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[Serious] What is the point of this site, and is there anyone here who thinks our incel terminology is dumb?



Apr 12, 2018
like blackpill, redpill etc
sounds too dogmatic and the word "blackpill" implies a level of nihilism that isn't productive

also this isn't a support site, if we are telling each other to rope and LDAR so much, so what's the point besides allowing bad actors to come in and take advantage of incels?

inb4 anonymous avatars accuse me of being fakecel
I don't like the telling others to rope either. We only have each other, and if we don't have that then we'll have nothing.
Watch it, newcel, or I'll ban you for concern trolling.
For incel venting and to show fellow incels they aren't alone.
mods keep an eye on this guy pls
For me this actually is somewhat of a support or at least cope site, because only Incels understand other Incels and the importance of looks, not just when it comes to dating but in everyday life as well.
How are you incel and still a leftist?
"our" terminlogy. Newcels fuck off reeeeee.:feelsree:

LDAR and rope are the only solutions to inceldom. What the fuck do you want us to do? We're subhuman, the best advice we can give is bide your time until women in your age group are willing to beta bux you, but that's the only out for a subhuman and it's not really an ideal one.
Otherwise it's time to either accept it and LDAR or rope.

My personal opinion is that all incels (truecels at least) should accept nihilism. Stop giving yourself hope, it only hurts you. Stop fantasizing about what it would be like to be Chad or even a normie, it's not gonna happen, we're the drudges of society and are treated as such. Just make a quick post at IncelTears pouring your heart out and see the disgust they have with just your existence.
It's over and it never started for us, give it all up.

If you're spouting nonsense this close to blue pill shit then you don't belong here, you'd fit in more in /r/foreveralone or even /r/bluepill.
\Just make a quick post at IncelTears pouring your heart out and see the disgust they have with just your existence.

I've seen it happen. They LITERALLY told him to watch movies with female protagonists. JFL

Watch it, newcel, or I'll ban you for concern trolling.
The hero we need
My personal opinion is that all incels (truecels at least) should accept nihilism. Stop giving yourself hope, it only hurts you. Stop fantasizing about what it would be like to be Chad or even a normie, it's not gonna happen, we're the drudges of society and are treated as such.

with so much talk of fakecels and normies posting in this site, why tell everybody here to LDAR and give up hope? if this forum is as full of normies as 90% of the userbase says, telling everybody to give up hope is not ideal.
like blackpill, redpill etc
sounds too dogmatic and the word "blackpill" implies a level of nihilism that isn't productive
I don't think there is a better term than blackpill. It comes as a response to the bluepill and redpill. A shade darker every time works for me.

also this isn't a support site

In my experience, Truth is the best psychological support there is, at least for men with a rational spirit. Gaslighting, lying and false hope just create more misery down the line. The redpill almost caused my suicide a few years ago by telling me the only reason I couldn't get laid was because I had a weak will and was a coward. This basically adds insult to injury.

if we are telling each other to rope and LDAR
I've never recommended to any incel to rope or LDAR. The exact contrary.
The point of this is to unload our suffering in a community of acceptance
Its all just a cope
I actually use the terminology in real life
It is a community where we can interact with other individuals that are in the same situation, the reason it is named "Black pill"is that accepting everything is predetermined by genetics is a soul crushing thing indeed.

I tell other incels to exercise and try to live a productive life with following a healthy diet, i cant talk about others though.

Lastly you have 14 posts and you have the audacity to call people who will critisize you as "fakecels"?
with so much talk of fakecels and normies posting in this site, why tell everybody here to LDAR and give up hope? if this forum is as full of normies as 90% of the userbase says, telling everybody to give up hope is not ideal.
Normies should fuck off, truecels should give up.
I don't like the telling others to rope either. We only have each other, and if we don't have that then we'll have nothing.
We already have nothing, most of these fuckers would kill you for a chance at pussy. Just lol we all need the rope.
What is this shit? Neck yourself you faggot.
Labels of any kind are dumb oversimplifications of a complex human condition.
the word "blackpill" implies a level of nihilism that isn't productive
That's like saying you delude yourself into believing god exists because atheism is too nihilistic. Ignoring facts don't make things better.
The blue pill is full of sweet little lies people who can't face the truth delude themselves with e.g. "beauty is on the inside" or "there's somebody out there for everybody".
If you're tired of nihilism go back to reddit
"Leftyincel" we don't need any leftwing people here. You are bluepilled.
I cannot find anyone as pathetic as me in real life, so I come here to see how similar people cope.
“Be productive”
“Be confident”
“You’ll find her one day”
“You have too high standards”
“If I can, you can”
Personality matters

Time fo some sweet release.

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