I didn't get my senior photo taken and I never got a copy of my senior yearbook. At the time I was very depressed and hating school, my family, my life. I was mad that I was only 5 foot 5 and most others were normal size. I also still had acne and when I got my braces off I had stains from not brushing properly. My social life was nil. I felt incomfortable around the fakeness and prep show that high school was all about. My family had also fallen apart due to the death of my grandmother when I was in 10th grade and the death of my father in 11th. He had no life insurance and it sent my family into a talespin. I went from a cheerful A student when in 6th grade (when our elementary school ended and students from all over were first mixed together) to a C student with no friends and a bad family by 12th. I didn't go to graduation either. I stayed home and played 3DO or Sega CD, awaiting the fall when PlayStation would come out. To this day I'm still bitter and hateful. But I graduated and have 3 college degrees. My first degree is worthless because I didn't understand college and the importance of majoring in something worthwhile. So after that I struggled to work in fields such as data entry, not making much. Then about 7 years after graduation I went back to college for accounting. I got an associate's and then got accepted to a private school and got my bachelor's in accounting. While living on my own, paying rent, and working full time. This isn't a happy ending story though. Because after having about 3 accounting, financial analyst jobs and getting laid off or fired from each over the period of a few years, I gave up and became a NEET for 8 years, defaulting on my federal college loan and moving back with Mom until I figure out what the hell I'm doing in life. I can't stand and don't fit into any work environment and if they don't like you or you make one mistake they just get rid of you. And you don't make enough anyway to have a great life. So my life has been a huge loss but I did fight back and try, only to lose again.
I think part of my problems are genetic, not just the height and looks, but personality. My mother dropped out of school because of personality issues with other peers and a family that fell apart and was negative as well. Since she's a woman she left with a guy and married him and had kids, etc. But because I'm a male I was mostly alone struggling to get any relationship.