like modern whites were a bunch of superior virtuous chaste people, what kind of bollocks is this ?
The vast majority of retards on this website decided to voice their worthless goypinions under this enlightening high IQ post. None of you are worthy of talking to someone worth 7 figures at the age of 23 anyway. Virgin wagecucks all sharing the same animalistic dream that is so easy to achieve yet they can't do it. Certified bonafide plebes.
Holy shit! what a fucking retard!
Sex is truly disgusting and you're an animal if you don't realize it. You're literally putting your genitalia that you're using to release urine into a stinky, wet human hole that reeks of rotten fish full of bacteria and disease and not only that, you're losing your sanity and giving everything you have in life to chase that feral urge. You haven't evolved if having sex is on the list of your priorities. The jews inventing sex was one of their most brilliant power moves ever, it literally enslaved the whole world. I remember a local politician, can't recall the name, about 20 years ago when I was a child, causing controversy here saying that ''sex is for the lower class''. Money is everything in life, sex is absolutely nothing. Every single human being should be castrated so we can finally put an end to this god forsaken pathetic useless miserable vicious life circle that we have created. You need to begin worrying that you're broke, not that you're an ugly deformed virgin. Money buys everything of significance in life, literally everything, broke normfags will say ''muh money you can't buy love and health with money'' as if I'd need any of that. Love is another scam created by the jews and it's doomed to end in pain and you get no benefit of it either. Muh health. Why'd I need health, as if I'm dying to be alive at all? You can buy literally everything else with money including that pathetic 'sex' you're after. Even the most deformed micropenis trucel can have orgies with 10 Playboy and Victoria Secret models everyday with enough money. Bad news for the trucels though is that you can't get to the level of money required for that if you think sex has any significance in life and you're not putting money above literally everything.
Finally someone with a good opinion, although I don’t agree romantic love is worthless and I don’t agree on some other stuff, but yeah most other incels here need far more to worry about finances than their 3mm of upper eyelid exposure lol
Finally someone with a good opinion, although I don’t agree romantic love is worthless and I don’t agree on some other stuff, but yeah most other incels here need far more to worry about finances than their 3mm of upper eyelid exposure lol
Shut the fuck up you IT infiltrator

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